Ding Yu and Lu Zili checked their work for a day. Lu Zili checked the specific work, and Ding Yu seemed to be ok here! Wandering around! It seems that I don't care at all!

But it's also in line with Ding Yu's identity. He is the main body, and won't show too much on the individual!

Even at noon, I had a simple meal in a farmhouse! To put it bluntly, I had a meal at the farm staff's home! And this meal was made by the farm worker's children! A simple meal of noodles! And a little bit of a piece of cake!

Ding Yu eats heartily, does not scruple the meaning at all!

Of course, Ding Yu also pays for dinner, which may be due to the weekend. Otherwise, Ding Yu will not be able to eat this meal! After dinner, Ding Yu is still wandering! have nothing to do!

But in the evening, Ding Yu chose a slightly special and high-end place because he wanted to reward Lu Zili!

The whole hotel decoration is very good! Made in imitation of the ancients! Hollow design! With the attendant's dress and behavior, it is also a pulse! From the sensory point of view, very good! Unique and attractive!

When Lu Zi left, Ding Yu was tasting tea! When Lu Zili opened the curtain and came in, Ding Yu nodded slightly, took up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Lu Zili!

"How's it going? It's hard work today, isn't it? "

Lu Zili, who sat down, shook his head! There is not much interference here! More of the rules! But look at some simple! Generally speaking, the problem is not very big! I don't mean to give you a hand! "

Sitting in such a position as Lu Zili, you can't see sand in your eyes! This is just an appearance! It can't be said that it's like this all the time. It's definitely a prick, and it's definitely an obstacle to the overall development of the farm! Even quite destructive!

Everything should focus on the overall situation of the farm! Just like it is now! From my own inspection, is it really spotless, no problem at all? How can it be! It's not realistic at all!

It's just that Lu Zili just swept by. If he can correct it, it's the best! If it can not be corrected, then whether it is the year-end performance appraisal, or the follow-up warning, are coming one after another!

If it has been well corrected! Then there are not too many problems in the following questions! Think of everyone as a saint? Are you kidding? If you mention this in front of your husband, if Ding Yu doesn't smoke you, Lu Zili dares to take off his head!

"As before, these guys! It's all monkey spirit! However, these years' development is also beneficial to their hard work and support! " Ding Yu is very easygoing!

"Sir, sitting in my position, I need to be strict!"

"We are in different positions! You can be more strict, but I still need to pretend to be a Maitreya Buddha when I am quite old, but my Maitreya Buddha may not be very good! They are kind-hearted! I'm good! It's just a devil! Do you think I'm a little wronged? "

After hearing Ding Yu's words, Lu Zili couldn't help laughing! Sir, it's completely self blacking!

It's just that you can say it yourself. Can others say it or not? Anyway, I didn't hear it, but if I heard it, I would definitely let that person know what peach blossom is and why it is so red!

Two people chatted for a while. After Lu Zi came in, the kitchen began to serve food one after another!

But it didn't take long to hear a loud noise outside, and the noise was getting louder and louder! Ding Yu didn't have much feeling! Lu Zili took a look at Ding Yu! I found that Ding Yu didn't have much reaction, and I didn't do anything!

But the security came in quickly! "Sir! There are people fighting and making trouble outside. It seems that there is something unusual about it! "

Ding Yu ha ha's smile, "is already a modern society! How can such a thing happen? How about controlling the fire? I have to be so upset! The so-called lost to the hospital, won the words in! There is no good end for both sides. Why To this, Ding Yu has quite different understanding!

But the noise outside is longer than you think! Together with Ding Yu, after dinner, it seems that the dispute outside has not been solved! And the sound of crackling is endless!

Next to Lu Zi, he stood up, went to the window, opened the foot of the window, looked at it for a while, and then shook his head!

"Sir, it seems that we can see the Western scenery today!"

"Lao Lu, it's hard for you to say such a thing!" Ding Yu also stood up and looked outside through the wooden window!

It seems to be closed outside! As for the guests inside, it seems that there are not many left! Very interesting!

"It's really Western scenery! What's the matter? Whose child! A little too much is better than too much! "

That is to say, Ding Yu and Lu Zili didn't mean to mix in! The following clamour is more fierce, but the serious hands, basically not too much! That is to say, they are shooting each other! For the time being, it is such a situation!"Lao Lu, have you ever had a fight?"

Ah? Lu Zi, standing beside Ding Yu, was stunned for a moment, and then thought about it for quite a long time!

"I had a fight when I was a child! After school, it's gone! But I've seen a lot of fights! There's not much of it! "

"What's next? Fighting is not so clean, too sloppy! "

Lu Zili felt a little funny, "it seems that families are very different! Otherwise, it will not be the current situation! All the people below have left! Maybe all the guests in the box around us have left! If you stand in the perspective of the hotel, this situation for the loss of the whole hotel will be very big

"It's up to the hotel! If the PR is better! There shouldn't be too many problems! "

After watching for a while, the following people began to give way one after another. You won't let me! I won't let you! With the passage of time, the action is also gradually big up! Ding Yu looked at it for a while, then suddenly laughed, "see! Lao Lu, these guys are interesting

"It's interesting! Though I did it! But how much can still keep a little sober, you hit me, I kick you! Although there are a lot of guys around, no one wants to pick them up. It seems that they are old hands! "

Just as they were talking, there was a knock at the door! The security guard took a look at Ding Yu and Lu Zili, and found that they didn't mean to look back at all. They also went to the curtain and lifted the curtain!

"I'm sorry to make you laugh!" Standing outside the door, the man looked at the security guard with a smile, followed by the waiter, "today is also rare, safe all the year round, is to disturb the guests, what's wrong!"

Security is to look inside again, but the manager looked at security, at the same time also have considerable doubt! Look at this man's posture. He looks like a bodyguard! Go out unexpectedly still take bodyguard? I didn't notice it before!

Let his body, the manager is with the attendant came in together! Lu Zi turned his head to look at them! "Excuse me, two bosses! The small one is the shopkeeper's, let you two laugh! "

Ding Yu nodded, but the shouting below was more and more fierce!

"It's an eye opener!" Lu Zi left, "is the front door inconvenient?"

"Maybe a little bit more time?" The manager took a deep look at the clothes of Ding Yu and Lu Zili! Ding Yu is always looking at the fight below. He doesn't want to look back at all. However, as soon as the manager looks at his back and momentum, he knows that he may be an extraordinary person!

All the idle people have left! Even if you don't leave, you will ask twice. After hearing your explanation, you will leave one after another! But the situation of this private room is too special! When I react, it's too late! So come here in person!

I'm the shopkeeper! After working for so many years, if the eyes are not a little bit poisonous, how can they stay in this position for a long time, just like the one who is talking to himself is 40 or 50 years old! It must be the one in high position! When his eyes swept over, he subconsciously felt that there were some chills in his heart!

As for the one who didn't turn around, he really didn't have much impression, and he didn't know what kind of feeling he had for the fight below! But look at the meaning now, it seems a little unmoved!

Security is slightly stepped on the floor, the shop owner immediately wake up, and then hands sorry!

"Forgive me, two bosses, things may delay a little time! But the two bosses also have good luck. Today, the teacher Fu happens to be in the kitchen, so they can have a taste! It will be ready in a minute

Lu Zi took a look and nodded. Then he stood at the window and looked at the situation below!

You punch, I kick! Basically, they are very restrained, but even so, the anger seems to be slowly rising! Now at this time, no one wants to let you know!

"Lao Lu, do you think they will stop?"

"Hard to say!" Looking at his wrist watch, "it's been more than 20 minutes! It's time for everyone who knows the news to know the news! But there is still no reaction, this root seems to be not generally hard! "

What should the manager do when he looks at his subordinates? Quite a few people have gone up! It's not a fight, it's a fight! Now these subordinates have come back! One by one, of course, it's not because of fighting with others, but because of being beaten! I'm just a shopkeeper, not a boss!

And I have already said it! The boss is also looking for a considerable relationship, see now this meaning! I'm afraid it's hard to solve the problem in a short time! Anyway, I have already done what I should do! What happens next? I do not know!

Waiting for no two minutes, the door suddenly opened! Two people come in from the outside! After coming in, the door was closed again! The two sides who were still fighting looked at the people coming in at the door! All very surprised!Didn't you say shut the door? And it has been said before! Who loses, who pays for all the losses today?

What do you mean? It's hard to talk, isn't it?

Looking at the situation in the hall, the corner of the mouth twitches slightly!

And the security guard in the room helped his earphone with his hand, and then walked to Ding Yu's side! Whispered a few words!

After the following people saw the comer, they came out from the dark, nodded at the comer and made an invitation to clean up! Whispered a few words, and then stood in the original position! Not much movement!

And this action is to let two aspects of fighting on the scene, both feel that the situation is a little bit wrong! They are young and vigorous, but they are not fools! Can directly come in, even to them without any attention, and see this meaning! Though not for them! But for their behavior, it seems that they are not generally angry and angry!

Just came in two people, one before and one after the elevator, came to the third floor, straight to Dingyu's room and go!

The manager is standing at the exit of the elevator shaft! When the elevator door is opened, it is also in a hurry to come forward! "Meng."

Before he finished speaking, the visitor waved his hand, "give me a brief description of the specific situation, and did they collide with the guests inside?" Seeing the shopkeeper shaking his head, Meng Yunzi was also relieved!

I just received the news from the farm! In a hurry, he rushed over. On the way, he also told other leaders at home about the news! High level inspection of the farm! Then I was stuck in the hotel and couldn't get out! What kind of situation is this?

If other parties reported the news to themselves, I would not be so anxious, but the farm itself reported the news, so what kind of situation can we see?

They didn't do anything, just eat in the restaurant, but OK? open up a fresh outlook! Such behavior, will let the agricultural high-level so to judge! The general manager who called himself was on the verge of anger!

Mr. Ding Yuding and President Lu come to supervise the work! okay? There are not many problems with farms! But what? There are other problems! Although things have nothing to do with themselves, but will there be other aspects of the impact? No one knows! Really, if the blame comes down, whose is this?

The reason why Meng Yunzi is angry is more simple! We all see the development of the farm with our eyes! Good to promote the development and progress of the city! Even solved quite a lot of problems and situations!

No one is a fool! And the relationship between the farm and the city is also very good! Now the top floor of the farm is here! No reception! This may be because they are relatively low-key, but people in the city make such a thing in front of others. It's not that they have any responsibility. They can't afford to lose this person!

Why is there no such problem in other places? But here comes the problem! Be sure to give some eye drops to the top of the farm! Let others feel that their side is not easy to provoke it?

The shopkeeper said as he walked, when he came to the door, he also took the initiative to lift up the curtain!

The security guard at the door took a look! Even did a certain inspection, this just let go, Meng Yunzi heart some not very good feeling! Why? It's not that I feel angry because of the inspection. In fact, I feel more worried!

The top of the farm is here! The problem is quite serious, but it does not mean that there is no room for relaxation! But the security guard at the door showed his mental attitude when checking himself! Let yourself have a very bad premonition!

Because of such inspection, I have experienced it! And more than once! But look at the current posture, this time the inspection is more strict than what I have experienced!

When you enter the room! Looking at the people coming, Ding Yu turns to his body! Meng Yunzi looked at Ding Yu and Lu Zili! "Chairman Ding! Mr. Lu! How do you do! I'm Meng Yunzi

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing! "The news is fast enough!" Then it is to stretch out own hand, everybody respectively shook a hand!

"Ding Yu!"

"Lu Zili!"

After shaking hands, Ding Yu made an invitation gesture! Let's sit down again!

"Mr. Ding, I'm sorry!" Meng Yunzi put his attitude very low! Don't say it's in the city! Even if it's a step higher, I heard that the top management of the farm is coming! We will also extend a warm welcome! "The guest house is ready! This time, the city attaches great importance to it! "

Ding Yu shook his head, "not so exaggerated! Lao Lu and I came to check the work of the farm! The farm is also thanks to the support of everyone in the city! Can have today's achievements and progress! I hope we can support and help each other in the future

Meng Yunzi looks at Ding Yu, who is younger than himself! But this talk is really not leaking, complimented the city, and even put their posture a little bit low!As for what happened tonight, not a word! Great!

I really need to deal with it! Absolutely can't float up, really if float up of words, maybe fall down of time, oneself is black and blue!

"Mr. Ding! No matter what the reason is, they always disturb your interest! "

Ding Yu hit a ha ha, "we just come to have a meal! It's no big deal. It's just a bunch of kids messing around! It's quite proper! No weapons have been used

Hearing Ding Yu say so, Meng Yunzi feels a little puzzled!

When the top management of the farm comes to a small place like himself, will they be afraid of the so-called local snake? It's possible to place such a thing in other places, but it's as simple as the dragon on the farm?

So there are some worries about it in my heart!

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