Hou Chunyang, standing at the door, certainly noticed the look and action of Ding Yu and Luo Xuan!

Hou Chunyang is very clear that his basement seems to be precise and safe, but he has never been seen in his eyes by Ding Yu and Luo Xuan. However, their actions and expressions are not sarcastic, which Hou Chunyang can see clearly!

Basically, the scenes in movies and TV will not appear on China's territory, but in our own vault? The reason why we have to make such a big effort is to force the grid to a certain extent! The connection with other aspects is really not as big as imagined!

"Mr. Ding, Mr. Luo! It's not a big place. Please show mercy! "

Can talk! It's really a good material for business. Ding Yu can't say that!

The basement is really not small, and the furnishings are also well arranged! Qu Cheng is from the beginning, to Ding Yu to do the introduction!

Hou Chunyang, who followed him, carefully observed Ding Yu and Luo Xuan! Ding Yu just has a little appreciation for the objects in the basement, whether they are high-priced, low-priced or with profound cultural heritage! Really no other mind!

As for Luo Xuan? For those with high prices? Maybe you can take a look at the low-priced ones. When you are interested, you may ask more questions. When you are not interested, at most, you can set off the atmosphere!

"Mr. Ding, Mr. Luo, this is one of the few good things in the whole basement!"

He pushed the button to hide his anger. Looking at the things in the crystal box, Ding Yu looked at them for a while, then nodded his head slightly, "Tang Ying's? It's a good thing! You can pass it on to your family! "

"Great Qu Cheng really didn't expect that Ding Yu could tell the origin of the object clearly and accurately. Although it seems like a small bottle, it is absolutely a good thing in the whole basement! But Ding Yu's eyes didn't mean to be moved by him!

When Ding Yu saw a book all the time, his eyes couldn't help but shine. This action, whether Hou Chunyang or Qu Cheng, was all in his eyes! "This book is very interesting. Can you get started?"

From Ding Yu came here, have been waiting to come to the basement, have never seen Ding Yu so move! Hou Chunyang at the back handed over the gloves at the first time! If porcelain and so on, never wear gloves, too slippery! Easy to cause other injuries! But books and so on, it is necessary to wear gloves!

And so on, because the palms are very damaged by the temperature, and so on!

These are common sense!

After wearing gloves, Ding Yu looks through the books placed inside! After looking at a period of time, nodded slightly! "I didn't expect to meet such a good thing here. Today's luck is good!"

Then he looked at Hou Chunyang, "boss Hou, can you cede?"

Hou Chunyang Leng for a while, but then smile! "Mr. Ding, it's rare for you to have a good time. I'm a business man. Open the door to welcome guests! What's more, you're here today! For a small shop, it's a great honor! Just like it! "

Luo Xuan snorted! There's no content in this horse!

Ding Yu smiles, "this book! If you say it's priceless, you really don't have much price. If you say it's priceless? Also has the quite price! What's the price on the market! I'll give you two thousand. Can boss Hou help me? "

Hou Chunyang a little silly, but next to Qu Cheng gently twisted Hou Chunyang!

Then he looked at Ding Yu respectfully and said, "Mr. Ding, it's too high! When I collected it, it might have been just a few yuan! "

"Qianlima is common, but Bole is not. If you can collect it, it can be regarded as a kind of cultural protection! Just talk about the matter! " Immediately, Ding Yu nodded to Luo Xuan!

Luo Xuan has no ambiguity! How to pay the bill, which also has considerable to say! Every business has its own way and method!

Hou Chunyang is a little hot-blooded at this time. Why? Small two thousand, the number on the surface is like this, but the number on the inside needs to add a ten thousand words! It's not a short time to do business, but it's really the first time to be so happy!

It's crisp and neat. It's not sloppy at all!

What a pity! Mr. Ding's eyes are too strange! It can also be said that his interest is so unpredictable! If you can catch it, you will make a lot of money!

Take off your gloves, Ding Yu's expression will restore the previous indifference! An easy situation! The treasures presented in front of Ding Yu can't attract any interest of Ding Yu!

When he saw a sword, Ding Yu first looked at it! Slightly wrinkled his brow!

He took a look at Qu Cheng, who was standing beside him, and said, "the craftsmanship is barely OK! It's neither fish nor fowl

"Sir, this is a magic sword!""Professor Qu, what do you say?" Ding Yu asked Qu Cheng, who was standing on one side!

"Mr. Ding, there are some things I can't really see. I've studied them for some time, but what I see is not so clear and clear!"

Ding Yu snorted, "I don't know if you really don't understand or if you don't understand! This thing! Even if it is placed, it can't be placed in such a place. It's for Zhenyin house! You are bold enough to put it here

What? Zhenyin house? At first Hou didn't understand, but then he jumped three feet high! "I'll go!"

Looking at Hou Chunyang who is about to step forward, he hasn't waited for Qu Cheng to have any reaction. Ding Yu's direct action is to kick! Directly to the Hou Chunyang to kick to the side of the position! "Mr. Qu, you can do it yourself." Then he shook his head and went back directly! There is no meaning to stay in the basement!

But then Ding Yu hesitated again! Turn around! Bowing to the sword there! Salute! Then step back! Then I turned and left!

"I wipe, what does that mean?" Looking at Ding Yu and Luo Xuan who left, Hou Chunyang touched his ass and asked, "what Mr. Ding said is true. If so, why kick me? Is there anything else in it? "

Looking at Hou Chunyang, Qu Cheng does not know how to describe his mood!

"You don't have to do this to get the hell out of here!" Qu Cheng felt that he couldn't get a breath in his heart, and even felt a little bloody between the corners of his mouth! This is NIMA's! How could it be such a guy? I was really blind at that time! To get things to the basement?

"I wipe it!" Hou Chunyang suddenly felt that his scalp had some numbness, "zhenyinzhai?" Looking at Qu Cheng nodding, Hou Chunyang twisted his neck a little bit, and even could hear the creaking noise! "I wipe his uncle's!"

"It's no use what you do. Why can't I remember coming out like this? Get someone! Set up the altar, please go out! There is also a legal matter to do! And then... " All kinds of accounts of qucheng forest! There is no way, who encountered such things, I'm afraid there are considerable taboos under the heart!

No wonder Ding Yu and Luo Xuan leave quickly! I'm afraid all of them have to leave!

When Qu Cheng and Hou Chunyang come out, Ding Yu and Luo Xuan have already left! Qu Cheng also patted his thigh, but the manager behind him trotted over! "Mr. Hou! Professor Qu, they didn't take a bus. It seems that they just asked about what they want to buy, such as longevity and so on! Said a lot of things, I do not understand

If others don't know, can Qu Cheng not? So the first time is to run out quickly!

"Close the shop! At least seal up the vault! " Dazzle feather Ding Qu and run to the city, and then the first two people can not say a distance time!

"Mr. Ding, Mr. Luo!" Qu Cheng directly gave himself two big slaps in the face, which was extremely loud! It's a big surprise to the passers-by! "It's my fault!" Hou Chunyang behind also ran over, but maybe because the body is a little empty, so now this time a little big gasp!

"Mr. Ding, Mr. Luo! I have a car. Take my car

Ding Yu can be better here! But Luo Xuan is a little out of control!

But Qu Cheng looks at Ding Yu's vision, this time is also regardless! Directly pulling Hou Chunyang's collar, is also two big slaps, Luo Xuan has been in the side eager to try!

"Well!" Ding Yu frowned! "In public! Pay attention to the influence

Pulled the corner of his mouth, shook his head to Luo Xuan, "now this time can't see blood, see blood words too troublesome! Although I don't know much about this aspect, I still know some basic things! "

This is to Luo Xuan. After all, Luo Xuan is his own person! "There's something else to pay attention to!"

Then Ding Yu just looked at Qu Cheng, "you should know the trouble. I don't have time to pay attention to the mess now. Now I want to go to Fushou store, and then I need other purchases! Have you sealed it over there? "

"Mr. Ding, it's already being arranged!" Looking at Ding Yu's fierce eyes, Qu Cheng can't help but shiver! I never thought it would be such a situation and scene!

Ding Yu took a deep breath, "Qu Cheng, deal with this matter for me first! If you don't handle it well, you don't have to think about the consequences! Can you understand me? "

"I understand!"

Ding Yu walks in the front position, Luo Xuan follows closely behind, and Hou Chunyang honestly follows Qu Cheng! Hou Chunyang didn't get angry with Qu Cheng at all, and even had infinite gratitude for Qu Cheng in his heart! Fortunately, Qu Cheng saved his life. Otherwise, I dare not imagine what it would be like now!

Come to Fushou store! Ding Yu didn't go in first! But stopped at the door for a while!"Brother Qu, what does that mean?" Hou Chunyang holds his mouth and whispers!

"You don't understand, just look! Don't ask Qu Cheng now has so many grievances, he really does not have other aspects of meaning! Originally, everything was fine, but who could have thought that such an accident had happened. Now, I don't know whether Mr. Ding Yuding will pursue it. But Lao Gao will never forgive himself! That's for sure!

Gao Changzhen didn't really pay attention to this. Previously, because of various reasons, Gao Changzhen was slightly absent-minded. However, after returning home and having a sleep, Gao Changzhen suddenly had a reaction, which can also be said to be an inspiration! Did he catch Ding Yu's way?

To be able to sit in Gao Changyu's position, I have to say that there are two brushes!

Although we still don't know what happened, Qu Cheng and Hou Chunyang still know about it, and even have a lot of contacts. Two big slaps were given on the street, which is a bit surprising!

However, due to the reasons of his work, so Gao didn't inquire in detail! After all, in terms of time, it's a bit out of line! However, when he got through the phone, especially when he knew they were going to Fushou store, Gao Changli was confused!

What is Fushou store? Why haven't you heard of it? But soon Gao realized that he had even stood up and said, "Qu Cheng, what have you done?" To Fushou store? Who's free to go back to such a place, there must be a considerable change, otherwise it would not be so!

"Boss, I don't want to argue about anything!" Looking at Ding Yu and Luo Xuan in the distance, Qu Cheng explained in a low voice, "everything was very good before. Mr. Ding received a small thing, his childhood memories, and even two thousand books. The accounts have been transferred! But when I didn't want to go to the basement to watch, I saw a disgusting thing! "

"Disgusting? No! I warned you earlier? "

"That's not the reason. Even when he saw some Buddhist things on the shelf, he didn't have any other feelings. Sometimes he commented on them. There's nothing he didn't like!" With a sigh, Qu Cheng explained, "I don't know who killed me. I took a sword and put it in the basement! At the beginning, we didn't see it! "

"What do you mean? Mr. Ding doesn't like swordsmen? "

"No! I've just come to realize that it's for Zhenyin house! "

"I'll wipe your uncle!" Now Gao really understood! Why is Ding Yu going to Fushou store! Even Gao Changyu's whole body was shaking, and his hands and feet were out of control! "Qucheng, NIMA's! What on earth do you want to do? I made such a thing and put it in the basement! You want to die, don't you? "

"Boss, I'm to blame? Can you let me solve the problem in front of me first! I will fight and punish in the back! There will never be any complaints

Gao Changyu is a little shivering now! What about those who don't understand? Maybe there are not many things, but it's obvious that Mr. renjiading knows this, even he doesn't know it in general. He is a Taoist! So now Gao Changyu has already felt some shortness of breath! "Qu Cheng, you need to give me an account! If you don't, I'll give you an account! "

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Qu Cheng didn't know what to say!

This thing makes me noisy! Even I don't know how to describe it!

Did Ding Yu know the news in advance? It's impossible! Did Ding Yu make the game? Even more impossible! So I can only say myself! Head a little bit hard! To be more exact, my luck is a little bad!

What is the reason for this? Qu Cheng thought about it and felt his neck! It's a bit chilly!

There are not all the things in Fushou store. Luo Xuan already has some jumping feet!

Hou Chunyang at the back is a little unclear, so! But Qu Cheng is very clear! "Mr. Luo, I'll arrange it. It won't take more than an hour?"

Luo Xuan turns his head, his eyes are like knives! Scanning the head of Qu Cheng and Hou Chunyang! If there were not some inappropriate places, maybe their heads would have been cut off by this time!

"No need of you! I've had it done! " Immediately, Luo Xuan looked at Qu Cheng fiercely, "NIMA's, if it's not because the time is not right now, I won't let you find your ancestors in your life! Next year's present, your grave grass will be three feet high! "

But before he finished speaking, Ding Yu coughed a little! Luo Xuan directly turned his head, almost subconsciously returned to Ding Yu's side!

"You call Qu Cheng over!"

The corners of Luo Xuan's mouth twitch a little, and Luo Xuan, who comes back, almost takes advantage of Qu Cheng's collar to pull Ding Yu in front of him, even when he lets go, still has a heavy pause! From the action, now Luo Xuan is not generally angry!Hou Chunyang also wants to go forward, and is directly kicked to one side by Luo Xuan! The end is not polite!

"Stand there honestly!"

Qu Cheng came to Ding Yu's body position, put his posture very low!

"Mr. Ding! I haven't made such an arrangement. If you don't believe me, you can kill me. I have no choice! "

Ding Yu let out a cry! "You are smart enough! He ran me with words Did not let Qu Cheng continue to speak, Ding Yu waved! "I was in a good mood today! You made a mess of it

"Mr. Ding, it's my fault! Whatever the reason! I will not have any shirking

Ding Yu took a deep breath, "I want to set up the altar. I want it today. I've asked people to prepare it! There's still quite a lack. I'll give you time! "

Looking at his watch, "I don't believe you don't understand these things. If it's dark and the altar hasn't been set, I'll turn your family into dust! Even the lice on your dog will not stay! I haven't said that for a long time! But I do what I say! Can you understand? "

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