Judging from his son's performance, he is not generally domineering. His understanding of him seems to be much worse, more direct. His understanding of his son is not enough. However, Wang Changlin is optimistic about this point. His son is already so big. It is a good thing to have such means and ability.

"In fact, your mother and I are more worried about your marriage. Although you have children now, and you are still both children, how can we say that? This has not been married, it seems not a thing, for this problem? You need to think about it! This is a suggestion. "

Ding Yu looked at his father, and then turned his eyes to his younger brother Wang Yang. Wang Yang also shook his head in a hurry. This matter has nothing to do with himself. Don't find your head! Then Ding Yu looked at his father again, "OK! If there is a suitable object in the future, it may be considered! "

Previously, Ding Yu refused his father in disguise, but what about marriage? Although Ding Yu didn't refuse his father, this expression is quite vague. Wang Changlin is also very helpless. Looking at this, he is waiting for his eldest son to get married and waiting for his daughter-in-law to offer tea. His hope is dim!

I really expect this kind of thing to happen. Although there is a little son, the problem is that the eldest son has been away from home for a long time. Even in his dream, he has never come back. Now he stands in front of himself and really makes himself feel very dreamy. But the dream is a dream, and the reality is a little bit of a pity.

For example, the issue of adoptive father and adoptive mother is a barrier, which has never been past. Moreover, the issue of marriage has been mentioned more than once, but there is no result. I feel a little disappointed, but it does not affect my mood. After all, my son is back, which is OK.

When they were talking, Su Yuan and Wang Rong came back. The two kids didn't have any trouble eating, and they were very happy. Looking at the baby sitter's action, Su Yuan felt very relieved. After the busy work, she came back again. Moreover, the dinner was almost ready. Everyone could take a seat.

The dinner was very rich, but there was not too much wine. Wang Changlin was not young. It was better not to drink or not to drink. Ding Yu didn't like this. As for Su Yuan and Wang Rong, it was better to drink. They had no love for wine. The family could sit together and drink or not.

After dinner and sitting for a long time, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan took their children back to their father's side. After they came back, they also talked about Ding Yu's situation. He didn't seem to have much fear for the jade family, and even had some disdainful smell in it. The implication is worth thinking about!

The old man also said, well, this problem is really not very strange. Ding Yu's major industry of grandson is not in China. Although he said he has returned home now, how about this one? It's not because he can't make a living abroad. I'm afraid it's from the perspective of his work, that's all.

His main industry is abroad, but what about Yujia's foreign industry? Although it is huge, the problem is that in foreign countries, we can't be as free and easy as in China. In some aspects, we can act recklessly, just as Qiao Jun did in the first place. We seem to be unscrupulous and tyrannical.

Wang Pu is not really worried about this problem. What's more, even if the industrial main body of grandson is in China, he doesn't need to worry about it. He is still alive! If the Wangs can't protect their grandson well, then there's really no need to exist. Find a pit and bury yourself!

But what about the big grandson's marriage? The old man also looked at his wife, and the old lady shook her head helplessly. This matter can not be said to be a heart disease, but can only be said to be more concerned about his affairs in the family. But judging from the performance of the grandson, even if it is not a refusal attitude, it seems that it is not good there.

"This child! Sometimes personality is so strong! " The old lady also said with a sigh that she had a lot of contact with him. Generally speaking, she was soft on the outside and tough on the inside. Many things were easy to talk about, and even wouldn't pay special attention to them.

But there are some taboos that can't be broken. Once broken, he will not be so good to talk about, just like what happened in the jade family. The reason is that he is not because Qiao Jun hit him or because Yu Mingyue, the child, has ruined his face, but because Yu Mingyue threatened his sister.

When thinking about this, the old lady also looked at her grandson and granddaughter. It seems that Ding Yu's attitude towards his younger brother and sister is not the same. At least there are some differences in the treatment. What about the old lady about this matter? How many have their own views and ideas.

But what about this view? There is really no way to say it. The problem of treatment is not clear in one sentence or two words. Moreover, other people can say this problem, but only the Wang family can't say this. The reason why the old lady is not satisfied is very simple. Which is your brother and sister in the end!It can't be said that there is something wrong with the old lady. After all, when she is old, she has some food protection. This is a very normal situation. Nothing can not be understood. Just like Ding Yu's grandmother, she is the same old woman and the same food care. This has nothing to do with the so-called position and level, but the way of expression is slightly different.

Although the old lady said that she was not satisfied, she didn't mean to say it. After all, it was her grandson, and from a general view, the grandson was quite good for the family. However, from the old lady's point of view, it was her grandson and should be.

"Mom, what do you think of Ding Yu? It's OK to consider some problems. Moreover, he is not young. He should be able to deal with some problems and situations on his own. If we interfere too much, on the contrary, there will be some problems, which will cause some resentment to him! "

What about this? Only Wang Changlin dares to say that Su Yuan also has ideas in this respect, but she has ideas. She doesn't look like she is a mother. But here, she still needs to think twice. After all, she is a daughter-in-law. She doesn't have much say in this family. Everything depends on her husband's face.

What's more, the face of the person is his father-in-law and mother-in-law. If he dares to speak in vain, it is also a kind of harm to his husband. If there is any problem, the two people can discuss it alone in the room after the event. But here, especially at this time, Su Yuan needs to keep quiet.

The old man looked at his son and didn't speak. In fact, what his wife did was really wrong? Many years later, we don't know how to deal with the imbalance in children's hearts.

There is a sentence how to say, the more concerned about the more chaotic, really think about, it seems to be quite helpless. After all, the child lost so many years of time, this rash back, there are really so some holding in the hand, afraid of falling in the mouth, is really want to follow his mind.

But the question is, what about this child? It seems that he is not very grateful. This makes the family very depressed. The family hopes to provide him with some convenient conditions. But the question is: does Ding Yu need such convenience now? He didn't need it at all. He even needed his hand to help at home.

This is also the cause of the current relationship. Of course, it is also the reason why his wife has some imbalance. Of course, the performance of this imbalance is to go to Ding Yu from time to time. His son has said this problem today. It seems that we need to pay attention to it.

"What do you mean when the jade family comes out? Intentionally or unintentionally, you should know that Ding Yu is now in the capital city. Although the things that happened at the beginning were not full of wind and rain, they all know something. Even if they don't make a big fight, this is enough disturbing. I think it's Yujia! It's a little wilting! "

The old lady's words also attracted a burst of discussion, the old man looked at his wife, but also laughed, this group of small family there is her opponent! As soon as the topic is thrown out. I forgot the previous question. Originally, the spearhead was aimed at her. Now, the spearhead is aimed at the jade family.

The jade family is more than the Wang family. What about this? Everyone has heard of it, but now it has been thrown out again. In the past, this word spread because some people in the jade family were attacked. But now the news seems to be rising again. It is unknown where it came from.

However, it is not difficult for the jade family to put the jade moon out. On the one hand, it is used to test, and on the other hand, it is not difficult for the jade family to release the jade moon? I want to get married and find a more reliable force.

Which side is it? The key to this problem is the Wang family. Why? The portals of the two families are very similar, and what about the financial aspects of the Wang family? It seems that they are lame, but the problem is that 230 million yuan was at the previous time. This is a hurdle!

But no one will be afraid of too much money. What about the combination of the Wang family and the Yu family? It's win-win, but the question is, what about this? That is to say, after all, neither of the old people in the two families has expressed their intention in this respect. It depends on the situation. After all, they have been living in the old world for many years, and there is still some Taoism.

"Now that the jade family has their own plans, then we don't have to follow them to get involved!" The old man also made a final decision. Originally, he wanted to see if Ding Yu, the great grandson, had any meaning in this respect. But obviously, the relationship between them seems to be not very good, so let it go.

It seems that there is a big gap between Yu Mingyue and her grandson. This is not only because they have contradictions with each other, but also because there are other contradictions. More importantly, some of her grandsons don't look up to them. This is enough. What is the reason for this is another matter."Dad, is there something wrong with the jade family this time? Last time, there was one. Although the attack on the whole jade family is not very big, but the whole reputation is still very influential. Although we have not heard the news this time, it seems that the momentum is quite large!"

The old man didn't have any words about it. He knew more or less about it. However, considering the overall situation, he still needed to think about it. Does this matter affect the jade family? In my opinion, the impact is there, but the impact will not be as big as imagined.

This is also the main reason why I have always objected to the involvement of family members in business or such work. I often stand by the river, where can I keep my shoes wet! You see too many things like this. It doesn't mean that you can control the problem. How many people have been tested fall down on this problem? The lessons should be learned.

In this issue, the jade family has more or less become a big fan. It is the system itself. Now it has expanded its influence so much. It is strange that there is no problem! When something goes wrong, you should be alert. But you still don't care about anything. How can there be no other problems?

How much of this is also so some tail end does not fall, say can not put all the reasons to the top of the jade family, but everyone? Put all the eyes on the body of the jade family, to a certain extent, it is related to the jade family, which is actually enough.

It's not that the problems in other families are not as big as those in the jade family, or that other people have no problems. The main reason is that some of the problems in the jade family are too popular, which makes everyone's attention on the jade family. Now we are not looking at the jade family with colored glasses, but with magnifying glass.

Looking for so-called allies at this time is, in a certain sense, a failure. However, everyone's ideas and opinions are different. In their own opinion, they are wrong, but in the view of the jade family, this is not the case. What's more, their understanding must be correct? It seems that I can't say that.

Seeing that his father didn't mean to speak, Wang Changlin knew that his guess should not have too many problems. It must be the situation and problems of the people related to the jade family. It's not much different from the one who fell down earlier. What's wrong? It may not have much to do with the jade family, but what about the jade family? It must be involved and connected.

But even his father is taboo to Mo Shen. Obviously, what about this one? The position will not be too low. Ah, when I think about it, Wang Changlin feels a bit sad. Maybe there is no problem in the education of the jade family, but in terms of human nature and character, this problem is too big.

What about the one involved in the jade family? I'm afraid it will cause a storm of wind and rain in the capital. Now the wind has risen in this area, and it's not small. It depends on where the beginning started. Previously, Wang Jianguo made a start. This time? Thinking of this, Wang couldn't help looking at his father.

"Dad, this time it won't be..."

the old man also said, "it's hard to say, I don't really know about this matter, but it's a very good start. If he takes the lead, the effect may be very good. Otherwise, the beginning will not be very good, but there are not any problems in it! And it matters. "

It is obvious that the old man knows something, otherwise, this talk will not be so obscure, but this hint is obviously not enough. At least for Wang Changlin, Wang's mind is somewhat complicated. After all, he is his own son! Why throw him in to fill the hole??

When he thought of this, Wang Changlin looked at his father again. However, Wang Pu has closed his eyes. He knows some news about this matter, but what will happen next? He really can't interfere in this issue, whether it is active or passive.

Things have never been transferred by people's will. What's more, they have come down now. The so-called influence is some, but what about that? Wang Pu never felt that the earth would not rotate if it left itself. What's more, taking advantage of this time, I still want to continue to observe.

Although she closed her eyes, Wang Pu could still feel her son's attitude, but what about this problem? I don't intend to explain too much to him. He hasn't reached that position and level yet. Knowing too much will definitely not bring too many benefits. In addition, I still feel that I haven't seen through my grandson, and the more I look at it, I feel the fog gets thicker.

This is definitely not good news for myself. What about the family members? For this problem is some imbalance, the same is true of myself, but relatively speaking, I can calm down, so take your time!

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