Ding Yu has sent the daily account to the third uncle! Have you seen it over there? How many people have seen it? This problem is not what Ding Yu needs to care about! It's not what Ding Yu should care about!

I'm just helping in secret! As for who was involved in the process? I have no relationship with myself. I don't mean to do this for anyone! Why not send the message to Director Liu directly!

It's not that I don't trust him, nor that I don't trust his team. It has nothing to do with this! These things are totally different in nature when they are handed over by the third uncle and by himself!

So without waiting for two days, the third uncle called!

"We've seen what you've delivered! I didn't expect to be even more serious than I imagined! "

Can hear, three uncle's words have infinite emotion and heartache!

"Third uncle! I'm just doing things. I'm not aiming at anyone! " Ding Yu's expression is very calm, "as for whether Fang Yu is worth believing, from the current situation, there are not too many problems! No matter he has been intimidated or seduced, he has done quite a lot for various reasons, so he needs to be punished and educated quite a lot! "

The middle-aged people can't help laughing after listening! Of course, I understand the meaning of the words!

Obviously, this one has a crush on Fang Yu! He didn't make it clear for him, and even took the initiative to mention Fang Yu's problem! But it's too early to mention how to deal with it!

"So what's next? What are you going to do? This breakthrough has been opened by you! "

Ding Yu was silent for a little time, "third uncle! It's very troublesome. Although I've opened a breakthrough, I'm worried that if I continue to investigate, it will affect a lot of forces, because judging from what Fang Yu has said, it's a little terrible! "

"So? Do you have any scruples? "

Is this a general? Ding Yu felt helpless and said, "third uncle, tell me something! Anyway, I will never show up, and I don't want to exaggerate this matter to my head! Although I'm not jealous of evil, I don't have much compassion for these evils. I just want to go home for the Spring Festival

"You! How can I say you are good! Now it's the difference between everyone and a small family. Don't give me this, and don't pretend to be pathetic with me. There's also support. There's no problem! Don't you worry? "

Hehe, Ding Yu laughed and sighed, "uncle, from a personal point of view, the Gao family is a little angry! If we start at this time, are we really ready? There must be other aspects involved behind the Gao family! I'm really worried about that! "

This made the middle-aged man silent for a little time, and then he said to Ding Yu in a heavy voice, "no matter who is involved, I will not tolerate it! Do you understand what I'm saying? "

"I see! Third uncle, let's talk about the affairs of director Liu! I'm out of it! It's better not to meet on both sides, even if it's secretive! Gao's penetration into all aspects is a little chilling, and I will be close to Gao's sphere of influence soon! A little preparation is a good thing! "

"Well done this time, but you! How much attention, now there should have been quite high vigilance, so you don't give me hard! Don't give me another life! Do you know? "

Although not the slightest worry about Ding Yu, but quite the words still need to say, this is a concern when the elders!

In fact, this time things are very difficult, and even there are some difficulties. When I mentioned this thing with Ding Yu, I was also worried about it! It's not that cronyism has nothing to do with this!

But Ding Yu never interferes in these aspects! Quite often, as long as Ding Yu is not provoked, Ding Yu will never pay any attention, at least at home. As for foreign countries? Because it is quite different from China! So Ding Yu can't be a good man!

But after he mentioned this matter to Ding Yu, Ding Yu didn't have any hesitation! As for the conditions he mentioned, I can see clearly why! So I have to say more!

"Third uncle, I'm going to go to Gao's site soon! Do you think the GAOs have any other ideas? "

Huh? If other people say that, it's OK! But Ding Yu mentioned it! Do you have any other ideas and opinions? "What do you mean? At this time, the situation of Gao family is a little subtle. If you can, you'd better not mix it too much! At least on the surface! "

"If! I mean if, third uncle, what if the GAOs turn around and try? "

"The other way round?" The middle-aged man immediately understood Ding Yu's meaning, and then thought carefully for a little time, "what are you going to do? Or old temper? ""Third uncle, you should know that I think it's all right to do things and not to do people! This time, I just investigated the situation of the farm, which has nothing to do with other aspects. Moreover, I didn't make any other moves along the way. As long as I didn't provoke myself, there would be no problem. But if I provoke me, I always have to repay you! "

"You! What can I say? Take good care of yourself

After talking to the third uncle on the phone, Ding Yu gives both Lu Zili and Luo Xuan to his room. After thinking about it, he calls Fang Yu over! When Fang Yu came over, he was very cautious. He even looked up and didn't dare!

"It's about to enter the Gao family's sphere of influence!"

"Sir, we already have a certain understanding of the Gao family, which is not very comprehensive, but compared with what we have, their control over us should not be particularly comprehensive!"

Ding Yu shook his head, "Lao Lu, you can't join us this time! Luo Xuan follows me, I need to guard against them! " Then he looked at Fang Yu, "Fang Yu! You can't follow us this time! Although the security of the farm is very comprehensive, you are too conspicuous! With you, you will be in danger! "

Originally, Fang Yu was very worried, but when he heard Ding Yu say so, he let out a breath, even his body relaxed! I am really worried, but also really have some fear!

If you really go back! What will happen? Who knows? When the time comes, if you are really recognized! Does the Gao family have to eat themselves? Fortunately, there is no leakage of foreign affairs today! This can also be seen that the farm's sphere of influence is more extensive than imagined!

"Yes! Mr. Ding Fang Yu is very grateful to say!

"Luo Xuan! This time you follow me! Lao Lu! It's not very suitable for such an occasion! "

Luo Xuan pinched his chin and pondered for a moment! "What do you mean, sir? Will the Gao family be too honest? "

"It's hard to say!" Ding Yu couldn't help shaking his head, "Gao now! It's impossible to have no feelings in this aspect! Even they have done a lot of preparatory work! Under such circumstances, if we go in, what will their reaction look like? "

Lu Zili sipped his mouth! "If you are a little more traditional, you will stay at a distance. If the conditions are suitable, you can see it! If the conditions are not suitable, it's just reciprocity! Don't be too eager! "

"I have different opinions! What if the GAOs do the opposite? " Luo Xuan has different opinions on this!

"The situation of Gao's family is not that of jumping over the wall in a hurry! But they can force director Liu down! Obviously, the means and influence are extraordinary! The so-called rotten ship also has three Jin nails! I think if the GAOs have other ideas, they can at least have a try? "

"Try your hand, sir?" Lu Zi left a face of disbelief, "their heads are not broken?"

Fang Yu took a look at everyone, and then whispered, "Mr. Ding, Mr. Luo! Mr. Lu! I think it's quite possible! The Gao family is likely to do so, at least for Lao Gao, this is an opportunity! "

"Oh? Fang Yu said carefully Luo Xuan seems to have a considerable interest!

"Lao Gao is a very confident man! The first half of life is needless to say! It's only because of my family and my own weakness. I first met his son, then Lao Gao! I've seen some of his tricks! At this time, he must have a lot of opinions and ideas! I think he should have a certain understanding of his husband and the farm, otherwise why didn't he do anything at the beginning? "

For Fang Yu's suspicion, Luo Xuan and Lu Zili can't help looking at Ding Yu!

"Sir, in that case, do we need to strengthen our security measures?"

Ding Yu waved his hand, "if this is really the case, it's really very interesting! In everyone's impression, at least in the impression of a considerable number of people, I am a person who must report! Under such circumstances, what kind of reaction will Comrade Gao make? It's really a little expectant! "

Luo Xuan frowned! "Sir, if you look at it like this, it's a good move, but if you do it like this, it's easy to get angry! It's not in line with our plan! "

"But can we get around it?" Ding Yu asked!

"I can't get around it!" Lu Zili shook his head slightly. "Now if we go around at this time, it seems that we have something in mind! Or there is a ghost in the heart! What's more, the development of the farm here is barely enough. We don't have too many jumps along the route! Sir, why don't I take a walk in person, and you and Mr. Luo will sweep the edge! ""No way!" Before waiting for Luo Xuan to speak, Ding Yu took the lead in negating this! "Such an old guy is very sharp. I even have some doubts. Will he be unable to help it then?"

"Why? He wants to do it himself? " Luo Xuan's expression is a little surprised!

"Hard to say! It's already this time! He is the commander of the ship. It's hard to say what kind of choice he will make. The important thing is that if we have a considerable threat to him, then he may take risks! "

"Sir, in that case, we should strengthen the security measures! There must be no ambiguity

"We have enough security! What's more, some of our equipment has been reported to the provincial government for the influence of the Gao family. Don't you think you know? So there is no need to be too cautious, and this matter? Lao Lu, you are not suitable. Luo Xuan and I are OK! "

"It's still a little dangerous, sir!"

"In fact, from another perspective, does Lao Gao dare to offend me too much? He dare not

Fang Yu looks at Ding Yu. He is also shocked. He only knows Ding Yu's identity. But from the understanding, what he knows seems to be only skin!

Luo Xuan nodded, "Sir, do you want to say hello to the family? Even if the old man and the old lady can't use it, my father still has some friendship! It's no problem to say a few words! "

"No, I can't have anything to do with my family, otherwise my grandfather and grandmother would have talked at the beginning! As for my uncle, I can't either. He belongs to my grandfather! My grandfather is dead! It's hard for your family to keep such a little capital. It can't be enough for this! "

"Sir, don't you have more capital?"

Ding Yu said with a smile, "the capital you have accumulated is your own. The capital your uncle has accumulated is his own. There are many kinds of trees and few kinds of thorns, which are good for you! But it's not enough here! I've made up my mind! "

Obviously, Ding Yu has made quite a decision! "It's settled for the time being. Lao Lu, you go ahead, even if it's a way for us, but I don't think Gao's hand will reach you! We'll follow! No matter how beautiful the front is! It's still as cold as winter! We are not afraid of challenges

Fang Yu stayed, his work has not been finished, the front of the daily account has been written! But quite a lot of information and information are constantly gathered, and these need to be supplemented by Fang Yu! And from the current situation, there is only Fang Yu! He has a little bit of hard work!

At the same time, Gao's family also got quite a lot of news. Gao Changyu knows something about Ding Yu's situation!

It's just because of his understanding that Gao Changyu shows great restraint on the farm, and the farm has never meddled in its business. He should work normally, never procrastinate, and cooperate quite well. He should fight for it when it's time to fight for it, and cooperate with each other when it's time to cooperate. From this point alone, the relationship between himself and the farm is very good!

But I have some taboos about the farm! What's the taboo? It's also because of Ding Yu! And even if there are considerable opinions at home, they are forced to go down. There are no problems with other industries and outlets, but the farm is absolutely not allowed to touch!

And farms? I didn't look at myself differently, I didn't mean to make trouble for myself, and I didn't mean to be close to myself! Even some industries in my family cooperate with farms. I don't care what the farms look like!

Do business with each other! Hello, I'm good, everyone! You have met my requirements, all the problems are not problems, but if the materials and materials you provide can not meet the requirements, then I'm sorry!

I don't care who you are!

Throughout, there is still a little tacit understanding between myself and the farm!

But this kind of tacit understanding at this time, it is to let Gao Changyu have a little bit of irritability! Due to the arrival of the investigation team, now the wind can be said to be very tight! I can handle quite a lot of things by myself, but how to say? By my side! All are pig teammates, and one by one greedy!

If it wasn't for their misdeeds, how could they make a fuss about today's situation! Even now, even if you want to throw out the so-called scapegoat, the effect is not as big as you think!

And after the investigation team came, all kinds of his pig teammates were really ugly!

What time is it? Are you still here? Now, when it's time to give up, it's time to give up! The abandonment should be active abandonment, absolutely can't have any procrastination!

OK! You don't give up, you don't give up, then you don't do it! It's not true that you can't go other ways! Right? But look at the pig teammates around them, they are still lucky!Protect this and that again! With the soil on the soles of the feet are reluctant!

You should know that you have to give up with Fang Yu! If it wasn't for special reasons, he would be three feet tall now! Even so, he made proper arrangements and directly let him go abroad!

But you are good! Now also let people stay in the position of the side, even the kind of blatant! How to deal with it?

Quite a lot of things, Gao Changli is also powerless! My position is not the same, but the ship is so big! It's not that you can turn around if you want to! It's impossible!

More importantly, the forces on this ship are mixed! Quite a lot of things can't be decided by yourself!

In this regard, Gao Changli has some regrets! But what's the use of it? It's too late now!

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