"Fang Yu, right?"?! I should not have introduced myself! My name is Ding Yu! A, B, C, D, D! Feather feather! It should be a very common name

Ding Yu can't see too many smiles on his face, and he can't hear any strictness in his voice!

But the pressure on Fang Yu is really heavy! "Hello, Mr. Ding! I'm Fang Yu

When he spoke, Fang Yu was stumbling! Because I can't breathe!

"Sit down! Here are two of us, a simple look for you to understand the situation! I'll tell you something, too! "

Waiting for Fang Yu to sit down, Ding Yu said in a voice! "I don't have much interest in this matter caused by you or even the forces behind it! It's not what I should care about! From the essence of the work, I am a doctor, of course, also do some small business! That's what it looks like on the whole

Fang Yu hesitated and looked at Ding Yu. He really didn't hear the name of Ding Yu! At least I have no idea in my mind! I don't know if it's a giant hiding under the sea?

But you say you're a doctor, doing a little business? Is this a deliberate deception? If you are a doctor, why are you not in the operating room now, but here, and you do some so-called small business? What kind of business is it? With the farm, you can go in and out freely?

"No? Is that right? "

Ding Yu pointed to the tablet beside him with a smile! "You can check it. The above information may not be so complete, but you can still find my name! I'm not too proud of it. My father is a doctor, and I'm a son inheriting my father's career! There is a little change in the middle, but it's back to normal! "

Looking at Ding Yu's eyes, Fang Yu picked up the tablet and entered Ding Yu's name on it!

Soon some information about Ding Yu was revealed. Looking at the above expression, Fang Yu was surprised to see Ding Yu! Then I looked at the tablet in front of me! Really not deliberately deceive themselves! But isn't it a little dreamy?

"Are you really a doctor? And look at the news above, you are even a very outstanding doctor? "

"How are you! Not particularly proud! In fact, I would like to make considerable achievements in medicine, but due to life! Family and other reasons, so the performance is not particularly prominent! "

I suspect you did it on purpose! Fang Yu didn't say it directly! It's already like this? You are not particularly outstanding, so what do you want? Is it really outstanding?

"I've seen some of your information, but the information above can only reflect some extremely individual situations. I want to know a person completely through the information. It's a bit of bullshit!"

"Mr. Ding, is this an advance warm-up?"

Ding Yu shook his head, "what you have done is not within the scope of my investigation! It doesn't have much to do with me! This time, I just wanted to help. The elders in my family asked for it, which I couldn't refuse! Since I can't refuse, I'll stretch out my hand! But there will be no news on the surface! "

"Mr. Ding is not interested in this? Or is there something else he wants to do? "

Looking at Fang Yu's appearance, Ding Yu couldn't help laughing!

"Interesting! I can feel it from your words, you! It's so smart! Even some of them are too smart! It seems that you have come up with quite a situation. Let's hear it! "

Fang Yu added some dry lips! "I believe you are absolutely a great man. Mr. Lu didn't respect you in general! But the momentum on him is too strong! It's definitely the one in high position! But it's not the public one! This makes me very curious! As for Mr. Ding, you! I can't tell! "

Ha ha! Ding Yu can't help but smile, there are some implicit smile!

"A little bit of ability! Is a very good talent! I remember your job should belong to the kind of financial director! But to escape, and even let the forces behind you have to protect you, may be using a considerable means! What did you protect? It doesn't matter! The important thing is that you can do it under their eyes. It's not easy! "

"Mr. Ding, according to my personal understanding, in fact, it will not come to such a stage, but they are too greedy and too rude. They were originally very good businesses, and all aspects of the world have been opened up! If it were more stable, nothing would happen! We will make a lot of forces together! But what about them? Can't wait to say! Many other means have been used for this purpose! Under such circumstances, I know it will happen sooner or later! "

"No persuasion?" Ding Yu slightly asked casually!

"Yes! I've expressed my opinions and ideas in this aspect, but I'm just a small person! To be exact, I have the title of chief financial officer on my body, but in their hearts, I am a dispensable person! ""So what you did abroad was intentional?" But Ding Yu's painting style is a sudden turn, "it may not be intentional! Because you have a lot of depression in your heart, or what are you deliberately testing? I don't think the things you keep should be your last backhand, either? "

Hit the table twice! Ding Yu continues to say!

"Aren't you afraid that I have a lot to do with the forces behind you? You know, if I put you in front of them, they will definitely pay more than I think! "

Fang Yu took a deep breath! There are few opportunities to choose by yourself in life! If you win, you can at least give yourself a chance to survive. If you lose, what's the worst? As far as I know, they already have this idea! It's just that this time is not so suitable! "

A slight hum! But Ding Yu did not deny Fang Yu's words!

"Whatever your starting point? There are some things you are involved in! This is something you can't deny, so you will be punished. This is a reasonable thing! I can guarantee it! You will be treated fairly! "

"I need to go now?"

"No! If you go to Director Liu now, it's too dangerous, for you personally! It's the same with Director Liu, and it may even have an inexplicable impact on the whole thing! It needs to be solved, but it can't cause too much negative impact! "

Fang Yu blinked his eyes! "Mr. Ding, this should be the above decision?"

"What? Do you have any other personal opinions and Thoughts on this

"No!" Fang Yu sighed heavily, "I can see that the Gao family is at a dead end! Otherwise it would never have been! I once wanted to turn the tide! But it's a pity that no matter Lao Gao or other people, they all have too much confidence in Lao Gao! "

Speaking of this, Fang Yu suddenly stopped, "Mr. Ding, but as far as I know, there are many nails buried in the Gao family! Up and down, I have seen at least two or three, but at that time the situation was a little bit special, and they didn't attach so much importance to me! But later I took the initiative to avoid! There are too many things like this. It's not good for the individual! "

"Just stay on the farm now! You may need to do a lot of work! Of course, will also give you a considerable personal information, your work is relatively busy, of course, you stay here! Is responsible for everyone, is also responsible for you! I hope you can understand! "

"Mr. Ding, I don't have anything to hide. You can rest assured, but what should I do abroad? I believe that Wu Liang will definitely investigate my situation, and there are two people around me. There is no guarantee that there will be other problems and situations! After all, I still have children! "

Looking at Fang Yu, Ding Yu nodded clearly! "We've done a lot of rehousing. The two people who always follow you will not have any problems! At least they won't find out anything. Wu Liang? He doesn't have so much spare time now, because he has quite a lot of work to do, and he has been given two highly paid jobs! "

"Then I can rest assured! I just don't want my family to be in any danger. In fact, I don't know if they are my family! Maybe! But sometimes we have to make some choices! "

Ding Yu nodded with a smile, "I believe that if you can't do it, there will be a considerable gap in your heart, but this is not difficult for me! In addition, you can see the situation of the child through monitoring. I believe you should also expect this very much, but enough is enough! "

"I understand!"

Talking to smart people is actually a very simple thing! Don't need to mention too much! Because each other are very clear, everyone's heart is thinking about something!

After leaving from Ding Yu, Fang Yu was taken to a slightly empty room. He didn't see the staff, and he couldn't see too much information on the desktop, but the tools were very complete. Computers! Pen and paper and so on!

He didn't tell Fang Yu, "if you need anything, there's a ring next to you. You can inform us at any time! If you want to rest, it doesn't matter, you can go to your room, if you want to move, as far as possible in a certain range! No one wants anything to happen! "

The security personnel simply explained, and then left!

Of course, they will go in and out of the room, but most of the time they just want to send quite a lot of information to collect for Fang Yu! After all, he used to be one of the participants and knew quite a lot about the situation! It is impossible and unrealistic to let him explain all the things at once!When director Liu got the news, the whole person was already excited! My work here is always in the mire! All aspects are entangled with themselves, not to mention their own side of the investigation! Even if you want to move around, there are some that are not easy!

So now when Ding Yu has delivered quite a lot of news, director Liu is very happy!

I didn't expect director Ding to get Fang Yu back! Even Fang Yu has now taken the initiative to cooperate, began to account for a considerable situation! However, due to the time span is slightly larger, so now I want to be able to sort out all the things clearly and clearly, there are also some unrealistic!

There is another important problem. At the beginning, Fang Yu was one of them, and he also occupied a considerable position! But the absolute distance from the core position, or there is a considerable gap!

But fortunately, the breakthrough has been opened! Then the next problem will not be particularly difficult! However, this matter still needs to be particularly cautious and careful. Director Ding has worked hard. Even if he can't help him, he can't delay him! What's more, I'm just on the surface!

To be exact, it is intended to attract fire! Only if you attract enough firepower on yourself, then director Ding's action will be more successful. This is a complementary activity!

But the two still don't mean to meet each other! It's not the right time! Ding Yu himself is very attractive! What about director Liu? He has received less attention than Ding Yu!

Although two people have no way to meet now, but mutual transmission of a message can still be done! After all, Ding Yu's side still has quite a lot of people, their ability is extraordinary, used in such things, even a little overqualified! But from the perspective of effect, it's better than expected!

"Are you Fang Yu?" When Luo Xuan spoke, he was a little frivolous. He looked up and down at Fang Yu. Of course, he put what he had prepared in front of Fang Yu! "I was a little busy with my work two days ago, so I didn't have much time! Come and see it today! "

From the tone of Luo Xuan's speech, it is obvious that he has a considerable interest in Fang Yu!

Fang Yu is a little unclear, so! The one who came here is a little strange, but look at his clothes and his words. If you use one word to describe it, it's yuppie!

"Hello! I'm Fang Yu! I don't know, sir

"Luo Xuan!" Take the initiative to extend your hand!

Although Fang Yu was a little surprised, he stretched out his hands for the first time, and even the whole person's attitude was very respectful! What's the origin of this? I don't know, but I can walk to myself at will! It means that the identity of this person is different! It's better to be cautious!

"Don't be so nervous, I just came to see you!" Then Luo Xuan pointed to himself, "at the beginning, I also went through a detour! It's not as exaggerated as you are, but I think it's incredible that you can come to this step? "

"Is that a compliment?" Fang Yu is a little sad!

"Not really! Good performance, your ability is very outstanding! How old are you if you can realize your mistakes and believe that the future is bright! " Having said that, Luo Xuan even took the initiative to pat Fang Yu on the shoulder twice! Give Fang Yu great encouragement!

When Luo Xuan comes back, Ding Yu is drinking tea with Lu Zili and discussing something by the way!

Ding Yu looks back at Luo Xuan! "What? Do you have a crush on him? "

Lu Zi left a Leng, the facial expression also has so some blackening! Luo Xuan has a good understanding of Lu Zili's character. Although he shows some dislike, Luo Xuan still sits beside Lu Zili!

"It's a smart guy. He's a little too smart! But if you give it to me, it's really not a general waste! Sir, I think it's a very good helper for Lao Lu! "

"What?" Lu Zi is almost out of his anger! Look at Luo Xuan angrily! But Luo Xuan doesn't think so!

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, "don't say, it's really a good choice! You guy! It's a little smart. I'm afraid there's no one in mind! "

Although Ding Yu is teasing, for Luo Xuan, no amount of praise is too much!

"Sir, why do you want to keep such a guy? I mean, what did he show? "

Luo Xuan takes a look at Ding Yu! And then he said it out loud! "Lao Lu! Don't deny that this guy has a problem! And the problem is not small, but we need to see another point! This guy is the CFO! In this business, there are experts at all! If there is such a person around you! Is he in charge of auditing? "

Huh? Lu Zi is slightly absent-minded. If you think about it carefully, it's really a very interesting thing!fight poison! It seems to be a sword walking on the edge, but if it can play an effect, it is absolutely unimaginable!

On this thought, Lu Zili's face looked a lot better! It's not as stiff as before!

"Anyway? He has made a lot of mistakes, which can't be forgiven! We need to give him a few years to reform, otherwise how can we afford the loss he caused? We can't open up just because he has considerable ability! This is my personal opinion? "

Luo Xuan nodded! "I think so, too? At the beginning, I also made a lot of mistakes. Now I feel guilty when I mention it! We need to make him aware of these problems and situations. We can't take chances! "

Hearing the opinions and thoughts of Lu Zili and Luo Xuan, Ding Yu also nodded slightly!

"I have no opinion!"

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