"Mr. Ding, I'm embarrassed to say that the following two children are not very sensible! Let you see the joke

Is it so clear? Ding Yu blinked his eyes! I'm not a person who won't let go! Then Ding Yu thought about it from another angle! Silence for a little time!

"I remember Wes should be working here, right?"?! I haven't seen him for a while! "

Meng Yunzi was stunned for a moment! Weith? "Give him a call! I'll have a word with him! After all, I was his teacher for a few days! Though not a serious teacher? "

"Teacher?" Meng Yunzi looks at Ding Yu suspiciously, but immediately takes out his mobile phone from his pocket and finds out Weisi's phone number from it! The phone was connected the first time! When Wes got the call, he was surprised! Meng Yunzi called himself! Is there something wrong with such a big night?

If there is nothing, Meng Yunzi will not take the initiative to call!

"Hello! I'm Wes

"Hello! I'm Meng Yunzi Meng Yunzi looked at Ding Yu, hesitated for a moment, and then whispered a few words! "Mr. Ding Yuding wants to talk to you! I wonder if you have time? "

"Ding Yu?" Wei Si Leng for a moment, "are you talking about director Ding Yuding?"

What's the name! But Meng Yunzi also noticed this time! Ding Yu has looked at himself, so Meng Yunzi handed the phone to him the first time! The attitude is respectful and impeccable!

"Weith?" Ding Yu asked!

"Miss Ding?" Weisi didn't know much about Ding Yu, but when he was studying in the capital, he still heard the teacher Ding's lesson! Although there were many teachers at the beginning, the impression left by this teacher is particularly deep! Because too young! The young one is not very decent!

At that time, I inquired about some news, and some people who knew me had no deep taboo about the background of teacher Ding! Even quite often, people call him director Ding Yuding! I don't know why I should be called this way!

But now teacher Ding and director Ding have come to his side! This is quite a surprise!

What's more, Meng Yunzi mentioned quite a lot to himself before! This let oneself have quite feeling!

"Teacher Ding! I'll be there in a minute! "

"All right!" Then Ding Yu put down the phone in his hand!

Put the mobile phone on the desktop, Meng Yunzi put the mobile phone away and took a deep look at Ding Yu! When Weisi went to the capital to study, he knew about it. Even everyone at home knew about it!

This Mr. Ding in front of us can become Weisi's teacher? Think about it, Meng Yunzi felt that his scalp was numb! I thought I could stay, Ding Yu! And then low-key things to solve!

But now, it seems that things backfire! It's obvious that there were some mistakes in my guess earlier. People didn't pay attention to the following things at all! But his behavior, obviously let in front of the Mr. Ding has another way to deal with things and methods! Is he unlucky?

When Weisi came, he had already learned quite a lot! When I heard that Ding Yu was still a senior manager of the farm, I was not surprised. The senior manager of the farm was able to give lectures to himself. Is there too much sense of disobedience?

But precisely this kind of disobedience, let oneself have another kind of feeling! The origin of teacher Ding Yuding should be more terrible than he imagined!

Came to the hotel here, looking at the situation inside, Weisi's face is not as good-looking as imagined! The two groups that had fought before are all wrapped up now! But no one wants to leave!

When we saw Weisi, we all stood up for the first time, and even some people began to fold up their bodies! When I saw Meng Yunzi before, everyone's feeling was not so good! Some people do not know, but does not mean that all people do not know ah! Now Wes's here, too? It seems that there is something wrong with it!

If it's because of their business, they will never pay attention to it. They will leave directly!

When people looked at Weisi leaving, they couldn't help but have a toothache. They just drank too much! So I made a fool of myself. According to the past situation and experience, it's not a big deal. But what's the matter today? What happened to that God?

"Miss Ding?" Seeing Ding Yu for the first time, Weisi quickly took two steps! The performance is very respectful! After all, Ding Yu as his teacher, respect teachers, this is the tradition!

"It's just a small thing. I didn't expect to let all of you go out!"

Ding Yu didn't mean to give Meng Yunzi eye medicine. It's not necessary! He has his own way of dealing with things, but also other considerations! In his opinion, this way is the safest! Of course, in their own eyes may not be too much necessary! But Meng Yunzi is not his own person! How does he know? What do you think!"Miss Ding, who are you this time?"

"Come down and have a look. It's mainly about farm affairs! I didn't expect to have a meal here today, and I can see the kids playing around! " Ding Yu is very helpless to spread out his hands, "this matter has been carried out on the farm, not a city, I and Lao Lu a group, originally tonight to taste the local characteristics, tomorrow is ready to go to the next city!"

"Teacher Ding, the responsibility lies with me. It is caused by my lax supervision!"

No matter Ding Yu is sincere or polite, this attitude must have!

"It's just a child. It's not a big deal!" Ding Yu doesn't think much of it! "Before, I also deliberately looked at it. I was more measured when I was fighting. I didn't use a knife or a gun! Not bad! Education will do! "

That's it. That's it! Or what? They are not their parents, it is not their turn to discipline them! What's more, they didn't collide with themselves! As for the situation in the hotel, it has nothing to do with me! It's not that it's none of your business! It is quite irrelevant to this!

Wei Si nodded at Ding Yu! "Mr. Ding, you have come all the way, and I have not been able to do my best. If other students know this! Don't know how to laugh at me yet? "

For Weisi's alternative requirements, Ding Yu smiles and nods to Lu Zi!

Lu Zili took the lead in the position, then Meng Yunzi and they also left!

"I hear you're going to be promoted! I should say congratulations Ding Yu smiles and takes out a cigarette for himself. He signals to Weisi. Weisi doesn't hesitate and immediately takes the cigarette in his hand!

After the cigarette was lit, Ding Yu said slowly! "I don't like to interfere in other things! Even if it's something at home, I've never interfered much in it! "

Wes took a puff of his cigarette and nodded at Ding Yu! "Teacher Ding! I don't have any problems on my side! "

"As for the farm! I mentioned it to Meng Yunzi earlier! The cooperation with you is very good! Without the support of the city, I believe we will not achieve today's results! Meng Yunzi! A little too careful! It seems to be the work of a housekeeper! That's a good advantage! "

"I'm sure director Meng will be very happy with Mr. Ding's words."

"Happy or not? I say two more words, even though it's a child fighting! There is a sense of propriety between each other, but in such a public place, even if there are other explanations! You! Don't take it too lightly! I did a good job! It's not worth it to sprain because of such a thing! "

Wei Si's expression is a Zheng, "teacher Ding, I remember your criticism!" This should not be so simple to say. If I want to come now, I really have some worries. If this problem really happens! What can I do then? After all, the impact is a little too bad!

"The farm is doing well! Lao Lu and I are more satisfied! Lao Lu is in charge of supervision. Sometimes my face can't play too much role. Since he has nothing to say, I have nothing to say! "

Two chatting time is not long! When I came out of the room, the security there had already checked out! Come to dinner by yourself today! Anyway? Rice has been eaten inside the stomach, the middle is a little bit of interlude! But it doesn't hurt!

But Meng Yunzi took advantage of the outside Kung Fu, directly called the general manager of the farm!

"Lao Liu, things here are basically solved! I have written down your feelings! "

Liu Youdi is a deep breath, "director Meng, how is it? This joke is a little too big! Mr. Ding and Mr. Lu come to check the work! We can't afford any of them! "

I can hear that Liu Youdi is very dissatisfied with what happened! But think about it. It's also a matter of common sense!

"Lao Liu, the responsibility lies with us. If you have any grievances, just mention them!"

"I want to swear!" Liu Youdi didn't know what to say directly, "you said that after checking so many places, nothing happened, but you came to me, OK? Give me such a big basket! You say, who did I offend? Just to catch up with such a thing? "

"Not a place?" Meng Yunzi has other understanding in his heart! So I asked two more questions!

"Of course, it's not a place. If I'm the first stop here, maybe it's better. Fortunately, Luo never came here. Otherwise, I don't know what happened? But even if it is like this, we are remembered by Mr. Lu! I'm going to have no way to explain it here! "

Liu Youdi is really aggrieved. The farm is not a place without hospitality, but Mr. Ding and Mr. Lu don't eat it at all. It doesn't matter! The top management of the farm is basically in such a situation that if they don't entertain, they won't! As long as the farm side to do their own job is good!But the night before I left, something like this happened. How will you look at yourself in the future!

In fact, Meng Yun Zi also had some regrets. If he had known about this situation, he would never have left Ding Yu before! Why? Does the reason need to be explained?

They didn't come for the city. They came for the farm, and they went a lot!

But from another point of view, there are no problems in other places, but there are quite a lot of problems here! Isn't the situation worth reflecting on?

Now this time don't say it's Liu Youdi! Even for myself, there are some other opinions and ideas about the two groups fighting! It has caused a very bad impact on the top management of the farm. If it is not domineering at ordinary times, how can it create today's situation? Rome can't be built in a day!

Inside that night, Ding Yu and his party left! Did not do any stay! It's not really any dissatisfaction! It has nothing to do with this! If you wait until tomorrow morning to leave, what will it be like! Think about it, I feel some numbness on my scalp!

So the next morning, when they got the news, they were all dull and even disappointed! Ding Yu, they left a little too fast!

After thinking about it, Weisi still took out his phone and called Ding Yu! It's really connected! Security handed the phone to Ding Yu! At this time, Ding Yu and Lu Zili are eating breakfast together!

"Teacher Ding! Our work is not in place! Let everyone down

Ding Yu ha ha of smile up, "good intention heart lead! If I leave this morning, it's really a matter of two words whether I can come out of your gate at that time! Now I'm afraid I've learned quite a lot from inside and outside! Is that right? "

"No?" Wes heard it on the phone, too! Ding Yu's mood seems to be very good! So also said two more, "mainly the leadership of the higher authorities for the farm situation is very important! In addition, today's superior leaders came to express their sympathy. I didn't expect that Mr. Ding would leave! What a pity

"Do you have time to meet again? I'm sure you won't be surprised! Quite a lot of things I have mentioned to manager Liu! No problem! We will inevitably have a little misunderstanding! Mutual tolerance! Just understand each other! "

When he put down the phone, Ding Yu shook his head!

"Mistakenly, sir. I believe many people should know the news now!"

Ding Yu nodded, "we are here to check the work! This position is still needed! But the size of the farm is a little bit bigger! Move a hair and pull the whole body! No one wants to have considerable problems under his rule! From this point of view, or can understand! It's no big deal! "

"Sir, the farm has been investigated! It's the internal people who are mobilized, and the external excuses are the investigation work! In general, I have the clue of two people! It's kind of incredible! Two people did not want to hide their meaning too much! But two people have a lot of Eyeliner around them.

Ding Yu slightly took a breath, "who is behind this! How dare you? It's a bit of a joke! There is such a thing, it has not disappeared, or even naked! It's a bit of a shame

"We have the information about Liu Chuang and the two of them!"

"I already know the situation of the foreign one! It's the route to my home, which has been mentioned to me! But in foreign countries, the situation is a little bit general! So we want to know the details of the list or no problem! Not to mention this one! My personal life is not so good! A little reckless

You can tell from what you say, Ding Yu has a good understanding of this one! The work is in place!

"Sir, we have control of the three of them in general! Need to take the next step? "

"I didn't talk to Director Liu about this, mainly because it's not so convenient! In two days, after Luo Xuan meets us, let's see the specific situation! We've made a lot of noise. I believe Luo Xuan should have heard about it too! "

Beijing for Ding Yu said not to pay attention, is not concerned, said concerned, or quite concerned!

Related things happened, has been reported up! Ding Yu's way of dealing with things is expected by everyone! Why? It seems to be a little different from Ding Yu's character!

But throughout, no one offended Ding Yu! No one hit Ding Yu in the face!

Of course, if Ding Yu takes advantage of it! Of course, there is also considerable space, but Ding Yu did not do so! Go with the direct! Wave your hand, don't take away a cloud!

As for the follow-up treatment, Ding Yu didn't care much, but Weisi didn't care, and the city didn't care at all! It's hard for anyone to come at this time!The farm is not working, but who can guarantee that the farm is not watching coldly now? I just want to see what kind of treatment this matter will take?

If the way to deal with it is satisfactory, then there is no need to say! If the way of handling is extremely unsatisfactory, then I'm sorry! You know, the people you offended are Mr. Ding Yuding and Mr. Lu Zili! In front of these two lost points, if even the so-called face will not come, then or hurry to pack up, go!

But no matter what the final way to deal with it is, Ding Yu does not have any opinions and ideas about it!

I still have a lot to do! Behind the three uncles but this is particularly so some expectations!

As for director Liu? Quite a lot of news hasn't been delivered yet! Why? Because I just control quite a lot of news and channels, but if I know the core of them, the gap is too far! At least it's not hot enough now!

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