Fang Yu is still in the drum, but these two days, he is still very good with!

No one to interfere with Fang Yu, not even a lot of people to ask! But Fang Yu is like writing a memoir! Quite a situation to write out, write down something a little journal meaning!

But these simple things are very good to present the whole context. There must be something hidden behind them, but what has been revealed is enough to make everyone feel a little shocked!

After Ding Yu, Lu Zili and Luo Xuan have seen it, they all have some tongue smacking! What a shock!

"Fortunately, this guy is a chief financial officer, so he has such a foundation. If someone else, I'm afraid no one can remember so many things, and even if he is a chief financial officer, his ability is really impeccable! Absolutely

Although Lu Zili's impression of Fang Yu is not so good! But see what he wrote! Lu Zili still heartily sighed that Fang Yu was more powerful than he imagined!

No wonder Mr. and Luo Xuan both value him!

I didn't think about it before! But look back! It turns out that my husband has long had the meaning and intention of this aspect! Otherwise, I won't take the trouble to bring him back! Even to the farm side, heavy protection, just from this point, you can see the expectations of Mr!

It's just that the way you express it is slightly different from others!

"It really makes people have some doubts. How did this guy take a detour at the beginning? If he can keep his heart all the time! So now this time is absolutely the same as the ceiling of this industry! "

"Xiao He, Xiao He! This is inevitable! Too smart, plus the people around you? How to put it? Whether it's intentional inducement, or other reasons! He wants to stick to it! It's too difficult

Ding Yu's rare comment! "Anyway! With his mouth, things seem a lot easier! However, from the understanding of the situation, the Gao family! There are many other aspects involved! The circle is a little big! "

Luo Xuan snorted, "I see them! It's really crazy! I dare to play the so-called edge ball at that time! Really let me do these things! I'm zhenima, I dare not! After all, such behavior is not as simple as playing with fire! Sir, why do the GAOs dare to do this? What are they thinking about? "

"There are so many reasons! At first it was out of greed! As for now? It's not just that they want to step back! " In this regard, Ding Yu could not help shaking his head, "small boat, good turn! Now the problem is such a big ship! Even if the pilot wants to turn around, will the people on board turn around? "

"Are you going to lose your head? Don't they know how to wake up? "

Lu Zi couldn't help humming! "Lose your head? For them! As long as the knife doesn't cut on the neck, it doesn't matter! Now no matter who is in front of them, there is no effect! Even the Gao family who once took them aboard! It should be the same! In essence, they have gone in the wrong direction from the very beginning! "

"That's the problem! From my personal point of view, at the beginning of the Gao family, they may want to have a try, but how to say? Some things can't be tested! Once you have this idea, you can't control it! Even if you can control yourself, you can't control others! "

Luo Xuan has quite a sigh about this!

It's like a farm! At the beginning, it can be said that it was particularly difficult, but even so, the formulation of various systems made people feel a little too harsh! Under the circumstances at that time, we should open up some openings! Otherwise, it is difficult to survive in this gap!

But now, it is precisely because at the very beginning, the most strict and harsh system was formulated, and then in the process of continuous adjustment, there will be today's stability!

If there was an opening at that time! So will it be the same as Gao now?

Think of here, Luo Xuan and Lu Zi from two people can't help but look at Ding Yu! Perhaps in the considerable details, Mr. Wang still has considerable mistakes and problems! This is unavoidable! But my husband will never focus too much on these things, he is the direction of control! Act as a flag!

Other people gathered around Ding Yu, and then everyone moved forward steadily! That's why we have such achievements and results today!

What's more, Mr. Ding Yuding has never been a greedy man! Just look at the welfare of the farm! A man who doesn't eat alone! It will be very popular! Everybody makes money together, everybody carries the sedan chair, Hello, I'm good, everybody is good!

In this way, it seems that it didn't grab the maximum benefit, but just such behavior and action, let the farm onto the fast lane position! Even the unstoppable one!Because everyone has made profits, and as a big head of the farm did not show too much bias, if so, why split, since good! Then we hope for better! And the farm has really set a good example! People carrying flags in front of you, even if you can't fight naked, but yelling twice, is there no problem?

More help from the right, less help from the wrong! It's an obvious truth!

"Sir! The investigation of Gao's family has already made considerable progress. Do we need to make some changes? "

Ding Yu knocked on the running account with his hand and shook his head slightly, "since it's up to now, I won't hide it from you! This time, none of us can make any show, even if it's over! We also don't want to do any contamination, too much taboo! "

Both Lu Zili and Luo Xuan can understand what Ding Yu said!

So Luo Xuan also jokingly said, "Sir, it was good to refuse at the beginning! Although it is said that there are some difficulties in this matter, we can investigate these things for the Gao family one day, sooner or later! They are killing themselves! No one can save them then! "

"They've done so much damage and damage! It's not easy to build a building, but it's too easy to destroy it! So try to save it as much as possible! What's more, I can't refuse it! At the beginning, my grandfather and grandmother pulled the line! They don't dare to get involved in anything

In this regard, Ding Yu is really quite helpless!

Luo Xuan is tiny to have so some to show teeth, "the old man they all personally end?"? That's a little scary! "

Luo Xuan knows the identity and energy of Wang Pu and the old lady! As for Lu Zili, because he is the person beside Ding Yu, he knows more about it! Otherwise, it's not enough to rely on the high-level identity of the farm, and it's still far from enough!

"So! I have no way to refuse! Since we can't refuse it, we need to have a good way to protect it! All the things we do in the dark can't be put on the surface! At that time, even if it doesn't become the target of public criticism, it will make other people have considerable opinions and ideas! "

"But, sir, you can't hide this from everyone!"

"I didn't ask to hide it from everyone! As long as we don't show up! " Ding Yu didn't go to explain the reason. Now it's not too necessary. Some things don't mean that he doesn't want to explain, but he can't explain clearly!

Luo Xuan and Lu Zili left the room after they talked to Ding Yu!

"You or I?" Luo Xuan asked and looked at Lu Zili's situation. He also laughed, "forget it! Or should I go to find Fang Yu? If you go to him, there are not too many problems, but now there is no need to continue to scare him! It's a bit inappropriate! It doesn't fit your identity! "

"I have no problem!"

Luo Xuan came to find Fang Yu again, and even asked people to send some things!

It was placed in front of Fang Yu! Fang Yu didn't know what it meant?

"Drink?" Luo Xuan sat down and asked! Looking at Fang Yu shaking his head, Luo Xuan said with a smile, "there's no need to be so nervous. I know you are like this almost every day when you are abroad!"

"No way, to confuse others, the same! It's also a little too much pressure! It's even hard to find other means and ways. There's not such a big problem between words. The main thing is that you can't find a way to relax yourself, because it's not allowed at all! "

"Can understand!" Luo Xuan nodded, "pressure thing? But put it a little bit, you are in a good mental state these two days! What about? See the baby? "

"See! Through the video to see! Although it's surveillance video, it gives me a very good personal feeling! " Speaking of his children, the expression on Fang Yu's face was very gratifying! "I don't know how to face the children in the future!"

Then Fang Yu looks at Luo Xuan! "Mr. Luo, you have nothing to do with the Gao family when you come to see me?"

"I don't have any interest in the fact that their dog's skin is decapitated! What's more, even if they are rich, what can they do? " To this, Luo Xuan expresses very disdain! "I don't have any interest in their family, but I'm quite interested in you! He who knows current affairs is a hero

Fang Yu blinked his eyes, "I don't quite understand, just because of my personal choice?"

"It doesn't have much to do with this. Your personal choice doesn't represent your value! Of course, if there is no such choice, no one knows what the situation is like now! " Luo Xuan snorted, "life! Sometimes you have to make a choice! "

After sighing, Luo Xuan looked at Fang Yu, "first of all, let's say something! But how much have you revealed now! No matter how you perform meritorious deeds, you can't be forgiven for your mistakes. You must be punished! ""I understand! When I came back, I thought about it! I feel satisfied without being able to hand me over to Gao family! Even when I was thinking, if you were lying to me, what would I do? "

Luo Xuan, smile! "Did you gamble at that time? You! It can't be said that it's wrong! Let's talk about the purpose of my coming here. To be exact, we are more optimistic about you! So I came here to recruit you! "

"Recruit me?" Fang Yu's expression should be more astonished, how astonished! I really don't understand what the other party saw on him? "No? Where should we start? "

"To put it bluntly, it's very simple! You write the daily account, let us see the flash on your body, the performance is very interesting! From the beginning to the present, no one knows how many omissions there are, but even so, it's a bit astonishing to be able to write down so many! "

"I know I can't refuse, but

"At the beginning, Lao Lu didn't agree very much!" Then Luo Xuan seemed to remember something, "right! It seems that I haven't given you a specific introduction yet? Although it's a little risky, sir, I've already agreed! Plus you are here now, so there won't be too many problems! "

Fang Yu felt that his heart beat a little hard! Take a deep breath, "is it farm?" This saying is a little suspicious, and there are so many affirmations!

Luo Xuan didn't ask him why he was so sure. If he couldn't see this clearly, Fang Yu would have no value! What's more, everyone's evaluation of him has always been very smart! Even a little too smart! Such a simple context, how can we not see clearly, do not understand?

"Mr. Ding is the founder of the farm!" This sentence has already made Fang Yu's scalp feel numb! Even the whole person began to shudder, because they think of more, although only association, but also after considerable research!

At the beginning, Gao family, who was at the height of their own eyes, had no deep taboo about farms. From this, we can imagine how deep the background of farms was! Of course, it also has a lot to do with the low profile of the farm!

But when such a big piece of fat was put there, who was not greedy at that time? But even so, the GAOs didn't touch the farm! There are many reasons why we didn't touch the farm! But all kinds of things revealed, let everyone feel that there are some strange things!

"No! Mr. Ding is so young? " Then Fang Yu seemed to remember something, "it's not right! I remember looking up quite a lot of information earlier. It said that Mr. Ding is a doctor, and he seems to be a very outstanding doctor! "

"This is not contradictory! Mr. is a doctor, the above information is not too detailed! Later, the establishment of the farm, but also due to many reasons! But now the development is still very good! What about me? You are mainly responsible for public relations, Lao Lu? He is in charge of supervision. Everyone calls him Lu heilian! You will basically be under his command in the future! "

"Monitoring?" Fang Yu was a little absent-minded, but then he reacted! "Is that a good idea?"

"A little coquettish? Is that right? " Luo Xuan suddenly began to laugh. He was so proud! "My husband agrees with this, and so do I. at the beginning, I didn't want to do public relations work in the past, but now I have some unique experience! You're a bit of a waste of talent if you're doing public relations

Fang Yu can obviously feel other meanings from this discourse!

"I have no problem!" Fang Yu made a statement at the first time!

"It's not easy to talk about you, sir! If you really talk, there are some bad ones! Hope you can understand and understand, and your personal things! Not being able to make it public for the time being is not to draw a big pie for you. It's not necessary! But you need to be quite prepared! "

"Ready?" Fang Yu nodded, "what do I need to do? Is that what I'm doing now? "

"No! What you are doing now is your attitude of admitting your mistake! The follow-up has nothing to do with the previous, but you need to reserve more knowledge and have a good understanding of the working methods of the farm! Of course, you also need to talk about your salary and treatment requirements! "

Hear Luo Xuan say so, Fang Yu is to smile to smile, "this need not! If I can get out of this pit, I will be satisfied with a meal! Nothing else? "

"Bullshit! If you are like this, we dare not use you! Quite pay to get a reasonable return! The farm has quite a system for this. It doesn't require you to take selfless risks. Of course, the farm also has rewards for this, but the farm pays more attention to reasonable rewards! Pay and return, there should be a considerable connection between each other! If you don't pay, you want to get something in return! If you don't get a reward for your efforts, the farm will close down if it doesn't take too long! "

"How can I feel the smell of compulsion?""No, I believe you should have a certain understanding of the farm. It may not be comprehensive, but you should know something after all! The development of the farm is relatively healthy. Of course, there are many other reasons. I can't tell you too much now! Because you are not a regular employee of the farm! This is very important! "

"As far as I know, it seems that there are not a few regular employees on the farm?"

"From the overall base point of view, it's not as much as you think! Most of the time we are not willing to, there are many people just to do odd jobs! Of course, there are quite a number of reasons for this. The farm already has quite a foundation, and now the requirements for regular employees are relatively strict! So you need to do a lot of preparation! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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