"There's no need for what's in your son's and daughter's hands!" The expression on Ding Yu's face was calm again! "Personally, I don't have much interest in those substantive things! Maybe you can take it out in the future, but at this time, I am more interested in the relationship network behind Lao Gao! "

Tang Shi nodded! "What's on a child? How to put it? It can be regarded as an insurance and a kind of self consolation. For so many years, it has been under Lao Gao's "protection"! The children have some feelings about things at home! But I don't know so much! "

"Are you not afraid of anything?" Ding Yu seems to have some tests!

"How can I not worry! But how to say? Something has been done! You have to bear the price! "

Ding Yu looked at the time! "In half an hour, the doctors will come in! don 't worry! Mainly for your treatment! But the problem is not so big! They are all trustworthy doctors! "

"Mr. Ding, I heard that the farm belongs to you?"

"It can't be said that the farm was founded by me, but what about the follow-up? I am in charge of the general direction. As for the management? Originally, it was Fu Zhen. Later, due to other reasons, she left! So the oranges and apricots were made up! The family of orange and apricot is bigger! At the beginning, they were still hostile to each other! I don't know if you understand that women's status in Japan is very low! And she? It's a bit of a spirit

"I've heard about this, but I don't really know about it."

There is no need to pretend to understand in front of Ding Yu!

"Japan has always regarded women as the existence of husband and son! Even if a woman goes out to work, under the same circumstances, her salary is much lower than that of a man! Even all the conditions are better than men, but the salary may be one third of men's! This is the reality! Oranges and apricots were used as the object of marriage at the beginning! I don't think there are too many problems in her ability, so I found her! "

Tang Shisi measured for a moment, then nodded, "a little admiration, not everyone can do this!"

"How are you! In fact, everyone has his own choice! "

Tang Shi looks at the shadowless lamp on the top of the shed! He he's laughing twice! "I want to choose, but I don't have any right to choose! At that time, for the sake of the so-called money and power, it can be said that it was unscrupulous! And then they fall into it, even now, seemingly free, but actually trapped in a cage! "

"So you were passive in those days?"

"I can't say that. To a certain extent, there are some initiatives, and then Lao Gao is behind to add fuel to the flames!"

"I looked through the events of that year and heard that the disturbance was very serious!"

"I'm quite responsible for this! The original time did not as a matter! But as time goes by! There is always another feeling in my heart! You want to say I've become a good man? This is bullshit! It's impossible! It's just fantasy in movies and TV! Can bad people become good people? I've never felt that it might happen to others, but it would never happen to me! "

For Tang Shi's self denial, Ding Yu feels very suspicious!

"As far as I know, your son and daughter are very good! Study hard! The results are excellent, and I haven't talked about my work yet. However, from the current situation, I don't think there will be any problems! And as far as I know, your son is in the capital! "

"Don't disturb him! It's too dangerous. You don't know Lao Gao. If he really decides to do something, he is cruel! It's hard to see! "

"It seems that what you left behind should be the evidence of this aspect! It's amazing

"Hi! It's smart at best! This is also one of the reasons why Lao Gao didn't want to move me, because Lao Gao is very clear! This can't give him what? At least when he is in the position, the role will not be as big as imagined! If he is not in the position! These things are just icing on the cake! "

"He didn't let you out all the time, because of some considerations?"

Ding Yu is quite suspicious of this, and it's difficult for Tang Shi to be able to sit still? This is not even a year or two!

"Personally, I don't think so much about it! I feel very good too! It's not a big problem! Raise fish and grow flowers at home. When you have nothing to do, find two cultural relics to play with! Send children to and from school! It's very leisurely! "

"And give me some advice by the way? Now I have some doubts? "

"What do you suspect?" Tang Shi seems not nervous at all! Even as indifferent as Ding Yu!

"As far as I know, Lao Gao is such a guy! The ability is very outstanding! It can even be described as excellent! As for the other labels on the personal body, I don't know! That's it? It's enough for him to develop sustainably, but why does it happen now? Don't you deny that there is his own reason? But what? "Ding Yu looks at Tang Shi! The meaning is very clear, what kind of role do you play in it!

Tang Shize slightly widened his eyes! But the pupils are contracting!

"If Lao Gao was in front of him, he would never ask such a question!"

"Lao Gao! In the game! There may be some people who can't see clearly, can't see clearly, even if they can see clearly! See! I don't think it's your personal reason, because now we are all envious of our interests! For anyone who will stand in front of them! They're all going to be particularly vicious! "

Tang Shi shivered a little! "Almost! I can feel that the whole situation is almost out of control! But Lao Gao seems to be full of confidence, and he doesn't know where his confidence comes from? "

"Is this a deliberate mockery? He's floating now. From what I know, who is on this boat? I've given Lao Gao a confession. I just want him to go to heaven! He has now felt the height of the cold, and even began to take the initiative to send the head, but it seems not too much effect! Will the rear even be stable? Now it's all two things! Now I think it's due to you! "

There is no expression on Tang Shi's face! "You are so much more terrible than Lao Gao! I really have some doubts! If Lao Gao was replaced by you, what would it look like? "

"Me? Never boast of being a good man! Even quite a few people's comments on me? It's a devil! Known words are not enough to describe their personal disgust for me! What's worse, I draw villains every day and curse me! It's not one or two! "

Tang Shi's mouth has some twitch, even feel his scalp has some numbness!

"Is that really good? Mr. Ding, I think I'm already living in hell! But from your words, I feel that my life seems as good as heaven

"I don't know, and I don't know how to describe it! There has been some numbness! It's better in China! To a certain extent, we are more reasonable! As for abroad? Sometimes it's reasonable! "

Is this human language? Tang Shi felt that his brain Ren was a little painful! What is better in China? It's for you! I'm afraid it's not as simple as bloodbath, is it?

The dialogue between each other seems very simple! Even some ordinary, but for the Tang Dynasty! It's exactly the one that's going downwind! There's not even much room for resistance! The opposite Mr. Ding is too strong! I didn't give myself any space to move!

However, from the understanding of the situation! It's a bad thing! Although some things, I still do not fully consider and understand! But it's not too much of a problem!

Look at the time! After talking for more than ten minutes, what we need to know about each other is almost the same! So now let's talk about a more practical situation! In this way, it is quite good for each other!

I really think Ding Yu has nothing to do! That's why I deliberately went to Beijing. As far as I know, he is still checking? Now it turns back to the capital! Just to get into the operating room and have a look at yourself?

Do you have such a big face? Don't make such a joke, it will make people laugh! Although in the process of speaking, they are fighting each other, but the meaning of his words is very clear and clear!

Don't think that if you leave yourself, you really can't! Don't have such an illusion! And do not have such an illusion, because the cost may not be their own way to bear! Also oneself have no way to face!

"I basically participated in the general affairs of the Gao family! But I'm not so clear about the relationship between him and the capital. I can only provide limited clues. What about the provincial capital? I know something about it in general! But it's not true to know everything. Even for some people, I can only give a certain description! "

Ding Yu nodded! Then start recording!

It took less than ten minutes to finish the above description!

"After your surgery? May also need some verification! As for turning back or staying in the capital? I'm sure you have a good judgment, too! " In this regard, Ding Yu made a decision! Looking at the nodding Tang Shi, Ding Yu continued to say! "Tell me what you want, I'm not a cold person! But don't mention anything about you! "

Why don't you mention Tang Shi himself! Because Ding Yu agreed to this! No way! This guy will definitely be punished in the future, that's for sure!

Because to a certain extent, this guy makes trouble for the tiger. Of course, even without him, there may be others, but there is no if for such a thing! Do is do! Need to admit! Also need to bear!

"I don't worry about other things! Mainly hope that families and children will not be affected by this aspect! ""That's a little low!" Ding Yu raised his hand twice! Meaning is very simple and clear, can improve some of their own conditions! Why does Ding Yu want to do so? In the face of the Tang Dynasty, he needs to give considerable conditions! Everyone reasonable replacement, will not have any burden!

This also means that no one will have any burden when dealing with the Tang Dynasty in the future! Does the Tang Dynasty understand this? Of course, he also understood, and even gladly accepted! Even to a certain extent, I would like to thank Ding Yu! Because Ding Yu to do so, is tantamount to save himself from the sea of misery!

"The children at home are still good! I don't want them to be bumpy in the future! "

"Personally, it seems that this requirement is a little low!" A little smile appeared on Ding Yu's face! Tang Shi can understand that this is the best result! "I said that just now! I am not a fickle person! If we say this is a normal channel! Then you won't have any chance to put forward conditions, but we are not going through the regular channel now! "

"You can't ask too much!" Tang Shi sighed, "I was greedy at that time! I just thought how good it would be if I could step up to heaven! Now I really regret the beginning! "

"It's hard to say. Who knows what the children at home will think? Do you dare to be 100% sure? It's impossible! It's not realistic at all! To a certain extent, I dare not say that I fully understand my own children's ideas! So you say that? Comfort yourself a little bit

Tang Shileng! "Maybe! Mr. Ding, I don't want you to test them! Don't even tell them about it! The heart is the most vulnerable to temptation! I know what it's like and how powerful it is! "

"Think about it!" Then Ding Yu also stood up, "that's all for the time! If it is other surgery, I can start, but this aspect of the operation, I can't help! But the problem won't be particularly big! "

Looking at leaving Ding Yu, Tang Shixin is quite excited, and then the doctor seems to have nothing happened recently! It took a little long to operate on Tang Shi safely. The Secretary outside was impatient waiting for him! To be exact, they have other concerns!

The hospital also sympathizes with the truth! I'll give them a signal directly! Aren't you worried? No problem! Can give you a look at the specific operation process! As long as your mind can bear it, we don't care! After all, it's your request!

The secretary did not have two minutes to watch, and then began to vomit with the garbage can! And the hospital has not explained this too much, it has already given you a hint before! This is what ordinary people can't accept! You must ask for it! We can only try our best to provide you with service!

Of course, we won't deliver this video to Gao Changyu, even with Zhang Hua! Are you kidding? This kind of time can deliver this kind of video in the past, even if it's to seek death, it won't take such a way, will it?

Just let them know that the person lying on the bed is Tang Shi! But now this time Tang Shi is no different from sleeping! He is a dead pig, lying there honestly! It's fixed on the bed! The doctor next to him is just like the butcher!

After Ding Yu went back here, he reorganized the materials provided by Tang Shi! Leave the rest to your third uncle! When you want to verify it, just go to Tang Shi! I don't have much relationship with myself!

So Ding Yu didn't mean to stay here more! Say hello and leave directly!

It may take two days to go back and forth, but Ding Yu has solved the core problem! Previously, the periphery had been opened, so this time, the account of the Tang Dynasty represented that the core circle had begun to crack. As for when the collapse would occur, Ding Yu felt that he should not do everything by himself! Right?

As for director Liu shangliu? Ding Yu did not have any contact! Now the situation is too delicate!

After Ding Yu came back, he told Luo Xuan and Lu Zili, but he didn't mean to join them!

Isn't it good to be alone? As for the farm, I'm not really worried about it! Even before I came here, I had already said hello to orange and apricot, this time there was no other meaning! The so-called inspection work is just to cover up!

So now Ding Yu, who is turning back, has so much leisure! And Ding Yu's attitude is quite distinct! I don't care if other people have any requirements and ideas. Anyway, I have nothing to do. You'd better not come to me! I don't have any interest in it!

What's more, if I don't have much leisure! Then I will never let him be too idle!

Under such circumstances, really not too many people come to disturb Ding Yu? On the one hand, it's because Ding Yu is not easy to provoke. On the other hand? Even if you want to find Ding Yu, you want to find Ding Yu's trace in a moment? It's really not so easy!As for Gao Changyu? Recently this period of time is quite comfortable!

Ding Yu has left! And now they are out of the province! And Tang Shi is back! During the period, there were no changes and changes! I went to see it myself! In addition to some mental aspects of the poor, there is no other problem!

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