"It's not up to you! I can give a certain recommendation, if there is no big problem! We can consider it at our discretion, but if there is a big problem, we can save his life! This is the biggest accommodation I can make! "

"I understand!" Qu Cheng how can not be clear, this is to open their own conditions! "As far as I know, Chunyang doesn't have much trouble in other aspects except business."

"Now that everything has been said! So I'll give you an introduction to the current situation. Are you lucky? "

"Mr. Ding, do you dare to do it now? See this guy type! I'm really afraid

Look at the guy on the table! Ding Yu gave a cold hum! "You really don't think this is frightening you! If you say something wrong, your life will be accounted for! Of course, I can't do it myself, but someone will do it! " Then Ding Yu pointed to the sky!

Looking at Qu Cheng can't help shivering, Ding Yu is then said! "Fang Yu told me quite a lot! He was brought back at the earliest time! Although there are some special ways to bring back, I know something about Gao's family, but it's just like what you said! Not so full and comprehensive! Gu Feng also explained quite a lot! But also stand in his personal point of view about quite a thing! It's also not comprehensive enough! "

"Gu Feng? Does it feel a little different? " Then Qu Cheng immediately woke up, "Mr. Ding, Gu Zheng stayed at the farm, to a certain extent, to protect him!"

"Gu Feng's performance is not bad! It has been checked very clearly. Although this guy is very tactful and can even be called a doggie, there is nothing wrong with him! This is not like Lao Gao! Now you're in! So give you a certain right to know! Do you know why? "

"Mr. Ding, it's not so clear!"

Now this time, even if you really understand, you have to pretend to be confused!

"At least it's like a person! Although with Lao Gao and Lao Gao's home has a considerable contact, but no one's ignorance of their conscience, can only say that the way of doing things is quite different! So give you a chance to correct! I hope you can catch it yourself! If you can't catch it! Ha ha

"Mr. Ding, I understand! But don't tell Chunyang about this! His character is steady, but it's not suitable for him to get involved in such a thing? "

"Huh?" Obviously Ding Yu agreed! "What do you think of Chen long?"

"I know that Chunyang has a good relationship with him. After all, Chunyang's identity is quite special. Chunyang is a businessman and also a face-to-face man! With a lot of people are relatively good friends! But really understand! I'm afraid that's not great. Let's have a meal together! Have a cup of tea! Sing, sing! Dance

"There should be some reasons why he can compete with Lao Gao."

Qu Cheng understood immediately! "From a business point of view, Chen Long doesn't have too many problems! Chunyang had a lot of communication with him, and I went there at that time! The price comparison is fair, did not show special greed! As for the problem with Lao Gao? There is no head! As for the latest one, it has a lot to do with farms! "

"I heard that at that time, Lao Gao not only used some means on the surface, but also used some means on the inside?! That's why Chen Long was defeated? Is that so? "

"Mr. Ding, I can't say much about it!"

Ding Yu didn't force Qu Cheng too much. He closed the guy's Insurance and handed it to the security guard! They have scared Qu Cheng! Then it's not necessary to keep this thing!

"It will take you a few days!"

After getting Ding Yu's hint, Qu Cheng left! Then Chen Long came to Ding Yu and looked at the guy on the table! Chen long can't help peeping at Ding Yu! That thing is really disgusting to Ding Yu, which he really does not deny, but there is no need to directly take out the guy style, right?

Even Chen long is very sure! It's not a bluff! It's the real guy!

Under Chen Long's gaze, Ding Yu carries the guy's style on his hand, which makes Chen long jump three feet high! All of a sudden, Ding Yu was quite surprised and looked up and down! Then he took out the following document!

"Mr. Ding?" Chen Long tentatively called out!

Ding Yu pointed to the document on the tea table! Chen long is puzzled, but still picked up to see for a while! After two eyes, Chen Long's face is full of horror! Even the whole person is a little nervous!

"Mr. Ding, this is to move Lao Gao and that shriveled calf!" Some excited, but excited behind, but also worried!

Pointed to the seat, after waiting for Chen long to sit down, Ding Yu just looked at Chen long with his hands crossed! "You don't have to make me happy too soon! From the temporary investigation, your problem is not big! But there are also considerable problems! Even some people behind you have quite a problem! There are even very few people who are on a par with Lao Gao's problem! I don't believe you don't know at all! ""Mr. Ding?" Chen Long looks at Ding Yu very carefully!

Originally, I thought it was my own behavior and action that angered Ding Yu! That's why I gave myself such a hand, but now it's not like this at all! There are many problems in it! To my surprise, I have never heard any news! This is a little scary!

"What if you're willing to die? Of course, I don't care. Can I find you a graveyard? You can bury it anywhere you want! It doesn't matter! " Ding Yu looked at Chen Long indifferently, "even I can let you leave now! You can just leave! I won't have any obstruction

Leaving? You're still leaving? Even if it is scurrying, I dare not leave! Is the guy on the desk really used to scare himself? Don't make such a joke! To a certain extent, it's the first warning and the last warning! It depends on how you choose!

"Mr. Ding, I can handle this time!"

Ding Yu looks at Chen long! "You said you could handle it! Then I believe you can handle this time! If not, I'm sorry! With Lao Gao this time! A spoonful of stew

"Mr. Ding, how long can it last?" Chen long pointed to the core!

"There's another man over there named Tang Shi! I don't know so much about this person! I am now vaguely aware of such a person! Without disturbing him, I need to know all about this man! "

"I know!" Chen Long said with certainty, "you don't know Tang Shi very well, but I still have quite an impression on him! This guy was a little cashier at the beginning, and then he was promoted! However, due to the subsequent reasons! But just pack up and go home! It's quite connected with Lao Gao! "

"Not enough?"

"If you want to say that this guy is quite powerful, he is very clear about things in the industry! A little more? This guy likes to stay behind when he does things! But we can't pee in a pot! And at the beginning of the time, we belong to different, there are not too many disputes! But this guy is relatively low-key! Not so perverse

"When he came down, who did it? Is that you? "

"No! Although we had a lot of contradictions with Lao Gao, later we were all on one side, and there was not so much involved. However, it is strange that he came down. There are three kinds of views, one is that he got himself down! There is another way of saying that he offended people at the beginning! But who did you offend? I don't know? But a lot of people put this matter in our heads, but as far as I know, it's definitely not us. There's another way to say it! "

"Lao Gao?" Ding Yu is very abrupt said a!

Chen Long looks at Ding Yu in surprise. He doesn't expect that Ding Yu will have such a reaction! But also nodded at Ding Yu! "Yes! There is a saying in this respect! It's said that the Tang Dynasty was brought down by Lao Gao! But no one knows the details! "

"It's an interesting thing! Do you want to see this man if you have time? "

"It's hard! As far as I know, is he still in Laogao's side? The specific situation is not so clear! Anyway, no one has seen him for quite a long time! "

Ding Yu blinked his eyes. It's hard to see him. It's not very difficult for him! Even if you want to, you can get it! There's still something to hold on to!

"Let's talk about you and Lao Gao, Lao Gao's backstage. If there was no backstage, he would not have been standing for such a long time! And it should not be one or two! "

Just now, Chen Long was basically able to answer every question, but this time, Chen Long was silent for quite a long time! Ding Yu didn't show his eagerness. He even had time to fiddle with the tea!

"Mr. Ding! Too much noise! There may even be subversion. It's not just one person or two! The best way is to draw slowly! "

For this point, Ding Yu did not refute too much, and even nodded! "I admit what you said! Even think it's the right way! But this is just my personal opinion! "

"Mr. Ding, I don't quite understand some of them?"

"Director Liu and I can be said to be in the same way or not!" Ding Yu sighed a little, "he is above the surface, the difficulties encountered are so many, even when I first heard about this thing, is also extremely surprised! Even the investigation couldn't go on! It's just unthinkable! "

"I've heard about it, too! At that time, when I heard the news, I was very happy, even secretly there were some excitement! It's the turn of Gao Changyu, the old bastard! But later, I really felt a little scared. I never thought Lao Gao was so tough"What do you mean?"

"Mr. Ding, don't tempt me! Previously, I felt that Lao Gao really had seed, but later the more I thought about it, the more I felt cool in the back of my head! Even all over his goose bumps! It's too much exaggeration! "

"I haven't heard too much about this from Lao Gao, and I don't know whether they are really bold, or whether Lao Gao's means are higher! But Gu Feng is very worried about it! "

Gu Feng?! Chen Long nodded his head! "My personal observation! Or my personal opinion, we are behind the fuel! To say whether Lao Gao has the ability or not, we should focus on this problem! No one can deny it! However, from the observation after the incident, I'm afraid that the people on the ship? He's out of control now! What's more, the people outside are still watching eagerly! "

Ding Yu takes a deep look at Chen long. This guy dares to oppose Gao Changyu. He definitely has two brushes!

"When Lao Gao was there, Lao Gao borrowed my hand and sent some heads to him!"

Oh? Chen Long's face slightly changed, "this old bastard is really vicious! Even the people on the ship are starting to kill themselves! But this is also a more verified thing! That is, he is not so confident in the control of the whole! But I have to say, good means! I just don't know if he can cut off all the connections! "

"Chen long, do you know how I used to deal with such things?"

"Mr. Ding, what do you say?"

"I'll kill you with a stick! I don't care who it is! It has nothing to do with me! Whatever means you have, you can put it in front of me to have a try. It doesn't matter! If you are willing to die, I will be willing to bury you! "

With that, Ding Yu's eyes narrowed! Chen Long looks at the evil spirit in Ding Yu's eyes! Oh, it's a voice! The whole person is just like a cat who is too scared! Rise in the air! Now is not a jump three feet high so simple! The whole person flies upside down! When landing on the ground, it's also rolling and crawling!

It can be said that in an instant, Chen Long flew out ten meters away! Even though he was far away from Ding Yu, Chen long felt that his heart was a little out of control! Jump straight jump, are about to jump out of their hearts! Chen Long doubted that he would faint at the next moment! It's very possible!

What was the scene like at that time? It's like I was suddenly covered by a sea of blood!

The demons are flying! The whole person is enveloped! I'm like a boat floating on the sea, and I'm going to face it! It's going to be a huge wave! What kind of feeling is that! Chen Long really does not know how to describe it! Although it's far away from Ding Yu, Chen long can't move his body at all now!

Relieved to have five minutes time, even the security took the initiative to give himself some warm water, Chen long did not respond, feel his body has frozen! I can't get rid of it!

For a long time, Chen Long came to Ding Yu's side! The previous kind of fear, has dissipated! Ding Yu sat there, just like a wild orchid! At ease! With just formed the most striking contrast!

"Mr. Ding!" This life is called from the bottom of my heart respect! Also from the heart of fear!

"To be exact, I came out of a sea of corpses! So the style of action is also very fierce! There are even some extremes! In my opinion, this way is quite flawed, but can solve the problem as quickly as possible! This is also the reason why people have been very critical of me all the time! "

Ding Yu's words make Chen Long's heart beat fiercely again! It's really out of control! Ding Yu's voice seems to have some special magic power! Let oneself a little can't oneself!

"Mr. Ding, this is a little too exciting! I feel my heart has been beating out, even in the unconscious process, there is a feeling that can not be described! "

Ding Yu shook his head, "how to say? You've missed a big chance

Chen Long Leng for a while, a little unclear, so! "But it's not a bad thing! To some extent, it's a good thing! Although we can't prevent the invasion of ten thousand laws, at least we won't have much influence in the future! " Ding Yu just ordered a sentence! I didn't mention too much, "if you have time, it's good to have a look at daozang."


Ding Yu takes a look and refuses to make any other explanation! "With the change of identity and position, there are some conflicts about my personality! Too much personality! To a certain extent, some are out of control! "

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Chen Long calms down his breathing!

"Mr. Ding, I'm quite well informed! But I haven't heard much about it

"Ha ha!" Ding Yu can not deny the smile, "things are so noisy some big! So the blockade is very fierce at a certain time! Everyone is afraid that it will have a considerable impact. This time, no matter what the final result will be! I will never reveal anything about meAfter that, Ding Yu took a deep look at Chen long!

Chen long is the first time to respond to Ding Yu! What else to say about this! When it comes to time, the news is really revealed from their own side! I'm afraid you don't need Mr. Ding Yuding in front of you! There is no doubt that someone will come forward and take his head directly!

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