Ding Yu looks at Qu Cheng sitting in front of him! Face like water, abnormal indifferent!

"How do you feel?" Qu Cheng wiped his forehead sweat! The face is black and white! It's a little horrible!

In the past two days with Ding Yu, it can be said that he has suffered a lot!

"Mr. Ding, at the beginning, there were still some people who were not used to it! Although there is often exercise these years, but how to say? They all look like goods. They seem to maintain their own body, but they are just fooling themselves! These two days have been relieved all of a sudden! It really feels good! Sleeping is called a fragrance

Whether it's true or not, I'm afraid only Qu Cheng himself is the most clear, but I can tell from the words that the meaning of flattery is very strong!

Ding Yu didn't think so and laughed! "Do you know what I do these two days?"

In this regard, Qu Cheng can't help shaking his head, a little can't understand, but don't guess! Easy to make other things come out! Now I'm interested in the character of Mr. Ding! It is also a certain understanding!

"I've been investigating something about you these two days! Hou Chunyang is also there by the way to check! "

Ah? Qu Cheng feels his sweat coming down again! And it's still out of control!

"Are you a good man? This has nothing to do with me! I don't care whether you are a good person or not! What do you think of me? Never a good person, even from my personal point of view of myself! I always feel that I am a good person! Reputation is not as important to me as I think it is! "

"Mr. Ding?" Qu Cheng's voice trembled when he spoke! When I put it in the past, I was very taboo to Ding Yu, but I was not so afraid. But now I hear Ding Yu say these things to me? I feel that my hair has already stood up! It's like a thorn in your body!

The whole body itches incomparably, but oneself actually dare not have any movement! Can only be hard to stand!

"Do anything? There must be a bottom line! Similarly, this is also a red line, which no one can cross! Over this line! The challenge is not only morality, but also law! "

Qu Cheng is shivering now! What kind of things have you done? It may not have been a thing, but now Ding Yu mentions it in front of him. Everything is just like a movie in front of him! Can Qu Cheng not be afraid? Especially look at Ding Yu's eyes!

Ding Yu's eyes didn't show any fierce eyes, but they were too indifferent! Give yourself a feeling! He looked at himself as if he were looking at an object! Maybe the next moment is not happy, the object may be a stick to the direct broken! I really feel like this!

"Mr. Ding, I have done quite a wrong thing, I admit it!"

"Don't you think I'm deceiving you? After all, what did you do! I didn't follow your side. I can't know so clearly! " Ding Yu fiddles with the string in his hand, a bored look!

"Don't tease me, Mr. Ding!" Qu Cheng sighed! "But one thing I'm sure is that I haven't done anything private, and I haven't stained any head or blood! I can guarantee that! I'm not afraid to check! "

"There's Lao Gao behind you, but it's not just Lao Gao. Lao Gao is just a node in your business! However, with Lao Gao's hand, you have integrated a lot of data, which I don't care about! It has nothing to do with me! You have quite a problem in other aspects! I checked with the people in Xiangjiang. You have been there many times! I have a good relationship with Xiang Jia! They gave me a lot of information! "

When talking, Ding Yu stretched out his hand. The security guard not far away came and put the information into Ding Yu's hand! Ding Yu put the information on the desktop, a thick stack! "Here are all your records and information! You can have a look and see if there is anything else left out! "

"By the way, I forgot to say it! You also went out to sea to play a few! My relationship with the Dong family is OK! The relationship with the Li family is also passable! So I can know something about that on the whole! "

"Mr. Ding! I recognize it! But one thing I don't recognize is that I don't sell my ancestors! I've never sold my ancestors

"Hum!" Ding Yu rubs the string in his hand! "If it's not for this, I'll buy you anything after I ask you something! I'll give you an upside down, NIMA! Let you know what it's like! Do you think you can go to heaven? Ah? "

Fortunately, Qu Cheng is not a scum. Otherwise, Ding Yu would never let Qu Cheng feel better today!

"Mr. Ding, at that time, he was greedy for profits! When I saw money at that time, I was really jealous! Always want to get rich overnight, even every day! Think during the day! At night! Think all the time! I feel like I'm going to be possessed! Poor scholar is really worthless! At least it wasn't worth money at that time! ""And then? This is the way to go? "

"At that time, I also had a chance to attend a lecture in the capital. I saw a small stamp at that time! Sold for 60000 yuan! I just entered school at that time, and my salary is 26 yuan a month! If you don't eat or drink in a year, 3000 yuan! I was stupid when I was there! There are some dizzy dishes that have been impacted! "

"If you want to get ahead, don't you want to fall behind?"

"In today's words, I am also a phoenix man!" Qu Cheng gave a wry smile. "At that time, he graduated from University, and then found a very good job! Mr. Ding, do you know? I didn't even dare to go back to my hometown at that time! Because the appearance is bright, but in reality! The inside of the pocket is cleaner than the face! But you have to hold on! "

"I already know the following story! Rabbits don't eat grass beside the nest! You didn't walk through the streets, but it's not much different! From this point of view, we have not gone astray! "

"Mr. Ding, it's a little frightening to be able to investigate these things for such a short time!"

"Just think about it or not! If you want to, you can find out more! But I am also clear, some things are not clear! And the time is too short! "

"Mr. Ding, I don't quite understand now! What is your purpose? "

Ding Yu hands inside the hand string slightly pause for a while! "Then guess! What is my purpose? "

Although Qu Cheng was too frightened, the more he was like this, the more concentrated he was! The so-called person has wit, why can be like this! If you don't react quickly, you may lose your life! Can the reaction be slow at this time?

What's more, I also noticed! Ding Yu gives a hand to the security guard, and then the security guard puts the big black guy on the table, and the black muzzle is aimed at him! I even noticed! The insurance has been opened!

Originally, the whole body of his sweat has been up! Now it's really upside down! Even if there is an outsider, you will notice that Qu Cheng's hair has been standing up, as if it had just been electrified!

Fuck your mother, don't take out the guy! And still such a big guy! No one can stand it!

Then Qu Cheng began to explain! Lin Lin all kinds of things, even when he was a child bed wetting things are clear, there is no hiding! When speaking, Qu Cheng also looked at the expression on Ding Yu's face!

When he found that Ding Yu was not moved at all, he jumped directly!

"After doing business, I also slowly found out that I was alone and weak. After being cheated twice, I suddenly realized that I couldn't fight alone! Then I began to sketch slowly, and later I got in touch with Gao family! The first contact is not Lao Gao, but Mrs. Gao! She came to see me with something! By the way

"Why are you here?"

Qu Cheng can't help but Leng for a while, and then a brain turn! Before he said so many things, but Ding Yu did not pay any attention, but now directly interrupted his speech! Is it because of Lao Gao?

Originally, Qu Cheng still had some hesitation, but after seeing the black muzzle, Qu Cheng sighed with emotion!

"Who am I? Mr. Ding, you also know! Add deliberate packaging, so give the impression of the outside world is better

"Then I introduced you to Lao Gao?"

"Lao Gao didn't show up! Lao Gao and I got to know each other later. He came to inspect our work and then came into contact! At least the contact above the surface is like this Taking a peek at Ding Yu's eyes, Qu Cheng continued to say, "Mrs. Gao doesn't have so much contact with me! Most of the time, one of her cousins comes, but most of the time, I just want to identify her! "

"What's in it?"

"If things are good, there are two ways!" At this time, Qu Cheng has nothing to hide! "It's too conspicuous to deal with it in secret! Basically can't send a picture, secretly inside Digest! Although there may be a little loss, relatively speaking, it is safer. There are no problems and situations in recent years. Moreover, it is pure cash transaction, not bank flow! As for the inconspicuous one? Maybe they will stay and even process it! "

"I have a lot of ideas! It's hard enough for them

"Things were better in the early years! But over time! The amount of communication between each other is also increasing, and the hand of things are not limited to antiques! There are other things! But what I'm going to do is antiques. As for other things, I'm not so clear! "

"You follow me! You can't send money directly to your door, can you? "

That's exactly what Ding Yu said!"I know there is such a person, Fang Yu! But I haven't been in direct contact with him! Basically, I put the money in the trunk! Of course, I borrowed Mrs. Gao's car and put it in a special garage! What happens only in the future? This is not so clear! "

Ding Yu nodded slightly! "The explanation is quite clear!"

What does that mean? Qu Cheng is a little frightened! Heard Ding Yu continue to say! "Fang Yu mentioned some related things to me! I haven't met you! But a lot of things! Or you've taken a lot of things for the Gao family! "

Looking at Ding Yu's expression, Qu Cheng feels like seeing the devil! And you already know about this! Just waiting for me and the dish to come out! If I didn't wake up just now, maybe I was waiting for a black muzzle! Think of here, Qu Cheng feel their sphincter a little uncontrollable!

"How do you evaluate the Gao family?"

"I don't have much contact with Gao's children! But it's not very promising! As for Lao Gao? It seems very high! But the most greedy person of Gao family! The most black hearted man! Even the most ruthless person is him! The man who fell under his hand! meet the eye everywhere! We also dare to be angry! But from another point of view, there is absolutely no ability to say! Is a good hand, if he can restrain himself, it is really limitless! What a pity

"So! Many people have a lot of opinions on him? "

"We all have considerable opinions and ideas! But what can we do? With Chen long? How powerful the force is, but still can't give Gao Changyu how! " Is this an eye medicine for Chen long!

"I've heard that the relationship between you and Mrs. Gao seems to be abnormal?"

Qu Cheng's eyes were straight at once! "I'll fuck you! Who makes such a rumor? Mr. Ding, isn't this bullshit? Let's not talk about Lao Gao and the children of Gao family. What will they do to me? Just like Mrs. Gao! Even if you give it to me for nothing, I don't want it! " When he said this, Qu Cheng even had some anxious and white faced people!

"Yes! I have a picture, you can see it! What's more! I have a wife and children myself. I can't afford to lose this man! I can't look for anything like that. I have to look for something like that! "

Can see, Qu Cheng to this point, extremely repel!

"So Mrs. Gao looks at you differently?"

"Shit, I'm a little bit of a reputation! Some things can be done, but some things can not be done! I'm still very clear about that! However, because of the Gao family, my context has a considerable expansion! This is the truth

Now this time don't do anything to keep! There's no point in keeping it! After all, the things on the table are really tight in my heart! Due to the previous confession, Mr. Ding said two more words to himself, so his mind is to put down some, but still like being placed on a hot iron plate!

"What's the problem here?"

Qu Cheng's face was so dim! "The communication between Lao Gao and me is quite secret. Sometimes we talk about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, drinking tea, but Mrs. Gao and her children are very vulgar in these aspects. To a certain extent, they can't hide themselves well!"

"On the whole, I understand!" Ding Yu did not pursue too much! Because I have been able to guess!

"What do you think of him?"

"I haven't touched much, but I know there is such a person! Especially after hearing that director Liu came, Fang Yu disappeared! However, the relationship between Fang Yu and Gao's family is not as many people as they think! And as far as I know, Fang Yu is not a core member of the Gao family! My idea at that time was that this guy would never see the sun again! "

"He went abroad, and I brought him back! I'm a little curious about who set up Gao's route abroad! " Ding Yu looks at Qu Cheng thoughtfully!

"Mr. Ding, I've heard Mrs. Gao say that! When I was with Lao Gao, he never talked about work and other things! He's so smart! Also very powerful! At this point, Mrs. Gao and the children of the Gao family can't even catch up with each other! "

"Tell me!" Ding Yu seems to be quite interested!

"I heard that when the children of the Gao family were studying abroad, they had quite a number of managers. I heard that this person was called Tang Shi. I'm not so clear about the specific situation! And I secretly inquired about it, and I didn't even hear too much about this person! But this man must still be there! I've heard Mrs. Gao say that sometimes their family will go for tea! "

"I'll give you a credit!" Ding Yu snorted! "Director Liu discussed with me earlier! Do you want to start from you? After all, Fang Yu has gone in! And it's going to take years! But I've made an investigation, but I haven't done anything for the tiger, but you've done a lot of wrong things! ""Thank you, Mr. Ding

"It's not my mercy! It's not easy to start at the first stage, but after Lao Gao's problems are solved, I'll give you a chance to find out and fill the gaps by yourself. It's what it should look like! Do you understand what I mean? "

"I see!" Speaking of this, can Qu Cheng not understand? "But Mr. Ding, it has nothing to do with Hou Chunyang! I dare not have other extravagance, but Chunyang is a businessman! "

"You can't protect yourself! Still thinking about him? Because of his father? "

"I was in trouble! Chunyang's father gave me a hand! Chunyang doesn't have much interest in the things handed down by his family! He's just interested in business! And being a man is quite decent, a little cunning! There is no way to do this. At the beginning, we were still aiming at Chunyang's father's face, but later, we were happy to deal with him! "

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