Looking at Ding Yu's sharp eyes, some irresistible Qu Cheng stepped back two steps!

Now this time do not need to do other explanation, first fill the hole in front of you!

In less than two hours, everything is ready! Although Ding Yu's face is not as ugly as he imagined, Luo Xuan behind is like a thunderbolt! Some people can't move forward!

The two people who have bathed and cleaned themselves look at everything in front of them, and then they hear Ding Yu say in a low voice! "Be careful, I'll have some vegetarian food these days! There is wine and color these things don't have too much contamination, Rogo, you restrain your temper, for the time being, it's no big deal! Let's deal with this one first! "

"Yes! Sir But turning his head, Luo Xuan narrowed his eyes and looked at Qu Cheng and Hou Chunyang sharply. Qu Cheng and Hou Chunyang felt that their scalp was numb! Who encountered such a thing, I'm afraid the mood will not be particularly good! What's more, the identities and origins of these two people are very unusual!

Originally thought, if you can hold this thigh! Good luck, but now, it's just bad luck! There is nothing more sad than this!

When it wasn't dark, the ceremony was almost over! Ding Yu is slightly relieved here! Encounter such a thing, if your heart really no taboo, pure bullshit!

But if you want to say that you are really angry, it seems that you can't make it! Only a little disgusting!

Do you want to take Qu Cheng and Hou Chunyang? Ding Yu hasn't considered the problems in it yet! Wanton also need to rely on time and occasion! Pay attention to a favorable time, place and people! If you don't worry about anything and don't think about anything, you can't be forced to be wiped! Such a thing is not without experience!

Although it's not my own experience! But such things have considerable experience!

What's more, I have passed the green years! If it's the children in the family who do such things, it's no big deal, not even too many strange things! They are hot blooded and can't stand it! But for myself, at most, there may be some ups and downs in my mood, that's all!

Maybe Ding Yu doesn't have much feeling here! But for Qu Cheng and Hou Chunyang, the more Ding Yu is like this, the more bottomless their heart is! Even very uneasy! Ask yourself, what kind of thoughts would they have if they had such a thing?

Toads jump on their backs and don't bite, but they do! If Ding Yu really doesn't know anything, things can cover up the past, but obviously, Ding Yu not only knows, but also knows a lot! So how to solve it?

Of course, it can be delayed! It doesn't matter, but how to ensure that people won't remember it! Look at the eyes of Luo xuanluo. After eating, I have my own thoughts!

But want to solve it? How to solve it? It's not that simple! If it is really as simple as saying! I will not be so embarrassed as now!

There is another important question. Ding Yu and Luo Xuan were introduced by Gao Changli! Before I came here, I told him to treat Ding Yu and Luo Xuan well! Absolutely not enough to make any mistakes! I also promised to do well! But now something's wrong! What should I do?

This is definitely not a two sentence explanation! So Qu Cheng has a headache now!

"Mr. Ding?" Qu Cheng almost came to Ding Yu's front position with his scalp hardened! Absolutely can't let Ding Yu and Luo Xuan leave like this! If Ding Yu and Luo Xuan leave like this! At that time, Gao Changli will be able to swallow himself alive! Even now he has sharpened his sword to the pigs and sheep! Waiting for their own initiative to come!

In that case, they may die a little more happy! otherwise? ha-ha!

"Nothing more! We have other things here! Hold on

"Mr. Ding, can you give me a chance?" Qu Cheng almost knelt down!

Ding Yu looked around! "Rogo, find a teahouse and give him twenty minutes!"

"Sir?" Luo Xuan looks at Qu Cheng with a murderous face, but nods immediately! "I'll be right there!"

Before leaving, he was pulling Qu Cheng's collar and was dragged away by Qu Cheng! Go to the corner! Let Qu Cheng explain things first! "Hold your head, squat down! I need a breath! But hit people not face! What's more, my husband said that there was no blood today! So you hold it! If you can't hold it, I'll let your family go with you! "

What can qucheng do? Put your hands around your head! And Hou Chunyang is like a leaf fluttering in the wind and rain, trembling! Looking at Qu Cheng, old brother Qu holds his head and his crotch! Fortunately, someone came to take two clothes and threw them on Qu Cheng's head!

This is a heavy beating! Hou Chunyang has so many dare not see! Don't even dare to stop! Are you kidding? This kind of thing can solve the problem if it is a beating! Don't beat yourself, even if it's ten, there's no problem!However, some people saw the whole process, but no one wanted to stop them. They all knew quite a lot about it. In particular, Gao Changyu also made a special call! As long as no one lives, everything else is just a small thing!

Not a long time, Qu Cheng trembled up! In addition to being a little dirty, I really didn't see any blood stains on my body! From this point of view, Luo Xuan's starting still has a considerable sense of propriety!

"Thank you for your kindness!" I'm afraid only Qu Cheng's own heart is the most clear and clear!

"It's not over yet. It's just the beginning now!" Then he pointed to Hou Chunyang next to him, "and you, don't give me a reason to investigate! Really, if I find out, you'll do something bad in it! Clean your ass first! Don't think about anything else! "

Together came to the teahouse here, the teahouse has no external welcome! And the waiters have been turned out! All the people who didn't leave were staying in the back Lounge! The landlady came out in person to welcome the guests!

As for Qu Cheng and Hou Chunyang, the landlady really knows each other. At least Hou Chunyang is too famous! Such a big boss? How can I not know? If you don't even know hou Chunyang, why do you open a shop?

After the tea, the landlady quickly left, leaving only a ring, if there is something to ring! Anyway, I will never show my face. Although I don't know what happened, I still don't understand that the less things I do, the better! The surveillance is shut down!

"Mr. Ding?"

Ding Yu picked up the tea bowl and shook his head at Qu Cheng! After a sip of tea, I said it slowly! "I don't have much interest in you personally! The first time I saw you, do you know what impression you gave me? At that time, Luo Ge also asked me, "are you a native?"

As soon as Tu Fu Zi said three words, Hou Chunyang didn't control himself and jumped up directly! And Qu Cheng is pale, if not strong support for a while, maybe fell down!

To this, Ding Yu some disapprove of appearance! "Rogo, what did I say earlier?"

"There is a local smell of being cheated, but there is no smell of blood, that is to say, there is not too much contamination on the hands! Of course, some people like to give orders, even if they don't do it in person! Must be haunted? "

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "the last three sentences are added by yourself! Don't rest on my head

"It's inevitable, sir!"

Looking at Ding Yu shaking his head, Luo Xuan doesn't mean to continue to add oil and vinegar, but Hou Chunyang, who has already stood up, doesn't dare to sit down at all. He stands alone beside him, just like a little guy. In such a moment, Hou Chunyang even wants to run away, because his nerves are about to break!

"Qu Cheng, Lao Gao should have told you! I'm a Taoist! "

"Yes! I've heard some, sir! " When Qu Cheng talks, he is like a primary school student! On the difference to his hands to back in the position behind!

"I'm not from the mountain, but I have everything on the mountain. I don't have anything on the mountain! I have some, too! Throughout the history of China! If you leave Buddhism, you may be a little lame, but if you leave Taoism, ha ha! Under the irrigation of history, I don't know much, but I don't know much! Do you understand what I mean? "

"Understand?" The sweat on Qu Cheng's forehead has come down, just like a river, but he dare not wipe it!

"Quite often, I don't want to meddle in my business. Whether you dig graves or do archaeological research has nothing to do with me! I'm too lazy to pay attention to it

"Dragon to heaven! Snake into grass, have their own way, have their own way! Can't say Jackie Chan is in heaven! Snakes are not allowed to enter the grass! This is a broken road! It's hard to imagine what would happen without a road! "

"Mr. Ding is wise!"

"That's why I don't care what you do! It has nothing to do with me! But today's matter, you need to give me an explanation! What's the matter with Zhenyin house, you put it in the basement? Did I offend you? Or what other people give you hints! You made it clear! I won't trouble you! If you can't make it clear, let's see whose root is hard! You don't have to mention the people from GuBo and Guobo! The children in the family don't walk sideways, but there's no problem playing inside! "

Qu Cheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva. The so-called GuBo and Guobo need not be mentioned. What does this mean? Don't you understand? Playing in it? Are you kidding? You know, when you look at the exhibition, it's already very good! How is it possible to hang out in it?

But what about other people? I can imagine that I can play in it wantonly!

"Don't tell me things just came out! Smell a smell, or look at the traces above, you know it's not a day or two! People like you! It's impossible not to see such a thing! There is no so-called drilling! Otherwise you would not live to this day! "Said a word, Ding Yu looked at the watch! Five minutes!

"Mr. Ding, the real situation is that I am still in a fog! When GAO found me, I didn't even come here! If this is a bureau, I can't set up such an immortal bureau! You are holy

The last compliment is too obvious! "There are some explanations, but they are not enough. There are even some problems that can not be explained logically! Don't say I don't give you a chance! If you think it's OK, it's the old rule of the river and the lake. Count

"Mr. Ding, twenty minutes is not enough! I need a lot of time! "

"Good!" Ding Yu nodded to Luo Xuan, "brother Luo! You go to inform the housekeeper, and then contact the farm about what Qu Cheng wants, what we give, and find out everything behind it for me! I managed to come out, but I don't have much to worry about, OK? There are some troublemakers out there

"I understand!" Luo Xuan immediately stood up and dragged Qu Cheng to leave!

After waiting to walk out of the teahouse, Luo Xuan looks at Qu Cheng, "I don't care who is involved in this, and no matter what kind of relationship they have, it doesn't matter! Mr. Wang and I went out to inspect the farm together. Basically, there were not many things for Mr. Wang to worry about. Naturally, we were very happy, but the external affairs found Mr. Wang's head more than once! So you still have a chance now. Don't wait until you don't have any chance! "

"I also want to see who did such a thing!"

Ding Yu sat in the teahouse, holding the book he had bought before, but there was more than one book in the box. Ding Yu also put some other things in it! Can also be regarded as some psychological comfort to themselves!

Because there was nothing else, Ding Yu was absorbed in it and waited for Gao Changli to come. Ding Yu just lifted his eyelids! Slightly twisted his chin!

"What? It has something to do with you, too! " Gao Changli shakes his head in a hurry. He can't bear the responsibility! "Since it has nothing to do with you, don't get involved! Now there's a chance. If you get involved, you get involved! Admit it! I give you a way to live, if you lie, or pretend not to know! Gao, I don't care who's behind you? What kind of power does it have! I will step on you! And it's the one with no bones! "

"Mr. Ding, it has nothing to do with me! I am also a little puzzled now! After all, I found qucheng! Is it intentional or unintentional! No one knows, but they calculated you, sir, and me, and even me. I also want to see who is behind it? "

Ding Yu Leng for a while, "how to listen to the meaning of your speech, there are words in the words?"

"Mr. Ding, I have some feelings, but I don't know if I should say that!" When he said this, Gao Changli looked at Ding Yu's expression attentively! Because from other channels, I have a good understanding of the anger of Mr. Ding in front of me! But this kind of understanding, also really lets oneself have some chills!

If you put such a situation on your body, what kind of scene will it be? I dare not imagine! But at this time, I really understood what Jiang Dahe mentioned to me!

As long as you don't provoke Ding Yu! He doesn't care!

"Mr. Ding, I don't think Qu Cheng has the courage even if he has the heart! Even this time, it's definitely not aimed at you, Mr. Ding? On the contrary, it may be aimed at me! "

Ding Yu looked at Gao Changyu with two eyes! Put the book in the box!

"Lao Gao, it cost me two thousand!"

"Mr. Ding! I will let you... "

Ding Yu takes a look at Gao Changyu, "how can you win by surprise? It's not what you and I should do! Pay attention in the future! What I want to ask you is, is the book more important, or is the knowledge in the book more important? "

In the face of Ding Yu's reminder, Gao Changyu accepted it with an open mind, but his evaluation of Ding Yu was really higher! At the same time, it is also a lot of vigilance to Ding Yu! "Mr. Ding, I don't know how to answer, because I don't know much about it, but in my opinion, I pay more attention to the knowledge and culture in it!"

Ding Yu nodded to Gao Changyu's explanation!

"From a historical point of view, this book is still very valuable! Small two thousand price collection, is not so precious! But from the perspective of knowledge, Xiao 2000 can't embody his value at all! If some of these things are really made! It's going to scare you to death! "

"Mr. Ding, can you do it?" Gao seems to have a considerable interest! Even the body is not from the forward to explore!

"Hard!" Ding Yu patted the box with his hand, "at that time! They are all treasures. In today's society, it's impossible to collect them! Even some of them have disappeared! What's more, even if it is not extinct, so many years of mountain and river geographical changes have fundamentally changed the nature of some drugs! That's why many things can't be reproduced! ""Mr. Ding, I should be able to help!"

"You can't help it!" Ding Yu shook his head, but did not refuse, "do you know how big the farm is?"

Gao changfan nodded, "I know some, and I have been investigating for a period of time!"

"The farm is not only for planting vegetables, melons and fruits, but also for some trees, forestry and so on. It even includes the planting of some Chinese herbal medicines, along with the protection of the natural environment and so on, which are all recorded one by one! I found a lot of things, but I can't use them. Even to my grandson's generation, whether they can be enough or not is a matter of two minds! This is still well protected, if not well protected! Ha ha

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