Wang Changlin and Su Yuan, looking at the little guys in their arms, felt a kind of unspeakable emotion. This is totally two things with their sons and daughters. Especially when the two little guys hold them with their tender hands, the whole heart seems to melt at that moment, even can't be described by words.

Two people are also holding children, completely is not to give up that kind of, next to Wang Yang and Wang Li two people, you look at me, I look at you, the heart has so some small fear, but there is a little bit of happiness, because the reason is very simple, I am afraid that parents will not talk about them because of this matter in the future!

Because they have been satisfied. We can see from their present appearance that dad is a more serious person in the impression. The expression on his face can't be said to be eternal, but it's almost the same. But now? Looking at Wang Yang and Wang Li, I feel that this is not my father anymore? The expression is too exaggerated.

Su Yuan and her husband are playing in the courtyard with their children in their arms. Wang Yang and Wang Li are looking at the quadrangle with a bit of boredom. They can't afford such a courtyard. Although some people will try to find a way out, they don't own it after all, and they still owe a lot of gratitude. So forget it!

What about other places? There is no one to stop them, but the study side, no other people are allowed to enter at will, the bodyguard standing outside did not say, but look at that meaning, there should be a lot of important things on the side of the study, otherwise, it will never be such an attitude, after all, the relationship between Wang Yang and Wang Li and Ding Yu is put there.

Wang Yang and Wang Li could see clearly what the situation of the servants in the yard looked like. "You said that granddad and grandma are a little too eccentric. It's really not ordinary envy to give my brother such a good treatment!" When Wang Yang said this, he had a little emotion and, of course, a little sour.

Wang Li took a look at her younger brother, which seemed to be jealousy, but listen to his voice, it seems that there are other implications? What do you mean? Wang Li also looked at the past with a little curiosity? Do you have other ideas? It seems that you are not jealous, but worried about it

Looking at his sister, Wang Yang also nodded, "there are not many resources in the family. Judging from the current situation, the main resource tilt is basically in the father's body. If we tilt to the elder brother's body, if there is a certain reason, but who can guarantee that there is no complaint in the family? The family is very harmonious, but who can guarantee that these are not the so-called appearance? "

Wang Li was stunned for a moment, and then she looked out. Her father and they were in the front yard. I'm afraid they couldn't hear them. "What do you mean? I'll talk to my brother, but the question is, what's the use of this? Anyway, I still feel a little fear for this big brother. Don't fill the hole with me! "

"If I think too much, I want to communicate with my elder brother about this. But you also know what happened last time on my father's land. Speaking of it, I feel a little bit afraid of him. How about me? I didn't dare to have a positive communication with him, so, you know! "

Wang Li looked at her younger brother. Her expression was so complicated that she wanted to laugh, but she felt that the matter was not worth it, but she didn't laugh. She also felt that her brother was worried too much. But what can't be denied is that although her elder brother said that she didn't show anything in front of her, her reputation had already been established.

"Well! I promise you that I will be with you after my elder brother comes back, but I will be a companion. When you talk about this matter, anyway, I don't know anything, just to give you courage. If something happens, you can take your own shoulders! "

Wang Yang nodded, and then two people were wandering around the courtyard. It was really quite good. After pondering for a while, Wang Yang said slowly, "I think I should let my elder brother get me a place to live in."! Now I found out that I was given a car. Isn't it a little too cheap for you? "

"I think it's better for you to complain with your brother! If you can open your mouth, I don't think it's a problem. It's just a house. If you look at the value of this quadrangle, it's not worth it. My house, ten or twenty, should not be a big problem! "

Listening to his sister's words, Wang Yang also laughed bitterly, yes! If you open your mouth, there is no problem for my brother to give me a house, but will my grandfather, grandmother and parents spare themselves? Absolutely not. Although I say I'm old enough, one thing is for sure. There is no problem with the buttocks blooming.

On this issue, the Wang family's tutoring is absolutely strict, even beyond imagination. Don't ask why, because without this explanation, the old man sets an example and the people below are not good at opposing and explaining in other aspects. Unless you say that you don't want to be a member of the Wang family, it doesn't matter.But the question is, if you are no longer a member of the Wang family, will other people pay attention to you? It's impossible. Now all the things are brought by the Wang family. This is the most fundamental thing.

"Forget it! Even if the elder brother dares to give, I also dare not take! I'd better think about it for my ass! This is the most practical question. But what do you think of our elder brother as a so-called doctor in the hospital even though he has something wrong with him

"Just ask yourself. I said whether you feel uncomfortable all over recently! If so, I don't mind practicing with you. Anyway, I feel itchy. Don't pick up my interest. In the future, you'd better not dig a hole for me. If I fall into it, you can rest assured that you will never let go of you! "

"How can this be said to be digging a hole?" Wang Yang was also very dissatisfied and said, "I'm just expressing my ideas. I feel that I can't understand them. My brother's ideas are definitely problematic. I just want to have a deeper understanding. I think you think a little bit more!"

Hum! Wang Li was very disdainful to say a word, when talking, two people also came to the side of the wing room, and so on to see the things inside, Wang Yang's eyes are also suddenly lit up, "I rely on, big brother, there is such a baby here?" When speaking, he also took up the white gloves beside him and looked carefully.

Wang Li doesn't have much interest in it. In her own words, it's all rags, just some wood. What's rare? Although it's very valuable, the problem is that she doesn't have much interest in things like that. The actual situation is just that, if it's bright, maybe she will have some interest.

Looking at Wang Yang's devotion, Wang Li didn't mean to disturb her, and then she looked at her. It wasn't long before someone came. Wang Li also kicked Wang Yang next to her, "OK, let's go! Big brother came back, and people have called in front of him. I said, can't you be a little reserved? "

Although he said that he put things down, Wang Yang was still reluctant to give up, "you don't understand this? The cultural value reflected in this thing is immeasurable. I didn't expect that big brother had such a treasure. It seems that the excavation of elder brother was not deep enough before! "

When he came to the front yard, Ding Yu had changed his clothes and sat down with his parents. It was not the first time that he met with his parents, so there was not so much constraint and excitement. However, it was the first time that a large family of people sat together. Especially with two more kids, the whole atmosphere was totally different.

"Busy with work?" Wang Changlin takes the initiative to pick up this topic. Even if he talks, he still doesn't give up his grandson. The child is in his arms. He doesn't know why. He feels happy. Moreover, the relationship between the grandson and himself seems to be very close. It's called "no" and "joy" to play!

"Well, there may be more recent surgeries. After all, I'm a new comer. I don't know the abilities of all kinds of personnel, so I need to have a process to adjust them slowly." Ding Yu is just telling the truth, the specific situation is like this, "there are some other things to deal with, so it is slightly busy!"

Su Yuan holds her granddaughter, and from time to time she will be lifted up. The little girl giggles. Su Yuan's face is also full of happy expression, which has never been seen in the past. At least Wang Yang and Wang Li have not found it.

"It's a good thing to be busy. I heard from your grandmother that your work is a little bit heavy. You still need to pay attention to your body. Your body is the capital of the revolution. Anything else? You can put them all on Wang Changlin is also very attentive to his son said, because the mother's words, but also let himself realize that the son in some problems, the spelling.

"I'm used to it, so I don't feel that there are too many problems and situations!" Ding Yu also explained a little, "but the profession of doctors is like this, busy is forever, basically there is not much free time, backward means to be eliminated!"

"That can't be too laborious Su Yuan is also in the side of the conversation, and this time is not early, and then the nanny also took the two little guys to the past, they also want to eat, Su Yuan is also a little uneasy, follow the nanny, but in the past, also called his daughter away.

Ding Yu is also aware that his father has something to talk to himself, but Ding Yu has no other attitude to say, just talk about it, it's not a big deal. "Originally, your mother wanted to tell you about this matter, but I think I've come to talk about this matter with you. Are you really not prepared to tell your adoptive father and mother about it?"

Hearing his father's words, Ding Yu's expression also stagnated for a while, and then directly shook his head. "There is no idea in this respect for the time being. I think even if they know the news, they will support it, but the feelings in their hearts are different, so don't talk about this problem!"Just as Wang Changlin opened his mouth, Ding Yu blocked the gap. He didn't give any chance at all. Seeing the appearance of his eldest son, Wang Changlin also sighed slightly. It is obvious that the feelings between his eldest son and his adoptive father and adoptive mother are not really clear in one sentence or two.

What's more, it seems that he doesn't want to do too much entanglement and Discussion on this issue. Even at the next moment, the atmosphere will be tense. Wang Changlin can't help it. Although he said that the son is sitting opposite him, there are some things to do? Still need to consider his mood and condition.

Obviously, it is not appropriate to continue to talk about this topic at this time. In this case, let's put this matter on the back burner, or talk about other issues. "I heard that the relationship between you and Wang Jianguo is very good. Previously, the relationship with the jade family seemed to be a little bad."

How did you mention it? Ding Yu also looked at his father suspiciously, "things seem to have passed for a long time! At that time, there were other aspects of consideration, so the action may be a little bit big, how? This has caused other disturbances? "

"At the beginning, this matter seemed to be a little big, so the jade family has always been a little dissatisfied, I heard about this aspect of the news!" When Wang spoke, he also deliberately took a look at his son. What about Ding Yu's expression? A little bit disdainful, not even on the heart.

Sun Yingnan has already investigated some of the situation of the jade family, but does the jade family really understand itself? I'm afraid this problem really needs to be looked at separately. Of course, I know almost the same about the Yujia family, referring to the foreign industries and layout of Yujia, as for domestic ones? I don't know much about it.

Even if the jade family has a lot of dissatisfaction with itself, it will not have any action. This is for sure. Why is this? The reason is very simple. The main body of the jade family is divided into two departments, one is foreign and the other is domestic. The two are complementary. It is impossible to leave either one.

This is why the reaction was so fierce last time. Even if Ding Yu had a lot of dissatisfaction and opinions in his heart, he could only stay in his own heart. If there was any conflict, there would be problems and problems in the foreign leg of the Yu family, and then the domestic situation would follow, One leg is unstable.

"Is it? Since the third brother Wang's incident happened, there is not much contact. Since everyone's misunderstanding has been solved, I don't think it's necessary to continue to entangle. I'm afraid it doesn't mean much to anyone! "

Wang Changlin also slightly nodded his head. From his son's words, he could feel that his son didn't seem to care about it very much. "It's a good thing that you have confidence in this aspect. Previously, the jade family wanted to choose a marriage for Yu Mingyue. Many people have already made preparations for this aspect."

"For hate?" After Ding Yu finished, he also laughed, "but why should this matter come to my head? Besides, is the attitude of the jade family very clear? They should object to this matter! "

"Is it?" Wang Changlin didn't really understand this, because he really lacked some judgment on some of his son's situations and problems. "I'm not so clear about this issue, but the jade family may be very clear about this matter, which does not mean that other people are equally clear about this matter!"

Ding Yu immediately understood, but also laughed, "whatever, I would like to see what kind of reaction the jade family will have, how many still have so some small expectations, recently this period of time has been busy with the work of things, for other things are really not very concerned about!"

Wang also laughed, "since that's the case, then I can rest assured that the relationship between the master of the jade family and your grandfather is OK! Of course, the outside world has spread that the jade family is a little more than the Wang family. What about this problem? We still need to look at it in two, and sometimes don't take it too seriously! "

"I've heard that!" Ding Yu also blinked his own eyes, "at that time, I was also there. Speaking of it, at that time, I was beaten by a stick. By the way, what is the end of the party now? I have not been very clear. I believe it should be treated fairly

Wang Changlin is really not clear about this problem. After all, in his own position, it is impossible to care about such trivial matters. Wang Yang raised his eyebrows. "I know something about this. Qiao Jun's problems can't be very serious. Most of them are hoodwinked. That's what the testimony says!"

Well, after listening to this sentence, we can understand what it means. However, Ding Yu did not want to investigate what it meant. The main reason is that this matter has nothing to do with himself. Since it has nothing to do with himself, he is too lazy to worry about it. There is no need for him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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