From the farm side, about an hour's drive, from the central street, Ding Yu took a look around! Because it's a business car, it has a lot of space! So Qu Cheng didn't have to turn his head deliberately, he clearly saw Ding Yu's action!

"Mr. Ding, the central street has undergone considerable transformation, and now it has been preliminarily completed! From the effect, it's still good! At first, it was too crowded. Later, with great efforts, we have today's busy traffic

"A bit of courage, but also a considerable ability! Not bad! "

This evaluation is for Lao Gao! In terms of ability, he has no problem!

"Sir! The previous thing, Lao Gao, is that there are some things that are not very authentic! If you hadn't stopped it! According to the old temper, it's light to knock him on both legs! Although it's said that he doesn't hit people in the face, this guy deserves it! Just give him face this time! "

"What's the matter? Give you a considerable advantage, you forget your last name? Is that right? "

Hearing what Ding Yu said, Qu Cheng shrinks his body back in fright! I didn't dare to answer that! I can't pick it up!

"A watch, and a string of beads! Not bad! I see it's OK! You don't like it anyway, sir! "

"Remember to pay the bill!" Ding Yu snorted, and then there was no speech!

"Sure! My dividend is more than that! But the watch is still very good! Baobai's! It's not popular in China. As for hand string, it's a little luxurious! It's made of aloes! If you have a chance, let the old lady have a look. She should like it! "

"If you are not afraid of two big slaps from the old man, you can have a try!"

Luo Xuan's expression was so distorted that he sighed for a long time! "Well! My father also needs a sincere salute when he meets him. Forget it! He was the one who led the horse to the old man! Ah! Sir, this is not what I said, but what my father said himself

Qu Cheng even had some people who didn't dare to see Luo Xuan at this time, although he was sitting beside him!

Who is the old man in Mr. Ding Yuding's family? I really don't know. After all, there are too few clues! But look at Luo Xuan's age, his father's age is definitely not too young! It's definitely from that time. How does it exist for the old man of Dingyu's family!

After walking through the central street, under the guidance of Qu Cheng, the car stopped not far away and looked at a store not far away! Three big words coming face to face! Antique! Walking out of the car, Ding Yu narrowed his eyes and looked twice!

"Is there something wrong, Mr. Ding?"

"Your friend?" Looking at Qu Cheng nodding, Ding Yu also laughed, "didn't find someone to have a look? All the things of the older generation are lost! " When speaking, he shook his head slightly, "why is the head so big? Top heavy! "

Ouch! Qu Cheng gave himself a slap directly. Is the business in the shop good? Barely, it can only be said that it is famous, but is it true? Earned a cry, this let a lot of people have some not clear do not understand! Why is it like this? There is no problem with the things, and there are not too many problems with the guests! But why is it always tepid?

I didn't see such a simple truth! I still claim to be an expert!

"Listening to your words is better than reading for ten years! Mr. Ding, you are a god! It's amazing Qu Cheng can't even help himself, "tomorrow, no! Change it today! Still dressed

Ding Yu shook his head! "Find a good day! Especially in this business Slightly snorted, Ding Yu slowly walked to the inside! But Qu Cheng is doing the introduction to Ding Yu!

And the waiter standing in front of the store, when he saw Qu Cheng, his eyes couldn't help shining! After seeing Qu Cheng's posture and attitude, I was shocked! Then he copied the walkie talkie in his hand! "Here are your guests! Get ready in the shop! Ready

Then he took out his mobile phone and called his boss directly!

"Boss! Where are you? Come on! There are guests in the shop! "

"What do you call?" Hou Chunyang snorted coldly, "I'm having dinner with people! What's your guest? Why didn't I hear about it before? Don't gasp when you're OK. Hang up! "

"Boss! Hurry up! Professor Qu brought it in person! You don't see Professor Qu's posture! You wait. I'll send you a wechat and you'll know! "

But the mobile phone is shot! But after shooting for half a day, nothing was captured!

After thinking about it, I called my boss again! "Boss! Absolute distinguished guest! I can't use my own mobile phone just now, and I can't use other mobile phones. I can't shoot anything at all! Professor Qu has brought people in! I didn't even sit down to serve tea in person! "

Ah? Hou Chun shook his head! Wake up! "True or false?""Boss, can I cheat you on such a thing?" The director is really worried and angry! "Anyway, I don't think all the people in our shop have been able to catch up before."

When Hou Chun came back in a hurry, he went to the door, and he didn't even breathe! Director is a slip of trot came to Hou Chun's position in front of the body! "Boss, you are back!"

"What about people? Where? What's going on? "

"I don't know! Professor Qu is up there with you? A few things from the back, not the best! No one has the key to the safe! " The director has a bitter face. The key to the safe is not controlled by one or two people! We need to open it together! Especially the key of the boss is the most important!

Hou Chun nodded! "Can you see that?"

"I dare not look! I can't see it. Professor Qu, please come here! People just sat inside chatting, did not hear how much talk! Anyway, there are some people who don't understand! But I took a watch with me. I had a look! Two hundred! Absolutely true

Hou Chunyang slightly took a breath of air conditioning. Although his family is big, there are many watches, but the price of small 200 is a little too expensive for him! Even beyond their own budget and specifications!

I'm in business, even this antique shop? It's just my own investment! If you buy two antiques, don't say small 200, even small 2000, you won't have too much ambiguity! But watch? Not much investment value! Devaluation is very serious!

At least the vast majority of watches are in such a state! Extremely special exception!

What about antiques? After the vast majority of start is basically appreciation, and quite a lot of things appreciation space is very big! Only very special, may appear devaluation, but too rare!

If it's not for communication, I won't choose expensive watches. Even if it's for communication, I won't choose expensive watches. If I have spare money, I might as well find some other investment! Benefits will be better!

But Hou Chunyang also understand, can take small 200 watch person! It will never be any ordinary person! That's for sure!

Although he is the boss, but before entering the room, Hou Chunyang still knocked twice, this is the basic literacy problem! It has nothing to do with other aspects!

"Brother Qu, you haven't been here for a long time?" Hou Chunyang came in with a bright face! Eyes are naturally placed on Ding Yu and Luo Xuan two people's body! Nodded at two people!

"Just waiting for you to come back!" Qu Cheng winked at Hou Chunyang! "Chunyang! Let me introduce you to Mr. Ding and Mr. Luo! "

Looking at Ding Yu and Luo Xuan who didn't stand up, Hou Chunyang clasped his hands and said, "two distinguished guests came to the shop! If you lose, welcome! Please forgive me! Brother Qu, I'm so sorry for you! "

"Stop talking nonsense! It's not easy for a distinguished guest to come. Where's your good tea? I didn't find it for a long time! And the key to the vault? I didn't entertain too many things on the table! "

Qu Cheng said something impolite, Hou Chunyang is a ha ha smile, "this words! I can't believe you, brother qu. if I'm not here, you'll be in charge! Two distinguished guests, please wait a moment! Brother Qu, do me a favor. I can't open the vault alone! "

When Hou Chunyang leaves, he deliberately hugs Ding Yu and Luo Xuan and takes a step back. Then he leaves with Qu Cheng!

Luo Xuan takes a look at the two people who left, and then looks at Ding Yu! "Sir, this is also an old world! It's a businessman

"I see! But your vision has improved a lot! "

"Hi! I can't help it. What I do is this job. When I deal with these people every day, I have some feelings! But it's a bit out of place for a businessman to do this business! "

Ding Yu smiles. He doesn't mean to ask too much! If there is no foundation for a businessman to do such business, he has considerable ability! Besides, there is no other possibility!

But for Ding Yu, there is not much interest in knowing these things! I'm just idle. I don't have anything to do. I come out to have a stroll. By the way, I give Gao Changyu an illusion. That's all! As for the others? They are not so on the heart!

"Brother Qu?" Coming out of the room, Hou Chunyang changed his name, "what's the origin, you still match yourself, and do these two have a slightly bigger style?"

Qu Cheng is pulling Hou Chunyang together into a private room!

"How big is it? I don't know, but it's definitely beyond your imagination! "

Hou Chunyang slightly frowned, "brother Qu, isn't it like that? But it's not like that style! Where did you meet? We all believe in your brother Qu's vision! "

"I, nimana, have the honor of meeting people! That's to accompany them out to relieve their boredom! " Qu Cheng nods to Hou Chunyang hard!Hou Chunyang is so stupid?! It took me a long time to hold my chin! "Are you kidding?" When he said this, Hou Chunyang couldn't believe himself! Brother Qu amuses others! Do you have a dream or something? Did you hear such a joke?

"Gao Changyu found me there. Don't ask me the specific reason! It's not good for you to know! "

"I see! But what are their origins? How strong Lao Gao is? Others don't know. We don't know yet? I've never heard of Lao Gao being a grandson! It's arrogant and domineering

"The farm knows?"

"They're the top of the farm?" Although the people of the local farm are not so familiar with them, they still have a lot of contacts! For the mode and operation of the farm, I really admire it!

Moreover, I admire the scale of the farm. Sometimes I even imagine that if I am allowed to control the farm, I will not live in vain in my life!

"Absolutely high-level, Luo xuanluo should always be the head of the public relations department of the farm! As for Mr. Ding? " Qu Cheng took a breath of air and said, "it should be the owner of the farm! Even if not the owner of the farm, but also occupy a very important part! But I prefer the one in front of me

Poop, Hou Chunyang directly sat on the ground! There are so many dull eyes! Qu Cheng didn't react, but then he stretched out his hand and directly pulled Hou Chunyang up!

"Brother Qu, this NIMA's river crossing dragon! I haven't heard of this news! "

Looking at Hou Chunyang with a look of surprise and surprise, Qu Cheng shook his head, "go to the vault, today people have given us this face! The sign at the door won't be picked today! But the top heavy, the foundation is not stable! I really ignored this problem when I was in the beginning! "

"I wipe it!" Hou Chunyang also patted the back of his head, "how can I forget this?"

Both of them were annoyed for a while, but then they laughed again! "Brother Qu! I won't say any more! Let's let it go today and give Mr. Ding and Mr. Luo a surprise! "

Qu Cheng shook his head as he went to the vault. "It's really hard to say whether there will be a surprise."

"I'll show Mr. Ding and Mr. Luo around later! I don't know if there will be something that will surprise them both! People with such a status must have seen more good things than we imagined! So don't worry, I'll try first

Hou Chunyang listened to this words, Leng for a while, but immediately heavy nod!

After opening the vault, Hou Chunyang didn't come out together. Instead, he sat in the vault. As for Qu Cheng, he took Ding Yu and Luo Xuan to enjoy the furnishings of the store. As for the things at the front desk, there was not much need!

Those things are just fooling laymen! Of course, they are all real things, but they are seriously not in line with the market!

Ding Yu looks at the furnishings on Duobao Pavilion and seems to be more interested. However, Qu Cheng, who is keen, finds that Ding Yu's eyes are just like the calm lake! I'm not moved at all, but what about Luo Xuan? Show a little interest, but it is a layman!

To put it in a bad way, when you accumulate money for yourself, you will know the kind of goods that you can buy yourself some gold!

But who's going to make people's lives better? This is the envy of no one!

After walking for a while, Ding Yu pauses after looking at a thing on the shelf of Duobao Pavilion. Qu Cheng, who was walking in front of him, discovered it after a while! Looking at Ding Yu who stopped, I was also surprised!

Follow Ding Yu's eyes! "Mr. Ding?" Then followed by the waiter is steady forward, personally took things down, carefully placed on the table!

Looking at Qu Cheng who wants to speak, Luo Xuan secretly extends his hand inside! Don't disturb your husband now! From the eyes of my husband, I see the memory!

After a period of time, Ding Yu sighed a little! "Mr. Qu, can we collect the things here?"

"Mr. Ding, that's true! If you like, just take it away! "

"Business is business! Human is human! Twice! Don't and don't give are two completely different things! "

No mention of what the truth, but Qu Cheng how can not understand! Facing Ding Yu, holding his fist, "Mr. Ding, be happy!" They didn't raise the price, and even gave themselves room to ask for it, but it's too open! It's not a treasure at all, so you don't need a lion to open your mouth!

They didn't mean to pick up the leak, and there was no bullying, and they said it! Is it OK to collect things? Let's have a peaceful talk! If we feel suitable for each other, then there is no problem! Even if it's not appropriate, there's no need to be at war? Why? Right?

"Mr. Ding, I didn't expect that you still like such gadgets?""I saw such a thing when I was a child! In my impression, my sister used to cry and want such a thing. Children don't understand it. It just feels charming! I like it very much! But it didn't make it in the end! What a pity! I'm afraid I would have forgotten if I hadn't seen it today! "

"Mr. Ding, I'll have you wrapped up! If you like it, you will get something! It's a happy event! It's also fun

Luo Xuan went to check out! The thing is according to the marked price of 20% off the bill! It's just a pleasant number!

After a tour, the group came to the vault, which should be a basement! Looking at the appearance of security protection and layout, Ding Yu and Luo Xuan two people can't help laughing!

For two people, we can only say that it's OK! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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