If it wasn't for my previous gift, I would never have such treatment now!

Maybe he will be cruel to himself, but it's because he has given quite a lot of things, so now when there is a delicate situation, Luo Xuan stands up and gives himself a promise! Let yourself not fall short!

"Mr. Ding, I'll leave first!"

I still have this insight! Gao Changli doesn't think Ding Yu will stay here at this time! So it's better to take the initiative to leave, let Professor Qu stay with Ding Yu! Don't make any more trouble!

"Stay for dinner!" Ding Yu's attitude is not to be refused!

But this words let Luo Xuan not from of is a Leng! Ding Yu walked in the front position, Luo Xuan followed closely! And Gao Changyu and Qu Cheng are following in the following position! After Qu Cheng looks at Ding Yu and Luo Xuan, he secretly winks at Gao Changli!

Take advantage of the bathroom! Qu Cheng put out his thumb! "No mortal! I can't see clearly! What about the temperament and attitude? It's just the dress and make-up on the body, that's it! "

"Good watch!" Gao Changyu seems to have a little to deal with the said!

These things can't be seen by themselves! Don't talk nonsense!

And Qu Cheng is a Leng, then slightly shake his head, "boss! Don't just look at your watch! Maybe other people's eyes are on the watch! But if you look at the clothes on them carefully, Mr. Luo is a little better. I can't tell the brand of Mr. Ding's watch, but I can't find the clothes on him. It's more than enough to buy Mr. Luo's watch! "

Huh?! Gao Changyu was obviously thinking about other things, but he didn't take two steps, and suddenly he was stumbling under his feet!

"What are you talking about?" May be to feel oneself have so a few gaffe! Gao Changli snorted, "clothes are more expensive than watches?"

"Absolutely Qu Cheng said with certainty, "if I read it correctly, the clothes on Mr. Ding's body are specially made! There is a special kind of musk ox hair in the fabric, which needs to be collected every year when it snows! And Mr. Ding's should be a special one! That is to say, we can't buy money! "

"No?" Gao Changyu asked subconsciously! Is there anything else in the world that money can't buy?

"No! This thing is not as simple as luxury! So I have reason to suspect that the watch he was wearing! It should be specially customized! It's different from all brands on the market! It won't be on the market at all! Even if you want to copy, you don't know where to go to find the original model! Maybe even the original model has been destroyed! " After that, Qu Cheng nodded his head! I said yes!

"It's not necessary, is it?" Gao Changyu doesn't believe it!

Qu Cheng said with a smile, "for others, what they want is this kind of uniqueness! Design! How much money is spent in the process of manufacturing and so on, for others, there is no significance at all! That's what they want! "

Gao took a breath of air-conditioning. Before, he felt that he had looked up at Ding Yu, and even felt that he had enjoyed the prosperity and bliss of the world. But after today, the world seemed to open up for him again! It turns out that I'm just a toad watching the sky from a well!

"Lao Qu, you can accompany Mr. Ding and Mr. Luo, especially Mr. Ding!"

When he spoke, Gao Changyu squeezed Qu Cheng's arm heavily!

"Boss, don't worry, there will never be any mistakes!" Qu Cheng promised, "but boss, I need a little help. If I'm alone, you'll give me this face. I need to find two people, and you need to find several people for me at the same time! At least they need to be on the outside! Not many people know my face! "

After a discussion, they came to the canteen again! Ding Yu just came back here! Gao Changli and Qu Cheng both noticed! Ding Yu and Luo Xuan seem to have changed their clothes again!

But looking at the things on the table, Gao Changli and Luo Xuan both feel a little surprised! Why? The things on the table are a little simple! And there is a bottle of wine on it. It's not even opened!

Looking at Gao Changyu's eyes, Luo Xuan gave a kick in the dark! And it's the ruthless one!

Gao Changlin, who was kicked, was stunned for a while, and then sat in his own position. Although he didn't quite understand why Luo Xuan would kick himself, it was obvious that there should be some taboos in it!


Ding Yu nodded his head, and then he took a look at Gao Changyao and Qu Cheng! "Are you two drinking?" Looking at the two people did not mean to talk! Luo Xuanze explained that! "Sir, I don't like drinking! So this is for you two! "

At this time, Gao finally understood why Luo Xuan had kicked himself just now! It's said that Ding Yu is strange, and now he finally understands it! If you picked up the drinks before!At that time, it will really open up. Whether to drink or not? If you drink, Mr. Ding doesn't like this aspect. Can he drink it for himself and Qu Cheng? At that time, even if it's qiongjiangyuye, it won't be any different from poison for itself!

So when he looked at Luo Xuan again, Gao was full of gratitude! Although the guy in front of him is a villain, he is definitely working with money, but he is not implicit at all! But I like such a real villain!

However, when waiting for dinner, looking at Ding Yu's appetite, Gao Changyu and Qu Cheng both have some silly eyes. I'll wipe them! Is this NIMA a man or a cow! Why such a big meal? Are you kidding?

And both of them noticed that Ding Yu's stomach didn't have any bulge! It's really hard to say whether something is eaten in the stomach or in other places! But it's OK! Although Ding Yu does not like words, because Luo Xuan is here! Coupled with Qu Cheng's deliberate mediation, the overall atmosphere is still very good!

"Mr. Luo! Thank you When he left the car, Gao Changli held Luo Xuan's hand with both hands cordially, with sincere thanks on his face!

"You're welcome! It's just reciprocity! " Luo Xuan face is not too much ridicule, there is no need! "Lao Gao, can I say more?"

"What do you say?" Gao Changyu now really has no other opinions and ideas! I don't know whether I can hold this thigh or not, but I have contact with related things. Now that I have contact, it means that I can know how to enter the temple gate when I really carry the pig's head in the future!

For myself, all this is enough! Don't expect too much! More importantly, this time the matter has been solved! When he got on the bus, Gao Changli patted Qu Cheng, who nodded clearly!

After waiting for Gao Changli to leave, Qu Cheng is slightly nervous looking at Luo Xuan! "Mr. Luo!"

"Wait a moment, follow me and discuss. Tomorrow morning, you need to do a lot of inspection work. You can follow at will. It doesn't matter if you don't follow. In the afternoon, if you don't have anything to do, you can go for a stroll and make a general route." Then Luo Xuan stares at Qu Cheng, "there is no need to disclose anything to the outside world. Can you understand me? If something goes wrong, you can't bear the responsibility. I can't bear the responsibility either. Let's lose our heads together, but I can promise to cut off your head before I lose my head! "

"I see!"

Hear Luo Xuan say so, how can Qu Cheng not understand! "Mr. Luo, I need to go home and get ready! I came with nothing! If I can, I've been here for two days! " After thinking about it, Qu Cheng continued to say, "besides, I may need to find two colleagues. Some things need to be consulted together!"

"Yes, let them be alert. If something goes wrong, I won't find anyone else. Can you understand me?"

"I understand!" Qu Cheng had a hard time holding such a thigh. How could he give up easily? He must do such a thing clearly and clearly. You should know that Gao Changfen is also a thigh for himself, but how can you say that? There's not too much pressure, but this one in front of us is by no means ordinary!

After coming out from the farm, Gao Changyu waited until he came back home, and then he calmed down again!

After thinking about quite a lot of things, he called his thigh behind him. He talked about Ding Yu in detail and his performance! Admit their own problems and faults, Lin Lin all kinds of, together with Qu Cheng called here, it has been busy to get through!

Qu Cheng has a quite puzzled, why the phone has been unable to get through, not good enough, the phone was finally through! Qu Cheng simply said something about the situation. Gao Changfen had some feelings of elation in his heart! What a blessing in disguise! Although this time I paid a considerable price, but from now on, everything is still worth it!

After Luo Xuan met Ding Yu, he said suspiciously, "Sir, what's the matter with such a professor? I went to check the information, whether the information above is really unimportant, but I have considerable doubt in my heart! Deliberately being an eye? Is he so bold? "

"You don't feel that Lao Gao's mind has been confused?"

"That's true!" Luo Xuan nodded, "from the understanding of the situation, he is still very capable, at least has considerable determination, but from the contact point of view, he seems to have lost this proportion! Maybe it's too much pressure from my husband! Even unconsciously, it is completely out of balance! "

"He! It is undeniable that we can see that we have considerable ability! Sitting in that position, from the perspective of ability, there is no problem. Maybe it's his family that has affected him, or it's for other reasons. His ambition is a little big! wait! What a pity

"It's not easy for you to say that, sir! But, sir, what should qu Cheng do? ""He's an interesting man!" Ding Yu said abruptly, "don't you smell it? He has a earthy smell on his body, and the earthy smell is very heavy? "

"What? "Earthy smell?" Luo Xuan turned his brain, not quite understand what Ding Yu said, "Sir, what does the earthy smell represent? What's wrong with this guy? " It's not clear, but other people may not ask, nor dare to ask, but for Luo Xuan, in front of Ding Yu, it doesn't need to be like this!

"Didn't you listen to Lao Gao? He has a lot of research on ancient books and plays

"Ah? "Local master?" Ding Yu's suggestion is too obvious! "No! Isn't he a professor? I'll give it a wipe. It's really interesting! " Luo Xuan's interest suddenly rose!

"Directly speaking, Tu Fu Zi may be exaggerating, but he has definitely done this work! Wang Li has done some research on this aspect, so I've also seen them. The smell on their bodies is very special. For those old people who often come to Siheyuan, quite a few of them have this special smell on their bodies! It doesn't mean you can wash it after you wash it! "

"But there's no smell of blood! This is all very good! "

"Not much research!" Luo Xuan could not help shaking his head, "it seems that there are not too many problems, it seems that we need a good study! What do you mean, sir? "

"Don't do anything else, these guys! It's the wild way! I don't know what kind of people are behind this one! And the people in the family can easily be seen through when dealing with these wild ways! I'm afraid it will not be worth the loss at that time! Just pay attention to safety! Don't care too much about the others

"I understand!"

At midnight, Qu Cheng came back! But even so! Security still has no intention of letting Qu Cheng go! Inside and outside to check again! Qu Cheng was also surprised. He thought something had happened?

Then the security guard put the clothes and some instruments on the table!

"I'll be with you tomorrow! These clothes are specially made. As for these devices, they are used for communication! "

Looking out of the security, back to his room, Qu Cheng tidy up, there are some small surprise! The next morning, when Qu Cheng got up, he found that he got up a little late! Fortunately, Luo Xuan doesn't seem to be much better than himself in the morning!

"Good morning, Mr. Luo!"

"Ready? Let us eat together! But we may be a little late, sir. We should have got up long ago! His work and rest time is quite different from ours. Don't force him to do so! " Luo Xuan explained to Qu Cheng!

Qu Cheng has quite puzzled, such self-discipline? You know, even if you are yourself, you can't get up so early?!

In one morning, there were basically not too many things in qucheng. Following Ding Yu and Luo Xuan, they just checked the work on the farm! But also let Qu Cheng grow a lot of insight!

As for noon, Luo Xuan pulled Qu Cheng away!

"Go! Let's have some together

Qu Cheng is puzzled! A little silly looking at Luo Xuan, "this is not very good? Mr. Ding

"Sir, I don't eat much at noon! The habit of being a doctor! I don't have much appetite at noon today! It's so simple, sir, that we can't carry any of our food! "

At noon, Luo Xuan and Qu Cheng didn't want to drink! But the food is good! Qu Cheng has a good understanding of the local conditions and customs here! So also found a good place!

It was not until this time that Qu Cheng realized that it was not one or two people who were with him! It's a whole team of people, obviously not with themselves! If you follow yourself, you can't use so many people!

And Qu Cheng, who is more sharp eyed, also finds that when these people eat outside, they all rotate! And eating is not the same thing, obviously there are other considerations and concerns! There is also their own vaguely see, these security seems to be carrying weapons and equipment!

In such a domestic environment, you can't be sneaky! But Mr. Ding Yuding is "blatant". Is this a bit too exaggerated? I feel that my brain is not enough!

But there is no need to inquire about such things! It's so taboo!

After lunch, when he came back, Ding Yu was slightly lazy! Morning work is so busy!


"Very good! The place introduced by Mr. Qu is very good, sir. If you have time in the evening, you can try it! " Luo Xuan is very respected, this makes Qu Cheng a little excited, but also a little excited!

Ding Yu also did not say agree, also did not say oppose! "There should be nothing else in the afternoon! I don't like the excitement very much! Professor Qu, find a place to visit! After all, you know a lot about the local conditions and customs here! "Qu Cheng takes a tentative look at Luo Xuan, then looks at Ding Yu and says! "Mr. Ding, there are not so many Taoist temples here! There are some, but the inherited culture is quite different. I'm not keen on development. In the afternoon, I'll find a place to have tea, talk about the ancient and modern, and enjoy the curiosities. There are still some! "

"Is there such an elegant place here?"

"Yes! These years, the country is rich and the people are strong, the wind of collection is also hot, the antiques of prosperous times! Gold in troubled times! There is also an antique city built here. If you come here in early summer, you can catch up with the fair! The turnover is very high. It can't be said that people from all over the country come here to search for goods, but there are really many people! "

Ding Yu thought about it and nodded his head slightly. "It's OK. Let's find a place with a little quietness to sit down!" Then he looked at Qu Cheng, "don't come to those messy things and things!"

"I see! Mr. Ding

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