When Gao Changlu saw Ding Yu, Ding Yu was making tea. As for Gao Changlu, Ding Yu just turned a blind eye to him! I didn't even want to lift my head!

Very rude, but also quite arrogant!

Gao Changyu's mouth has some twitch. Now he can understand Gu Feng! Why did he come to see Ding Yu, so hot tempered, and even directly rushed into his office, yelling!

If you are yourself now, you are also "out of the body". I just want to slap Ding Yu on the ground!

Return NIMA's tea, I NIMA's tea made you! Almost!

Luo Xuan forbeared the smile in his heart and came to Ding Yu's side. He bent down his body and whispered a few words in Ding Yu's ear. Then Ding Yu raised his head and looked at Gao Changyu up and down!

Gao Changli also took this opportunity to look at Ding Yu! The dress on Ding Yu's body is very simple! The only thing that catches the eye is his wrist! But it's definitely not the fancy high-end goods!

I also like watches very much. It's not easy to carry them on my hands at ordinary times, but I'm also a treasure to a certain brand, but Ding Yu's watch is definitely not one of them!

Not even the so-called niche brands! This is the only costume on him!

However, if you want to say that there is no other place on Ding Yu's body, you really don't want to say that when you observe Ding Yu, you really notice that there are different places on Ding Yu's body. There are two strange looking signs on the cuff position of the clothes!

A feather and a button? It's a little special! I'm not good enough to pay too much attention! If you don't watch carefully, it's really hard to find this, and you don't know what it means!

There is also Gao Changli's discovery! The light in Ding Yu's eyes is very insipid! Originally, Gao Changli thought that Ding Yu's eyes must be full of disdain and even disdain when he saw himself now!

But these simply can't find, give oneself of felling, Ding Yu see to oneself of time! There is no difference with ordinary people! That is to say, Ding Yu didn't take his identity too seriously!

For Gao Changyu, seeing Ding Yu for the first time, he has got some verification. Ding Yu should not come for himself. If Ding Yu really comes for himself, then the way he treats himself should never be like this!

But the same, in front of the director Ding Yuding, even more difficult than I imagined! I'm not afraid of Ding Yu's reaction. I'm afraid that Ding Yu has no reaction. This is the real fucker!

"You are Lao Gao?"

"I'm Gao Changyu!"

Gao did not kowtow, but looked at Ding Yu and answered!

Ding Yu nodded, stretched out his hand and made an invitation gesture! Next to Luo Xuan, he went to a place not far away and sat down. Gao changfan looked at it for a while, and then sat down beside Ding Yu. But when he sat down, he was very careful! Because I can't understand it, what kind of medicine does Ding Yu sell?

Wash the tea! Making tea, Ding Yu's action is orderly! I poured three cups of tea and made a gesture of invitation!

After Ding Yu picked up the teacup, Luo Xuan followed him to pick up the teacup, and finally Gao Changyu! Drink it up!

The taste is better than what I imagined. I didn't even try to figure out what kind of tea it was!

first saw Ding Yu, and he gave himself a pretty big horse. What's next is a sore stick. Why is it a sore stick? Because Ding Yu's action is telling Gao Changgui that you are a woodlouse!

"It's up to you, Lao Gao. Should you give me an explanation?" Very direct!

Gao didn't mean to deny it, because Ding Yu's tone was too positive! But the question is how can Gao explain this? The more you explain, the more loopholes you have, so it's good to admit this mistake now!

"Mr. Ding, it's my problem!" Gao Changli admitted it! There's not even any argument!

Ding Yu nodded slightly, "OK! It's quite a responsibility Ding Yu leaned back and let himself lean against the back of the chair! Looking at Gao Changyu! "I'm sure we have no grudge against each other! I have learned something about the farm in general! There are not too many disputes, under such circumstances, you have such a performance, I am very suspicious! Even some of them are incomprehensible! "

How can I answer this question? Gao Changyu feels that there is something bitter in the corner of his mouth. Can I tell you that I saw your identity in my eyes at the beginning, so I took you as a knife? Does this mean that you don't die fast enough? Who knows you're so big?!

"Mr. Ding, it's my fault!"

Ding Yu ha ha's smile, "from the beginning of the inspection work, has been here, really let me quite a surprise! I'm surprised that I don't know! At that time, I was thinking, which immortals did I offend? Which temple has not burnt incense? Otherwise, how can there be problems and situations in the second and third company? ""Later, I checked. It turned out that it was you, the God. We didn't worship you!"

It's hard for Gao Changyu to be run on! I'm not afraid of Ding Yu, but this kind of beating really makes me too uncomfortable! After so many years, when did you pretend to be a grandson? But at this time, I have nothing to do! Can only be ridiculed by Ding Yu out of thin air!

If he pats his ass to leave now, Ding Yu won't give him what? At least not for the time being. What do you think? But what's next? I will never let myself be too good!

I know too well what kind of character such a person as Ding Yu is! They are such dandies. They look at face more than the sky! I lost his face more than once! If he could spare himself!

Make sure he gives it out! If you don't let him out of this tone, then it will not be as simple as making things worse! If he said this tone, then appropriate to compensate for it, it may be counterproductive, they can close the relationship between each other! There is nothing more cost-effective than this!

But at this time, Gao Changyu's admirer is Gu Feng, the bastard! The first time I felt that the situation was not right! Even my own side has not had time to do any reaction! He came here to apologize!

Is it a shame? Is such a thing important? The most important thing is to be able to keep the position under your buttocks! As for other aspects? Can give up! I'm the second one to come, at least the second one to see Ding Yu! But in terms of timeliness, it is already so late!

"Mr. Luo, how do you think we should worship this God? Would you like to get him a gold body? "

Luo Xuan is a ha ha smile, "Sir, in the morning came a few ghosts, we have sent them to the temple! It's a great achievement! It's not good to force people into trouble! "

In this regard, Ding Yu snorted disdainfully, and even did not mean to lift his eyelids!

It's very simple! Don't say Gao Changyu! Even if it's bigger than him, what can it do?

And Gao Changli also understood! Ding Yu may be more difficult, but what about Luo Xuan? Now this time is absolutely to give their own eye medicine, they just came in, it is really ignored this point!

It's hard for hell to keep off ghosts! How can I be wise and confused? If you didn't ignore Luo Xuan before you came in, will Luo Xuan give you eyedrops now?

What's more, I don't get other opportunities at all! To be exact, it's a chance to revenge Luo Xuan! They're from the farm! And it's not from this farm! Other people's influence is the whole farm, but what about their own? In addition to this basic plate, other places are basically black!

"Mr. Ding, there have been problems and situations. I will not shirk anything!"

Gao Changyu is sincere, but he hasn't finished his words yet!

Ding Yu is very abrupt said! "Who is calling you? If it's you, you can't know about me! I believe you don't have any reason to fight me! Now I want to know who is calling! Give me your name and you can go! "

Facing Ding Yu's undoubted attitude, it's Gao Changli's turn to be a little irritable!

I really didn't expect that Ding Yu would ask such a question! Isn't this to break its own foundation? No matter how fierce or arrogant you are, you can't say that you are upset with the people behind you! Even if he is not the power behind himself! If you really want to turn over, you will stand on the opposite side of everyone. That's for sure!

Even the forces behind him are on guard against himself after knowing this situation!

But director Ding's attitude in front of him is very clear. What are you doing with me? I don't have much interest, just like you, I really don't want to put it in my heart!

It is no exaggeration to say that you such a small ant, I simply will not be placed in the eyes inside! You don't have the courage at all, unless someone behind you deliberately instructs you to do so! I want to know now, who is the person behind you?

If you say that, then I will not continue to pursue your problems, but if you say nothing and say nothing, then I'm sorry! There shouldn't be much difference between killing you and killing an ant!

"Mr. Ding, I need to think about it for a while!" After thinking about it for a while, Gao felt that he needed to delay!

"Think about it well. If you don't think about it well, don't come!"

"Mr. Ding, I came in a hurry, and I don't know what you like!"

At the beginning, Ding Yu really didn't care, but after Gao Changfen opened the box, he saw what was in it. How about Ding Yu? Luo Xuan suddenly stood up and looked at the expression. He almost pointed to Gao Changyu's nose and scolded him! This is not a joke so simple!While Ding Yu looked at the things in the box, he couldn't see any change of expression on his face, but his eyes were very sharp, giving Gao Changyu the feeling of a small knife! He even has some doubts, the next moment, Ding Yu will not cut himself!

Looking at Ding Yu, even if Gao Changyu is stupid, he knows that he has sent the wrong thing! But is it the wrong delivery? Or do people have other understandings about this gift, but they don't understand it now!

"Lao Gao, you are joking enough! Even if you want to die, you can't use this way! Tut When speaking, Luo Xuan even deliberately stretched out his thumb, "you can do it! You are brilliant! Hit face again and again, and now still use this way! I've opened my eyes today! "

Looking at Luo Xuan who is going to leave, Gao Changli grabs Luo Xuan's arm. Now even if Luo Xuan is not satisfied, Gao Changli has to do so. What's the purpose of his coming this time? I am still very clear!

But Gao Changli is also more sharp eyed, clearly see the wrist of Luo Xuan watch! At the same time, the heart is also a surprise!

Langer's tourbillon, who has a lot of research on watches, naturally knows the price of this watch! Do you know what ordinary people choose? You may choose Patek Philippe or Constantine. After all, they are big brands and have been handed down for a long time. However, this watch of Langer is too low-key!

From the choice of watch, we can see what Luo Xuan's character looks like!

"Mr. Luo! It's my fault! This is my first time to see Mr. Ding. There must be something I can't get to! " Gao Changli put his posture very low, "just now, I was too hasty to neglect Mr. Luo!"

Luo Xuan looks at Gao Changyu! Then he laughed, "Lao Gao, such a name must have considerable disrespect, but if you don't say it wantonly, Mr. Ding really didn't see you in his eyes! Mr. Ding didn't even pay attention to the so-called little action you used to make, but the thing you sent here is really taboo! There is only so much that can be said, and a reminder to you? "

It's a bit like negotiation, but how can Gao Changyu not understand it!

"Mr. Luo, I hope you will not hesitate to give me advice!"

"Yes Looking at Gao Changyu putting things in his pocket, Luo Xuan laughs, "then I'll say a few more words. Mr. Ding wants you to think clearly earlier. This so-called thinking clearly doesn't mean that you can just drag on! Today's several were found by director Liu, whether their buttocks are clean or not is not so important! Gu Feng is very clever. He took all the things from his family! As for those who are not so smart, ha ha

Having said that, Luo Xuan looked at the box on the table, "take away the things quickly! I don't want to be scolded by my husband afterwards. No one can take such responsibility! "

After coming out of the farm, Gao changfan really didn't understand, but he called the person behind him the first time when he got on the bus! I told you the details!

The person on the other side of the phone said, "I don't know if I should scold you? Or should I say it's my personal problem! "

Ah? What does that mean? "It should be my problem. I'm not ready!"

"First of all, you can tell Ding Yu my name. Anyway, I have registered with Ding Yu! It's not even a day or two! This time, it was just a mistake. As for the second thing, you gave a Buddhist gift! I don't know if your luck is really bad! He's a Taoist! "

Ah? Then Gao seemed to remember! When I saw Ding Yu just now, the sign on his side had already explained quite a problem! Isn't that Taoist yin yang fish? Mad! Gao Changyu really wants to slap himself in the face!

"Give me a personal feeling, director Ding doesn't seem to be a very nice person to want to be with!"

"Of course, he is not a person who wants to communicate with others, even a very difficult one! Anyone who attacks him will pay a considerable price! According to his character, it's all right not to do it! If you do it! I think it's all ruthless! That is to say, if he doesn't do it, he will run wild! "

Gao Changli covers his heart. His original intention is to borrow Ding Yu's knife, but who can think that lifting this ghost knife will really hurt others and himself!

You should know that you have hidden a lot of things, even the reason why you want to borrow Ding Yu's knife is hidden! This is also a mistake for the person on the other side of the phone. He thinks that Gao Changyu's face is not due to his own reasons!

If you really let him know the reason, what kind of result it would be, Gao Changyu really felt shivering in his heart! Wrong step by step wrong step by step, I must stop loss in time now!

If you don't stop loss in time, then really let Ding Yu put his eyes on his body! What will it be like then? There are some people who dare not think about it!"I know what to do! I believe I can deal with this time! "

Now the situation is a little out of control! At least not in the direction of their expectations to develop! So now I have to end all this, especially in Ding Yu's problem!

However, Gao Changyu now has some doubts! Why doesn't director Liu go to Ding Yu? If he found Ding Yu, wouldn't he be in such a predicament? A little more? They seem to have met each other?

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