"Boss! Although the book was not sent with the sword, it was obviously from the vault! Quite a lot of people should have quite a taboo about this! In this case, we need some things that are just to Yang, the so-called harmony between yin and Yang! This is also the heritage of Taoism! "

Qu Cheng simply explained it! These things are common sense!

"I took a look! It should be cinnabar! I can't see what brand it is! But as long as it's cinnabar! Moreover, cinnabar is also commonly used in Taoism! "

Gao Changyu nodded, and he understood!

"Qu Cheng, what do you think of Mr. Ding Yuding? At the same time, what do you think of this time? "

"Very powerful, I should say very powerful! At the same time, I couldn't find out his foundation and strength at all! I can't see the depth! " Contact with Ding Yu is not long! But Qu Cheng has his own judgment and understanding! Now is everything from the heart! "It's even incomprehensible! I believe you should have seen quite a lot, and you should have inquired about the situation of Chen long. Chen Long's reaction was not out of expectation? "

"This is a new situation?" It's obvious that Gao Changli doesn't know anything about it!

"When the farm came to me, Chen long recognized it! Even the outspoken account of all things! I watched the video! What is the follow-up treatment? Now I don't know, but Mr. Ding doesn't want to pursue it too much. I want to pursue it, but

This word is already very clear, Gao Changli nods! It's about the same for you! After all, Qu Cheng and Chen long are not at the same level!

"There are some contradictions between Chen long and me, but why do we do this? Who gave him the advice? It's so cheap! This is not as simple as disgusting people! "

When he said this, Gao Changli showed deep disgust!

"It has a lot to do with farms!" Qu Cheng was very helpless, "when the farm was building a community, it was completed through bidding. At that time, there were a lot of people who dared to be interested!"

Gao Changli didn't let Qu Cheng go on, because he already knew what happened! After all, it's his business! It can also be said to be operated by one hand!

When the farm was built, it was for the farm staff, not for sale! At the beginning, countless people were staring at this fat meat! Why? Because the bidding price of the farm is very high! There is even a follow-up capital injection!

Of course, the specifications are relatively high, it can be said that the requirements of the farm are very strict! But in terms of funds, the farm does not mean any harsh! No one wants to let go of such a good thing! You don't even need to pay in advance. There's only one kind of work to do. Just work according to the standards set by the farm!

At that time, how many forces came to an end? Now I think it's incredible!

The farm is very rich, which we all know, but this kind of throwing money out really makes people envious! But we don't have much envy and hatred for the farm! Why? Because although the requirements of the farm are high, there are not so many messy things. I have made the problems clear!

You are competing with each other! Let's work together! As long as you can meet my standards, I don't care who you are or what you look like! I'll solve the rest! It's so simple!

In the end, Gao Changyu himself ended up solving the problem! The construction of the entire community from beginning to end are high standards, extremely strict requirements! I don't know how many people in the city have visited in person. They all think that if they can live in such a community, how happy it will be in the future!

But it's a pity that the community is not for sale! It is also not allowed to rent out, which is what the farm gives to the farm staff! If other people dare to do this, I'm afraid it's already turned upside down! But it didn't work on the farm! The farm has such strength and influence!

No matter who it is, I will not sell your face! What can you do?

"At that time, the problem seemed to be solved! But I didn't think about it. I still left a lot of problems and situations! "

In this regard, Gao Changli also has some exclamations! The root of the matter finally comes down to my own side! Ding Yu in time to get out, there is a considerable explanation, since not for his own! There is no need to continue to reach out! This guy is really talking to Jiang Dahe, which is very consistent!

Don't touch him? It doesn't matter. We can get in touch with each other very well, but it's really hard to say what the result will be if we get a little infected with him or offend him! Just like it is now!

"Qu Cheng, I don't want to hear any more bad news!"

"Sir! I don't understand your operation today! At least not completely

On the car of Luo Xuan, there is no anger, but the expression is still so some doubts! "To be sure, Qu Cheng must have been involved in some things, and even this line is still looming up to now! The original information about this aspect is not so much! That is to say, Fang Yu mentioned quite a lot there! Director Liu doesn't have any information about this at all. It's really terrible! "Ding Yu pursed his lips, thinking about after a period of time! That's what you said! "This bubble is not yet able to be cracked, something can be understood, but it has nothing to do with us. At least there is no correlation on the surface. Under such circumstances, we do not want to get in touch with it!"

"But can Lao Gao be deceived? This guy is not so good! I can see it now! "

"Don't you see that? His state today is quite different from that of yesterday! "

Luo Xuan Leng for a while, pondered a little time, the facial expression also has so some black down! "I didn't find it. Now I think about it carefully. His mind was confused before! But today, when I talk to you, I don't look the same as before! Did he wake up? The impossible

"Not to wake up!" Ding Yu shook his head, "this guy! There is no problem in ability! But are you a man? In a considerable way, not suitable! There are also some things about the farm, and we can see some of its essence! At this time, he is quite tentative! Old fox! It's the one that can't be underestimated

"Well, sir, the ecstasy we gave him is not so effective! He's quite drug-resistant! "

"It's a bit of a surprise! It's true that we gave him some ecstasy. Did he get it? It's not that important! Anyway, it doesn't have much to do with us! This is what we always need to abide by! "

Luo Xuan rubbed his head! "So! It's going to take a while to start with Lao Gao? "

"We have made a lot of contact with Lao Gao! This line does not need to continue to follow! I'll be leaving tomorrow and the day after tomorrow! We have stayed here for quite a long time. There are not too many problems with the farm, so we don't have to continue to stay! by the way! What's the situation over there, director Liu? "

"The effect is not as ideal as expected! Those guys were given their heads off. They have confessed some of their problems! But quite a lot of problems are not explained particularly clearly! Obviously, I'm lucky! However, it can be seen from this that Lao Gao's means are very good! It's not the usual sharpness

"He's starting to clean the head and tail! But after director Liu came, it took such a long time to clean up? What do you think is the reason? " Ding Yu is very abrupt to say this problem!

Luo Xuan blinked his eyes, "Sir, he should have realized such a problem very early, but limited by all aspects, he is the true helmsman, but so many people on this ship, how can they all be with him? Now is the best chance. This old man has a good plan

"Now this backyard is going to be in chaos! Just like Chen long, he is the fuse! So it's better for us to stay away from it and save a lot of trouble! "

"Sir, will Lao Gao not doubt this?"

"He never believed us, just as we never believed him!"

Luo Xuan couldn't help shaking his head, "how do you feel it's almost the same as the situation of public relations, although it's all in the liquor Bureau, it seems that you are drunk! But in fact, we are all extremely sober and understand that even if it is a penny, we are also red faced. What happens after that? Still a good friend

"There are many similarities, but there are also quite differences. We can just keep the relationship with Lao Gao Ming! As for the others, there is not much need! Of course, if I can stand on the surface, the situation is different, but I'm not standing on the surface, so I have to consider how to deal with it! "

Chen Long sent a gift of apology the next day! Even Chen Long himself visited, but he just met Luo Xuan! Luo Xuan looks at the things sent here! Smile at Chen long!

"Lao Chen, is it a little too much?"?! How could it be so noisy? Make people laugh? "

Chen Long really met Luo Xuan at the beginning, and he also knew the identity of Luo Xuan! So the attitude is also very sincere! "Mr. Luo! Hi! it ' s a long story! To be exact, it's for the purpose of deliberately disgusting people! But I didn't expect to bump into Mr. Ding and you! "

"That doesn't need to be done that way?! It's really a thorn in the throat! That is to say, sir, I don't care too much! What if it was someone else? You may still have your head, but you can't keep the skin on your body! "

"Mr. Luo, can I see Mr. Ding? Whatever the reason? It's all our problems! We hope to express our most sincere apology to Mr. Ding! " For this, Chen long is really very guilty!

After the farm came here, how much benefit did the family get! Is that a problem? I'm afraid even Chen Long himself can't figure it out! For the farm, it's never the one who eats alone! If you have this ability, no problem! What I'm afraid of is that you don't have this ability!

Why did Chen Long give up when they were fighting for the project! Up to now, it is to disgust Gao Changyu on purpose, and no other means have been used! Because there is not much need!Over the years, everyone is full of food, although this time did not snatch success, it doesn't matter! It's not that you can't live without this life! There really is no such problem!

But at the beginning, Gao's practice really made Chen long sick! If it is just competition, there is no problem! Lose is also willing! is it? But in the case of the same ability, you Lao Gao deliberately make a trip, using a cruel means! There are some intolerable!

"Sir, I know about the whole thing! But in addition to the farm things, sir really don't want to be too involved! In this position of Mr. Wang, if you really want to be involved in it, who do you prefer? "

This is like a rhetorical question, but also a warning!

"Old Chen! Two digressions! The farm doesn't want to cut corners! Too much noise! It's not good for anyone! So after knowing your things, that is to say, I scolded you twice, and didn't take it as a special thing! What's the matter? Do you really want your husband to come out and watch you divide up a winner or loser? "

"No! afraid to! How dare you excuse me, Mr. Ding? The main thing is that we did something wrong! We regret that! "

"Come on! Everything has been sent here, sir. It's not a mean person! But don't you go, either? "

Ah? Chen Long's heart is not from a sudden! If you want to talk about Gao Changli, Chen Long really can't be ignored, but Ding Yu can't! His identity is extraordinary! I really can't carry it!

"Mr. Luo?! Is Mr. Ding dissatisfied? How about it? "

"You stay!"?! Wait a minute, Qu Cheng and Hou Chunyang will come too! "

Ah? For Qu Cheng and Hou Chunyang, they really don't care so much, although they let people give them maggots! But so what? Dare to stab in front of their own, I promise to give them two good-looking!

Chen long is very clever, did not ask the reason!

But the next day, Chen Long knew the reason! Ding Yu left the city together with them! Go to other places to check work. Why do you take them? What about deliberate? Ding Yu seems to have no other arrangement, but if not deliberately, it seems that there are some unclear explanations!

Gao Changyu is very confused. What does Ding Yu want to do? What's more, Luo Xuan seems to have gone to Liu Shang himself? The message hasn't been delivered yet! What is the situation, now unknown!

Is it because of myself? Now Gao Changyu is suspicious of everything! There is no way, who let himself sit in this position? But there are many things that don't make sense! For example, if Ding Yu really wants to deal with himself, shouldn't he continue to be here now?

Or is Ding Yu intentional? Is to deceive oneself! But I've been waiting for another two days, OK? Ding Yu and his party are about to leave the province! And according to the information revealed by Liu Shang!

The reason why Luo Xuan went to find Liu Shang is very simple! Those guys who offended Ding Yu before, none of them were spared lightly! And listen to that meaning, we must deal with it strictly! Absolutely can't have any palliative!

At the beginning of hearing this news, Gao Changyu didn't believe it. But when you think about it carefully, it really conforms to Ding Yu's character. I don't care what you are for? This has nothing to do with me! Since offended me, then need to bear the cost of offending me, is so simple!

Can't you see guzheng still sweeping the gate there? Even Ding Yu has left! But Gu Zheng didn't dare to leave at all! I'm afraid it will take another two days! Otherwise, maybe Ding Yu will look back and give you another one!

Gu Feng is honest now. Why? It's not because Ding Yu hit him hard, otherwise how could it be so! But when I think of it, my plan has some flaws. Gao Changyu really has some toothache! Even has the quite regret!

Why? Can not continue to the valley peak shot! To a certain extent, he already knows his own behavior and action! Considering the overall situation, he didn't react too much! But if you continue to offend him, then what kind of situation, it's really hard to say!

So now really can't continue to fight against him, even in the future can't fight against him! This guy! Able to cross so many years of time, and has been standing! It's not that there's no reason at all!

But Qu Cheng and Hou Chunyang's situation, oneself also knew! It's not only Qu Cheng and Hou Chunyang's one-sided words, but also some other aspects of verification. In these two days, they have been a little miserable!

You know, Gu Zheng just collided with Ding Yu before, but now he is still sweeping the gate there. It can be said that Gu Feng's face has been lost! What's up and down in the city you don't know? Even quite a few people ran to the gate of the farm to watch the excitement!Can Chen long, Qu Cheng and Hou Chunyang, who are disgusted with Ding Yu, have a better life? It's impossible!

To a certain extent, they really want to die now! Under the circumstances at that time, it was really hard for Ding Yu to give them three. What happened? But after leaving here, how Ding Yu will do, this is Ding Yu's personal thing! Other people really don't have any interference!

Even Gao Changli is not convenient to make this call! How to make a phone call? How to make it clear?

The previous time did not start, it has given a considerable face! What's the matter? I'm gone now! Under such circumstances, I vent for a while, can't I!

It's also for this reason, so whether it's Chen Long's forces or Lao Gao's side? No words! We can only wait for Ding Yu's spirit to dissipate!

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