Gu Feng came out of the farm with his things. He didn't come back empty handed, but everyone saw it! So quite a lot of people have some itching!

But now it seems that it's a little late!

Because the people being talked to have no chance! At least from the understanding of the situation, it is so! Do you really think Liu Shang didn't do anything after he came here? How can it be!

Liu Shang's hand had already grasped quite a lot of information, not to mention now there is Ding Yu's help!

However, Ding Yu didn't mean to continue to go out. The so-called "not going out" means that he didn't go to other places. It's obvious that Ding Yu doesn't want to continue with these things! I'm a little impatient!

When Gao Changyu knew the news, he was calm and didn't panic. Although he didn't know what Gu Feng had sent to Ding Yu, from the current situation, things stopped temporarily!

There are also those who have been talked about. According to the internal information, there are quite black spots on their bodies, and these black spots are also the kind that can't be wiped off! But it won't contaminate your body at all! Now that I have made a choice, I must consider these aspects!

Liu Shang has been here for such a long time. How can he not move at all? Even Gao Changfen knows very well that Liu Shuang's hidden goal should be himself! But he can't move himself now! To a certain extent, there is a lot of protection on my body. At least I don't have much handle on my body now!

Of course, it's also because I have cleared a lot of problems before! With contacts, it is very simple and easy to deal with quite a lot of problems! So at this time, Liu Shang has no way to deal with himself!

But Gao also knew that Liu Shang would definitely eat meat this time! If you really don't let him eat meat, will he give up? I'm afraid there's no way to explain after I go back? Since you want to eat meat, then give you meat to eat, even let you eat full, just don't know if you have such a big appetite!

After Gu Feng came out of the farm, he came to the gate and looked at his son. He also nodded his head. He didn't have too many words and said that other things were useless. It's a good thing to stay here honestly!

It seems to be humiliating, but in fact it is the best protection for him!

Then Gu Feng went back to his office and rushed into Gao Changli's office. This action also scared the Secretary at the door! When Gao Changyu heard the sound, he frowned slightly and then came out of it.

Nodded to the Secretary, reached out to greet Gu Feng, two people walked into the office one by one, and Gu Feng closed the door behind him! But the strength is a little bit big, the secretary is also scared a good big one!

"Lao Gao, are you crazy?"

Before he sat down, Gu Feng darkened his face and said angrily!

"Why do you say that?" Gao Changyu didn't think much of it! "If you're here to quarrel with me, I don't think it's necessary. We can say in the meeting about work. If it's a private matter, are you a little bit impolite and so old! It's not good for your health! "

"I don't care about Gu Zheng. He's young and doesn't know what to do!" Gu Feng's eyes narrowed together and looked at Gao changfan, "but now, you let director Liu get involved, and you also send a few people to him. Even if you give him a head, can you not be so obvious, especially at such a delicate moment! What do you want? "

"Is it so obvious?" Gao didn't admit it, but he didn't mean to deny it either!

"Must we do that?" For Lao Gao's reaction, Gu Feng subconsciously shakes his head. "If I don't have any consolation at ordinary times, but now, do you really ignore the overall situation?"

"Lao Gu, you know quite a lot, and I also know that sometimes we have to make such a choice!"

Gu Feng looks at Gao Changyu with sharp eyes and purses his mouth! I don't know what I'm thinking!

"I went to meet Ding Yu. It can be said that this person gives me a very different feeling! I've met a lot of people, but for people like him, you have a feeling that you can't tell! He couldn't see through what he was thinking in his heart! Although I visited him, I don't know what the result will be like! "

Listen to Gu Feng's words, Gao Changyu's eyebrows slightly raised! as if thinking of sth.

"Lao Gu, this is not what you said! You have always been very confident

Gu Feng found a cigarette for himself and frowned slightly! "Not the same! This person is very different! Although I put him, he also saw me, but give me a personal feeling, the light in his eyes, thousands of miles away! I don't even know how to deal with it! I've been careful! "Gao seems to be quite interested in Gu Feng's judgment!

"It's not easy to hear such comments from you! So, director Ding Yuding is a very powerful role? "

"I don't know. I didn't have much dialogue with him, that is, yesterday and today. I didn't receive much humiliation yesterday. He left me a lot of steps. Gu Zheng was left behind. I didn't ask about the specific situation! I don't know exactly what Ding Yu wants to do, but after today's situation, I have a little bit of feeling

Huh? Gao Changyu was on the alert immediately! "What do you mean?"

"I think he did it on purpose!" Gu Feng's expression is also quite puzzled, "it seems that he is wantonly venting something, even giving me a personal feeling. What about these in front of me? It's not worth mentioning at all! Anyway, it is a very bad feeling! I can't say it's malicious, but there's a lot of fear in it! "

Fear? Gao Changli murmured to himself! "Lao Gu, you are also an old comrade! You can't make such a joke

Gu Feng squinted at his eyes, as if to give Gao Changyu quite a hint! "If you have a chance, you can go and have a look. Anyway, it gives me a personal feeling. This young man, on the whole, should be regarded as young. He looks very young and evil. But I really can't tell where it is!"

"I'm going to see director Liu in the afternoon?"

"It's no big deal to see you!" Gu Feng looked at Gao Changyu standing beside the bed, "it's not the first time I've seen him! It doesn't matter what to say! But Lao Gao, you are a little too cruel this time! I'm not a meddler! But I don't guarantee that you will not have any views or opinions on this! "

With that, Gu Feng stood up!

The conversation between each other has already had quite a spark, even a bit of bayonet red! This is basically not in the past years!

After seeing Gu Feng leave, Gao Changyu frowned slightly!

From Gu Feng's words, I can clearly feel some problems and situations. I borrowed this knife. However, from the current development, it is obvious that this knife is so uncontrollable that the situation is likely to develop in a direction that I can't predict! Associated with the valley peak to feel worried about this!

You know, Gu Feng is smoother than he imagined, but from his words, he can feel a little fear! What did Ding Yu say to him? Or did Ding Yu really scare him?

Even if Ding Yu said something to him? Does Gu Feng need to be afraid? There is no such problem, the farm is relatively large, but after all, it is still on this boundary, they can not do too much! What's more, Gu Feng is still a native here, and he can't give him for so many years?

Now Ding Yu said two words, can let Gu Feng this local snake fear, nonsense!

So that's another situation! Ding Yu threatened Gu Feng, but in what way? Let Gu Feng run back and forth? Even now there are some helpless? Is it because of Gu Zheng? There is a possibility of this aspect, and the possibility is very big!

"Give a call to the farm and say I'll invite Mr. Ding and Mr. Luo to dinner together!"

The secretary went out for the first time, but after half an hour, he came in with an embarrassed face!

Obviously, Gao Changyu overestimated his ability! At the same time, it is also a high degree of his influence on the farm!

"What's the matter?" Gao Changyu asked with some displeasure!

"The farm gave a reply, but Mr. Ding and Mr. Luo couldn't get in touch at all!" It's a question to be discussed whether it can't be contacted or whether people don't care at all!

Now it's Gao Changyu's turn to have some silly eyes! Looking at the Secretary standing in front of him, he pointed to himself for fear that he didn't understand! Even repeated this action! Did you hear me right?

The Secretary nodded! "I said it over and over again! I'm going to go in person! "

Gao Changyu's mouth twitched, and even his face turned red! I've been courteous to corporal, even don't want my own face! But it's good on the farm! Even directly threw his face to the ground, even deliberately stepped on two feet!

This is not as simple as humiliating! I've never been beaten in the face like this! Today, this time, it really made Gao Changyu angry!

Wave to the Secretary! Gao Changyu made a phone call soon! "I want Ding Yu!" When talking, Gao Changyu tore his tie hard! I feel like I can't hold my breath! No one has ever dared to deal with themselves like this!

"Why?" The people on the other side of the phone obviously have some accidents, even some people don't understand. Are you kidding? What about Ding Yu? Which one is this? It's not a joke!I dare not say that, you eat bear heart leopard gall? How dare you say such a thing?

Gao Changli simply said the reason, of course, can not be too detailed, after all, there is his own intention, the other side of the phone silence for a long time, there are not too many words!

After hearing Gao Changyu's explanation! It's a well! "From your personal point of view, you think it is feasible, but if there are any consequences, no one will bear them for you! Let's talk about my personal understanding of Ding Yu. That guy is very difficult to deal with. We have done it more than once, but in the end, he has been disheartened. He has always been the kind of person who must be punished. If you hate him, then he may kill your head with a knife! "

"This NIMA is too bullying!"

"He's unreasonable? It seems that this is not really the case. Although people are very disgusted with his style, and sometimes they really hate him, he is still a reasonable person! If you don't greet him, even if you do something messy in front of him, he may be as invisible! But if you offend him, I'm sorry! Even if it's a matter of the size of a needle nose, he won't let it go! "

"I wipe, is he crazy?" Gao Changyu said a little dejected!

"You can say that there is something wrong with his head. Anyway, we all know about it. This guy always doesn't like to make trouble, but it doesn't mean he's afraid of things. Anyway, from the beginning of dealing with him, he encountered too many things, and he always keeps away from him. However, if you are interested in this aspect, some people may give you some support, but Absolutely will not have any attitude to reveal, how you are willing to do, is your own business

"Why? Does he really have such a big problem? "

"His background is beyond your imagination, and he doesn't even need the forces behind him. Really, after all these years, the forces behind him have not been able to do anything, because Ding Yu can deal with everything by himself!"

The person on the other side of the phone patiently explained to Gao Changyu, "what about face? It's very important to say it's important, but it's not important, and it's not so important. If you do it like this, you need to bear the consequences! "

That is very naked, even without any hidden and implicit!

"I'd like to see him, but the problem is that he doesn't give me face at all." Gao Changyu is a bit angry and despondent, and he is not a person who can't be comforted. But Ding Yu doesn't give him a chance. What can he do?

"Do something! Ding Yu is a soft guy, but not a hard one! "

Gao wanted to win some support for himself, but from this speech, he has verified two problems!

Ding Yu's origin is bigger than what he imagined! If you want to fight against Ding Yu, even the forces behind you will not support you! As for the second point? That is, the forces behind him didn't mean to give up, and Ding Yu didn't come for himself!

If Ding Yu is aimed at himself, then the forces behind him can't have no news and wind!

Moreover, if Ding Yu is against his son, if the forces behind him really want to give up, he will definitely let himself touch Ding Yu's beard instead of actively letting himself avoid it as he is now!

As far as possible, don't provoke Ding Yu, also don't offend Ding Yu!

From his own point of view, it's a correct decision to treat Ding Yu as a knife. But at the same time, doing so seriously offends Ding Yu, and even makes him so angry that he can't be exposed. Moreover, Gao Changyu now has some doubts! Does Ding Yu know something now?

If you think about it, Gu Feng can swallow it. What about himself? What can not be!

You should know that you are always strong, but for so many years, you can let Gu Feng cooperate with you at most. What's the matter with him? It seems that I really didn't do it!

But at that time, what did Gu Feng talk about after he met Ding Yu? Also has is oneself needs to grasp? If Ding Yu really leaves, the person who is suffering at that time will definitely be his own!

Before lunch, Gao Changli got ready and drove directly to the farm!

As for the farm, I didn't know until Gao Changyu came! Come very quietly!

Ding Yu and Luo Xuan look at each other when they know the news!

"I'll go. What's the situation? Suddenly I came here? Did you wake up? Or is there another reason? "

"You think he's disillusioned now! Will you find this way? " Ding Yu shook his head, "either it's his own reason, or it's the reason behind his influence, let Lao Gao know our weight! Generally speaking, this is the situation. If you don't believe it, you can have a try? ""Hang him for a while, I get it!" Luo Xuan couldn't help laughing! "I'll do it! I am an expert in this business! I just don't know how old Gao's temper is? A little bit of anticipation! "

For the arrival of Gao Changyu, the farm did not express too much! As for Luo Xuan, I came out to have a look! He looked up and down and told Gao Changyao that his husband had something to do. Just a moment!

The meaning is very simple, if you are willing to wait, then wait, if you are not willing to wait, whatever! No entertainment!

How can Gao Changyu not understand that others are deliberately threatening him. His identity is easy to use in other places, but it is useless here! I didn't see the one who came. When he spoke, he meant to be ungrateful!

If it's a little ugly, people don't want to take care of themselves at all!

Now I believe in Ding Yu's identity! It's even thicker than what I imagined! Even terrible!

I seem to be able to understand why my later forces, after hearing their own suggestions, did not give themselves the right to make any choice, and directly set the tone for the whole thing!

To a certain extent, I seem to be afraid of director Ding Yuding! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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