After a dinner with Ding Yu, Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng were very happy. As for Li Hao and Qin Xiaotong, some of them couldn't let go. But it's common sense to think about it! There's nothing strange about it!

Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng have gone through many times before they are really new. Li Hao and Qin Xiaotong lack a certain understanding of Ding Yu. Of course, due to other rumors, they are very restrained!

If they are still careless here, Ding Yu may not care, but what will Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng think? What's more, Li Hao and Qin Xiaotong are not fools. If they can be liked by Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng, their quality may not have any problems!

After coming out from Ding Yu, Li Hao and Qin Xiaotong are also paralyzed on the seat of the car. They are ridiculed by Guo Li Hao!

If you're not afraid, how can it be! That's Ding Yu! The big man in the rumor!

But it didn't take long for Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng to know the harm of rebound! I really can't carry it!

And these have nothing to do with Ding Yu! The third uncle has sent quite a lot of information to Ding Yu! Looking at these materials, Ding Yu also has a little headache. The task given to him by the third uncle is a little difficult!

Fortunately, I don't have to stand at the front desk. Otherwise, it's hard to say what kind of impact it will have. After all, I don't like to be involved in this aspect. It's well known!

Due to the fact that this is the third uncle's account, I need to finish it even if I'm sticking to my head!

However, some things are easy to do when they are in their own hands. Why? Quite a lot of things can not be solved on the surface, there is no such problem! The problem is that it will cause other negative effects, which is extremely inappropriate! Is also extremely inappropriate!

As for the entry point? Ding Yu has a very suitable reason to check the work of the farm. Is it suitable that he is above the others and does not know anything about the work below? Extremely inappropriate, but also extremely inappropriate!

"Housekeeper, give Luo Xuan a call! Come here if it's convenient for him! "

Luo Xuan is not sure, so! But still with the fastest speed came to the courtyard, of course, not one person, even with two people together! They also met Ding Yu, but very formal!

Simply said two words, Ding Yu and Luo Xuan entered the study together!

"Sir, I will fully cooperate with the inspection work, but I'm the public relations department. Is this the first thing to find me? Is there some... " Luo Xuan revealed a serious confusion!

Let the people in the public relations department check the work. Is this waiting to be checked by the public relations department?

Or do you have a problem? There may be some small problems. For this, Luo Xuan is very clear. The so-called water is clear and there is no fish! It's a common truth that people can't do anything when they are aware of it. What's more, the public relations department does this kind of work!

"It's none of your business!" Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, "you follow me. This inspection is just a cover! At least for the outside world, it's a cover up! "

Luo Xuan blinked his eyes. He wanted to ask a few questions, but after thinking about it, he just let it go!

"Don't tell me! I really have some worries! Although I claim to be strict, it's hard to say whether there will be any other leakage! Check the farm work, I think it's very good! Please come to our supervisor! In this way, the effect may be better! "

"I have already called Lu Zili. He will come in the evening! We should not have too many people! Just go down and have a look. It's no big deal. The development of the farm is very good these years! We all do our best! But if you don't take a look, there are still some brave people! "

When Luo Xuan came out of the courtyard, he looked at his two subordinates and couldn't help shaking his head!

"I said, aren't you two usually arrogant? It's close to heaven! Why did you go to Siheyuan today, all grass chicken? "

It's sarcasm, but is it? There are so many intentional! In this way, it can stimulate these two subordinates. Their work is still very good. Maybe they can take over in the future! I have so much work on myself. If Mr. Ding hadn't called me over this time, I don't know what would have happened!

"Mr. Ding, Mr. Luo, is that an ordinary person? What's more, it's a quadrangle! Rich or not! I don't know what other people think, but I think this time it's a pilgrimage! Under the heart unusual satisfaction! This time, it is also through Mr. Luo's light that I have broadened my horizons! "

"Mr. Luo! I feel that Mr. Ding is not angry but powerful! It doesn't seem scary at all, but I don't know why? Sitting next to you, or Mr. Luo, I feel that both of us may have to faint on the ground! "

Ha ha! Luo Xuan couldn't help laughing, "OK! This horse sounds very stiff! Say something serious. Lu will always come back in the evening. You are responsible for welcoming him! "The two people who were still in high spirits seemed to be splashed with ice water for a moment!

"Mr. Luo? You said Lu would always come

Looking at the two cautious look, Luo Xuan also feel that there are some funny, not enough to think about it, there is nothing strange! "Mr. Lu wants to see the development of the farm. Mr. Lu and I will accompany him to have a look. Light clothes! So you two should be careful! If anything happens, you know the consequences! "

"No! Mr. Luo, is that Mr. Lu? "

Lu Zili is the supervisor of the farm, and he doesn't know where Ding Yu came from! As long as he appears, there is basically no good thing. It is definitely Damocles' sword on all heads of the farm!

Ordinary people don't dare to provoke. Although Luo Xuan has a special identity, he doesn't want to provoke Lu Zili very much, but the relationship between them is very good!

"Anyway, I've already said what I have to say! Don't blame me for not warning you

Luo Xuan then closed his eyes, Mr. Ding revealed some information to himself, but quite a few things he did not want to ask, even if he wanted to tell himself, he also gave up!

Now Luo Xuan has some doubts. Who is the one who stirred up Mr. Wang? At least in their own impression, almost one of the few! This kind of thing oneself or mix a few less better! After all, it doesn't belong to the inside of the farm!

If it's inside the farm, there's no problem, but the hint is very obvious! I can see more clearly!

In the evening, Luo Xuan first met Lu Zi! Two people have considerable personal relations! So the atmosphere between each other is not serious at all!

"Mr. Luo, what's the situation? Do you still drive in person?"

Lu Zili has a little doubt and shouts Luo Xuan, and even shouts himself. It's difficult to understand because of the internal affairs of the farm, but as far as I know, there is no big problem inside the farm! After all, I am very concerned about this. My position requires me to do this!

"I'm one step ahead of you! I took two people to see my husband! The development of the farm is very good these years! So take advantage of this time, sir will go down to have a look! You can't just look at things on paper! "

Finish saying words of time, Luo Xuan deliberately made a wink to Lu Zi leave! Lu Zi, sitting in the co pilot's seat, was stunned! I can hear that Mr. Wang wants to check the work of the farm, but there must be other problems! It should have nothing to do with the farm! Otherwise, Luo Xuan will not give himself such a hint!

Two private friends are good, but Luo Xuan doesn't know how bold he is!

"It's a bit difficult to mobilize all the people in the supervision department! Because the liquidity of the supervision department is particularly large! How many people will your public relations department transfer! Other things can not be mentioned, but the safety of the Sir must be guaranteed. If not, go to coordinate with other departments! That would be better! What's your opinion? "

"I don't dare to make decisions on this matter without authorization. Sir means light clothes! Generally speaking, I'll take you and me with me! "

For Lu Zili to be able to accept his message, Luo Xuan is also a breath!

Two people came to the courtyard here, also after some inspection, and then one after another into the study!

Ding Yu looked at Lu Zili and shook hands with him, "there are so many reductions! Hard work

"Sir, it's no hard work! Just do something meaningful! "

Three people were seated, then the housekeeper came with tea, Luo Xuan immediately took over the work of making tea! For Luo Xuan, it's a matter of experts!

"I was going to talk to Luo Xuan before, but he! A belly of ghost smart! Now that you are both here! I'll say hello to you in advance. This inspection? You two don't need to make a big show, but the main work is still on you two! "

"Sir, other things are easy to say, but what about your safety?"

"Don't worry about that! Someone's following me! You Lu black face this time appear, don't know is how a circumstance! The development of the farm is very good these years. How about you two? It can be said that it's great to take credit for it. It's just that I'm free today. They're all open. After this village, there's no shop! "

Ah? Luo Xuan and Lu Zi are both in a daze! Or Luo Xuan's reaction is faster!

"Sir, why don't you give me a word? Last time I went to Japan, I met Mr. Dashan, OK? I envy even the eyes are about to fall off! If it wasn't for the accident, I didn't even know about it, they would have been able to hide it! "

Lu Zili is puzzled! Ding Yu considered a little time!

"Not now!" Ding Yu shook his head, "you! The heart is more than the eye! This is not to say that I will not agree with you. If I give it to you, you will not be able to keep it! There may even be a case of breaking the house and destroying the door! ""It's not that serious, sir?" Luo Xuan was surprised in his heart!

"It's not the same! So the problem is different! In another ten years, maybe! But it depends on your way too! " To this, Ding Yu explained patiently, "otherwise, I'll write a copy for you now, you try it!"

"No, sir, don't scare me!" Luo Xuan really didn't have the courage to try. After all, this kind of thing can't make any jokes. He and his husband have been together for so many years, and the friendship between them is really not empty. He was able to say such words, obviously with considerable consideration!

"This is not to scare you! Dashan and Tanaka's home have them, but they are not as good as the things in the hands of oranges and apricots! For them, it's definitely a good thing to live in. I believe you should have seen it. They are worshipped! But it's not just because of me! "

"Didn't you write that, sir?" To this, Luo Xuan has quite puzzled!

"It's true that I wrote it, but you are not a Taoist, so you don't understand some of the things!" For some of the conditions, Ding Yu did not explain too deeply, because Luo Xuan and Lu Zili did not understand!

I just need to tell them that it's feasible, but it's definitely not now!

"I see! There are no other requirements, Mr. Ding. We have no taboos! "

Ding Yu smiles at Luo Xuan's insincerity! "This time things are a little bit special. Since you don't want to pay attention, don't worry about this aspect! There will be someone docking with me then! "

"Sir! Even so, we need to pay attention to it! "

"You're in front! It's not as easy as you think. Luo Xuan can leave when necessary, but you can't leave Lu Zi, director of Lu Da! It needs to attract considerable attention! "

Luo Xuan and Lu Zili have a meal with Ding Yu, and then they leave!

But the farm soon got feedback! Even many people have got quite a lot of news!

After all, there are not so many people who can get in and out of the courtyard freely. What's more, Luo Xuan and Lu Zili are still the high-rise of the farm. Luo Xuan can be better, but Lu Zili is definitely the heavyweight among the heavyweights!

If not a leisurely thing, Lu Zili will never come to Siheyuan with Luo Xuan! I don't know what happened, but I didn't hear much about it!

We really have considerable doubt about this! Because the development of the farm has been very stable over the years, I haven't heard of any big action, but it's related to the internal of the farm. It's really hard to say! Just wait and see!

As for the farm side, of course, there was quite a shock, but the shock was not as big as expected. If you don't do anything bad, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door! In the early years, there were quite a few cases, but in recent years? The problems in this aspect are not as many as you think!

Why is this so? Although the scale of the farm is relatively large, the management is in place now! In the initial stage of barbaric growth, we have paid much attention to it, otherwise there will be no supervision department! Ding Yu is very self-conscious at this point!

Because of the early layout, so will have today's achievements! But thanks to the tough measures and firm attitude in the past, otherwise it would not be so simple to wait until today!

It is also because of this reason, so now even if there is considerable movement, we are not so afraid!

Not many people will go to risk, there is no such need, farm wages and treatment is very good! For the sake of the so-called short-term interests, we give up the long-term interests! This kind of shortsightedness may have existed in the past, but now it is not too much! Is it really a dry meal to be a supervision department? Is it true that when Lu black face is white?

"Ah! Have you heard about the boss? "

"What's the matter?" Wang Changlin was stunned for a moment, "what do you say about the inspection? How strange is it? "

"Is there something wrong with all of a sudden?" Su Yuan is not sure about his eldest son. "What's the situation of our eldest son? You don't know yet? Now that such a stir has come out, don't you think there is anything unexpected? "

"So?" Wang Changlin asked, "what he wants to do, if we can, let's have a look. If we can't, let's take it as if we don't know anything! This is not something we can decide! "

Su Yuan a little disappointed, "the boss is also!"

There is a strong sense of argument, and Wang Changlin sees it very clearly! The eldest son never wanted to interfere in the family, but the family would give him a lot of trouble from time to time! It's holding him back!But on the whole, it's still in line with the layout of the eldest son. There's no need to walk on one leg at home! He has always been free from the family, as for why there will be an embarrassing situation!

In fact, the reason is very simple, the development of the family is not enough!

Said, Wang Changlin also has such some embarrassment, if it were not for his eldest son, the family might have disappeared now! How can it develop? Even with the support of the eldest son, the family is still a little lame due to the family's inside information and other reasons!

But what about the eldest son? Does he have any other support? An empty hand!

Now all the things, he is a person down! It is said that blue is better than blue, and even the one who is still his own son should be more proud!

But at the same time, what's in Wang Changlin's heart? It's not that I don't have any other feelings! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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