Came to the hospital here, the relevant personnel have said hello! After all, Ding Yu's identity is so special!

What's more, Ding Yu is also one of the major shareholders of the hospital. Under such circumstances, this matter is really not a matter!

So Ding Yu can easily contact the Tang Dynasty! Looking at the Tang Dynasty being pushed forward! Ding Yu with a mask is a very careful inspection! It's true to verify it! There is no one in the room except Ding Yu and Tang Shi!

"Tang Dynasty?"

Huh?! It seems that Tang Shi is lying on his deathbed! When hearing Ding Yu calling himself, he was stunned and nodded his head slightly. The expression on his face was slightly distorted. It was just pain on his physiology!

Just because the doctor was calling himself, so he didn't do it as a matter!

Ding Yu to check after a while, is the Secretary to call in! Made quite a charge! The most important job is to let the Secretary to run errands, although there are also doctors and nurses! But now this time must not let the Secretary idle! Fortunately, Zhang Hua is not here, otherwise there will be some trouble!

"How do you feel?" Ding Yu is very casual talk! "Smile, the expression on your face doesn't need to be so serious! It's not a big deal, it's just a broken arm! "

Tang Shi looks at the talking doctor! What I think is that although the doctor can't see his face, he is a bit talkative!

"Trouble!" After all, in a strange place, or not too reckless! What's more, I'm not such a person!

When speaking, Ding Yu looks at Tang Shi's expression attentively! After a period of time, Ding Yucai said quietly! "In two hours, you'll be in the operating room! Before that, is there anything you want to say? "

"No?" Tang Shi is a little impatient! There is even some anger!

"That's good!" Ding Yu didn't directly reveal some problems because of the performance of the Tang Dynasty! No! It will be better later! In a few minutes, the Secretary and the doctor and the nurse entered the ward!

Ding Yu looks at the Secretary! Shun pointed to Tang Shi! Then the two came out together!

"The patient's mood is not high! This will not have much impact on the treatment, but the follow-up will be more troublesome! So we still need to do a lot of work for our family members! Didn't his relatives come? "

"No! There's something special going on at home! " The secretary is very cautious reply way! I know something about the reason, but how can I tell the doctor?

Ding Yu didn't mean to go deep into it. He just nodded, "what's more, the medical staff may have made an introduction. The operation time may be so long, but the risk is not particularly great, but in terms of signature! Need to do quite a confirmation! No one wants any problems! I hope we can tolerate each other! "

"I understand!"

The reason for this is to deceive Ding Yu. To be exact, Ding Yu has quite bad taste. Anyway, he has nothing else to do in the past two days, so he should take it as a way to ease his mood! Don't say, it's still a very interesting thing! After all, I haven't worked in the front line for quite a long time!

After successfully fooling the Secretary, Ding Yu and the secretary went back to the room together! There are special nurses to come here to do the final inspection work! Secretary of the whole follow, of course, all the information will be fed back to Gao Changyu and Zhang Hua two people!

When Tang Shi was pushed into the operating room, the Secretary had no way to follow up! Even in addition to doctors and nurses, other people need to be honest outside, no matter what your identity, no role!

But Tang Shi looked at the scene and felt a little surprised! Because there is no one else in the operating room except Ding Yu! Tang Shi blinked his eyes, "doctor? How did it happen? "

Ding Yu looked around, "it's no big deal, just to give you a sober time! And then can be a good relief, save the time you will be delirious! Some trouble

"You alone?" Tang Shi squinted at his eyes and said, "is this a hospital?"

"Good question?! This is the hospital! In fact, I have been thinking about when I will see you! "

Tang Shi looks at Ding Yu, but after looking through his memory, he has no impression of this person! And here is the hospital, think of their own injuries! Tang Shisi measured for a period of time, and then slowly said, "so to speak! This time the injury is not a coincidence

"So sure?" Ding Yu said with a smile, "I wanted to see you in the hospital over there in the provincial capital! But I didn't expect that Lao Gao didn't attach great importance to you! In addition, he has quite a dispute with the provincial capital, for fear that there will be quite a problem with you, so he sent you to the capital! That's a good idea"You are not a tall man! Although his hands are relatively long, they are not so long! "

When looking at Ding Yu, Tang Shi's pupils are a little tight! I'm a little confused now!

"Fang Yu gave me some information, but he was very vague about your statement! Qu Cheng just heard about your reputation and even wanted to know about you, but he couldn't find out about you. What about Chen long? I know a lot about you, but it's too vague! I also asked Gu Feng, he is a little silent! So I'm curious! "

"Do you want to fight Lao Gao?" Tang Shi asked in a low voice! "To be able to say these names, it's obvious that I have a good command of Lao Gao's business! But I don't know who you are? "

In the face of such a verbal temptation! Ding Yu is a little unmoved! "Fang Yu was brought back by me! There is no hardship in the process! It's just a little cumbersome! He told quite a lot of things, but he is not the core! Even Qu Cheng is not the core! They are only responsible for the periphery! As for Chen long, he has been fighting Lao Gao for quite a long time! But it's not bad to be a man! And Gu Feng is an old slicker! "

"In general, their understanding of the external structure is very limited! How did some of the people inside build it! And who is involved? Think about it, the best person is you! Others, they are all on the boat of Gao Changyu! It's impossible to get down! Coercion is not suitable for them, at least this time is not suitable! I believe they are still lucky. After all, director Liu didn't give them any help! "

"There's a little bit of understatement in the way!" Tang Shi almost bit himself!

"Yes? There may be some. When I go on, I will let you go to the hospital and lie down. After all, only in this way can I see you! If other ways and methods, although also can see you! But who knows if the suspicious Lao Gao will have other reactions? He! I really don't need to say much about ability! "

"Lao Gao mentioned to me that some people have come to the farm! I haven't met you, but I think you are Mr. Ding?! Even if it's Mr. Ding, it must be a very important person! "

"Do you know? I like smart people! Because when talking with smart people, it will be very smooth, but I have some who don't like smart people very much! What a clever man! Sometimes there are more ideas! "

"I like smart people! But there are too few really smart people! "

Two people smile at each other! Ding Yu said, "this hospital belongs to the Charlie family! I also have quite a share. At the beginning, we were classmates! His family has a strong influence in England! Mainly medical! When I was studying in England, I had a lot of contact with him. Even when I was free, I communicated with him several times in the ring, but he was always black and blue! "

"Never thought of revenge?"

"Of course! Sometimes he will be bullied. After all, his family belongs to the old-fashioned family and has strict requirements for other classical sports, but I can't! A pure bumpkin Then Ding Yu looked at Tang Shi, "your injury is not very serious! I told the people below! I'll get you to the hospital for a check! Never thought, your luck is not as good as you think! So should I say sorry? "

"I think it's OK!" Tang Shi laughed, "so you are Dr. Ding!"

"You've recognized it, haven't you?" Ding Yu stood up on his shoulder!

"I feel so much more handsome than the photo! And the picture is a little fuzzy, like a few years ago, I read the introduction on your website, feel a bit exaggerated! But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be so exaggerated! But still feel a little incredible

Ding Yu said with a smile, "I don't believe it! In fact, there is nothing hard to believe! Some things can not be understood, but the actual operation, it will feel that the original is so simple! Quite often we say don't believe what our eyes see! Because I will cheat you

"Mr. Ding, so aimed at Lao Gao, but Lao Gao didn't have any feeling and discovery? Even I have some of them in the dark. It's incredible

"I checked the information, where have you been for more than ten years! Usually with his wife and children, but even if the child went to college! You did not personally send each other, even this time out, is also the first time in so many years! It's just unthinkable! "

Tang Shi smiles, "what does Mr. Ding see?"

"No further action!" Ding Yu gave Tang Shi quite a hint, "I have served in the army, so the way I take will be quite different from other people. To a certain extent, I am more aggressive! I'm sure you're holding something. As for the hiding place? The clue should be your son or your daughter. It's like this on the whole! "Looking at Ding Yu nodding, Tang Shize asked curiously! "Mr. Ding? Why not do that? "

"Active and passive are quite different! There is quite a difference between your active saying and your passive saying. The nature of my active doing is quite different from that of my passive doing! "

"So it's not Lao Gao who moved this time?"

"What do you think of director Liu shangliu? I believe you should know something about him!"

"Lao Gao mentioned it to me. In my personal judgment, it's very powerful! This time, no matter it's up there! In the province or the city, there are quite a number of people involved. Director Liu is under great pressure! But even so, director Liu is still playing steadily! "

Did not say too much, but the content revealed inside, it is worth thinking about!

"Originally, I didn't pay so much attention to this aspect of the news, which gave me a personal feeling. I still hope others can treat me as a doctor, but there is no way! Sometimes you still need to do something else! Placed in the usual time, it doesn't matter so much trouble, directly to you to carry away! There's always a way to make you accountable! "

Tang Shi's heart is filled with awe! "Mr. Ding, is it a little bit tyrannical?"

"That's how I deal with things in the beginning! But this time the situation is different, so I need to pay special attention to it! " But Ding Yu also shook his head, "in fact, in my personal opinion, all of them are abrupt! It must be quite inappropriate! But there must be quite a lot of harm among those who stay! "

The corners of Tang Shi's mouth twitch! I can feel it now. The one in front of me is not frightening me!

"Mr. Ding, not enough! It's not enough

Ding Yu nodded his head clearly! "Now we just know some problems and conditions in the periphery. Director Liu and I are going in two different directions. Director Liu is more aboveboard! But my situation is a little bit special! Even if this time things finally understand, I will not have any appearance

"Don't show up?"

"Yes To Tang Shi's suspicion, Ding Yu made a little affirmative answer! "There's no way to do it. The identity is too special! Especially in this environment! Mention my name, although not to play the effect of Jingjie, but it seems that there will be no difference! So it's better to take it easy! "

"It seems that Lao Gao is doomed this time! But what I am more curious about is that Fang Yu has gone abroad. What about this? Although it's not operated by me, I know quite a lot about it! There is a key problem! It's not that you can come back if you want to! That's two things! "

"You seem to understand that?" Ding Yu snorted, "drink and fight! Then I sent him in! Because of the injury, so three months! Study in it! As for his lawyer? I've arranged other jobs for him. He won't have any time at all now! "

"It's very simple, and it's very effective at the same time!" Tang Shi shook his head! "Mr. Ding, we are here all the time, so we are not afraid that there will be other reactions outside?"

After thinking about it, Tang Shi shook his head, "Lao Gao is completely confused!"

"There are a lot of people involved. I said hello to Chen long, and he has already started to make some moves there!"

Tang Shi's expression was stunned for a moment, slightly took a breath! "It's a little big! So it's not just in the province! It seems that director Liu is ready to make a big move! With Lao Gao, it's just a pass. "

"It can't be said like this. To be exact, the main goal is Lao Gao, and the people behind him also need to pull it out. Otherwise, the symptoms will not be cured! It won't have much effect! "

"Should I say it's a pleasure? After all, I'm the first one! "

"The external situation has been understood almost! Now we need to go further inward, very close! In this way, the effect will be better! People from outside can't be spared! As for the people inside! You can imagine the end! "

"Mr. Ding, can I know what Fang Yu's future looks like?"

"Revenge?" Looking at Tang Shi shaking his head, Ding Yu immediately understood that he was worried about his future! "I'm going to study for a few years! After all, he has done quite a lot of wrong things, which can not be avoided! Moreover, the farm is more optimistic about him, at least in terms of professional knowledge, but our supervision department is more optimistic about him! "

"It's a very thoughtful thing!" Tang Shi nodded, "Mr. Ding, I personally don't care, but I'm still worried about it!"

"That's understandable! What else do you want? " Ding Yu raised his hand! "I prefer to explain all the conditions! At least there won't be too many misunderstandings between us! "The conversation with Tang Shi is very fast! There is not too much friction between each other! After all, they are all smart people!

"Mr. Ding? How do I know if this is a trap? "

"Is it a trap? It's a different matter. The question is, do you have any other options now? "

Ding Yu will not have too much hesitation with him! More direct, better! As for the Tang Dynasty in front of us, will we accept it? Is it really important to accept it or not? It's not as important as you think!

"It seems that there is really no other choice! But it's also very good! It's just a gamble! If you win, you may be free! If you lose! I don't think it's a big deal! "

It doesn't mean that Tang Shi really dares to gamble on it. There have been few temptations in recent years? I'm almost numb!

To be sure, I heard quite a lot about Ding Yu, and now Ding Yu is in front of me! What's more, this is the capital? Combined with many reasons and judgments, I decided to gamble! Is it a child's play? It's not that important anymore! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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