Luoshan is relieved!

"Two brothers, let it go first. I know it's a good idea, but how to say it? What about me? It's also a small talk. If something happens, I can't carry it! "

I don't know whether it's true or not. Anyway, Luoshan said that he was humble!

"Luo Zi! You guy! Let's do it on purpose! "

Xiao Bao scolded a word, also did not want to pursue what intentionally! There's no need!

"But if you eat hot pot in the evening, I won't squeeze your wallet out for you! It's hard for me to get rid of this disgust in my heart When speaking, the fist has been pinched up!

"Nothing to say?" There are still some people in Luoshan who don't think so!

But when he arrived at the place, looking at the things Wang Yang and Xiaobao ordered, Luoshan's face was already white! Is it so cruel and heartless?

"Brother! Brother! Come on! " Luoshan will hold two people's thighs! Why? Because Wang Yang and Xiaobao want to kill Luoshan, so the things they choose are quite different!

Not to mention that there is no such mutton in ordinary places. If it's produced on the farm, if it doesn't have enough information and qualifications, don't think it can get such a good thing!

Because sheep is completely free range, not the kind of breeding! In addition, over the years, all aspects of the north have been greatly improved because of environmental protection! Even quite a lot of places have been converted to forests! Just to conserve the land!

So raised sheep, of course, there are quite different!

Why are the prices of things produced on the farm so high! Things may still be the same thing, but the contents of vitamins and some substances are quite different! In the vernacular, it's yuziyouwei! It's not like the centralized farming. It doesn't have any taste at all! The water is crooked!

But today's mutton is not the best one!

There are too few top-level things! There are so many at home. Wang Yang and Xiao Bao have eaten with the old man at home! At this point, Ding Yu is really filial! It's impeccable!

Whether it is Tiannan or Haibei things, as long as there are! Ding Yu will not have any stinginess!

Together with Wang Yang and Xiaobao, they can also follow them sometimes!

Although two people are not so bad a stutter! But for the sake of freshness?

Of course, there is another point in this, that is, sometimes they do not know where these things come from! Even the market has never passed! I've never heard of it!

In the modern information society, there will be such a situation, which contains things imaginable!

Anyway, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao really know each other, and there are a lot of them, just like big brother's farm? There are a lot of things in it. You can't see them on the market at all. You even hear very little about them!

For example, Chenghua pig is used to make double cooked pork, two black pigs are used to make Dongpo meat and ham, etc!

Although other kinds of pork can also be used to make double cooked pork, Dongpo pork and ham, the products are not the same at all!

I don't know why he is so interested in it, but Wang Yang and Xiao Bao, who have tasted it, are really reluctant to part with it, but the problem is that there is basically not much circulation in the market! Want to buy do not know where to buy from!

And even if it is able to buy things, also did not see how authentic! This is also a problem!

Luoshan is really bleeding at night. All the money in the mobile phone has been emptied! Fortunately, I didn't go out with my wallet today. Otherwise, I don't know what will happen!

But even so, Luoshan still felt that he made money!

And Wang Yang and Xiaobao contacted with the family, and then drove directly back home!

People are really very complete, it is obvious that today is to find all aspects of the door! Now the family needs to gather information from the following aspects to see what is the specific situation!

"Dad! Mom! Luoshan found us, and I gave an idea! "

Wang Yang put down the past implication! The expression is very direct!

Huh? Wang Changlin didn't have any dissatisfaction, even his expression didn't change! Home has not made a decision, Wang Yang has been the first to show the attitude!

If you stand at home to consider the point of view, Wang Yang's behavior is quite inappropriate! And I also know this thing, it's not so simple!

"Did Luoshan listen to your opinion?" Su Yuan took a look at her husband, and then took the words!

It can be seen from this that Su Yuan really doesn't spoil his little son! At least if Ding Yu encounters such a situation, Su Yuan will not stand up and speak!Of course, it can be said that the situation is quite different. After all, Ding Yu's power is equal to that of his family! So there's no need for Su Yuan!

"Listen to my opinion, but now I don't know how to do it!" Wang Yang said without hesitation, now this time there is no need to sell! "Although I don't know the details, it's useless to find a home at this time! No matter who comes out at home, it's not suitable! "

Yeah! Wang Changlin looked up at his little son!

"So what do you think of this thing?"

"My view is very simple! It's the children at home! If that's the case, you have to tie the bell to solve the problem. Just find the children at home to solve the problem! However, I also mentioned a point here. Find Wang An and Tong Tong! Either Ding Yun or Ding Chang can do it! But no one can find Xiao Gang, or else he will turn around! "

Wang Changlin and Su Yuan looked at each other!

Not to mention, Wang Yang's idea is really very good! "A little rash!" This is already a criticism! "What's more, if your elder brother knows about it, how do you think you should deal with it? Don't think that Xiao Gang will intercede for you. It's impossible! "

Xiaogang is the hope of the future at home, which is the existence of dinghaishen needle. Even if it is used at home, it can't be used like this! From the perspective of value, it's totally unequal!

Although he criticized Wang Yang, he stopped at the end of the day. After all, how did Wang Yang handle things? Still very good! There are no opinions and ideas at home! Even if there are any problems and situations, it just represents Wang Yang's personal opinions and ideas, not the whole family!

Now at this time, the family just need to keep quite silent!

And Wang Yang also noticed his father's face! There's nothing harsh about it, previous criticism? It's a bit of a joke!

But Wang Yang really can't do something wrong!

"I don't have contact with big brother. I believe I have! Big brother will not show any attitude! As long as things are done! That's it! I think that's the attitude of big brother! "

Wang Changlin Leng for a while, Su Yuan opened his mouth!

Want to say something, but half a day, nothing to say! Because Wang Yang's words seem to really have nothing wrong, for Ding Yu, as long as you do things! As for the right and wrong things, success or failure, is not so important! At least Ding Yu didn't look in his eyes!

So at last, Su Yuan sighed!

"Although you have come up with such an idea, you can't make any statement at home now!" With his husband looked at each other, two people have a considerable feeling! Wang Yang for the disposal of this matter, or very good!

"Dad! Mom?! Do you want to tell elder brother about this? " Wang Li said abruptly!

Listen to Wang Li's words, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan can't help laughing, "if you can get through this phone, we don't care! The family doesn't interfere too much in this matter! "

Can't you tell me something about it! It's already very obvious!

It's impossible for the Wang family and the Su family to make their stand! Anyway, Wang Pu and the old lady will never make this call, and Wang Changlin and Su Yuan will never make the same call! As for whether other people will make this call?

It's really not as important as you think! Why do you say that? Because other people can not represent the attitude of the three!

"You two go back like this?" Wang Yang and Xiao Bao didn't mean to stay, but Wang Li did. Anyway, the two children are here! Shangnan is not at home. It's meaningless to go back!

"My wife and girl are still waiting at home! Don't send it! It's not seventy-eight! Go back! It's a bit cold! "

"Second sister, you go back first! We are not children

Wang Li snorted, "OK! Slow down on the road

The work of the intelligence department didn't have any effect. Instead, it found three companies. However, the attitude of the three companies is a little ambiguous. Obviously, at this time, they don't want to get involved in this matter!

After all, this matter involves a little bit so much! To a certain extent, turn over Ding Yu's old account!

What is Ding Yu like? Don't you know?

And Ding Yu didn't stay at home too long! The parents are quite ready to go to the capital with Ding Yu. First they go to see Tong Tong, then they stop by to see Wang An, and then they are ding Chang and Ding Yun. Not to mention that several children didn't come back on October 1st, which makes Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying miss them a little!

Ding Yu is waiting for Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying to come back together. It really makes people feel that there are so many difficulties!

Don't even know how to deal with it? Why? Because the situation of Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying is so different! Two people's identities are too special! If there is an insurance in the world, it is Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying!At least this insurance is of great use to Ding Yu. If anyone demolishes this insurance, what will happen to the world? No one knows! No one dares to try!

Why don't you look around and see that Ding Yu has made a lot of trouble? His enemy is the king of the river! There are countless of them, but when did you see them do it to Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying?

Is it because there is no chance? It's not like this at all!

So now Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, together with the little girl, are following. On the contrary, people are at a loss and even don't know how to deal with it!

Originally, I thought I could find Ding Yu directly. Even if I couldn't find Ding Yu directly, I could find Ding Yu in other ways. But now? Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying have moved into the siheyuan. When do you go to find Ding Yu?

Originally Ding Yu is not so happy, now go to find Ding Yu, not to add fuel to the fire? So it's better to take it easy and think about how things should be handled!

But when people were in a dilemma, Luo Shan made a note that it was not a bad idea!

Other routes can't get around, so how about trying the Ding's route?

Now this time Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying came to the courtyard! Wang family, Su family and Zheng family must be very taboo! Even if you have the intention of this aspect before, you will definitely avoid it at this time! But apart from them, it doesn't mean that no one can walk into the courtyard, does it?

At least the children of Ding's family go in and out of siheyuan, which is not the same! And there is no taboo of that kind!

Not to mention, after Luoshan put forward the idea, the whole conference room was suddenly deserted! Everyone's eyes are all focused on the body of Luoshan, and then some people are secretly thinking up!

Not to mention, this proposal is really refreshing!

Why? This time the cause of the matter is very simple, is the children of the Ding family! Previously, everyone's direction was on Ding Yu's body. On the contrary, they ignored Ding's children! Now Luo Shan suddenly mentioned this opinion and idea, let alone, we really have a lot of ideas!

"Don't children fit?"

Also did not wait too long, sitting on the left side of a middle-aged man directly on the position! I can tell from my speech that I agree with Luo Shan's opinion!

I believe everyone can understand why Tong Tong is not suitable! Why? Tong Tong is the future of the intelligence department, such a thing is absolutely not enough to let Tong Tong have any involvement! Who knows what Ding Yu thinks in his heart?

Another point is that Ding Yu's training of these children is only a preliminary stage! It's not finished! Under such circumstances, if Tong Tong really fails! For the Department of information management, it is not as simple as losing a good situation!

Luoshan didn't talk about Xiaogang! Let's talk about it by ourselves! As for other things? I believe there will be people who understand! Children are not suitable! Is Xiaogang suitable?

Moving Xiaogang means moving the future of the Wang, Su and Zheng families! I'm afraid the three of them will not be as simple as jumping! From this point alone, it is absolutely not feasible!

Now Luoshan has so many doubts that he can figure out this matter! Can't Wang Yang and Xiao Bao understand? Impossible! But why did Wang Yang mention such a condition at that time? What is involved in it?

Some people noticed Luoshan's daze, though they didn't know what Luoshan thought? But Luoshan was looking for Wang Yang at that time. Did Luoshan come up with the idea himself? Or Wang Yang, or more frankly, Wang's attention?

If it's Wang's attention? Is the reaction speed of their family a little too fast?

After all, not many people know about this! There are not many people in the Department of emotional management know about it!

And even if it is arranged for the following people to find the relationship between the three! At that time, would the Wangs have changed so quickly?

From this point of view, there seems to be a lot of doubts!

If it's not the Wang family's response, then it's a bit interesting! It seems to underestimate Luoshan! Or underestimate Wang Yang and Xiaobao!

Why? In terms of his understanding of Luo Shan, his way is not good, at least a little bit worse. Maybe in another ten years, he can have such a response, or in another twenty years, it may be feasible!

So I thought about it for quite a long time! Someone coughed a little, and focused the attention of all the people on his body, "Tong Tong can't, but Wang Xiaogang can't! Only Wang An, or Ding Yun and Ding Chang! "

I took a look at Luo Shan from the corner of my eye. Although there was no change in his face, the accident and shock revealed in his eyes could still explain quite a problem!People in the information management department looked at each other. Although they did not express their opinions and ideas directly, they looked at each other and reached a considerable agreement in the first time! Since Tong Tong has been excluded, Xiao Gang should be excluded as well!

Soon everyone's opinion was agreed! But who is the strategy? Is that a problem? Now it's really hard to make this judgment directly. One is Ding Yu's big disciple, Ding Yu's big open disciple. From the perspective of Ding Yu's importance to him, it's absolutely appropriate!

But what about the other two? More special identity, Ding Yu's daughter and son, but also the kind of birth! For this reason, no one can ignore it, so who should we choose?

All three have been chosen! It's not feasible at all! Things can't be done like this! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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