"It's very strange!" Gu Feng obviously has a considerable estimate, "put you in, with a few children are affected! Not everyone can do this! Do you think it's going to be on the farm? "

"It's impossible. When Fang Dong came out earlier, he was a little angry, but before he said a few words, Xiaobo started! At that time, I was surprised! I mean to lose face! I'm not going to do it! At the beginning, I thought that he might have some impulses, but from the performance of the follow-up things, it's not like this at all. Some of them came prepared! "

"What does that Luo always mean?"

"It's amazing! An old man! I'm no match at all! He always gives me rhythm! But I can feel that he has little interest in me Speaking of this, Gu Zheng also took a breath of air conditioning, "but he should have seen it! Xiaobo, their performance is very different! "

Gu Feng let out a cry! "The relationship between the farm and the city has always been close! After the investigation team came, it seems that they have also been to the farm, but it seems that nothing has been found out! "

"I know that! We've had a lot of contacts with farms! This time the farm has not been investigated out of any problems, is also a matter of reason! After all, other people don't know what the farm has done these years, but I know more or less! "

Gu Feng let out a cry! "I'll get in touch with the farm! However, we still need to have a try to see what the situation is like on your side? Need temporary stability, it is inevitable that there will be other things to find you! If you're targeted, just stay calm! Don't do anything else

"Dad! I can hold it, but I'm worried about it! "

"If you are worried, then you can temporarily eliminate this worry. Aren't you together now? It's good to explain the situation to you! I believe that you can explain a considerable situation. If there are other people's changes under such circumstances, we can also prove it with you! At least the past can be said above the surface! "

"Dad! Feel the wind and rain all of a sudden to find the head? Could it be the investigation team above? "

"Don't guess. It's useless! I'll see what's going on! "

After hanging up the phone, Gu Feng did not leave his office. Instead, he went to the window and looked out!

Quite a thing, I didn't mention it with my son! Because my heart has a considerable feeling!

If we say that there are a lot of people who can do their arrangement, but if we let the people in the city go to the farm, there are definitely not so many people who can do this! The circle is so big! Just a few people!

Now, what is the intention? How can I be a little confused? What's Lao Gao's attitude in this matter! If he didn't nod, would people in the city go to the farm? It's impossible! Is Lao Gao intentional?

But what did Lao Gao think? Why didn't he communicate with him and put his son in this case? I really don't want to think so. After all, they are good allies!

But what if it's not Lao Gao? Who would it be? It seems that there are not so many people who can do this!

After thinking about it, Gu Feng also bit his back teeth!

After Luo Xuan has dealt with the matter, he comes in to meet Ding Yu and says something about it!

When I heard the knock, I looked at Fang Dong and the landlady who came in! Luo Xuan went on to say! "Sir, I'll ask the old lady to take sister Liu to the capital first? I don't know what it's like to make a fuss here. Let's play it first! What do you think? "

"Let the housekeeper take it with him."

"I've got it!" Immediately Luo Xuan is to make a color to boss's wife, boss's wife thanks a million! Although the process did not mention their restaurant, but quite a problem has been revealed very clearly! Don't overdo it yourself!

"Mr. Fang, I didn't expect to see such a situation today. Have they always been so arrogant?"

Fang Dong had no choice but to smile, "Mr. Ding, Mr. Luo! How can I say that? "

"My husband and I are new here. From the situation, we have traveled a lot, but we have never encountered such a problem! Let's not talk about the situation on the other side of the farm! After coming here, there are such problems again! So now I have quite a doubt, is this the problem of our farm or something else? "

Hear Luo Xuan say so, Fang Dong immediately wake up!

"Mr. Ding, Mr. Luo, this has never happened before! Today's things are so strange! I'm a little guy. It's no big deal! The relationship between the farm and the city is fairly good. At least there is a considerable connection between the farm and the city. It's not cold, but it's not hot. As for those so-called dandies? I don't have as much contact with the farm as I imagined! Everyone is very restrained to each otherLuo Xuan looks at Ding Yu and finds that Mr. Ding doesn't mean to speak. He also takes the words!

"At the beginning, everyone was very restrained, but after my husband and I came here, did we have such a hand?" Luo Xuan seemed to nod clearly, "this is aimed at me and my husband! It's so interesting

"Mr. Ding, Mr. Luo? I also have a lot of responsibility for this matter. I started it up! "

Luo Xuan waved his hand, "it doesn't have much to do with you. To be exact, the farm is too eye-catching! Some people have other ideas, which is also a matter of common sense! But let's see what happens! I hope I won't jump all the teeth of others! "

After that, Luo Xuan seems to remember something, "right! Do you know Gu Zheng? What's going on? "

"I've heard some rumors that it's Gu Feng's son. They all say that he is a little arrogant, but it's really not so clear where he is arrogant! What kind of bullying? I really haven't heard much about it! But it's very famous! Even today, it's the first time I've heard of such things! "

"What? Are you interested in him? "

Hearing Ding Yu's words, Luo Xuan nodded, "dyed a yellow hair, wearing an American suit, Italian shoes, without a watch, with some chains and rings, which makes people feel very rebellious!"

"The meal has been eaten! I've seen it too! Go out for a walk and relax! Mr. Fang, since you are injured! Then go back to rest! If there's anything, I'll let you know again! "

Don't let Fang Dong stay meaning, Ding Yu and Luo Xuan two people on the car!

"Sir, will Fang Dong deliver our message? Give me a personal feeling, he has a little ability! And he has seen some things! Under such circumstances, let him choose? It's hard for him

Ding Yu is looking at the scenery outside the window, "there is no need for him to make this choice. At that time, there were not a few people in the restaurant. Quite a few things didn't need to be known clearly. Just by your words and my attitude, we can analyze one or two things. As for Fang Dong, we only need to verify some things, that's OK!"

"It is! For quite a lot of smart people, it's not that hard! "

"Sir, if it goes on like this, I'm afraid the water will be muddy!"

"Who knows?" Ding Yu rubbed his fingers, "but the water is muddy! But what will happen next? It's really hard to say! This old high! It's really not that difficult! What's the situation of that valley? Do you think so much of him? "

"A very clever young man! When I went out, the scene was a little out of control! I can clearly feel from the conversation with him that this time he came here, he was making trouble, but he absolutely didn't mean to do it! Obviously, he doesn't control the situation behind it! "

"It's not easy! I can feel these things

"The so-called outside of him is just his protective color! As for Gu Feng, I don't know much about him! As you said, what is revealed in the data is just what you want to see! In other words, it shows to others actively. As for those things that are not revealed, ha ha! But for the time being! Gu Feng doesn't have too many problems! "

"Do you think it's Gu Zheng's personal behavior or his behind the scenes behavior?"

"Half and half! At least that's how it feels to me! " When Luo Xuan talks, he obviously has considerable thinking! "It's obvious from talking to him that he lacks certain confidence in himself! Have considerable leadership ability, but lack of certain practice, see things a little less! I don't know if it's because of my family or something else! "

"How do you feel?"

"If you put it in this circle! There should be no big problem! What I'm talking about is within this small circle, but if I say to jump out of this circle, it will highlight a lot of problems! The pattern is a little bit small, but the good thing is that it has a good foundation, but we also need to have a look! "

Ding Yu suddenly laughed, because he has understood the meaning of Luo Xuan!

"It's not impossible! Look at the specific situation. If there are not too many problems in his family, try it. After all, it's a good thing that the farm will continue to develop here and someone will take care of it! It can't be a mess in the end, but he's so good at it? "

"Not to mention him! I really have a good appetite, and I can't tell what the reason is. It's very interesting to see him at first sight! But we still need to see the specific situation! "

Ding Yu didn't mean to be reluctant. He went to the farm's sphere of influence with Luo Xuan, mainly to investigate the operation of the farm. As for other places, they really didn't have any interest!Gao Changli knew about Ding Yu and Luo Xuan for the first time. Someone was staring at them!

Luo Xuan came out and dealt with the matter! And Ding Yu didn't show up at all! The whole process was not unexpected, but the result was not so satisfactory for Gao Changyu!

Why? I let people move the farm and lose face! Then go to find Fang Dong! Once again lost face!

But Ding Yu and Luo Xuan, who are the senior managers of the farm, didn't get angry! Simply said two words, to control the scene! At that time, I'm afraid Gu Zheng also felt that there was something wrong with the situation! And now his father should know about it!

Gu Feng is also an old fox, he must have quite a guess, this is also quite let Gao Changyu feel some regret! Of course, Gu Feng is also within the scope of his clearance! It's not that Gu Feng is a pig's teammate. It's really not! But this guy! It has always been Yin Fengyang violation!

You want to say he's not social? Not yet. But you want to say he's gregarious? With their own has always been a considerable dispute, but also clean, people really do not know how to start! At least not in the general direction!

Some things can be done, but if some things are done, everyone will spit on themselves! What's more, Gu Feng's family is also regarded as "Aboriginal" here, deeply rooted! This time, I just want to borrow other people's people to throw guzheng in and load Gufeng in by the way!

But this result? It's not very satisfying!

But now I really do not want to continue to have other aspects of action, why? Too deliberate! And too eager! But Gao Changli is also hard to do! If you don't do it yourself, you still need to observe for a few days, and then think about doing it again. When Ding Yu leaves, what should you do?

However, judging from what I have learned, I really have some style. If it is my own, can I bear it? There was a threat from the farm. When we had a meal, something happened! But even so, Ding Yu is still no expression!

Is it really not as a matter? Gao Changyu has so many can't believe!

When inspecting the farm, Ding Yu didn't know what his purpose and idea was. He suddenly looked at Luo Xuan standing beside him. "Luo Xuan, how about inviting director Liu out for dinner now?"

Oh?! Ah?! Some shocked, even quite unexpected, but Luo Xuan also began to think! Will this touch Gao Changyu? To know that Mr. and his two people were lost face, must be need to find back, this is beyond doubt!

But how to get back this face! It's also fastidious. It can't be too reckless, but at the same time, it's necessary to give Gao Changyu a strong taste. It can't make him jump over the wall, it can only make him dumb to eat Coptis!

"I'll invite director Liu, or Mr. Liu will make a phone call in person to invite director Liu!"

"Since so many people are looking at us, and even give us a lot of prestige, then we can solve the problem in a way above the surface!" Ding Yu's eyes are not sharp at all, and even look quite peaceful!

Put in the past, Ding Yu really will not be as a thing! Too much Pediatrics, but this time the situation is quite different, the old high ah! It's really not ordinary cunning!

But reciprocity, you give yourself such a hand, then I will turn you into an army! It's also a reasonable thing!

As for whether you can bear it, and what kind of opinions and ideas you will have, this question is not in your own consideration! So Luo Xuan is to start to call, of course, will not directly call director Liu! But a few times in the middle!

Without too long delay, Luo Xuan is about to call director Liu!

Director Liu here looks at the caller ID on his mobile phone. There are some differences. Is it a strange phone number? And I'm telling you something! Now this time so abrupt call to come over? Who is it?

"Hello! Hello

"Hello! Director Liu When the phone was connected, Luo Xuan also gave a gentle greeting, "I'm Luo Xuan! In charge of the public relations department of the farm! This time, I came to the farm with Mr. Liu to check the work. I just heard that director Liu is also checking the work here. We are new here, and we don't know much about quite a lot of things. Do you have time, Mr. Liu and I want to invite director Liu to tea? "

Director Liu's face on this side of the phone is very surprised. It's not Ding Yu's initiative to call, but it's no different from Ding Yu's initiative to call!

There is also a direct invitation to eat, or in this way! Is it a bit of a cover up? This is too simple! Director Ding should not have failed to understand this truth!"Who is your husband?" Director Liu asked deliberately!

"Ding Yu!"

Director Liu's face could not help but change, so that other people in the office have some curiosity, "director Ding?" When hearing this address, the people in the office are even more puzzled!

What's the identity of our director? Can they not know? But from his mouth, director Ding? It seems to give the director a lot of pressure! What kind of situation is this!

"Mr. Liu has set up a place. I hope director Liu can be generous if he has time in the evening!"

"I know!" Director Liu gave a sound, then put his mobile phone in his pocket, and then looked around at the people in the meeting room! "Xiao Chu, go and check it out!"

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