Ding Yu's action is very fast, even without waiting for two days, out of the capital!

When we went out, it was quiet. When we reflected it, the courtyard had been empty for a long time! That's because Luo Xuanli and Lu Zili are more eye-catching, but even so, it's too late!

Because they didn't take a plane or a train, they just drove! So if you want to verify, it's really not a simple thing! I don't know where Ding Yu's business has gone!

At the same time, show considerable interest, not too many problems, but show too much concern! It's not good!

"Sir? Is that really good? "

At dinner, Luo Xuan gives Ding Yu vinegar! Asked casually!

It's not a luxury meal, it's a very common small restaurant, the hygiene is very good! The price is a little expensive! Besides, there are no other shortcomings! Ding Yu stirred the noodles in the bowl! Very attentive!

"Don't say, this oily noodle is very good! You! A little too much abalone and shark fin

"I don't want to either!" Luo Xuan has no choice but to complain, "I also want to eat some coarse grain, OK? Really, if it comes to the dinner, if I order a table of coarse grain, I don't have to talk about it! It's just disrespect for each other. Thanks to our farm, the production is very good! Otherwise, I'll start at least two hundred pounds now! "

Lu Zili stirred the noodles in his bowl without adding vinegar. He felt that the taste was suitable for him!

He has always been a man of few words. He may have a lot to do with his work. It's no surprise that he doesn't like it!

"It really can't be changed in a day or two! It's not one person or two that can turn it around! But I think you should do more exercise. Look at Lao Lu. He is much better than you! I really doubt that you can go up the mountain now? I'm afraid I can't even walk halfway up the mountain? "

In the face of Ding Yu's doubt, Luo Xuan argued and said! "Isn't that true? People who invite me to drink can line up from Xizhimen to Taiyuan city. People who invite Lao Lu to drink will be scared to faint before they reach his door! There is no comparability! If I go out for exercise, OK? People waiting at home can line up to the exit of the city! What about Lao Lu? Within a hundred Li radius, you may not see any people! "

Ding Yu is very helpless. Luo Xuan's words are quite reasonable. Who makes their work quite different?

Noodles taste good! Although Ding Yu didn't eat much at noon, a bowl of noodles didn't have any left, and there was nothing left on the table! Habit problem! It has nothing to do with others!

After eating, Ding Yu and others didn't mean to get on the bus immediately. Instead, they stopped for quite a while. They needed to eat. Don't they need to eat, have a short rest and tidy up?

"Sir? Would you like to say hello to the local farm? "

"Don't say hello to anyone, but they are a bunch of guys! One by one, they are all monkey spirits. Maybe they are deliberately showing us! Anyway, it's just a look. It's not a big deal! "

For this point, Ding Yu's heart is very clear. This time, he is checking the farm's work, but he has quite a lot of channels to understand the farm's work, so he doesn't need to be so serious!

In two days, when they went to the countryside, Ding Yu and his party were three, Lu Zili and Luo Xuan were very serious when they checked their work, but Ding Yu just looked at them and didn't say much!

If people don't know, they think Ding Yu is dissatisfied with his work? But it's not like this at all!

Ding Yu has his own thoughts! Now the movement on the surface is big or small, but it really has a very good effect! At least quite a few people are attracted by Ding Yu's action!

"What's the effect?" In the evening, Ding Yu was sitting on the sofa, a little bit at ease!

Luo Xuan opened his collar, "Sir, what you said is not wrong at all, these guys! They are all a group of human spirits. Really speaking, they are smarter than monkeys in sticking hair! They obviously know quite a lot of information. If we check, they will accompany us if necessary. If we don't need it, it doesn't matter. It's hard for us to start! "

"What's the matter? Didn't you see that Lao Lu didn't move? What's the matter? Are you really going to make some noise? " For Luo Xuan's condition, Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "Lao Lu, what do you think is the reason?"

Lu Zi, who was smoking beside him, nodded away, "because the common people are the most tolerant, but also the most unwilling to suffer losses!"

Ding Yu agreed and even nodded, "Luo Xuan, you! Due to the family and life reasons, standing a little bit so high! There is no way to do this! There is no right or wrong! Because the nature of your work is quite different from Lao Lu's! So the focus is quite different! ""You're blind with me!"

"We can't say that. Are the people demanding? In fact, it's not high at all! Quite often, people say that people are short-sighted. In fact, it's not such a thing. They have very high requirements for long-term interests, but it's hard to achieve them! And then there is the problem of learning! These need to be improved step by step! If it's not for the national level, our farm wants to develop. Can we cheat the devil? "

"That's true. If it wasn't for the country, I would still be able to drink tea and chat here, and dream!"

People from outside have paid so much attention to Ding Yu's situation, but they didn't have two days to pay attention to it, so they basically gave up!

Why? The farm can know Ding Yu's whereabouts, but it doesn't mean that people outside can also know Ding Yu's whereabouts! Are you kidding? Elbow out? Mr. Ding Yuding has had so many years of leisure time. How can you recruit gangsters for him? What do you think?

To put it in a bad way, who would be peeping at Ding Yu! You hit me in the head!

Of course, there is another reason! If Ding Yu went out because of other things! You may also have considerable interest! But Ding Yu went out because of the farm! Now we are still reluctant, what's the matter? Do you really think Ding Yu has a good temper?

This guy's unrelenting and unrelenting behavior has been seen by all eyes. In the past two years, it has been relatively quiet! Now that it's over! Then don't let this guy's anger make trouble again. If it does, who will be responsible for putting out the fire? Don't make a fire then!

Another point is that the children of the Ding family have already gone out! There is a little emptiness around Ding Yu. Who is not interested in this matter? Ding Yu's training ability is absolutely unique. It's true that his vision is a little bit high, but so what? If we say that we really have a bad relationship with Ding Yu now! Such a good thing is really away from them!

It is because of these many reasons, so we have some meaning of turning a blind eye to Ding Yu! Anyway, the farm is your private business. You can investigate it as you want. We can even help you when necessary. There is no problem!

"Director Ding! Hello

Ding Yu looked at the visitors, very ordinary, and even to throw into the crowd, there are some ordinary! Nothing remarkable! In my own impression, it seems that there is really no such person! I don't know where it came from!

But it's not surprising. Why? Ding Yu has never been so concerned about this aspect, and he is not a sociable person! Under such circumstances, it's really strange to be able to get to know this one!

With a simple shake hands! Two separate seats!

"Director Ding, our previous investigation has come to a standstill! There's no way to go on! "

Ding Yu brought a cup of tea. Chutian, who was sitting there, immediately stood up and stretched out his hands to take the cup! To let director Ding personally serve tea, you need to understand the rules!

"The problem of work is your own business. What I want to know is, why does work stop?"

Ding Yu, who sat down again, was quite curious about it! Even feel a little puzzled!

"Director Ding, our work is always one step slower than others, but I can ensure that there are no internal problems! At least not yet In this regard, Chu Tian was also very confused. "In the first two months, we investigated one, but then he disappeared! I can't find any trace. I heard that I went abroad! "

Huh? Ding Yu seems to understand something, and then he laughs! No wonder! Does the third uncle see some convenience in this aspect, so he deliberately finds himself? That's kind of interesting!

"It's very strange. Are there any other questions?"

"Yes! Because people from the investigation team came in earlier, they found quite a few problems. But what can we say? The local forces have a bad impression of this, and because of other reasons, they are quite constrained

Ding Yu stretched out his hand, and then saw Chu Tian handed over a mobile phone, looking at Ding Yu is also slightly a Leng!

"Director Ding, there is no way! Your identity is special. You can't come to our office. When I came out, director Liu gave me a special explanation! This time, you are the only one to do the docking! And now in addition to Director Liu and I, there is another person who knows about you! I don't know the code! You need to inquire in person, and the mobile phone has set up a special startup mode! "

Ding Yu nodded! "I know!"

It didn't take long for Ding Yu to turn on his mobile phone and print out all the information. The mobile phone was processed the first time! Ding Yu destroyed most of the printed materials! There is no intention of staying! There are several pieces of information, Ding Yu left alone, I don't know what it means!"What else do you want from director Liu?"

"There's a fan Dalong and a Liu Chuang. They haven't found them yet! We got some news, they are in the province! But we can't find it all the time, and we also have some worries about whether there will be other problems and situations if we increase our strength! "

Ding Yu recalled and nodded! "I know! It will take a little time! I don't know so much about the specific situation! And the problems you mentioned, I will pay attention to them! "

"Yes! Director Ding! I'm giving you trouble! " Then he also stood up, "director Ding, I can't stay for a long time. I still need to report the situation in the capital!"

"I know! Be careful on the road! If you have any questions, look for the farm! "

"Yes! Director Ding! I will be careful! "

Can the relationship between farms be used or not! At least it's too wasteful to use words at this time, and it's extremely easy to expose director Ding! Chutian knew very well that director Ding could come this time? It is not easy, even in the whole process, director Ding will not stand on the surface!

When Chutian left, it was quiet. The security guard sent him away in person! Ding Yu looks at the information in front of him! There are also some doubts! Lao Liu's hands and feet are tied. This is abnormal! There's even something strange! Down to investigate quite a problem! How can we face such a situation? It's really eye opening!

There is also the suspect, who is always free from the outside. What kind of situation is this? No wonder when the third uncle explained to himself, there were some difficulties. Now, things are definitely not as simple as imagined. However, it's still too early to make a specific judgment now. I still need to take a more look here!

Luo Xuan and Lu Zi were going to have breakfast with Ding Yu the next morning, but the security guard took them outside! Two people look at each other! Look at each other!

Have been waiting for almost noon, Ding Yu just called two people back!

"The work inspection here is almost done! Good performance! We also have no need to continue to disturb

"Yes! Sir Luo Xuanli and Lu Zili have no opinion! They are very clear under the heart, this time is just a cover! "Where are we going next, sir?"

"Luo Xuan, go ahead! I'm with Lao Lu! One week, and then we'll meet! "

"So, sir, it's time for me to set myself free!" Luo Xuan said on purpose! Ding Yu considered a little time, nodded, "don't be too presumptuous!"

After Luo Xuan left, Ding Yu and Lu Zi got on the business car that they had prepared for a long time. From the appearance, they were a little ordinary, but only when they entered the interior, they knew that they were definitely not as ordinary as what they saw outside!

"Go and investigate!" Ding Yu mentioned to the security guard beside him, "if you go out, there are only two channels, one is in the open, the other is in the secret! Go out on the surface, the limitation is too big! And it's too blatant. It's possible. If it's like this, it's good to investigate. If it's in the dark, let's talk to Uncle ten, and ask the domestic side to see who did it! "

"Yes! sir! I'll do it at once

Security went to the front of the position, with mobile phones and computers respectively contact! And Lu Zili was sitting on the side of Ding Yu! Close your eyes, it seems that you are not so concerned about quite a lot of things!

"Lao Lu, don't pretend to be stupid. It's not suitable for Luo Xuan to do this! He is too eye-catching! And he's a PR guy! All aspects are too familiar with him. If he comes out, it's easy to arouse suspicion from other aspects. Your situation is quite different. Help me investigate two people! "

"Sir, Luo Xuan is able to attract considerable attention, but I'm afraid it's not enough?"

In this regard, Lu Zili expressed considerable doubt! "We don't do the work above the surface! You and I are attractive enough. We will never show up this time! Few people know it now! I didn't let you see me when I came last night! In this way, the other side will benefit in all aspects! "

"Sir, if so, it should be very simple to investigate two people!"

Ding Yu shook his head, "it's so simple!" With a slight sigh, "there are always some black sheep, even the position is quite special, using some special means, whether it's threat, or structure and so on! I'm afraid it will be a bunch of them when they come out! "

Lu Zili frowned slightly! "How serious is the situation, sir?"

"The two suspects are under the eye! But I just can't hold it! Or intentionally fishing, and one has gone abroad! What do you think is the nature of such a thing? ""It's time to kill!"

Lu Zili was murderous, while Ding Yu nodded, "but what about the three of them? It's just scattered troops. If those guys who are really hiding behind are not found out, how much harm will they do to the whole country! "

"Use the people inside the farm!"?! They can still be believed

"This is the reason why you are dragged in this time. It's not that you don't believe Luo Xuan. It has nothing to do with this. He also has courage, but he is not a good hand in this aspect. Moreover, you are responsible for the supervision department. Mobilizing the personnel inside the farm will not cause too much shock."

"To what extent, Mr. Ding?"

"Even if it's an internal transfer, it's absolutely impossible to cause any disturbance or even bring out any movement!" Speaking of this, Ding Yu suddenly laughed, "this matter is not explained by my family. If it's a matter at home, I really won't pay attention to it! But I can't refuse it! "

"Yes! sir! I see! "

I've already said that! How can Lu Zili not be clear? As the senior manager of the farm, he is also Ding Yu's confidant. Lu Zili still knows something about Ding Yu!

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