The investigation about Tang Shi started in an orderly way, but Ding Yu's inspection work did not stop at all! Even the next step is to save! This is to let Gao Changyu, who is far away from the horizon, feel at ease!

If it is director Liu shangliu, there is no problem! I can still control the situation very well now. Due to the arrival of Ding Yu, my strategy still has a very good effect! Don't you want to investigate, director Liu? No problem! I can supply ammunition continuously now!

I just let people get into it! I'm so tired of you!

As for my own situation, there are not too many problems! Cut off the end! Some of the problems of our own? It's quite involved! In this point, Gao Changyu actually has a considerable decision! It's absolutely inappropriate to do the so-called "one size fits all" now! But it doesn't mean that you have no way at all!

However, I feel that it is a pity that this time I want to hold Ding Yu's thigh, which is due to various reasons, the effect is not as good as I thought! Even has the quite counter effect!

Ding Yu obviously should feel something, or rather something, or caused his suspicion!

If I choose to be too close at this time, it will arouse the disgust of Ding Yu! This is not appropriate!

Chen long is such a jerk! Biting himself, although he is not good now, but it definitely affects his future! This how much let oneself have so some can't tolerate! Anger even out!

Can say oneself really have what good method! Not really!

To a certain extent, I don't want to offend Chen long too much. Although there are quite contradictions between them, I don't want to do too much! However, since he was standing on the boat, there was no choice for quite a few things!

In fact, if the community of the farm is really in accordance with their own ideas, it can be used to have a good talk with Chen long. At least that's what Jackie Chan said at the beginning! Obviously, he also knows that he is a local snake. It's absolutely inappropriate for him to really want to eat alone. He can sing on any mountain!

Contradictions belong to contradictions, but it doesn't mean that we can't really cooperate with each other!

But Gao didn't expect that the people behind him were so greedy, which was not direct to Chen long! Let the contradiction between each other further intensify! There is not even room for moderation! This is also extended out later quite a thing! If we didn't make such a choice at that time, why not?

But the problem is that at that time, I didn't have much choice! To be exact, I also have quite a heart! Really can't hate other people! But the consequences are a little too serious! This is what I didn't expect!

Created quite a bad result, although now has not completely come to the door, but enough to let yourself alert!

Who knows Chen long behind those forces, how to deal with this matter! According to the news I got! Although Chen long is in a bad situation now, he is still with Ding Yu after all! Now that we are together! So it means that there are still countless possibilities between each other!

But I can't help it! I can't stretch my hand that long!

Let yourself have some more disturbing things come one after another! When his wife took his son to visit Tang Shi, his son was crazy? Or the head is broken!

When Tang Shi came out to see off the guests, his son's car ran out of control and hit Tang Shi! Now they have been sent to the hospital! Fortunately, the arm is broken! Other injuries are not so serious! But this kind of thing, let Gao Changli quite angry! How can such a thing happen!

Asked his wife, when the presence of not many people! In addition to his wife and son, there are only Tang Shi and nanny! Because he didn't want to be disturbed by others, and Gao had other ideas about it, he didn't let the driver drive, but let his son go!

But I thought there would be such a thing! Gao Changyu now has some doubts! How on earth would Tang Shi think about this? Also has is own son why such careless!

In the evening, Gao arrived at the hospital in person! Of course, also with the hospital to say hello!

I didn't expect the bad news to follow! In the hospital examination, Tang Shi was also found! The problem is not as simple as imagined. Although it seems to be an ordinary fracture, it is difficult for the hospital to treat it thoroughly!

It's not that we can't do this kind of operation. We can do it, but it's not the strength of the hospital. If we do it, we may have some problems in the future! So now this time please fly knife, or send it to the provincial capital, the effect will be better!

May also be due to the identity problem of Gao Changyu, so there is no concealment here in the hospital! Certainly also dare not do any concealment! And the problem is not caused by our hospital, we have considerable concerns about this operation! After all, the condition of the hospital is still relatively limited! No problem, of course! But we also need to highlight our efforts!After all, Gao's identity is extraordinary, and Gao has come here in person now! Of course, the hospital can invite the flying knife, and it is still a very good kind of flying knife, but such things must be said, otherwise how can Gao Changyu feel the importance of the hospital?

"What are the recommendations for hospitals?"

"If you ask for a flying knife, you can't invite one person for such an operation, but you need to invite a team! If it is sent to the provincial capital, the hospital can come forward. The problem is not so big! But is there enough power in the provincial capital? Now it's not so clear. After all, Mr. Tang's problem is a bit different! "

How to choose, you gaochangli to make this decision! Gao did not hesitate too long!

"Just ask a team to come here! I want to make sure that there won't be any problems in the operation! " After all, the situation of the Tang Dynasty was quite different. Gao had to ensure that he could not have any problems! At the same time, we can't let him out of our sight! I don't want to have any accident at this time!

The hospital soon made a response! After all, things like throwing knife are not as simple as imagined! I've been waiting for almost an hour! Hospital is slightly embarrassed to return to the office!

"Mr. Gao, the people from the provincial capital can't come here!"

"What's the situation?" Gao Changyu's face turned black as soon as he heard this!

"If it's flying dagger, it's not a big problem! But this operation is a team. For the provincial capital, the problem is a little bigger! " The leadership of the hospital is very embarrassed! "They even scolded me and said," am I crazy? "

Due to the lack of understanding of the hospital system, Gao Changli was a little surprised!

Is it because of their own reasons, so will lead to this situation! And the person that stands in Gao Changyu side is to explain hastily say! "Mr. Gao, this is the case! Because the patient's situation is too special! If you ask the flying knife to do the operation, then there will be quite a problem! One help, two help! Including anesthesia and nurses and so on! We haven't cooperated with each other! After all, the operation is a team work, if it is a small operation, there is no problem, but this kind of operation! No way

After hearing such an introduction, Gao Changyu immediately understood it!

Things are different from what I imagined! But subconsciously, Gao still didn't think it was a very good choice to send the Tang Dynasty to the provincial capital! It's even a little bad!

"How about going to the capital?"

"Capital?" The staff of the hospital was obviously stunned! After that, I said for sure! "Of course, the capital is better! Even from the current medical point of view, the capital is the best! I just don't know if I can find this relationship at that time? "

If it is to take the normal channel, it will definitely delay things! After all, all of a sudden to the capital side? Step a little bit so big! After all, such things can be solved in the provincial capital! But with such conditions at home, the situation is different!

"Then go to the capital, since you can't come here, then give Mr. Tang the best treatment!"

Then Gao looked at his wife and son! Some things don't need to be stated directly! There's no need! Especially now! Not so appropriate!

I can't explain the reason with the hospital!

"Lao Gao?" Zhang Hua looked at her husband, and the expression on his face was not very happy! However, this matter with the son is really not too much relationship! His hand slipped at that time! That's why it's so noisy! It has nothing to do with other aspects!

"Let old Tang go to the capital. If he goes to the provincial capital at this time, it's not safe?"

"Lao Gao, can you do it?" Zhang Hua some worry said!

"Keep it a little secret! Now not many people have noticed that the operation time is not very long! It's just a little money! Don't look for any other relationship

Zhang Hua nodded! "Yes! Do I need to follow this? If I don't follow, there will always be some worries! " After all, the importance of the Tang Dynasty is by no means ordinary! Zhang Hua is very clear about this!

"Well! Find two people to follow, and take care of them by the way! "

Ding Yu, of course, got the news at the first time. He didn't expect the security aspect to play so much! I have read the relevant information of Tang Shi!

"Sir, the news says they are going to the capital! Lao Gao is not so cautious! I'm afraid that there will be any problems and situations in the provincial capital. Do you think he's a little too careful? "

Ding Yu Qing is holding his chin, "it's not appropriate to go back directly at this time, but after such a long time of investigation, we should go back to report our work!"

Looking at Luo Xuan standing beside him, Ding Yu shook his head, "but you and Lao Lu are not so suitable! So stay on the surface! Just go on with the inspection work! ""No problem! I'll just partner with Lao Lu! I just don't know what kind of feelings other people will have when they know that Mr. Wang is alone? " In this regard, Luo Xuan has some bad taste!

"These guys! It's not generally smart, but it's not a big deal! Everyone wants to have a good performance! After all, the farm from now on, or has a considerable future and prospects! Under such circumstances, we all want to go further. Even if we can't do it now, we hope to leave a good impression! "

Ding Yu came back to the capital, more quietly, even faster than the Tang Dynasty! Now the speed of EMU is absolutely one of the best! Just get in the car! And Tang Shi? The situation is slightly different! After all, his situation is not suitable for us! Only by car!

As for whether there is a reason for Lao Gao, who knows?

After saying hello to the housekeeper and looking at the time, Ding Yu drove to his third uncle's house! After all, if you go to the office, there are some really not suitable! It's eye-catching!

"Third uncle!" Ding Yu is very kind to shout a!

"Is it so serious? I asked you to go there in person? " Take off your coat, give Ding Yu a cup of tea, put it in front of Ding Yu! In terms of treatment, there is really no way to say!

"Judging from the current situation, everything is going smoothly. With Director Liu in front of us, it's very convenient for me!" It's different! Ding Yu said so, really did not want to highlight their own meaning! What's more, at the beginning, Ding Yu was not the most active! Even very passively took over this matter!

"I've read some materials and have made progress to a certain extent!"

Ding Yu simply said about the situation! "Now his exterior can't be said to be clean! But there has been considerable control, but some internal problems! I can't catch it! Need to see the problems and situation of director Liu! From the information we have learned, we can see that there may be a situation in which the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry! "

"No wonder you're back!" The middle-aged man laughed, "there are not too many problems! I believe you know the seriousness of it! Moreover, you have also made an in-depth investigation to get a better understanding of the problems and situations! "

"It's because of understanding that I feel so uneasy! I need to report the specific situation to you, and then take a look at Tang Shi who is going to Beijing! If he can open a breakthrough there, then some core problems will be solved! We are still short of this information! It's too procrastinating to clean the outside all the time

"What kind of help do you need from me?"

"It's easy for me to deal with hospital problems! After all, I am also a doctor, and I am very familiar with all aspects of the relationship! But in other aspects, I need your help! After all, I came back more quietly this time! I don't know what you think! Staring at me all the time, am I Xiangbo? "

Listening to Ding Yu's complaints, middle-aged people can understand them! Even though Ding Yu lived in seclusion, but quite often everyone's eyes were still focused on Ding Yu's body! Is Ding Yu so attractive? Or do we have a lot of fear for Ding Yu? Questions worth thinking about!

This problem really needs to attract considerable attention. Why? Because Ding Yu has never been a very good tempered person! If he's really angry! What will happen then! It's really hard to say!

"Didn't go back?"

"There are other places out there to rest! If you really go back to Siheyuan, it's too conspicuous! "

After coming out of his third uncle's house, Ding Yu went to have a rest!

It was the next morning when Tang Shi was admitted to the hospital. Zhang Hua looked at the room and thought that the tea was good! Although the price is very expensive, but the service attitude can not find any problems! It's said that it was set up by the British! But there's a steady stream of people coming and going! And basically it's not rich but expensive!

Associated with the aspect of nursing workers, they can also choose their own! If you feel dissatisfied, just switch! Of course, these have been explained before! If you are not satisfied, you can add another service!

After the handover, there is a special doctor pushing Tang Shi to do the examination, while Zhang Hua is accompanied by his secretary throughout the process. Of course, he won't accompany him. What's the joke? What's his identity? It's good to follow him! If you have this time, you may find a shopping mall to stroll around, which is better!

In the whole process, the Tang Dynasty was like a puppet! Secretary is also accompanied by the whole process, really dare not have any carry! Even the secretary is not alone! The whole process did not appear any problems!

"The final examination is done in the afternoon, and the operation is in the early morning!" The attending doctor explained it very clearly, and then threw it to one side. Basically, he didn't pay much attention to it! Quite a lot of things to the medical care!On the way back, the doctor and the nurse sat down with the Secretary and explained quite well! I eat this bowl of rice, if you have anything unclear, or something difficult! Can ask! If I can't explain these things clearly, then I won't do this job!

"What kind of arrangements do you need to make in terms of escort?"

"Because it's an operation in the early morning of this morning, it's best to arrange one or two people at home, mainly for humanistic care! This is conducive to the psychological rehabilitation of patients! As for other aspects, there won't be too many demands. If you like, you can have a special bed to rest! Do not mind more than three people, because there is not too much need! "

After Zhang Hua knew quite a lot of news, he called Gao Changyu and explained the situation in detail!

And looking back is a good comfort to Tang Shi! Don't see any change of expression on Tang Shi's face! Whether the Gao family is intentional or unintentional, it is not as important as imagined! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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