After a week, Luo Xuan joined Ding Yu and Lu Zi!

But in private, Luo Xuan looks at Lu Zili teasingly. Why? It's not because of what happened before! Lu Zili looked back! It doesn't have much to do with yourself, OK? What's more, my husband was there at that time! I can't do other hints!

If he made other hints, where would he put Ding Yu?

What's more, this time out, there are other important things, now this time another trouble, who knows will cause other consequences and effects, these are all need to be considered!

However, Lu Zili also knows that Luo Xuan is only joking about himself intentionally. After all, when he encounters such a thing, he will treat it as a joke! He really didn't mean anything else!

"How do you feel?" Ding Yu asked! It's a little deliberate!

Luo Xuan is a face of color, "the performance is still very good! But we still heard quite a lot! For the following requirements more stringent! Even I heard some other news, anyway, absolutely guarantee the smooth progress of the inspection work! Generally speaking, this is the situation! "

"You can't be too perfunctory! After all, there are some inappropriate things! "

Ding Yu Qing said with his chin, "the next stop is not so far away from the target! Lao Lu, this time you alone, Luo Xuan follow me! It can't be the same! As for any other information and situation in the process, we will keep in touch at any time! "

After exchanging opinions and ideas, Lu Zi left! And Luo Xuan is following Ding Yu's side position, without any restraint! There won't be any tension! With Lu Zili belong to different character!

"Sir, it's out of the province! It's starting to get a little cold here! "

Luo Xuan is already wearing a windbreaker! Not to the level of cotton padded clothes! But keep warm and windproof! Ding Yu's situation is similar! It's just quite different from Luo Xuan's long coat. Ding Yu is wearing a short coat!

It's not a matter of personal habits! But because Ding Yu came down from the battlefield! Quite under the circumstances, Ding Yu's choice will be quite convenient! Such a habit has penetrated into Ding Yu's bones, and it can't be changed if you want to!

"It's a little windy, but it's OK!" Ding Yu looked at the scenery outside the window, "when I was a child, my family was in general! When I think of the scene at that time, it's almost incredible! You must have never experienced it

"When I was a child, the living conditions were very good! Maybe it's because of this, I took a detour! "

It is not too much embarrassed, in front of Ding Yu's face, also don't need to cheat!

"At that time, I preferred to go to the hospital! I don't like going to school very much! Because my father works in the hospital and my mother works in the school! But at that time, there was no heating in our school! Even in junior high school, still no heating, has been waiting for high school, just use the heating! And there's heating in my father's hospital! Even at the same time, I don't like to go home! So is my sister

Luo Xuan shook his head, "it's a little unimaginable! When I think about it, the living conditions were really wonderful! The difference between heaven and earth! Looking back at today's children, it seems that they are not generally happy, although not all, but the vast majority can still do it! I believe it will get better and better! "

"There are charitable operations on the farm, and the requirements are extremely strict. Many people have been dealt with for this."

"I think we should be more strict! Although I don't claim to be a good man, there are some things I can do and some things I can do! If you don't tell your ancestors, you're also ashamed to see your descendants! "

"Hi! Just do what we can! None of us is a saint. At this point, I can't do it. You can't do it. Lao Lu can still do it! "

"He's an old-fashioned man! I have a good relationship with him! But sometimes there are a lot of quarrels, and I feel that when I am quite old-fashioned! But I really admire him. If it's me, I don't think I can do it! "

Two people are just chatting! As for work, Luo Xuan rushed in front, and Ding Yu didn't even show up on the farm! Just have a look! Look at the scenery! Look at the construction of the city and so on!

But this time the situation with the past slightly different, Luo Xuan see more carefully! Ding Yu is not impatient here!

I went back to where I stayed in the evening! The security check again! Ding Yu calls Lu Zili! Made certain arrangement! Now it's time to do a preliminary investigation! As for the foreign one! Now we can start! After all, people are abroad! It's thousands of miles from home!

You don't need so much scruples when you start! Can say unusual convenience!

As for whether he will account for the problem? Ding Yu is not worried about this problem at all! If you can't even take down such a role, your subordinates can leave! There is no need to continue to stay in their own side!Because the preliminary work has been very good, so now proceed to the next step, there are not too many problems!

However, before this, Ding Yu still needs to contact director Liu, at least need to obtain his consent, after all, he is in charge of this matter! And yourself? It will never be exposed to the public, even in the final report, there will be no mention of itself! That's for sure! Also is own request!

"Hello, director Liu! I'm Ding Yu

"Hello There is no appellation that must be placed for other unexpected situations to occur! I've got a lot of information before. Someone will help me! But I really didn't expect that the person who came would be director Ding Yuding!

It's a pity that although it's famous, I really haven't dealt with Ding Yu! According to the news from other channels, director Ding is not easy to deal with! But to a certain extent! It's not that Ding Yu is above the top! The reason is that director Ding doesn't like to pay quite as much as others!

"Director Liu, I'm going to start with the little rabbit! Every aspect has already had quite understanding! But this matter still needs to ask your consent! "

Ding Yu didn't mean to take everything! Even if it's done like this! But words can't be said like this!

"I have no problem!" Liu Chen these days is also a considerable investigation of things, but to a certain extent, the above are just skin! At least from the core position, there is a long way to go!

What's more, director Ding's words are very useful to him. His identity is not compatible with his. What do you want to do if you can speak to him like this?

After hanging up the phone, the relevant arrangements began to move forward!

When Fang Yu was brought into the class room, his face was confused. After that, he was annoyed!

Why? After I came abroad, my life is still relatively free! I don't sing every night! And a little unscrupulous! Too much today! So I can't control myself! In the bar toilet, I had an argument with someone! When the reaction comes over, he has been put into the classroom!

But fortunately, there are not too many problems with their identity! Before I came here, I had solved this problem very well! I'm not so worried about this!

But if you don't fear at all, there is also some bullshit. After all, your identity can't stand scrutiny! What's more, I know the reason why I came to a foreign country! Why didn't you control yourself at that time?

Fortunately, my lawyer came in time, and I didn't worry and fear during the process!

When the lawyer saw Fang Yu, his face was a little embarrassed! "Fang Yu, what are you doing?"

"Lawyer Wu, are there any other questions?" Fang Yu's face suddenly became a little embarrassed. After looking around, he suddenly became frightened! "Is my identity all right? Is there something wrong at home? "

Wu Liang looked at Fang Yu and bit his back teeth. "This NIMA is not in China, do you know? It's not that you can do whatever you want! What did you think when I said that? And after coming, I should have warned you more than once! Don't make trouble casually! If you want to drink, can't you drink at home? "

The expression on Fang Yu's face was a little chatty! "I think the place I live in is too stuffy! At that time, there was a little impulse, but lawyer Wu, I have nothing to do with it?! Will it be a domestic situation? "

Looking at the already flustered Fang Yu! Wu Liang's heart has a score! What's more, I have learned quite a lot about it before!

"If it's domestic, it's for you to go back! Not for you! " idiot! Wu Liang scolded in a low voice, "your situation is not special, but due to legal problems, the injured is still in the hospital now! I can reach an agreement on this, but you need to go in for at least three months! "

"Three months?" Fang Yu suddenly exclaimed! "Lawyer Wu! You help me! I can't stay in it! It's too dangerous in here! I can't stay in it! "

"There's no danger, it's not exaggeration! It's safer for you to stay here! "

What? Fang Yu looks at Wu Liang with silly eyes. He wants to go out, but he is not staying in the class room! But look at Wu Liang's meaning, on the contrary, he hopes to stay in it. Now Fang Yu has some doubts! Didn't Wu Liang do it? I want to send it to myself on purpose!

So when he looked at Wu Liang again, Fang Yu's look was not good! Wu Liang is also looking at Fang Yu!

"I'm NIMA's!" How could Wu Liang not think what Fang Yu was thinking at this time? This guy is really whimsical! "I said, does your head really drink a lot! So there's water! If NIMA has the ability! I'm still telling you an egg! If there is any problem in it, you can complain to me! "Fang Yu looked at Wu Liang, "it's really not you!"

"I can go to nm! I said, "what are you thinking?" Wu Liang was a little angry, "and now I'm going to the hospital to reach a settlement with the parties. The hospital here is a little different from the domestic hospital! The hospital here is not for the poor! If he does live for three months, you'll have to wait for him to slip out

Wu Liang left soon! After the initial fear in the classroom, Fang Yu also found that it was not as worrying as he thought. It was very different from the pictures in movies and TV!

So the next day, Fang Yu regained his spirit. When he saw Wu Liang, he didn't worry too much!

"Lawyer Wu, what's the situation at the hospital?"

Wu Liang looked at Fang Yu, "are you not afraid?"

"It's not hell. What's to be afraid of? There's no problem with my identity! It's not a big deal, but it's better to get out as soon as possible! " Although after a day without any problems, but still feel quite constrained here! If you can go out earlier, it's more appropriate!

"Three months, this is the best estimate! There's a settlement at the hospital! Some documents need your signature! And all the expenses, you can solve them by yourself

Although he said that he was a lawyer and did something to wipe his ass, Wu Liang still made himself feel a little disgusted! He's been warned! Or make such a thing! We should let him stay in it for a year and a half! In that case, I will worry about myself!

Yesterday, I didn't sleep for a night. I also talked about the situation in China. I went through a lot of investigation here! He even watched the video, which had nothing to do with other aspects, but Fang Yu made trouble himself!

After Fang Yu signed, Wu Liang explained something! Fang Yu even made a salute with a gesture! He went back to his class room, but when he came to his door, Fang Yu was suddenly stunned! No! Isn't it a single room? Why is there still a person sitting in it! What happened?

Hesitated, feeling behind was pushed hard, Fang Yu staggered into the room! The door behind was also closed immediately! The man sitting on the bed looked at Fang Yu and nodded with a smile!

"Fang Yu?"

"Who are you?" Fang Yu suddenly became nervous and looked in private. There was no weapon in the room! So Fang Yu put his back against the wall. The reason why he didn't dare to stick to the door was that he was pushed in just now!

"Just call me Xiaojun! It doesn't matter. It's just a name! "

The young man sitting on the chair looks at Fang Yu! Knock on the railing with your hand! "Don't look! Lawyer Wu Liangwu won't come here for a week! So we have about a week between us! Of course, if you like, we can also find other places to have a good discussion! "

"What are you? I'll tell you! This is... "

Xiaojun shook his head, "where is this place? We know better than you! Let's put it this way! Sir, I don't have much interest in you, but the situation is a little special, so let's treat you! I'm sure you won't refuse us, will you? "

Looking at Fang Yu with a very real eye, how sincere he must be!

"Who are you? What do you want to do? " When Fang Yu said this, his voice was shaking!

"It's different from abroad. You know what you're doing! We have observed you for quite a long time, including when you left from Xiangjiang! Even in the middle, he changed his identity and then came here again. The process is not difficult to investigate. The whole process involves seven people. Although you come here, except Wu Liang, there are two other people who are always by your side! It's not that hard! "

"Oh! That's right Xiaojun raised his hand, "I forgot to tell you! We've opened your safe for you! Inside the U disk has been sent back to the domestic, the above message record is very comprehensive! It makes people wonder how you came out with this thing! At the beginning, it should be uploaded to a private mailbox, right

"It's impossible!" When Fang Yu heard this, he was heartbroken! "I don't even know the code for my safe!"

"It's not difficult! It's easy! But as far as I know, you've hidden quite a lot of things! Those are the ones you should use to save your life! As for your life? Care about between your thoughts! General situation! You should come back to China and wait to be dealt with. Comparatively speaking, death should not happen! "

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Don't believe it?" Xiaojun ha ha of a smile, patted his palm twice, very shutter was opened! Two people came in from the outside and nodded to Xiaojun. They said hello to each other, "this one doesn't cooperate! He may need to stay here for a while! If it works, is it OK for a lifetime? ""No problem! Don't talk about this life! There will be no problems in the next life! " When the speaker looks at Fang Yu, it's like looking at an ant! "I believe many people would like to be with him! People who can come in are not good people! There are even quite a lot of people who can't get out in their lifetime! They should be willing to have fun for themselves

"Let this man know! Otherwise he would never believe it! Treat this guest well! by the way! I'll show him something later! He still has illusions

After that, Xiaojun stood up and went out. Fang Yu looked at Xiaojun who had left, and then looked at the two people who were left in the room. Now he fully understood that he had fallen into the pit! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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