"Daddy, can I pit Ding Chang?"

Ding Yun stares at his bright big eyes and looks at his father expectantly!

If you don't agree, I'll cry for you! Or have a try?! I do what I say!

Wang an on the other screen is biting his back teeth. Is he so black? Ding Chang is such a character! I don't want to keep my hands, and I don't like any contamination all the time! Is it really good for you to do that? What's more, the current focus should not be on Ding Chang's body, right?

Ding Yu takes a look at his daughter. He doesn't show any emotion. It's not a big deal for him to make a fool of himself! What's more, what's Ding Chang's temperament? Do you want to pit him? It seems that it is not an easy thing!

At least my daughter wants to do it alone, which is a little unlikely!

"Whatever you want! I hope you won't suffer! "

Ding Yun's face bulged again, and he looked at his father discontentedly. Although he knew it was useless, he still needed to express something!

If the use of pure force, there are not too many problems, bullying Ding Chang can still be done! But if it's just a pure competition of intelligence, I'm really afraid to deal with Ding Chang alone!

"Elder martial brother, you will help me, won't you?"

Since the old father has been unreliable! Then find someone who can be trusted! Wang An is the best choice!

Ding Yu glanced, "so what? Who are you two going to carry this? Let's show our opinion! "

"Daddy, I've got business to do!" Ding Yun muttered, "I don't care! It would be nice to give such a thing to elder martial brother! I really can't do it! There are so many headaches! And if I get involved, my grandparents, even if they don't jump, will have some difficulties! Hum

"Think a little more!" Ding Yu said blandly, "there won't be any statement about this matter at home, but I've heard some news. It's your uncle's idea to find you this time!"

"Uncle?" Ding Yun was stunned for a moment, "Wow, uncle, is this an enlightenment?"

"What does Wang an say?"

"It should be to protect Xiao Gang, right?"?! My uncle still has a lot of talent, but because of his identity, it's not good to show him now. In addition, Xiaogang has become the expectation of the family in the future! "

"Ah Ding Yun suddenly exclaimed, "it's too much trouble! How could so many things happen? "

Obviously, for such a thing, Ding Yun's performance still has some sensibility, on the one hand because she is a girl, on the other hand? Several children have grown up together since childhood, and their feelings are extraordinary. Now such things have begun to have a considerable impact on each other!

May not produce any estrangement, but with the development and passage of time, what kind of problems will appear, I do not know!

"Dad, I feel a little confused, even a little nervous!"

"Too much sensibility is not good! But too rational, it seems to have quite inappropriate, let alone you! Even if I am a person, I sometimes suffer from it. On this issue, I can only express my personal opinions, but I don't want to influence you too much! "

Ding Yun rolled his eyes and was very dissatisfied with his father's shirking responsibility! Now is the best time to set up three outlooks, but you say so, what should we do? It's a bit too destructive!

"Forget it! I'd better make fun of Tong Tong! Goodbye, Dad, goodbye, senior brother! "

After that, it's offline! There is no time for Ding Yu and Wang An to react at all. Wang An is a little absent-minded, while Ding Yu has some twitch at the corner of his mouth. I didn't expect that his daughter would play like this!

Pressing down his anger, Ding Yu sighed, "no way! Tong Tong and Xiao Gang will not get involved in the affairs! Hum I don't know whether it's discontent or something else? "Ding Chang! It's so slippery! It's quite possible to force him, but what about Ding Yun? Do you think she still has this idea? I think she has some posture of fearing that the world will not be in chaos! "

"Master, I'll deal with it! But master, will you be there? "

"It doesn't matter! If the information management department wants to make trouble, it's better to make trouble! They are voluntary! At least at this time, not many people can see through this! When they see through, it's over! At that time, even if there is a response, it will not play much role! That's for sure

"But master, this time things have been noisy, should not be so soon over!"

"No one is a fool!" Ding Yu didn't have so many worries. "The intelligence department took the lead in bleeding. To a certain extent, it did so, and there were some stealing chickens. However, from the actual effect, it would really make many people give up the idea of this aspect! That's a good thing! "For the teacher's insincere, Wang an laughed!

"Shifu, you have more pressure!"

"Don't flatter, just do your own thing! Now we can offer certain conditions to the intelligence department! "

"Master, do Ding Chang and Xiao Gang want to tell us? Tong Tong must know! "

"I don't care if you consult on your own!"

Wang An's waiting time is not long, Wang Xiaogang's video was received! Although the night has been a bit deep, but the atmosphere between each other is warm! Especially Ding Yun, the kind of hard connection with Ding Chang! And there is no mercy!

Fortunately, Wang An is still here. Otherwise, what will come out of the uproar? I really don't know!

Xiaogang had some confusion earlier, but he soon learned the whole story. He had some regrets for not being able to get involved in it, but he was still shocked, even a little shocked!

Who could have thought that the intelligence department had such a hand? This is not so terrible and simple!

If you are involved in it, what kind of situation will it be? There may not be too many problems in finding the so-called source, but if you want to overview the whole situation, you really can't grasp it!

As for the situation at home, how could Xiao Gang not know? He and Tong Tong are two people! How to say better? It's not embarrassing. It has nothing to do with this. There must be more and more things involved in the future. Now at most, it's just a taste! Whether there are more advantages or disadvantages remains to be discussed!

It depends on my opinion! This is really not one sentence two sentences can describe!

But without two days, Su Quan came to the door in person! Found Ding Yu in the courtyard!

"Quite free?" Looking at the furnishings on the table, Su Quan didn't regard himself as an outsider. He sat down directly. The housekeeper next to him poured a cup of tea and then left!

Ding Yu's two fingers clung to his forehead, "uncle, do you know? When I knew you were coming, I was thinking, what kind of price should you pay? It's the most appropriate! "

"The most suitable one?" Su Quan was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing. "So, you must know everything in it, but it's not so surprising. Other people may not be able to do it, but it's not a great event for you, is it?"

It's obvious that his nephew has an insight into the layout of the information management department, and Su Quan knew about this very early! At the beginning, I was really worried. What would I do if my nephew didn't cooperate?

Su Quan really did not think that his nephew would not understand this matter! If you can't figure out such a thing, how can he spend so many years wandering?

"Is it suitable to play such a big game?"

"Ah! What do you say? " Having said that, he also looked at his nephew with complaint, "you brought Tong Tong back! From your side, it's a good thing, and for the intelligence department, it's also a good thing, but in the reverse, Tong Tong is exposed to the public! We need to prepare for a rainy day! "

"Have you ever thought that this is also a kind of harm to children?"

"Is there any other choice?" Su Quan sighed, "protection and injury are relative! Compared with the current protection, the damage must be some, but not so big, at least for his growth, not too much harm! What do you think? "

"I'd like to say that I'm self righteous, but it seems that I'm such a person, so I don't want to make too many comments on this aspect. It doesn't mean anything and has no so-called value!" Ding Yu said absently, "but is your idea a little too good? Left to right? You've got all the bargains! "

It seems that the bleeding of the intelligence department is for Ding Yu, but it is for Tong Tong. This is what Ding Yu calls "left hand down right hand". Is it a little embarrassing? But Su Quan didn't seem to care at all!

For such things, Su Quan is already an expert! It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad! What I care about is what will happen? As for the process? Just give it to your nephew!

Who let him be Tong Tong's master!

It's true that he has quite a personality, but he is definitely a reassuring person, which is nothing to say!

"Why don't you add a little more? I'd like to see this happen! "

Ding Yu white one eye own uncle, thought too good! How can you say such a thing? For themselves, there are some unimaginable, after all, your age is placed there!

"Yes! Boss, do the children in the family know about this? " Su Quan is still very interested in this!"Tong Tong is the first to know! At that time, he was very confused. On the one hand, he was his mother's family, on the other hand, he was a master. He didn't know how to choose. He didn't believe that the intelligence department would be so bold, but he didn't know how to face me! After all, at that time, from the situation, you were targeting me! "

Su Quan was a little silent. When he made this decision, he did not consider Tong Tong's position, but what should he do? Go and discuss with Tong Tong? What is Tong Tong's age? Can he bear it?

You should know that if there is any kind of mistake, it may be nothing for the information department, but it is really difficult to guarantee what kind of trauma it will cause for Tong Tong!

What's more, this time, why the intelligence department should do this is still for the future of Tong Tong!

"Ah! This is the most appropriate thing for you. However, we all see Tong Tong's performance in our eyes. We praise your performance very much! "

"So, should I say thank you?"

Hearing the complaint of his nephew's words, Su Quan laughed, "there's no need to be so careful! Speaking of all, after Tong Tong came back, he was alone. Is there something wrong? I know you must have considerable consideration! But there is no way, we do not find you to exchange

"Uncle, what does that mean? Why am I a little confused? "

Looking at the expression on his nephew's face, Su Quan waved his hand, "you've seen Tong Tong's learning process, and you've also given considerable consideration! This is not the responsibility of a child at all! Too much exaggeration! Even let just into the Department of personnel to learn, it seems to have some too much! They are all adults. They can't accept it. What's more, Tong Tong is just a child now! "

"Is this a question of my decision?" Ding Yu seems to want to understand something. "In other words, your intelligence department is going to take over Tong Tong now!"

"I don't mean that!" Su Quan showed his attitude and thought for the first time. Don't make such a joke. He just made a little trial! And Su Quan can be sure that such a thing will never happen again! His nephew's character is too fucked!

"Tong Tong's performance is very good. We all have some worries. Will it be over corrected?" Su Quan can't be tough now. He can only be soft. Otherwise, what should he do? I have no nephew!

"In that case, will you come? I don't care

There are so many twitches in the corner of Su Quan's mouth! This word directly connected himself to the south wall, and even some of them couldn't get down. As for this kind of talk? I just expressed my opinion in this aspect! There is no other meaning! Don't be so strong and indignant, OK?

"We will never get involved in Tong Tong's situation, but in such a situation, if he wants to learn something else, he will not be able to do it."

Ding Yu looks at his uncle! Look very serious! "Is it your uncle's personal opinion or the opinion of the intelligence department! I need to find out! If it's your personal opinion, I may explain one or two. If it's the opinion of the information management department, think about it as you like! I can't control it, and I won't pay any attention to it! "

"Boss, if you say that, you really don't mean anything! I know you are for the good of Tong Tong, but we don't have any bad ideas, do we? "

"Who thought of it?"

Huh? Su Quan Leng for a moment, "boss, what do you mean?"

"The person who thinks of this attention is either stupid or bad!" The irony of Ding Yu is very strong! "I really doubt that such people are really racking their brains to think about such things! However, in my personal impression, it seems that Tong Tong has never planed other people's ancestral graves! "

"A little too much!" This is not a mean word. Although it is said in this way, Su Quan is smart in his heart. Although his nephew has a little personality, he even has quite a lot of things that make people feel very upset!

But there is no problem with his loyalty, which has been verified for many years!

So I thought about what my nephew said very carefully!

"Is there any reason? I will investigate if this question is put aside! boss! If it's your personal problem! Then what kind of problems and situations will appear? I believe you know that such things can't be joked? "

Ding Yu for his uncle's threat, did not as a matter! "If you have investigated a considerable situation, or if it is illusory at all, how are you going to do it? Or more frankly, if it turns up the so-called waves, is it really good? I don't want to have anything to do with such a thing! "

"Not quite in line with your personality and style?" Su Quan showed deep suspicion!"You've all done so much! What else do you want me to do? " Ding Yu snorted, "if you really want to lose both sides? forget it! I don't care. Anyway, my reputation is not as good as the one in the first place! "

"That's a bit of a jerk!" Su Quan some gnash teeth, "you this condition opens really some big!"

"So you didn't do much? Don't tell me that this is an unconscious behavior, and don't say that it doesn't hurt me. It has endless benefits for Tong Tong's future. Some things can't be too reckless! isn't it? Although we all like to stand on the commanding height of morality, we can't be unscrupulous! "

"But the problem is that you are very unscrupulous now. I don't think there is any problem with my ears or my judgment!"

"So? I started this? "

All have a mouth, no one is worse than who!

You can say, I can say naturally!

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