"Sister in law! The child came here, I can't say that there's nothing wrong with it?! This is ridiculous! If I go to the capital in the future, I don't know how to get in! How to face other people? "

Meng Benqing's tone is so blunt! Even quite dissatisfied!

Su Yuan sighed again, "Lao Meng! Let the little fat man follow! I don't want to make contact with his family! Of course, it's also because of the family

Meng Benqing understood it as soon as he heard it! "Don't worry, sister-in-law, I'll do it well!"

"Yes! Let the little fat man follow! There may be unexpected results! " Su Yuan suddenly laughed, "boss! How to put it? To also don't say is the eye is higher than the top! But it's different to see people! Whether it's a farm, or a summer camp or a winter camp and so on! It was all planned by him! You just know it! "

Meng Benqing is a deep pressure on his heart inside the shock! "Sister in law! If you don't, I'm afraid everyone is still in the dark now! I can't do it. I have to make it up to you! You don't know! The management of this farm is strict! It can be said that no one is easy to use. Except for quite a few experts and researchers, it is impossible for other people to go to the farm! I've seen some of them. It's amazing! "

Two people simply said two, this just put down the phone!

But Meng Benqing's heart is so some emotion! I know that Wang family has such a child! But quite a lot of information is very limited. Why? Wang family is too low-key! And the young and old of the Wang family are also hiding, so people can't understand them. And from now on, there must be other reasons!

Why is it because of the Wang family that the young and old members of the Wang family are not rooted in the Wang family, but rather dissociate from the system of the Wang family? It doesn't seem that the feeling of giving oneself is very big! I think it should be because of the young and old Wang family!

Of course, these are just my own guesses! But what happened? Now I know the foundation and context!

Then the next thing is easier to do!

"Dad Meng Chong, who received the call, was also very anxious! "You called! I'm in such a hurry! "

"I've made sure! You are the child of Uncle Wang Changlin and aunt Su Yuan! The boss of their family is the one who had an accident in those years! " Meng Benqing explained to his son, "and the farm seems to be this young man!"

"I wipe! Dad! Are you kidding me? I know something about the influence of Uncle Wang's family! But it's not so exaggerated, is it? "

It's true that Meng Chong is a rich and idle man, but it doesn't mean that he really doesn't know anything. On the contrary, is it really so simple to be a so-called rich and idle man? It's impossible!

But it's just because I understand! That's why I feel so incredible! The size of the farm is totally beyond the city rules. It's too foul!

It's better to make one of your own! The scale of our family is on this ground, and there is still some inside information and influence! But it's impossible to come out of a so-called farm relying on one's own family! Even if you pawn your pants, you can't! Because there are so many things involved in the farm!

Do not deny the power of the Wang family, but want to rely on the Wang family, can toss up such a big farm! How can it be, even if it's a dream, it can't be!

"Your aunt didn't tell me too much about specific things! But this young man's ability and means are by no means ordinary! You're good company! You can't make any mistakes. Do you understand me? If you have time, please invite him to come home! I'll invite you in person! " Meng Benqing is very attentive to his son!

Meng Chong hung up here! There is still a dull look!

When the reaction comes over, Ding Yu has been sitting beside him! Meng Chong is like a monkey who is suddenly frightened! Straight to jump up! And squeak! But no one was shocked. At most, the security personnel took a look at it! This is a shame for Meng Chong!

"Brother Yu!" But who is Meng Chong? Soon came to Ding Yu's side position! "What would you like to drink?"

"Coffee?" Ding Yu motioned to the security guard nearby, someone sent a coffee cup! Ding Yu poured two cups of coffee and handed one to Meng Chong! "From Panama! It's delicious! "

Meng Chong had a smell! Then tried a mouthful, the taste is very delicate, and even more silky than chocolate!

"Wow, brother Yu! Great! I have tried civet coffee, also tried like dung coffee, not so meticulous, the taste is too smooth! It's even indescribable! "

"Drink less. I used to be a doctor. I don't eat much at noon, so I often eat chocolate! Coffee and other things! The energy is higher, but your body! There's no harm in trying less! ""I can't stand the temptation!" Meng Chong said with a smile, "I still think about it in the morning. Isn't it going up the mountain? What's the big deal! okay? If it wasn't for you to take care of brother Yu, I think I would be lying down now! "

As for Meng Chong's compliment, Ding Yu said with a smile, "I didn't expect that there was such a relationship. I didn't know so much about things at home! Wang Yang and Xiao Bao take care of almost all these things! "

"I see brother Yang! I've seen Mr. Bao! Just a little too busy! Not too much time! What a pity

"The two of them have a little more things to do, and they can be better in the past two years! Have you seen Xiao Gang? "

"Yes Then Meng Chong also stretched out his thumb, "let's not say how close the relationship between the two families is, anyway, my parents see Xiao Gang, and then look at me, what do they dislike! Anyway, when I got home, I complained that I couldn't give them a good child, even a daughter! "

Ding Yu ah! "I'm a little young. I'll deal with quite a lot of things by myself, Xiao Gang."

Did not mention too much, but Meng Chong immediately understand! Obviously, brother Yu is telling himself that if there is no other accident in the future Wang family, Xiaogang is basically inheriting it!

"Xiaogang's place of study is not far from home. Sometimes I go twice to give him some food. But Xiaogang is really unusual. At such a young age, if it's me, I can't stand such hardships. I don't mean what life is like? It's just that some of these feelings can't be accepted! "

"It's eye-catching to leave him at home!" Ding Yu shook his head, "you should know something about the situation at home! Although we all know Xiao Gang, how to say it? Too young! If it's two years later, it's OK in terms of time, but it's a little late to exercise at that time! "

"Brother Yu, do you have children too?"

"You! The mind is flexible enough Ding Yu laughed, "but I can't see it now! Now it's all over the world. Xiaogang was deliberately left here. As for my apprentice, my son and daughter, they are in four places! Whatever they do! Anyway, I'm not too old, so it's not a bad thing to toss about! "

Meng Chong almost didn't breathe. He even choked on his coffee! It took me a long time to pat my chest! "Brother Yu! No! It's still so small! "

"They have such a tossing temperament! Leave them at home, they're flying like chickens and dogs! forget it! Don't talk about them! " Obviously, Ding Yu doesn't want to talk too much about it! "Yes! How about this side of the house? The farm here has developed considerably, and my family has given me a lot of help. I know that! "

"Brother Yu! If you say that, it's really meaningless! " Meng Chong a positive color of said, "home to take advantage of the big! It's not as exaggerated as pus and blood, but it's also unexpected at the original time! At the beginning of those two years, there were still some people who didn't believe it! But now people believe it! "

"Listen to you, how can I feel a little exaggerated?"

"Brother Yu! I don't know much about other things! If we don't understand, we don't dare to talk nonsense, do we? But about the farm, I'm the only one in my family who is rich and idle, and I also have a general view of it! There is no exaggeration like this! What's more, it's not a one-sided benefit. Too many people benefit from it! "

"Brother Yu, let's be honest. Originally, my father went down to check his work! Yes! Welcome on the surface! Very eager, but how many people are swearing behind? I can't even imagine! But how many years? This is rarely the case! People are making money! We say that with a family background, we dare to spend! You can come out and have two meals at ordinary times! "

"People's demands are not so many! There is a place to live, to eat, to provide for the aged, to raise a child! It's easy to say, but in fact it's not as simple as you think

Listening to Meng Chong's words, Ding Yu nodded and looked up and down!

"Good! I can tell from this, but my eyes are not higher than the top! It seems that I have realized it personally! "

"Hi! Brother Yu! Although I say that I am a rich, noble and idle person, I can't say that I don't understand four, five and six, can I? We always need to know what people eat and what they need! Seems to be the most simple! The most simple, but it is the most needed! Too much to say! There are two real estate companies at home. Now the business is booming! "

"There should be a considerable response from the outside world."

"No! Even everyone is very satisfied with this! Rush to buy a house! At that time, I presided over a period of time, there was no so-called pre-sale! I'll let you see it any time! No matter what! Questions! It's time! Any problems in architecture need to be put forward in time! Check at any time, any problem is ours! ""Do the opposite! It's also a means Ding Yu looks at Meng Chong unexpectedly!

"The main reason is that we are satisfied with it! Is the house expensive? To a certain extent, it's quite expensive! But it's worth it! It's not only the issue of people's recognition, but also many people's recognition! Even now the order has been three years later, not that we do not accept, three years is the best, more words easy to choke us! But even so, today's wedding, tomorrow's wedding girl! The purpose is very simple, is to buy a house! Live in peace of mind, no other problems! Later, I also have no way! It's only half of the sale! But even so, supply still exceeds demand! "

"Should not earn too much!" Ding Yu said thoughtfully!

"Hi! Brother Yu! I say a word, you don't despise ugly, how much money is more? The money you earn is OK! Sometimes it's good to save some good fortune for yourself! Everyone is very satisfied! At least the vast majority of people are satisfied, this is enough! Even if it's RMB, not everyone likes it, does it? "

"That's interesting!"

No wonder Mr. Meng called him and asked him to take a belt. Even after his mother heard about it, he said hello to him. Although the meaning was not so obvious, it was obvious that if Meng Chong didn't have the ability, would you say so? It's impossible!

No matter how good the relationship between the Meng family and the Wang family is! No way!

Having a look at his watch, Ding Yu nodded, "it's time to rest for an hour! We have to continue to have a look! I have a rest in the mountain at night! Pay attention to yourself

It's very slow to go up the mountain, but it's a little fast to go down the mountain! But Meng Chong is still not too good! Ding Yu basically didn't control their speed when they went down the mountain. They were still taking care of Meng Chong. If they hadn't taken care of Meng Chong, I'm afraid they would not have seen anything!

Ding Yu and the reason why they want such a fast speed is that they have to spend the night in the mountain at night, so they have to rush to the monitoring place above the mountain! The farm has made great efforts to this! The site is built very well, and the salary is also very high, but even so, the forest protection personnel are not as many as they think!

It's not dangerous, it's lonely to some extent! It's a modern society! There are not so many people who can bear such loneliness! It's true that there are not enough forest rangers in such units as farms!

When Meng Chong and Ding Yu catch up, they have already arrived at the observation station! Even security has begun to be exceptionally busy! Mengchong this time, let alone barbecue! It's good to be here!

To Meng Chong placed to lay a good bed above, Dahong busy inside and outside!

The security guard looked at Dahong, but nodded in approval. No wonder Mr. Zhang asked before, it's really different!

But obviously since I asked! They won't ask again! Now it's insulting to ask him again at this time! After all, there are not so many people like him!

After Ding Yu was busy, he took a look at Meng Chong, fed him the wine and gave him two meat shops! It didn't take long for Meng Chong to recover, mainly because of the turbulence in the afternoon! Besides, there are not too many problems!

After nearly an hour's rest, Meng Chong also stood up! But when I got up, I saw Ding Yu. There was still some embarrassment on his face! Are you here to help? But it doesn't help?

Ding Yu is white one eye! "You! It's not a general lack of exercise! This is just one day! That's the situation! What would you say? "

Meng Chong sat beside Ding Yu. Although this is an observation station, the conditions are still very good! At this point, the farm is also dedicated! Really not deliberately prepared for Ding Yu! If it's really for Ding Yu, it can't be finished in a short time!

"Brother Yu! I find that I'm a bitch

"What do you mean?" Ding Yu turned his head to have a look! But there is no sense of blame!

"The original farm is not allowed to enter the mountain! I tried my best at that time! But then I gave up! There's no need to embarrass the relationship, is there? Now I can see it! This is just to find guilt for yourself! What do you think I thought at that time? Is it a hitter? "

"Since there is no problem! Then show your hand! The things I brought here are not bad! I caught a few rabbits just now. As for other things, I don't have to think about them! "

It's not that I really want to try Meng Chong's craft. There is no such problem at all! It's just a means of making friends and connecting with each other! But Dahong noticed! The security guard nearby has taken out the guy style!

Although not in front of Meng Chong, but at least not too much taboo! Looking back, Dahong also mentioned it to Meng Chong! Meng Chong was also scared. He didn't understand what the elder brother wanted to do?You know, these things are quite taboo! In terms of the identity of this big brother! You shouldn't carry these things! Although our family is a local snake, but for this kind of thing is still very taboo!

And Ding Yu seems to see Meng Chong's tension here! Take a look at Dahong not far away!

"What? See? "

Meng Chong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, a little nervous said! "Brother Yu! Dahong didn't mean it

"See, see! It's no big deal. Before I came here, I had already reported to the provincial department! "

"Brother Yu! no Who is so brave? "

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