Chutian has some toothache. He looks at director Liu of his family and asks in disbelief! "Director Ding Yuding?"

Liu Shang pretended to be puzzled and nodded. Chutian's expression was so difficult, "director? That's a bit of bullshit, isn't it?! We have no friendship with director Ding! Moreover, the origin of this one is a little too big. We can't afford it! I haven't heard of any involvement between him and us? "

"Go and find out? I always feel weird! "

The atmosphere in the office is a little strange! But soon the relevant things were summarized, not to mention the fact that there is not much to hide!

"What is the reason for our director Ding? How could you find us here? "

"Director? There was something strange about the situation. Director Ding and general manager Luo came to the farm to check their work. However, when they arrived, they were given a note of Ma Wei by the city. When they went out to eat, the people under their hands were beaten! And I was very embarrassed when I heard that! "

Liu Shang touched his head, and his expression was a little shocked! "What's going on? Why did the city react like this? Water in your head? Director Ding's temper is not as good as he thought! "

"I don't know why? Anyway, the feeling is very strange! Maybe I don't know much about the identity of director Ding! " Chu Tian's heart also has quite a feeling about this. You know, the investigation team is the target on the surface, and director Ding is the real master at the helm. But now there is such a thing, and the whole situation seems to have a considerable deflection!

Having a look at the office outside, Chu Tian had an idea, "director, do you want to see me in the evening?"

Liu Shang is very satisfied with Chutian's reaction! But the face is a lot of helpless! "Can I not see you? Director Ding is very careful. As we all know, we have investigated the farm, but there is no problem with the farm! Want to come to our director Ding! I also want to make use of my strength! Go and have a look! "

The door of the office is open, so even if people outside can't listen to it completely, they can still hear it! Obviously, everyone's performance at this time is so different!

When he came out of the office, Chutian consciously closed the door!

"God! What's the situation? In the evening, Ding Yu invited our director to dinner? "

Chu Tian stares, "is Ding Yu what you can call? This is not such a fussy master. To some extent, he is just like Optimus, but his reputation is not obvious! But in 49 cities, everyone who has a little channel basically knows director Ding! It's terrible

"I really don't think I've heard much about it?" The speaker, with big black eyes! A look of curiosity! "That's right! God! As far as my information channel is concerned, it should still be very smart! "

"I know it by chance! You! If you go up a few grades, you may have a chance to hear about director Ding! It's definitely beyond imagination! Even I don't know very well about director Ding. I'm afraid I don't even know one or two out of ten! "

When Gao Changyu knew the news, the whole person had some silly eyes! Even dull in his chair, for a long time without any reaction, I thought of countless possibilities, also made countless precautions, but never thought Ding Yu would be such a operation!

One after another, he wrote down Ma Wei to Ding Yu. Ding Yu didn't have any expression, but he never thought that Ding Yu would give him such a hand. This hand really hit the key. Did he miss the auxiliary car?

What's your intention? It's to use Gu Zheng as the chess piece, put Gu Feng in, and then clean up the pig teammates around him by the way, but I thought Ding Yu would do it!

I just gave you a slap. Although there were some slaps in the face, you directly lit up the knife on the other hand, and then went straight to your head. This is not a normal way at all!

Now Gao even has some doubts about whether Ding Yu came straight to himself! His heart really had quite a panic, but after sitting down for more than ten minutes, Gao gave up his doubts! Why? Even if it is not normal people, will not do so!

If Ding Yu really came to him, no matter what kind of inferiority he gave him, he would not find Liu Shang directly, because it was too against the rules! Because even Liu Shang, so far, has not investigated too many things!

As for what has been investigated, to a certain extent, it is deliberately revealed. Compared with what is in the back, it is just a corner of the ice! Under such circumstances, Ding Yu just jumped out. Is he a fool? There's no way to deal with things like this!

I can only say Ding Yu! A little too stingy! His action, let him a little bit can't hang this face, so selective to himself to a knife!They have a wide range of relationships, even director Liu can communicate! What can you do?

Gao Changyu thought carefully, Ding Yu's action is not within his expectation, but after Ding Yu's end, it is a good thing for him. Why do you say that?

Because this represents that my plan has been successful! I want to clean up my pig teammates! As for the new director Liu shangliu, it's a good choice, but the problem is that if Liu Shang does it himself, it will cause a lot of reactions!

But after Ding Yu started, the situation immediately changed very different!

Gao Changyu now has some people who want to curse their mother. Fortunately, it's still his basic dish. He has generally known where Ding Yu will entertain Liu Shang this evening! For myself, this is one of the few good news! As for what kind of means will be used in the process, it doesn't matter!

"Director Liu?"

"Director Ding?"

It's the first time for them to meet each other. Ding Yu didn't show how arrogant he was. He just took the lead to stretch out his hand and shake it with Liu Shang. However, when shaking hands, he also used his fingers to point at Liu Chuang's wrist! Even gave Liu Shang a look!

Liu Shang is a little surprised! I have understood the meaning of Ding Yu! I didn't expect there was surveillance here! This is what I didn't expect!

"Director Ding! Hello Liu Shang has a great respect for Ding Yu in terms of attitude! This kind of respect seems to be only for Ding Yu's identity, which has nothing to do with other aspects!

"Director Liu, you are also good!"

At the invitation of Ding Yu, they sat down separately. Now Liu Shang confirms that director Ding invited himself to do a play! "Have you heard?" Ding Yu is very abrupt said a! Let Liu Shang not have any preparation! But Liu Shang did not hesitate too long! Give Ding Yu a slight nod!

"Heard something about it?" Liu Shang smiles at Ding Yu! How can such things not be heard? It's not a secret thing. After all, there were many people present at that time!

"Although I'm not a troublemaker in a certain situation, I've beaten my face again and again for myself! It's a bit unprecedented! I can't accept that! "

It can't be denied that Ding Yu's breakthrough point is really good, but Liu Shang is obviously a little reluctant, at least on the surface! "Director Ding! It's hard for me to do this! This survey has exhausted me a bit! And I have learned about the farm before, and my performance is very good! "

"So director Liu is not ready to help?" Ding Yu looked at Liu Shang, but then his face changed suddenly. "I can understand that director Liu is busy with his work! But this time, I am very unhappy. If director Liu can help, I believe the farm will provide considerable help to the farm! "

Liu Shang meditated for quite a long time! Did not immediately answer to Ding Yu! After a long time! Liu Shang nodded slightly, "director Ding! Without violating the principle, there is no problem! "

"What do you need me to do?" Ding Yu said solemnly, "I believe I can still do quite a lot of things!"

Liu Shang hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "director Ding, I will handle quite a lot of things!"

Ding Yu is very satisfied with this and laughs. He pours a cup of tea for Liu Shang. Then he stands up and leaves. However, when he leaves, he shakes hands with Liu Shang! Liu Shang felt that there was something in his pocket, but his face didn't change!

But after watching Ding Yu leave, Liu still can't help shaking his head! Director Ding is quite domineering, even there are some unreasonable! But Liu Shang's heart inside very clear, oneself and Ding Yu do so, is to show to the outside world!

To be exact, it's for Lao Gao! I'm afraid Lao Gao is not so clear now. He is already a bird in the cage. Due to Fang Yu, he has a very clear control over Lao Gao's situation!

In the past, it was just a small step, but now? It's a leap! It's not as easy as taking a big step, but now? Still need to continue to paralyze Lao Gao! Let him go crazy for the last time!

Who do you think you should offend, director Ding Yuding? What's the matter? Do you really think of yourself as something? Now it's not as easy as kicking the iron plate! Maybe the next moment, you can talk to Lao Gao!

Gao Changfen knows the meeting between Ding Yu and Liu Shang very well. Even what they said during the meeting, Gao Changfen knows very well. He didn't expect Ding Yu to be so direct! Still have is oneself also feel scalp to have so a few numbness now, why? Because Ding Yu is a little bit rough!Don't take the so-called conventional road at all! I thought Ding Yu might be no better than you before, but now, it's not a common thing to be rewarded! If you don't greet me, it doesn't matter! But if you mess with me! So I'm sorry! I'll let you know how powerful it is!

Of course, it won't be on the surface. There's no need! And it's too easy to be criticized. What do I want? It's in the dark. It's fatal! Even let you at that time do not know who should go to reason!

No wonder someone asked him to pay attention to Ding Yu. This guy seems to be more cruel than he imagined!

But when I was thinking about things, there was a knock at the door of the office. After the visitors came in, they came to Gao Changyu's side! "Gu Feng and Gu Zheng went to the farm! It's like going to apologize! "

Gao Changyu's mouth opened slightly. He didn't expect that Gu Feng was so bold. He went to the farm for the first time, and didn't even want to discuss with himself! What is the understanding of their own intentions? Or do you doubt Ding Yu's identity?

"To be intercepted?"

When the reporter heard this, he was obviously a little absent-minded. Obviously, he didn't expect Gao to say so, but then he shook his head! "Gu Feng has arrived at the farm. If we go there, we are bound to have quite a conflict with the farm! The relationship between us and the farm is quite good from the point of view

Gao Changli held his glasses for a moment, "Laogu is still a little too cautious! It's just a matter of discussion! So rashly in the past! It's a bit impolite! "

"Shall I make a phone call?"

Gao Changli waved his hand. Now it's useless to say this. Even if he makes a phone call, will Gu Feng answer the call? I really didn't expect Gu Feng to react so fast! I didn't expect that Gu Zheng was a little unexpected!

I want to use a knife to kill people, but judging from the current situation, will this knife turn around? Still unknown! Now the situation here is very delicate! Who knows the meaning of Gu Feng?

Did you go to apologize? If Gu Feng is to apologize, it's no big deal. But what else does Gu Feng mean? You know Ding Yu has just met director Liu!

After the investigation team came, Gu Feng didn't move much, but it doesn't mean he will always stand on his side! What's more, if it's mentioned, there doesn't seem to be too much contamination in Gufeng!

"Shall I make this call?" Gao changfan knows that he can't have any hesitation now! Even directly took out his mobile phone, found Gufeng's phone to dial!

Gao Changyu now knows what Gu Feng is going to do! I didn't expect that Gu Feng was so keen that he took a wrong step. What happened? Is to have to pay for their own behavior! At this time, there must be no internal problems!

I just don't know what kind of choice Gufeng will make!

When the phone rang three times, Gu Feng also answered the phone, and there was no mention in the phone. Gu Feng came to apologize with his son! When something happens to my son, I can only lower my head!

When he put down the phone, Gao changfan's face didn't change much! Instead, he looked at the people standing next to him! "Let's have a look. What's the situation over there?"

Ding Yu learns that Gu Feng is going to visit him on the road, and then hums to Luo Xuan!

"It's very sensible! Also very cunning! There's not much need to know that! "

"Sir, this should not mean Lao Gao! I think the father of Gu Zheng should be quite keen! "

Ding Yu rubbed his fingers twice. After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly said to Luo Xuan! "What do you think of testing him? Although this is a slightly risky behavior! But he has come here at this time. Obviously, he is quite different from Lao Gao! "

"A little too risky! Would you like to say hello to Director Liu? " Luo Xuan is worried about this!

"If you call director Liu, it's easy to have other problems! What's more, from the current situation, we have a good grasp of Lao Gao, and according to the information provided by Fang Yu! Gu Feng is still quite principled! So I think I can have a try? "

Luo Xuan slightly nodded his head!

When they came back to the farm, they saw the car parked at the gate and the two people standing next to the car. They didn't have to look to know that it was the father and son of the valley family!

Looking at Ding Yu and Luo Xuan walking down from the car, Gu Feng didn't expect it! I thought Ding Yu would be domineering! That's better, but Ding Yu and Luo Xuan don't have any ridicule on their faces!"Mr. Ding! Mr. Luo! My dear Gu Feng, today the dog bumped into two of you. I have no way to teach my son, so I deliberately come to apologize to you! "

Gu Zheng, who is black and blue in the back, immediately stands up and apologizes to Ding Yu and Luo Xuan!

Ding Yu looked at Gu Feng and looked him in the eye. After a while, he turned to Luo Xuan and said, "when I was young, I went abroad too! My father took me to apologize! Think about it like yesterday! What do you think, Rogo? "

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