Gu Feng's face can't help changing! But the blow is coming!

Luo Xuan said, "we just met director Liu! Director Liu has agreed to do it! "

The expression on Gu Feng's face changed greatly! Ding Yu looked at Gu Feng, looking at the change of expression on his face! Go on! "Rogo, I remember when we came here today, it didn't seem that there was a street sweeper at the door, did it?"

Some of Gu Zheng's face can't hang! But not yet stand out, Gu Feng wave is a slap!

"Dad?" Gu Zheng's face is full of humiliation. It's his own fault. His father suffered for him! This is absolutely unacceptable to Gu Zheng! How to treat themselves can, but absolutely can not treat their father!

"Mr. Ding, Mr. Luo! I'll do it! I'll fight anything! "

Gu Feng nodded to Ding Yu heavily!

The security guard in the distance has brought two big brooms! Luo Xuan looks at Gu Feng and his son, and looks at the trembling Gu Feng, but he doesn't show too much sympathy, because he is sure that there is a reason for him to do so!

Gu Feng didn't hesitate, but Gu Zheng took the broom in his hand first!

Ding Yu raises his chin to Luo Xuan! Luo Xuan is to walk over directly a foot to Gu Zheng to kick the position of one side! "The sweeper is over there! Why don't you sweep the floor at the gate these two days? "

Even without waiting for Gu Zheng to react, Luo Xuan even gave Gu Zheng the position of the gate!

"Mr. Gu, do you think it's downright for me to do so?"

Gu Feng shook his head slightly. "If you do something wrong, you need to pay the price?"

"So what do you want to pay?" Ding Yu has a look at the security signal, and the security is nodding to Ding Yu, the security measures have been done! There won't be any problems! "I'm not so angry. Gu Zheng's business is not that big a deal for me!"

Gu Feng narrowed his eyes and gazed at Ding Yu, "aren't you? You are...! "

" it's said that people are old, spirits are old, you can stay in this position for such a long time, and you have never been liquidated! I really don't admire it in general. It's a little fierce! " Looking at the time on his watch, Ding Yu said, "in two minutes, if you can show me something I'm interested in, I'll let you know! At least Luo Xuan is still a little interested in him. If you can't talk to me, I'm sorry! You don't have to think about a situation like father's kindness and son's filial piety! "

Gu Feng's breathing is already disordered by this time! When I came here, I thought a lot of possibilities, even thought about it! Will be insulted by Ding Yu, whether it's verbal or spiritual, but I never thought of it! How could things have changed!

"Mr. Ding, are you not afraid?"

Ding Yu pointed to the time on his watch, "this is also included in the time! So I don't care! Are you afraid? Is this in my mind? Do you think I would be worried about such a thing? "

"Who on earth are you? Quite a few people dare not talk like that! "

"This should not be what you care about. To tell you exactly, it doesn't have any effect!"

Looking at Ding Yu with a calm face, Gu Feng also raised his arm and looked at the time on his watch. After waiting for almost half a minute, Gu Feng suddenly sighed! "Just now, Lao Gao called me. Now he knows something. To be exact, it should be the meeting between you and director Liu. He knows! He's afraid I'm coming! No wonder he called me in person! He should be afraid of you

Ding Yu's expression is not moved, because these for themselves, there is no meaning!

Looking at the indifferent Ding Yu, Gu Feng is also considering whether to gamble? Do you want to seize such an opportunity! My mind is very messy now! Because I'm not sure what kind of person Ding Yu is!

Who knows if he's with Lao Gao! If he's with Lao Gao! So it's not good to wait for your own end! After all, he and Lao Gao did not completely turn over! What's more, when he meets with Director Liu, who knows what kind of problems and connections there are?

As time goes on, the sweat of Gu Feng's forehead has come out! Although the weather has cooled down, but just a few seconds, has let the valley peak underwear have been collapsed wet!

"As a friendly reminder, there are still 30 seconds left!"

"I can't move Lao Gao!" Gu Feng suddenly sighed, "although I have guessed it, I can even be sure! This time our family's Gu Zheng's business is his trick! " Looking at the expression on Ding Yu's face, Gu Feng bit his back teeth! "If I want to move Lao Gao, I don't have enough things in my hands, and there are still people behind Lao Gao. I know something about him! And I know that in the capital, Lao Gao still has considerable help! "Ding Yu watched Gu Feng, then put down his hand, "not enough! But you can go back and think about how to deal with Gao Changyu! What's more, Gu Zheng needs to sweep the gate here for a few days? You won't object, will you? Since we have chosen to let director Liu do it, we can't give up! "

"Thank you Gu Feng is still very grateful for Ding Yu's treatment of his son! As for this, thank you. It's something that needs to be discussed!

"One more thing, Fang Yu, I've got it! I've brought it back! He has explained a lot of things, and he has also explained quite a lot to you, OK! Is that it? "

When hearing Fang Yu's name, Gu Feng's body trembled and looked at Ding Yu strangely!

Ding Yu nodded to him, "Fang Yu is still very good to your senses! In addition, Luo Xuan's sense of Gu Zheng is good! Although it's a bit slippery, it's also a matter of common sense. For the time being, how can you explain to Lao Gao! I don't think we need to discuss this matter with each other any more! "

After that, Ding Yu got on the bus! And not far away Luo Xuan also came back! Looking at Gu Feng, nodded to him, then also got on the car! Did not do too long stay!

Gu Feng looked at his son who was sweeping the gate not far away and nodded at him. There was no other explanation. His son understood or did not understand. Now it is not as important as he imagined! Gu Feng got on his car the first time!

But did not immediately start up, but touched his forehead above the sweat!

It took quite a long time to start the car again. When Gu Zheng saw his father start the car, his heart was also relaxed! Although the father did not have any words to account for! But do not account on behalf of their own do not have too many things!

At the beginning, there are still quite a lot of complaints in my heart. Why? Because the farm insulted his father, even in front of him, but from the later things, I think a little more! They are not aimed at their father at all, but at themselves!

Is deliberately in the lessons of their own! Otherwise, if you really want to let your father sweep the gate, what will your father do?

Turn around and leave! It's fun! But what's next?

On the way back, Gu Feng picked up his mobile phone! "Gao Changyu! Do you know that Ding Yu went to see director Liu? " There's no cover up at all. It's like the bayonet is red!

Gao Changyu was slightly absent-minded. He didn't expect Gu Feng to be so angry. There were conflicts between them, but he never was! Even call above, all call its name! We can see how angry he is! I have never seen or even heard of this before!

"Old Valley! Calm down! "

"I'll calm down, NIMA!"

When Gao Changyu heard this word, he had some silly eyes! I can hear such words from Gu Feng, who is so recuperative. I can see that he is really out of anger at this time. What kind of humiliation has he suffered from Ding Yu to make him so angry?

"I almost became a street sweeper tonight! And my son is still sweeping the streets there! No tomorrow, everyone will know tonight! " Gu Feng took a heavy breath, "other people die, I can't control, and I have nothing to do with it, but if something happens to my son, I promise everyone will not be better! I said it

With that, Gu Feng directly dropped the phone!

It took Gao a few minutes to react, but he let out a cry. He didn't expect that "honest man" would have such a time. He really saw the Western scenery today. It's not easy!

But it's too early to say that Gao really believes in Gu Feng!

But it didn't take long for Gao Changli to get a lot of news. Gu Feng and Gu Zheng, their father and son, were waiting at the gate of the farm for quite a long time, but without saying a word, Gu Zheng was kicked to one side and began to sweep the street! It's not so good with Gu Feng!

Although it was a little bit far away at that time, Gu Feng, Ding Yu and Luo Xuan didn't say a few words at all! Even things are not explained clearly, people just put it on purpose! And look at this meaning, even if it's Gu Feng! The role played is not as big as imagined!

Through Gu Feng's narration and his own understanding, Gao Changyu has already understood quite a few things! Does Gu Feng have other ideas? This time is not as important as you think! At least Gu Feng is not on Ding Yu's side now, and even he won't be on Ding Yu's side next. It's a foregone conclusion!

This is quite reassuring. Now I need to calm Gu Feng! Obviously, what should he have guessed? As for what will happen next, is that the question? Need to do a considerable adjustment, but their purpose will never have any change, this is certain!"Lao Gu, still angry?"

There was a moment of silence on the other side of the phone. There was no words at all, only a little gasping voice could be heard!

For Lao Gao's thick black, Gu Feng already knew! Now at this time, he was able to call himself calmly, ha ha! This old man! I'm afraid I don't know that he has been blacklisted! Even black and white impermanence has been with him! Pity he didn't know that the death knell had been rung!

"Thank you for your concern! However, from the contact with director Ding, we can see that he is the one who must report! Maybe it's not too big, but it won't go down this step so easily! And he let director Liu get involved in this matter. I don't know what his background is? But I don't think it's a good thing! Especially in this period! "

I've just yelled at you! Now there is no need to continue to set gas, let Laogao know his attitude!

"What do you mean?"

"I called the people on the farm, but I didn't get much response!" Although Gu Feng did not completely restore calm, but now the expression on the matter! "I went tonight! Is such an end, those who do not have the past will be what end, I do not know! But I have already informed quite a few people! Hope to have a good result

For Gu Feng's explanation, Gao didn't feel that there were too many accidents. He always put the overall situation first! Sometimes it seems too calm, he is now such a way of handling, really did not exceed their expectations!

"What if director Ding doesn't agree?" Gao asked, "Laogu, I think you need to make some preparations!"

Gu Feng did not reply, "I'm home!" Then Gu Feng hung up!

As for what kind of reaction Gao Changyu on the other side of the phone will have, Gu Feng certainly has considerable expectations. After returning home, looking at his wife, Gu Feng said, "there's no problem with my life for the time being, but it's a bit embarrassing. Now I'm sweeping the gate on the other side of the farm!"

Looking at the body on his wife's face, Gu Feng is also gloomy with his own face, "don't ask other questions, and don't need to pay attention to the discussion outside, today's things are too strange! I have to think about it

Back to his study, Gu Feng sat on the chair and carefully considered the message Ding Yu sent to him! Who is Fang Yu? Others don't know? Can you still not know? Ding Yu told himself the news directly, and even didn't hide too much. Why is that?

What's more, why didn't you start with Lao Gao even though Fang Yu had been arrested? Is it because Ding Yu is cheating himself? incorrect! Soon Gu Feng wanted to understand the reason!

Lao Gao's involvement is too big! The problem of up and down, really is to lead a hair and move the whole body! Under such circumstances, it is bound to be cautious, more cautious, absolutely can not have any changes!

Even now Gu Feng has some insight. To a certain extent, director Liu is used to confuse Lao Gao, or even to confuse people?! And director Ding from the farm is the most important! He is the most important person!

All the nets have been laid down! Now, can the fish jump out? How is that possible?

Now director Ding has given himself a so-called choice, but do you really have one?

Without hesitation for a long time, Gu Feng opened his own dark grid and took out some things. Looking at the records inside, Gu Feng sighed secretly. A small part of these things had been sent out by himself, but had no effect, so he precipitated them!

I didn't expect to have another day to read it!

Touching the leather cover, Gu Feng thought a lot! But then also dial their own phone number! "Hello! I'm Gu Feng Now at this time, there is no one else except to call director Ding!

"Hello! I'm Ding Yu? Yes? Have you made a choice? "

"I'm not so convenient now. At least I can't have a face-to-face chat with director Ding! Although there are many things I want to say! " Gu Feng sighed, "I have quite a lot of things in my hand. I have sent them out. Although they are only a small part of them, they have aroused Lao Gao's suspicion! So he is not very sure, but I know the doubt in his heart has not been eliminated! I'll come back tomorrow! "

"So confident, I'm not a tall man?"

"If it is, there is no way. Originally, everyone felt very suspicious. Director Liu, they have been busy for such a long time. At the beginning, we still had some expectations, but now they are all said to have been bribed! Although it's said in secret, there's not much to be done all the time. It still makes people have some reverie! "

"I know! I'll let you get something later! "

Then Ding Yu put down the phone here! Wait for not half an hour, the thing was taken back! Ding Yu took a look at it, and then gave it to Luo Xuan, who was sitting next to him. Luo Xuan looked at it after a period of time!Shake your head slightly! "I can't imagine who is in the back? Has Lao Gao been so noisy? The people behind even forced some things down. This power is slightly exaggerated! "

Ding Yu snorted, "some people! It's true that I'm a veteran! In addition, there are people like Lao Gao boasting. How can they not be excited at all? If you really don't know anything, it's impossible! Someone has a good reputation! Some people have good rights! Everyone has his own weakness

"What's next, sir? Judging from what we have learned, Lao Gao is already a fish on the hook! "

"I really need to think about this matter, and I can't decide it alone! After all, there are too many things involved in it! " When talking, Ding Yu pointed to the sky above! "Let's see how it's up there to decide this? I feel a bit tricky now too! "

There is no way to do this. Ding Yu doesn't want to do too much mixing, but what can he do?

The first thing of the third uncle left it to him! I can only be like this!

As for how the third uncle will decide now, this matter is really not what he should worry about! It's not my turn to worry! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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