"One more thing I don't quite understand! Due to many reasons, after director Liu came here, there were quite a few problems! Even Mr. Ding Yuding invited director Liu to meet him! "

"I know what you mean!" The person on the other side of the phone thought for a moment, "director Liu, or I, even if there is something difficult, if I don't have to, or if I really don't have any way, I will never go to find Ding Yu! It's not about face? "

"Well?" Gao Changyu really doesn't understand! It's not about face, so what's the problem?

"I'm sorry, I'm so dumb! I really can't understand this problem! "

"I said that earlier! Don't provoke him! He is basically blind and deaf! Even if it is really provoked him, give him sincere apology, there are not too many problems! At the same time, he is very reasonable! Sometimes people are really willing to cooperate with him, but they are also not willing to cooperate with him! "

Isn't that bullshit? Gao Changyu's heart has quite a murmur!

"Because he is too ruthless! I know the rules, but it's too destructive! Sometimes it even feels like lawlessness! But because of his hard root! Don't say it's an idle person! Even those who can count are not willing to face Ding Yu! Of course, there is another reason. He is a doctor

"Doctor? Where is this? " Gao Changyu is more and more confused!

"If he says a word, you can live or die! Although the absoluteness is not so big, it has considerable significance! But so far, he has not done so. To a certain extent, he is a doctor with high quality and integrity! In general, that's what happened? "

"How could there be such a person?" When he said this, Gao Changyu's voice had already shaken a little! Originally, I just knew that Ding Yu's background was very big, but I never knew that Ding Yu's background was beyond my imagination! Now Gao really wants to cut himself in! It's all over!

If you know that Ding Yu is so big, even if you killed yourself at the beginning, you would never do such a thing! Although in this land, they can be arrogant, can be domineering, but does not mean that they are really unscrupulous!

"That's why you didn't agree to do it to him before! If you do it! Yes, there is no problem, but you can bear all the results by yourself

"I see! I immediately go to apologize to Mr. Ding. I'll bear all the problems by myself! There is also the previous time action some too bold! Would you like to know something about it? What do you think is the most appropriate gift? "

This problem really makes people on the other side of the phone have some hesitation! After thinking about it for quite a long time, I said it slowly! "Ding Yu is very strange! How many good things are there at home? I don't know, but he never took it as a matter! The people of GuBo and Guobo run to his house when they have nothing to do, and take away the good things! He has never been unwilling or dissatisfied

My dear! Gao Changyu scolded him! Isn't this a typical black sheep? If it's not a black sheep, who will do it like this? Good things are not well hidden, others said to get away with it?

"At this point, I really need to admire director Ding Yuding! It's not suitable for you to give too expensive a gift! He won't take it! He has seen so many delicious, delicious and funny things! It's not unusual at all! If you have anything strange, you can show it to him! And he has considerable research on Chinese and Western medicine! We can start from this aspect! "

After hanging up the phone, Gao Changli had driven away from the farm, but he didn't return to his unit. Instead, he found a free place to think about it for a while!

Ding Yu is negotiating with Luo Xuan? Looking at the sudden vibration of the mobile phone, slightly a Leng! The phone number above is a little strange to me! However, the number of people who can know this call is definitely not as many as they think!

It can't be a bank, a salesman, etc!

Think about it, Ding Yu is connected! "Hello! Hello! I'm Ding Yu

"Hello! Director Ding! Jiang and I are big

Ding Yu has a slight frown. Suddenly Jiang Dahe comes out. He really knows this man. After all, he has a good relationship with his uncle! My uncle is also a master who doesn't rub sand in his eyes! Can be intersected by my uncle! Can explain certain problem originally!

"Hello! I didn't expect you to call me in person! Some of them didn't think of it Ding Yu laughs twice, and then comes to the point, "because of Gao Changli's business, he has just been kicked out by me! It's not very decent! There are so many people who want to make me happy on purpose

"Ha ha!" Jiang Dahe couldn't help laughing. He was very happy about Ding Yu's honesty! "It has nothing to do with him! As you know, director Ding's eyes are staring at you! I hope your fingers can leak a little! ""You are an elder. If you say so, I must accept the criticism!"

"No! If you say so, I have some worries! " Jiang Dahe also sighed, "this matter is not arranged by me alone! Previously, quite a lot of things have been done. Although you didn't do it, we can't not worry at all! If I really offend you, it's not worth it! "

Looking at the phone in his hand, Ding Yu said abruptly! "Uncle Jiang, just a moment!"

Luo Xuan next to a sign, Ding Yu is another step out of the phone! After dialing the phone number, he whispered, "uncle, I'm Ding Yu! Is that convenient? "

Yuan Changlin Leng for a while, but still very polite to say! "I'm alone. What's the matter? In such a hurry

"There are some things on my side. Just now, Jiang Dahe called me! Are you familiar with this man? "

Hearing what his nephew said, Yuan Changlin had a thump in his heart! "Although I belong to different families from him, I still know a lot about this man! I'm quite decent. I don't have too many problems! What happened? "

"Uncle, can you promise? It's important! "

Yuan Changlin took a breath of cold air. The simpler his nephew said, the more serious this matter is!

"I don't dare to guarantee 100 percent. It's business to be with him for a long time!"

Ding Yu thought for a while, "uncle, you should be ignorant of everything for the time being! I was just a little curious by chance, so I asked a few more questions. Someone was looking for me here. Unexpectedly, uncle Jiang suddenly stood up and scared me a lot! First of all! If there is anything, I'll contact you again! "

Listening to the busy voice on the phone, Yuan Changlin's heart is really beating. Who is Ding Yu's nephew? Don't you know? Since he said that to himself, it means that this matter needs to be kept secret and can never be spread out! When he thought of this, Yuan Changlin felt that his scalp was numb!

Then Ding Yu called his third uncle again!

"Third uncle, are you busy?"

"You! It's absolutely nothing but going to the three treasures hall! What's the matter? Let's hear it

"Jiang Dahe called me. I designed Gao Changyu, but I didn't think Jiang Dahe called me. I already know the specific reason! But I can't rely on my personal feelings! So I have to ask for your opinion! "

The middle-aged man laughed, "you! Sometimes I'm too cautious. It's not good, it's not good! "

"Third uncle, business is business, and private is private. If it's private, there's a hole in heaven. I haven't done it before. It doesn't matter! But business is different! So give me a decision! "

"No problem!" Middle aged people are very calm to say!

"Understand!" When Ding Yu heard this, he said twice, "I'll give him a call later and ask him to report the specific work to you. Besides, Gao Changyu's side, he's already in a mess! I can't help myself at all! And there's no problem with Gufeng! "

"Well done! Keep trying

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu picked up the phone again. Jiang Dahe was still waiting for the phone!

"Uncle Jiang! It wasn't so convenient just now! " When he said that, Ding Yu deliberately stopped for a while, "there's no problem about me, and it's no big deal!"

No! Ding Yu is a good talker sometimes, but definitely not. There are some problems!

"Xiaoding?" Jiang Dahe didn't feel very good, so he asked one more question!

"Uncle Jiang, why do you want Gao Changyu to do this time? You have a good relationship with him? "

Facing Ding Yu's question, Jiang Dahe was surprised. If he didn't feel any problem at this time! Then I am really a fool! "How good is the relationship! The main thing is to check the work several times! I have a good impression of him! So this time it's up to him! Other people are not so convenient! "

"What about the others?"

"Several times! However, there was a lesson in this aspect at home, so I refused! He has sent other specialties! I can guarantee that! "

"I just made a call to my uncle. He gave you quite a guarantee, but that's all for the time being!" Ding Yu directly pointed out this matter! The so-called so far, that is to say, do not mention! "I'll call you later. You need to report to my third uncle! That's all

"I see! boss! Thank you

"Just stop staring at me!" Ding Yu said impatiently!I don't care about Jiang Da and other things! As for Gao Changyu's arrangement, he was quite interested in it! Now, although Gao Changyu was not led by his nose, he is now the goods in the cage! Even you don't need to waste your efforts!

As for the next thing how to solve! Is that a problem? ha-ha!

Before the evening, Gao Changyu came back again! And not alone! I brought a little older person from grade to come here! At least it looks much older than Gao Changyu! "Mr. Qu, you have to accompany me! Absolutely not enough to make a small difference! Everything is easy to say! "

Gao Changyu is really out of his way, otherwise he would never say such words. The people behind him gently nodded his head! There is no meaning to speak, but the attitude is very obvious!

"Mr. Luo!" When he saw Luo Xuan, Gao Changli rushed forward and even handed a small pouch to Luo Xuan's hand! "I hope you don't mind, Mr. Luo. What happened before is my problem!"

Is Qu Cheng next to you stupid? Who is Gao Changyu? Don't you know? Just because I know it, when I see Gao Changyu's posture, I feel a little nervous, even though it disappears in a moment!

Looking at Luo Xuan carefully, Qu Cheng didn't take in the cold air, but he also felt the difference in front of him! The dress on the body seems to be very simple, but the absolute Seiko, their eyes will certainly not be wrong! These are definitely not what can be seen in stores, even on the market! There is not much circulation!

Why? cannot afford! To be exact, these are all custom-made, from fabric to finished product, the whole process is all custom-made! And his wrist watch? okay? There's no problem buying a big flat in the provincial capital!

Originally, Qu Cheng wanted to get close to him, but Luo Xuan took a look at Qu Cheng and said, "did you bring him here to see your husband?"

"Mr. Qu, the teacher of our provincial university, has a great interest in cultural relics and antiques! We are also local people here. We also have a lot of research on the local conditions and customs here. We can be a guide for Mr. Ding and you, and we can get rid of the boredom when we have nothing to do! "

The corner of Qu Cheng's mouth twitches slightly. He is a great professor. He is a funny person in your mouth. But he blinks his eyes. Forget it! The form is stronger than others, I can't make Lao Gao angry, and at the beginning, in order to rely on Lao Gao, I spent a lot of time! Today is also a favor for him!

Before he came in, Gao seemed to think of something, "Mr. Qu, put away all the mess on his body!" Qu Cheng was a little absent-minded at first, but then he seemed to understand something! I packed a small pocket and put some things on my body in!

The pocket is a little big! And look more delicate! Gao Changli also deliberately looked at two eyes, also did not care too much! It must be something to carry with you, not dangerous goods. I don't mean to take it seriously!

"Mr. Ding!" See Ding Yu again! Gao Changyu's face is smiling!

Ding Yu looked at Gao Changli up and down, and then looked at the people he brought, his nose moved two times! When Qu Cheng looked at Ding Yu, his eyes flashed a bright light! If the Luo Xuan I saw just now is a big boiled dry silk, then the young man I see now is definitely of the level of Buddha jumping over the wall!

Absolute big fish, or even the whale of that kind, such an opportunity to never let go of their own!

Looking at the things placed on the table, Ding Yu takes a glance, while Luo Xuan takes them up. Ding Yu weighs them over in his hand, "OK! How could you find such a thing! I have a heart

"It's just a handpiece. Fill in Mr. Ding's elegance! This is Professor Qu of our provincial university. He is very familiar with the local conditions and customs here. If Mr. Ding is interested, he can take him to relieve his boredom! "

Ding Yu snorted and looked at Gao Changyu again, but the things in his hand didn't mean to put down!

"You look down on me! I found uncle Jiang to talk to you! I'm not an outsider, so I'll give you face! " But then Ding Yu's face was also black, "this time, it's not the next time!" Ding Yu shakes the things in his hand!

How can Gao Changyu not understand that people are talking about things with their hands! This time something has been taken care of! So let yourself go, but it's just yourself! As for the others? They don't have their heads on the ground now, but it's obvious that they should go to the temple to repair gold body in their lifetime!

It's not that there's no chance, but it's obvious that they didn't take it! On this issue, Gao Changyu really admires Gu Feng. He may not know what kind of identity Ding Yu is? Even now there are so many people who don't understand, but this doesn't prevent him from judging the situation!

When I think of Gu Feng, Gao Changyu feels that his teeth are itchy. He has argued with him for many years, even when he first came here, the contradiction has always existed! But he dug countless pits and set countless traps, this guy can always avoid the past!It's the same with this one! Even before he had any feelings, he had already made preparations in this aspect! I'm even one step behind him!

Is it because of his good luck? This is definitely not the reason, this guy! Think of them than their own even more smart! that 's ok! This time you're lucky. We'll see in the future!

It's Luo Xuan who looks at Gao Changyu who is a little absent-minded!

"Sir, the canteen is ready!"

Hearing Luo Xuan's voice, Gao Changyu suddenly wakes up! It's obvious that what he just sent has played a considerable effect, otherwise Luo Xuan will never remind himself!

Gao Changli cursed in his heart, this bastard, no rabbit, no Eagle! What a villain!

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