Ding Yu didn't mean to do anything, but let the intelligence department have some feeling of being forced!

What on earth is this? What does Ding Yu want to do? Can you give us a hint? Although you are very calm, but you look like this, let us do not know how to deal with it?

Go to find Tong Tong? It's not suitable at all. Tong Tong has nothing to do with the whole thing! Now it's time to find Tong Tong. It's absolutely to drag Tong Tong into the muddy water! The whole intelligence department will be angry!

But do you really know nothing about Tong Tong? This problem is really a matter to be discussed!

Tong Tong had been to Siheyuan before! Although the situation inside Siheyuan is not known so much! But will Ding Yu not mention children at all? I feel a little unrealistic!

Do not underestimate the siheyuan channel!

But what's good about Wang An and Ding Yun? Or has made certain progress! Is that Ding Chang? He seems to have something else, so he declined! But the attitude is really impeccable, give the feeling of the Department of information management, Ding Chang how many have so some glib, it is not what he saw, should be deliberately avoided!

His age is not big, but I'm afraid there is no one who is smart!

At this point, it seems that they are not in the same line with Ding Yu! Ding Yu is not warm, but Ding Chang? It's not that he deliberately avoided something and gave others the feeling that he didn't seem to have any interest in it!

So, it seems that there is quite a contradiction! But throughout Ding Chang's performance, it seems that this is really the case!

Ding Yu's personality is fully reflected in his body! What do you want to do? This is your business. It has nothing to do with me! I'm not involved, I'm not making trouble! Of course, if you don't give me this face, ha ha!

From this point of view, is Ding Chang a thorn? It seems that he is not really a prick, but his action and reaction? Really not like a child, but like a fox!

And Wang An and Ding Yun? What kind of evaluation should their two children give?

In the new school, both of them stand firm on their feet!

It's just that there are some differences in the way we stand firm with each other! Wang An is very generous and methodical! Gentle breeze and drizzle, everything melts in it! It can be said that everyone was unconsciously infected by Wang an!

And Ding Yun? Really live up to the name of elder sister! What ghosts and ghosts, in her eyes, does not exist at all! It's the type of flat trip! If you beat me down, you're good! Otherwise, be a good child! It's so simple!

Is there some violence? Is that a problem? To be discussed!

But in terms of the effect, it's really very good! Solved quite a problem!

But to say one thing, don't be confused by Ding Yun's appearance!

You know, he is Ding Yu's daughter, and he was taught by Ding Yu. The reason why he has such a performance now is just to show it to you on purpose! To be exact, I let you see what I let you see on purpose! As for what you don't see, sorry, I don't want you to see it!

At this point, it can be said that Ding Yu's tradition is completely inherited! Show you what you can see! As for not to show you, you should not pay attention to this aspect! It's impossible!

Really is to let people have some trouble, there is a Ding Yu is enough! Why do you teach children like this! It's really just that people are not so upset! Even a little chagrin!

Wang An and Ding Yun are in contact with each other, but what about Tong Tong? Is he a little too quiet?

Don't believe Wang An, they will not tell Tong Tong, they will work together to block the news? I feel a little unlikely! But Tong Tong is still so quiet, what is the reason? It's a little confusing!

Under such circumstances, we really can't contact Tong Tong. At least we need to wait for Wang An and Ding Yun to have a considerable reaction before we go to talk to Tong Tong. After all, Tong Tong is also a member of the Ding family. We can't let any estrangement and problems arise in their relationship!

When Wang an saw Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, including his sister, he was very happy! The previous calm seems to disappear completely! Even the little girl has some dislike. How does her brother feel like a big monkey?

As for what happened in the Department of information management, Wang an didn't do any inquiry. His grandfather and grandmother came to see them. They couldn't block them! As for her sister, it seems that it's really good for her to stay at home. It's better to have the care of her grandfather and grandmother than to follow her!

At this point, Wang An is very grateful to his master!

In the evening, my grandfather and grandmother have a rest! And the little girl has been sleeping for a long time! She's playing crazy!Instead, Wang an took a look at his mobile phone, then opened the address book and contacted Ding Yun! It will be a long time for Ding Yun to reply!

"I have received my grandfather and grandmother here. They may be able to come to you in a few days. I hope they can stay here for a few more days!"

"Hum!" Ding Yun is quite dissatisfied with this, "my environment is better! The atmosphere over there is too noisy, but I've already had a video with my grandparents before! There is also a little girl, I heard that she studies very well! I've made considerable progress, that's up to me! "

Wang an knocked on his head. What do you mean it's up to you? Just follow me, OK?

However, Wang an won't argue with Ding Yun too much about this issue! If you really argue about it, it's absolutely endless! And I will give in in the end! So it's better to ignore it at the beginning!

"My situation is relatively stable, but someone from the information management department has come to me! Quite a lot of conditions have been offered! "

"Hi Ding Yun make complaints about it. "I heard it! But relatively speaking, there are more people looking for me, but I always think there are quite a few problems in it, elder martial brother, don't you think? Dad's side is always deep, and Ding Chang's side? It's not surprising that his style is like this, but Tong Tong's reaction is a bit inappropriate! "

"I think we should sort out the whole context again!" Wang an did not have any panic, he also felt that something was not right! I don't want to talk about master's reaction, but the response of the intelligence department is not right, and even Tong Tong's response is not right. As for Ding Chang? This guy has always been a badminton fan!

Even if he is really not interested, he will not do nothing. This is not what Ding Chang should show!

So overall, there must be something wrong with this, and it's still a big problem!

"Elder martial brother, what's your opinion?"

"Things are in a mess, so now we need to catch a thread! Then we can sort it out slowly! "

Ding Yun gave a sound, and obviously agreed with Wang An, "the cause of the matter is that the intelligence department wants to test dad's background, but it should not be the real reason. It should be said that we left home! This is the cause of everything

They are all smart children, so this is not difficult for them!

"This should be the starting point of everything, so the next thing will happen. I'm not so clear about Wang Hao's situation, but it's too abrupt, not like the style of the intelligence department!"

"I feel the same way. Even if they are eager, even if they have this idea, the problem is that they already have children there. Under such circumstances, other people are not in a hurry. Why is the intelligence department in such a hurry? Don't they know that to do so will offend their father to a certain extent? "

"So it's a question. Why should we rush to take the lead when we have Tong Tong? This is out of order at all! There are too many explanations in it

Wang An and Ding Yun can be said to be puzzled, but at their age, can they analyze these? It's already quite amazing! They have not been able to analyze the whole, it is because of the intelligence department who are! They set this trap, along with many of their own people are falling among them!

Let alone Wang An and Ding Yun! Their overall outlook has not been so rich!

Although they are evil, they also need to be compared. Maybe children of the same age, even quite a few young people, don't have their rich experience and experience. But compared with some old foxes, they are just little foxes at most, and they are just little foxes just coming out of the mountain! There are still some immature ones!

But even if they are in the fog, they don't immediately go to help Ding Yu. If they go to the devil king immediately, it's a failure for them. Now they need to verify whether their consideration is right or wrong!

As for the fact that the intelligence department has found them, for Wang An and Ding Yun, there is really no special thing to do! They are just some hints, and did not directly agree down!

"Daddy, do you have time? Elder martial brother and I want to consult you! "

After receiving a call from his daughter, Ding Yu said, not too excited! I didn't even show much expectation! This also led to the video was connected, Ding Yun is like a grasshopper, disorderly jump, disorderly angry!

Ding Yu looked at it for a long time, then nodded, "OK, good spirit! Live and dance

That is, two simple sentences, let Ding Yun's mood dissipate, there is no way to continue to deal with it! My father is too hateful! Where's a father like him?"What? Considering all these days, I have quite a train of thought? "

For his master's straightforward, Wang An has seen nothing strange! Master always looks like this! As for Ding Yun? She is deliberately funny, hoping to open a breakthrough from the master, but from the reaction of the master, Ding Yun should be very disappointed! Did not play any effect!

So now she doesn't have any intention of playing tricks! But the face is not full of words!

"Master, the beginning of this matter is that we have left you! That's what happened to Wang Hao! " What Wang An said was very natural, and he didn't mean to explore. "We want to verify whether there is a problem with this vein?"

Ding Yu nodded, "that's right! It's good to be able to grasp the main line of things! At this point, it's better than Tong Tong! "

Since the two children have seen it, Ding Yu is not stingy to give them some advice!

And Wang An and Ding Yun can't help but, eh, it's obvious that they all heard it!

Ding Yun turned his big eyes, "Daddy! That is to say, Tong Tong didn't understand the whole thing before! Even he's in it! "

There is no problem in the logic of discourse, but in the two short sentences, Ding Yu is trapped!

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, didn't answer, but looked at Wang an! "Wang An, what kind of judgment do you have?"

Ding Yun pouts his little fist at his father's behavior! She was the same as usual, so Ding Yu didn't do it at all! I'm even used to it!

"Well! At the beginning, Tong Tong didn't understand whether it was because of his identity that he couldn't see his back! "

This speech is quite skillful. It seems to be a trial, but in fact it is a affirmation!

Instead of waiting for his father to speak, Ding Yun yelled, "on the one hand, it's his own master, on the other hand, it's the intelligence department. Tong Tong will have some doubts! Because it's hard to choose! "

"From this point of view, he is the most prone to problems! But even so, there are problems in it! " Ding Yun's eyes gradually brightened up, "elder martial brother, I seem to have grasped a little vein!"

"Now Tong Tong has no response! The performance is very ordinary! It doesn't have much to do with understanding things or not! " Wang An was also a little excited. "Why did he behave so calm? It doesn't mean that the master enlightened him. It shouldn't have much to do with this, unless the problem of the intelligence department is not as simple as imagined!"

Good! Ding Yu has a considerable evaluation!

"Well, why isn't that a simple question?"

It is obvious that Ding Yu does not say this at will, but has considerable guidance!

"The action of the information management department is too careful! What's more, Tong Tong is their child without any bias. They already have a child. In this case, even if they have something in mind, they should not be so rash. At least they have to wait for other forces. "

Speaking of this time, Wang an suddenly can't go on! Because I seem to have understood!

And Ding Yun on one side of the screen grew up with his own mouth! "No! Dad, that is to say, the intelligence department is directing and acting by itself this time! My God! How dare they play like this? "

The expressions of Wang An and Ding Yun are both astonished! They didn't expect that the intelligence department would play such a big game. Without Ding Yu's tips and guidance, they would never have thought of this!

But then two people fell into thinking, why the intelligence department to do so!

"Master, is it because of Tong Tong? How much money has the intelligence department spent? "

Yeah! Ding Yu nodded, "Tong Tong came to the capital side, although it is very low-key! But for the intelligence department, there are still some high-profile! Under such circumstances, the information management department must make a certain choice! So I'm taking advantage of this opportunity to make a fuss! "

"My God! They are not afraid to offend your father! After all, such behavior? " In the middle of the story, Ding Yun turned his big eyes and said, "the intelligence department has taken too much advantage! Tong Tong's identity has long been doomed! And what about us? Now the identity is not doomed, so Tong Tong is bound to attract attention from other aspects! Now the intelligence department is making trouble for a while, which can be regarded as an account to other forces! Is that what it means? "

"That's the general situation!"

"It's too much! But Dad, why didn't Ding Chang get involved? Did he understand anything? It's possible. After all, he always likes to stand in the back

Ding Yu smiles at Ding Yun's back stab!

"Ding Chang! Very smart! He should have no insight into the whole thing! But for him! Things have become very abnormal! Under such circumstances, he didn't have time to escape. How could he get involved? Even when the intelligence department found him, he already had quite a feeling! There is no one else in his disposition! ""No wonder the bastard disappeared quietly. He had already perceived the problems and conditions in it! Hum

Obviously, Ding Yun is very dissatisfied with Ding Chang! But there are really not many ways! Because now the sky is high and the emperor is far away! Even scolding Ding Chang has no effect!

Even can give oneself to angry come out a good or bad! After all, whether Ding Chang's intestines are red or black, other people don't know, but Ding Yun can be said to be the most clear. After all, they are one milk compatriots!

Quite a lot of things don't even need any words, or even any eye contact!

Just like this time!

Have to say, Ding chang this bastard is really enough!

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