Su Quan talked about quite a lot with his nephew. Generally speaking, he was very satisfied!

His nephew didn't want the lion to open his mouth! In the same way, the overall outline of the Department of emotional management is relatively satisfactory. It's good to cultivate children with the left hand down to the right! As for the impact on Tong Tong in the process, there are some, but it is definitely not as big as imagined. After all, Ding Yu is still in the middle!

Can he see his apprentice go wrong? How can it be!

At least from the emotional point of view, the relationship between Tong Tong and Ding Yu is better than that between Tong Tong and the intelligence department!

But his nephew mentioned things, Su Quan heart has written down, may not have too much action at this stage, but absolutely will not let it!

"Boss? What are you going to do next? Judging from the situation, you have been resting for a while! Can't you just stay at home? " For his nephew, Su Quan is still very curious!

I don't mean that I must control the whereabouts of my nephew. If Ding Yu really wants to hide himself, there are really not many ways. After all, his power is huge and there are many channels!

Want to watch? It's a joke!

Just my nephew? Has always been relatively low-key, tree big catch wind, to a certain extent, it is not suitable for him! I just want to ask about one or two, I don't have any preparation at that time!

"Deal with some internal affairs of the consortium. October 1 has passed! It will be new year in a few months! After all, we need to be quite prepared. Today, the development of the consortium is OK. If we have time, we may check the work of the consortium and the farm! Yes? My uncle is very interested in it? "

"Give me some places on the farm!" Su Quan did not have any hesitation, nor did he say implicitly, "ordinary work is OK! It's mainly for family members. It's true that the farm is a little tired, but the work is really good! There's no problem in feeding a family! "

"How much?" It's not too difficult, so Ding Yu doesn't mean to be difficult for his uncle! "And where do you need to be? The development of the farm is good! But now there is really a lack of workers, along with some school students, the farm side has been pulled in! They are a good labor force, but it's good that 30% of them can stick to it! "

"Do you mean it? All of them are highly educated. Who doesn't want to sit in the office or in the laboratory and have to be exposed to the sun and wind? Isn't the previous study in vain? "

That's a little intentional! To say that Su Quan didn't know the problem was to fool ghosts!

Now the Agronomy Major is very popular, and the treatment is quite good, but for quite a few young people, it's not their pursuit, or the salary is very good, and they are not willing to!

Although such people are not the vast majority, but still occupy a considerable proportion!

Ding Yu looks at his uncle! "Say it! How many places did you have for such a long time? "

"Two hundred places, and thirty special places!"

Special places? Ding Yu was stunned for a moment! There was something ugly on his face. "I said uncle, thirty special places are no big deal, but I need to make it clear that I am not a charity hall here!"

At the most, Ding Yu didn't want to study deeply! Why is it that Ding Yu used to be one of them without further study? Is it not clear where the problem lies?

Especially in units like the intelligence department, some people meet with the light all their lives, because their tasks are too special! Even if it's the last tombstone, whether it's the real name or not, it's a matter of two words!

Due to the particularity of their identity, they also need to be treated in a special way! After all, they didn't jump out of the cracks in the stone! They also have their own special harbor! That is the most peaceful place in their heart! At the same time, they are the most dependent!

Because of understanding, Ding Yu also recognized it! It's true that there are a lot of people!

"Boss, I need you to give me a guarantee that they are absolutely safe!"

"Uncle, what you said is a little too joking!" Ding Yu glared, "I can guarantee their relative safety, but it's just hard to guarantee that they don't even drop a hair!"

"On purpose, isn't it? I know there's something quite special about the farm! Very tight protection! Ordinary people can't get in at all! " For this problem, Su Quan really is not the general attention!

Ding Yu snorted twice! To show dissatisfaction!

"A lot of those things are scientific research places, and the farm needs to be responsible for them! Even if I go there, I need to check. There is no respect to say! What's more, other people don't know. Don't you know, uncle, how many eyes are staring at them now, and it's more conspicuous to put them in such a place? "If you think about it carefully, what your nephew said is also reasonable. The focus of his eyes is no less or even more than himself! "Then do it your way! You can make sure their safety is not in trouble, and their life needs to be taken good care of! "

Ding Yu has so some dislike of looking at his uncle, also don't know is there to emotion, very abrupt said!

"In a word, have you taken me as a nanny? Even if you have other scruples about such things, I don't believe that you don't have a proper way to deal with them. Now throw them at me and it's over? "

"Your conditions are excellent! This is an undeniable fact! Even the corresponding departments want to be affiliated with the farm, but you are smart enough, and never have any involvement! "

"I don't seem to have provoked anyone! Yes? Have all the complaints come to you? "

"Someone mentioned to me that you are the reincarnation of the God of wealth now. How many people are staring at you. At least so far, you have never failed. In this case, everyone wants to walk around you! There's no problem eating at least two full meals! Even if the conditions are harsh, it's no big deal! "

After su Quan's words, Ding Yu shook his head. "This opening can't be opened, at least not now. There's no problem helping, but who are they? I believe uncle, you also have a lot of judgment in your heart. What's more, they do such a thing, but it's just as simple as playing the edge ball! "

"Anyway, you are ready for this! I'm really afraid that you are going the wrong way. It's not easy to have such a situation today! " Although Su Quan is not worried about this, as an elder, he still needs to give some advice!

The affairs of the intelligence department really surprised many forces, even a little bit. What's the situation? It happened so suddenly that we didn't have any preparation!

Ding Yu didn't do it, but the intelligence department was bleeding, and Ding Yu beat him hard!

But with the end of time, we feel that there are some doubts!

The intelligence department pulled out the Ding family's children. It was said that Wang an came out later, which was the only way to smooth things out! There is quite a misunderstanding in this, but each other's hearts are really ready to move!

Why? Does this need to be explained? Isn't everything in front of you telling?

It's really hard for Ding Yu to get through that line! And it's too difficult! This guy is so personal! But now the emergence of the Ding family's children makes everyone feel bright. Since one road is blocked, how about another?

There are so many possibilities! Although the children of the Ding family are relatively young now, they have begun to show signs. Maybe in ten or twenty years, they will not be so good? But there should be no problem in playing a good relationship with each other, right?

Did not really want to let the children of the Ding family how? Now if you invest too much capital, it will make the children of the Ding family have considerable vigilance, but to dredge the relationship between each other, if you really worship Buddha, there is also a considerable way! This investment is worth trying!

Of course, there are also quite a number of problems, let them personally end, this is more or less not appropriate!

After all, there are too many mistakes in my age. I don't know what I should mention? To teach Ding's children, or to transmit some so-called experience to them! It's strange not to be regarded as a mental illness!

What's more, it's shameful to do so!

But let our children contact the children of Ding family! Ah! Speaking of this? What a shame! Why? It's not that the children of the Ding family are not easy to contact. On the contrary, the children of the Ding family are relatively easy to get along with! Whether it's reception or conduct, there are not too many places to be picky!

But not picky, it is the best alienation and isolation!

Now the children of the Ding family treat everyone equally, but in this process, they will gradually distinguish. The so-called identity has no attraction for the children of the Ding family! The ability and potential that others value more!

But just at this point, how can we describe the performance of our children? Not all the times! At the same time, they still focus on their own identity, and their cognition of ability and potential is not enough. Although they can get along with each other in a short time, as time goes on, they will become more and more distant from each other!

Ding Yu has no worries here! Don't say Ding Yu doesn't know, even if he knows! There will not be too much sadness in this matter, because the children at home have been released! Already have this aspect preparation!

Their identity, ability and so on, are extremely attractive, if no one close to them, it will make people feel strange! As for how the children at home will deal with these things, the relationship with Ding Yu is not so big! Unless it is a matter of principle, otherwise Ding Yu will never do it!Just watch them grow up! What's the matter? You want to step in and watch them all the time? They are people, not machines! What's more, they need to face the wind and rain alone in the future! One day, I will leave them. What should I do then?

So it's better to let go now, there may be some problems in this process! However, relative to the future development, there are quite a number of problems and conditions now, which is conducive to their growth!

It can't be said that Ding Yu is cruel, and it can't be said that Ding Yu is merciless. Everyone has his own different ways and methods to deal with things. Only the most appropriate is the best! If you copy mechanically, there will be some problems!

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuyi two people, with a little girl, visited a few children, there is no intention to return to the capital, straight home! The time for the little girl to come out is a little long. Although there is no problem with her school performance, limited by the traditional education, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying still think that it is important for the little girl to go back to school as soon as possible!

To this, Ding Yu has so a few exclamations slightly! There's nothing wrong with their parents doing this, but at least they'll come to their own side, right? I won't do anything about myself!

But on this issue, Ding Yu does not have any say. Just forget about his parents' temper! When you go home, video with them to understand the situation! But can see, parents' mood is very good, with a little girl there, is also a little excited!

All the children in the family have left! I left her! If you want to say that she doesn't have any small emotions and ideas, it seems that there are also some unrealistic! Let her go out and see the specific situation, which will help her better understand the facts!

Although her qualifications can not be compared with other children in the family, there should not be too many problems for her to have a good future! Ding Yu can guarantee this! It's just to spend some time and thought!

"Boss! If you have nothing to do in the evening, come and have dinner! "

When Ding Yu got on the phone, he was slightly surprised. What happened? Grandma called herself in person and let herself have dinner! This kind of thing is a little rare!

"Do I need to prepare anything?" Ding Yu asked casually!

"You don't need to prepare anything. Your third uncle just came to see your grandfather! It happens that you don't have anything to do at home, so come along and have fun. There's no one else! "

"Yes! I know! " Put down the phone, Ding Yu still did not put down the suspicion in the heart, the third uncle to visit his grandfather! Year after year, festival, this time to visit his grandfather, there are too many strange! What's more, I'll let myself follow the past! It would be strange if there were no problems!

Anyway, leisure is also leisure, just go! It's not a big deal!

Even Ding Yu came earlier! To his grandfather and grandmother two people check the body, but really is not pretending, instrument inspection is one thing, Ding Yu's inspection is another thing, mutual verification!

"Did your adoptive parents go home?"

"Well!" Ding Yu nodded and wiped his hand with a towel. It had nothing to do with other aspects, just personal habits! "They went to see the children, and all the children at home went out! Just leave the little girl alone! They all grew up with my parents, and they have deep feelings for each other! "

It's not a shady thing, so what Ding Yu said is very common!

The old lady didn't turn pale! The relationship between his great grandson and his adoptive father and mother can't be pierced! Water can not be poured into, even if it is the envy of the family, there is no way!

"I heard that they are doing very well now! You The old lady sighed, "I've released them so early now. I haven't even given them enough time to adapt! It's a bit too aggressive! "

"It's barely enough. Their performance is pretty good! We have lived up to our expectations! "

To a certain extent, such things have been regarded as platitudes! But since grandma mentioned it! Ding Yu didn't mean to offend the old lady! Grandfather and grandmother are no longer in charge of the world now! Also worried about the children at home, it is not easy!

"It's too strict! Are you a child? Happiness and health are more important than anything else

"It's a little hard!" Ding Yu gave a bitter smile! "Sometimes I really hope they can release themselves! Carefree, but the reality of the situation, there is no way like this! Let's be bold, the two powers will hurt each other and take the least

The old lady nodded, "are you staying at home now?"

"I don't mean to stay at home. There are a lot of things about consortia and farms, and some of them lack skills, especially now! If we don't deal with it for a day, it may cause considerable disgust. For consortia and farms, it may cause irreparable losses! " In front of the words, there is a bit sincere, but the back of the words, to be discussed!The old lady didn't care so much about it! "Your third uncle called me earlier and mentioned something! But what about me and your grandfather? It's still very good to have a good life now! "

Having said that, he even smiles at Ding Yu. Ding Yu is a little absent-minded, and then he laughs!

"It's not like the style of the third uncle! That's not what he usually looks like

"Third uncle, what third uncle?" The old lady said a word of blame, but from her speech and behavior, it seems that she doesn't care so much. It's all a family, and she doesn't talk about two families! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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