Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to Gao Changyu, but Liu Shang is busy now. Director Ding is about to feed his food to his mouth! Under such circumstances, if you can't bring out anything, you can find yourself a piece of tofu and kill yourself!

Save now live to waste rice!

But the good news? Director Ding left a lot of room for himself!

It is said that director Ding is very difficult to speak and behave. However, in my opinion, director Ding's behavior is very good, but we spread false information! But in terms of ability, I really admire you!

If you let yourself deal with the matter this time, I'm afraid you'll fall into the mire even if you don't go back home. After all, the problem this time is really too big! In my opinion, it's even the collapsing one!

Ding Yu didn't mean to hang out on the street! After all, it's getting cold in the north now! I'm afraid it will snow in two days?! There is also this period of time, the family of a few bastards, it seems that a bit of a powerful stop, but stop behind? What are their thoughts?

Don't let go, I feel so worried, but after let out, there are so many worries!

It's just that Ding Yu's performance may be quite different from that of other people. It's just a little implicit!

As for the handle in hand, it has also been changed! After all, the weather here is extremely inappropriate! Under the condition of alternation of cold and heat, if the wooden handle pieces take two and a half days, I'm afraid they will crack and open! Although they are all worthless, there is no need to do so! At least Ding Yu will not do so!

Sitting in the car, Ding Yu holds his chin in one hand, and his eyes are so free! The whole person's mind seems to be all empty! More exactly, Ding Yu is in a daze now!

The security of the driver and the co driver are naturally noticed! But I didn't mean to disturb you. I was even careful! Why? Because this is a unique way to relax!

How much mental pressure does Mr. Wang bear? I'm afraid they are the only ones who know best! If they are allowed to deal with the documents and archives that are approved every day, they can be directly crushed to death!

Don't go to see the scenery outside. It's just presented in front of you. What's the actual situation like! What kind of pain is there? Only I know it best!

However, when Ding Yu was in a trance, he heard a very dull sound. Ding Yu's body could not help shaking, and then the whole person immediately woke up! Fortunately, my kung fu is good! The first time to calm your body! In front of the driver and secretary, because of the seat belt, plus their own reasons, so there are not too many problems!

When I wake up, the security vehicles in the back have passed the situation!

"Sir, from the side! There is no problem with the staff! We're tied up! "

"It's ok if people are OK! Go down and have a look! "

Ding Yu doesn't have any other feelings. It's a common thing to have bumps and bumps! However, the impact of the vehicle is obviously not active, it should be after the impact, deflection, look at the car not far away, Ding Yu subconsciously turned his mouth! The situation is a little serious!

"See if there's a problem with people?"

The driver and the security guard have rich experience in handling the accident. The double flash of the vehicle has been turned on! Look at the accident, it should be considered serious! Next orderly to deal with it! It's not a big deal!

"We may need a little time, sir!"

Ding Yu nodded, "I'll just sit anywhere!"

There is no need to blame anyone for such a thing! And I have seen it just now! No big problem! The injury is not particularly serious! Although went to the hospital, but also should be a small matter! There are not too many problems with the vehicles on my side!

The so-called rainy day stay! No man, no heaven!

However, it may also be the words of Ding Yu! The sky began to fall slightly drizzle! I wanted to find a teahouse, but after searching for a long time, I finally settled down in a coffee shop!

It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad! Whether it's a teahouse or a coffee shop, just take a rest!

There's something wrong with the time, so there are not as many people as you think! After finding a seat, Ding Yu sat on the sofa alone. The waiter was very good. Warm water was always ready, and coffee and desserts were all presented one by one!

Is it because of the face, not many people can say clearly, but the waiter at the beginning of the time are extremely attentive!

There is no way! Although the coffee shop is not as petty bourgeois as it was a few years ago, the people who came here! They are still more particular about sentiment, but there are really few people like this one in front of them! Fresh and clean! Although it seems a little cold, but the more it is, the more attractive it is! It gives people a very different feeling!Even little girls are talking behind their backs! What a model!

"This gentleman? It's a good one

Ding Yu took a look at the man who came! A cashmere sweater, slightly rolled up cuffs! The lower body is a pair of casual pants! The whole person is slightly rich! It seems that he should be an old customer, otherwise he won't even take off his coat!

"It's OK!" After a slight look, he looked at the pendant on his chest, "the bead is not bad! It's been years! It's a good old thing! "

The people who sat down were stunned! "How powerful! Other people see this and say it's fake! "

"There's nothing real or fake! Tianzhu made by modern technology can also be called Tianzhu, but the craftsmanship is quite different! " Ding Yu said slowly! "But your string of pearls is very good! I think about it carefully, but I don't have this impression! It's not easy! "

Oh? Meng Chong looks at Ding Yu quite unexpectedly, the one in front of him looks very young! I have nothing to do today, so I come to the cafe for a walk! When I saw Ding Yu, although it was a little strange, it was not the reason that attracted Meng Chong. The main reason was Ding Yu's handlebars. They looked really good! I have considerable interest! So come and have a chat!

"No?! Feel a little dreamy! I forgot to introduce myself. My surname is Meng. My single name is Chong! "

Ding Yu slightly moved his nose, "your family came from the Ming and Qing Dynasties! It's a little long time ago! "

Ah? Meng Chong can't help but be stunned. His expression is slightly dull. In his own impression, he has never seen this person, but how does the person in front of him know and know himself? Also has is oneself today is also idle is bored just to come over! Listen to Lao Zhang, two nice girls have come to the cafe these two days!

It's just on the spur of the moment. How do you feel that you have met a strange person?

"Know me?" Meng Chong pointed to his nose and said! "No!"

"No, but this thing you're carrying! That's interesting! " When he spoke, Ding Yu laughed, "or else there is Lao Tianzhu in your family, better than this! So this is for your self-defense! Otherwise, you'll be beaten at home! At least three months, even half a year

Think about it, Ding Yu Qing a seat of his chin! "Meng! Who are you, Meng Zhiyuan? "

Ah?! Meng Chong almost cried, "it's my second grandfather! What's your name, sir? " On this ground, not many people dare to call their second grandfather's name directly! Of course, there are also some reasons. Second grandfather has been in the capital for other reasons! Local people! In addition to those old people, there are really few people who can say their second grandfather's name!

Even when it's called, it's called second master! Today, the direct call out his second grandfather's name! Meng Chong feels a little numb. Where is this master from? Does he really have some recoil today?

"You're a runny nose?" Ding Yu suddenly laughed, "when master Meng is OK, he often comes home to drink and eat meat! Don't talk about the rest! But every meal needs a glass of wine! Three big fat slices! When chatting, I said that one of his grandchildren liked to eat his meat slices when he was a child. But he didn't eat it by himself. He often fed the dog! "

"Ah! I didn't know when I was a child! " When he spoke, Meng Chong suddenly became a little stiff. He just saw the handle in Ding Yu's hand. It was very good. He really didn't mean anything else! But did not think, that is two words! I have been turned upside down!

These things? Even the old people at home don't know much about it, let alone outsiders? Obviously, the relationship between the noble man in front of him and his second grandfather is extraordinary! At least his second grandfather basically doesn't drink outside!

"I just went to the second grandfather's house two days ago!" Meng Chong is very careful!

"Old age! The body is a little inconvenient! I've also made two prescriptions! Did he eat it? "

"See you! But I want to come back together Hear Ding Yu say so, Meng Chong is more careful! Why? When his second grandfather was ill, the whole family was quite nervous, so he deliberately ran over and heard about it at that time! Second grandfather asked someone to prescribe two pairs of medicine, and even the medicine came from there!

Where did you get the medicine and where did you invite it! Grandfather there may know, but he is really ignorant, to make his second grandfather so nervous, absolutely not ordinary people!

There is also his second grandfather's problem, I also know, archaeological legacy of the problem! It can not be solved by operation, nor can it be eradicated by simple recuperation! But I can make my second grandfather recover so quickly! I think, all feel that there are some unusual!

"But the weather here is getting colder and colder. It's definitely not suitable to come back from the capital, so take a look and wait for the Spring Festival, or later, when we're socializing in spring and summer!""Let him come back to rest when winter comes and spring comes! Everything revives! Vitality spread! More contact is quite good! It's not a big problem to cherish your body in the future! I'm so old! "

With that, Ding Yu took a look at Meng Chong! Then he handed the handpiece in his hand!

"Like it?" Ding Yu laughed, "at the beginning, let your second grandfather see it! He has a lot of research on it. If you like it, just keep it for fun! "

"Sir! Just a moment! " Meng Chong up, slightly bow, left the hall, is a trot, and then took out his mobile phone to his second grandfather called in the past! After the second grandfather said it, Meng Chong felt cool. He really didn't mean anything else. He just wanted to get to know him! That's it!

Meng Zhiyuan is very dissatisfied with Meng Chong's performance! So it is very strict to say! "Little slug, Mr. Ding is very easy to talk! Although you are a rich life, but know more, there is no harm! Mr. Ding has always been a dragon without a tail! It's your chance that you can see it

"Second grandfather, don't worry!" Meng Chong's reaction is so big! "I'll use some force!"

"Son of a bitch!" Meng Zhiyuan laughs at Meng Chong's nonsense! "But don't overdo it! Mr. Ding is different from you! Just be careful! He's not interested in your mess! Even quite often, he is a relatively indifferent person! "

"After two words, I feel different from other people! It's not the kind of fake high! But I can't see through! "

"You can't see through! Even I, an old man, sometimes I can't see through! But what about me and him? Get along very well! Your grandfather knows something! Now that you've come to the door, you'll stay with me! "

"Second grandfather, let me talk to the family." Meng Chong said tentatively!

"Just tell your grandfather and your father! Others don't have to! Mr. Ding is not a lively person! " Meng Zhiyuan said in a deep voice, "I'll call Mr. Ding later! I haven't had much time to thank you all the time! "

Just want to hang up the phone, Meng Zhiyuan seems to suddenly think of something, "right! You pay attention! Mr. Ding is a Taoist! We respect the tradition of our family. It's true! But don't be a nuisance! Another thing, Mr. Ding doesn't like drinking! Remember these two points! "

"I went! Still a man? I don't drink

"Get out of here!" Although Meng Zhiyuan knew it was a joke, he could not help scolding it! "When he was rolling in blood and fire, you were still coquetting with your mother! You can't feel it. On one hand, you don't have enough Buddhism. On the other hand, Mr. Ding's hiding is better! Don't give me a chance to save you at that time! "

"I see! Second grandfather

Meng Chong made a phone call to his grandfather and father, and then asked his helper to send things. He didn't even have more than ten minutes, so he came in through the back door with sweat on his face!

"Second young master!"

Meng Chong looked at the things in his hand and nodded! "Call a girl! Don't be too enchanting, be dignified and steady! And you wash! Bring everything here! By the way, I'll go outside. I won't be entertaining any more today! "

Help idle Leng for a while, but still detour from the back door to go out! Wait for no two minutes, come back again! Along with a waiter! Meng Chong is a little dissatisfied! But time doesn't wait!

When he comes back again, Meng Chong goes to the front of Ding Yu! Stand respectfully!

"Mr. Ding! I brought some tea bricks at home! It's a time-honored brand at home! "

The waiter and bangxian are not so familiar with the tea ceremony! Let them make tea, I'm afraid they know how to make tea with hot water. After all, they don't have much contact with this aspect! So just be a tool man!

Meng Chong obviously has this preference! Every movement is in order! Ding Yu didn't know where to take out the books! It's so casual!

"Just now, Mr. Meng told me to take you with me." Ding Yu takes out a box of cigarettes, and looks at the table. Then he quickly walks to the service desk. Now, I don't care if you say no smoking? Get up and get to one side! I didn't see the second young master. They were all careful compliments!

Take over a crystal ashtray, but did not start, but to the next to the waiter, relatively speaking, the waiter to do so, better! Ding Yu took a look at him!

"Work for Meng Chong?"

Help is a look at Meng Chong, get a sign, is slightly bow! "Hello, Mr. Ding! I'll give Er Shao a hand! " Superfluous words did not say!

Ding Yu nodded. As for Meng Chong, who was making tea opposite him, Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to him! The process of making tea is a little cumbersome! Meng Chong is also busy for a while! "Mr. Ding, please!"However, Meng Chong is also the first to raise a teacup with Ding Yu! Why? This is the rule! After all, it's from home! If you don't take the lead, what do you mean? It is easy to cause misunderstanding in other aspects!

"Mr. Ding, if I can do you a favor, I'll be satisfied!"

"I can speak, but when Mr. Meng went to my place, he was very reckless! My place is going to be their tea club! The children at home also like to play with the old men

He motioned to the waiter and then pointed to the next position! Bangxian didn't sit down. He looked at Meng Chong and then sat down carefully!

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