"It has nothing to do with you! It's all reported up there! You can see it when you see it! Just keep it in mind Ding Yu looks at Meng Chong's pleasing to the eye, and also tells him, "the security guard has prepared two clothes for you and Dahong!"

Meng Chong felt his heart beat faster, "brother Yu! Although I am a little timid, but such a thing is not small! If I can't, I'll call my grandfather and my family. There's still no problem! It's not a big help, but it can be done by settling down! "

Ding Yu smiles, there is no other people around, so Ding Yu does not have too many taboos!

"No, not enough! When you go to your home, what do you think of me? "

Meng Chong hesitated for a moment, then decided to tell the truth! "I've heard that I didn't go often when I was young. Later, after Wang Li and Wang Yang were born, I went more often, but I've always been very taboo about brother Yu! Later Uncle Wang went to the capital, but he heard some news, but he was always taboo! "

Ding Yu, smile! "The truth!"

And this word is let Meng Chong beat heart down a lot! "I have no problem with my family! But I've never been in touch with the power in my family, and I've even quarreled with the old man and the old lady several times for this matter! "

Meng Chong couldn't help but cover his little heart! "I've seen Wang's grandfather and grandmother. They are very charitable and auspicious!"

"The Wang family has its own development. If I get involved, there will be big problems! And I am a man! To a certain extent, it's not a good person! Many people have this kind of evaluation, cold and heartless! It's even so spicy! If I take over the power of the Wang family, I will bring trouble to the Wang family! "

Meng Chong gives himself a mouthful of wine, which can be regarded as a shock to himself, because Ding Yu's information makes him shudder!

Meng Chong didn't know what kind of influence the Wang family was, but he knew that his family was much different from the Wang family! Under such circumstances, brother Yu didn't mean to return to the Wang family!

Even the reason is that the Wangs can't carry it! On the other hand, what kind of power and dependence does brother Yu have to make such a choice?

No influence or dependence at all? Don't say such silly things! As long as it's an individual, you won't believe it!

"Brother Yu, I feel a little confused now! It's true! I feel that my brain has begun to have some problems! "

"You! It's smart! There's nothing wrong with being rich and idle! At least standing at a certain level, we can see a lot of things clearly. Quite a lot of people are in the game, so they can't see clearly! "

"Brother Yu, don't praise me. I'm easy to float! So many years of time, it is not easy to learn to precipitate down! Some people in my family are just too floating! After going up, they can't get off. Although we haven't seen their end yet, in my personal opinion, their end will never be very good! "

Ding Yu sighed, "the family that has passed on for a long time! There is a unique way to survive, but you know it well! It's really not easy! It's not a good thing that it's too floating! Even when it's time to cut it off, you have to cut it off. If you don't cut it off, you'll bring trouble to your family! "

"Brother Yu! Don't scare me! I'm really timid! I can't stand such a threat

"The range of the farm is very large, and many people are staring at it. I don't pay much attention to some actions in the shopping malls these years, so now the main business of the farm is dealing with oranges and apricots! She's in charge of everything! I need to do something else! "

"Foreign?" Meng Chong's sudden inspiration!

"Yes! It's not easy to see that! "

"No!" Meng Chong quickly waved his hand, "it's mainly because a lot of the farm's products are sent abroad. I just said casually! However, business matters, even in our country, are prone to considerable problems, not to mention foreign countries! I don't think it will be more difficult! "

"How are you?" Ding Yu said smoothly, "the quality of the farm is still guaranteed, mainly because the farm has been doing scientific research in recent years! Maintenance and other aspects, has a relatively large input, but also has a considerable output! So generally speaking, we can guarantee that the problems on farms are not so big! "

"Red eyes!" Meng Chong was very direct. He took a look at Ding Yu's face, and then continued to say, "it's said that our old Meng family has a deep foundation. The so-called good family must have a happy ending, but is it possible that there is no appropriate means? No fighting? Why do people believe in you? Although it's not a Ming Dao Ming rob, it's not so bad! That's why we have today's situation! Brother Yu! I've read some history at home! Two or three hundred years! But it's terrible

"How powerful! There is such a thing in the family Ding Yu's eyes are shining!

"Cry! I wish I could lift the three foot sword in my hand! But sometimes, it's a lot of chagrin! treacherous ministers and traitors! There are good people at home! Of course, there are also bad people! There are even many more! Sometimes think about it, but also can be handed down, ancestors really is not easy! However, some of their most precious things have been kept! "Ding Yu nodded! "It's not completely. Even if it's a bad thing, it seems that there are quite clear people in your family! No wonder you are a rich man! It's good to be such a rich and idle person! "

"If it had not been for such a thing, it would not have been said!"

To a certain extent, this is also a disclosure to Ding Yu. After all, this kind of thing is not so clear with the Wang family. But now Meng Chong feels that he should fight. Even if he fails, it doesn't matter! But once successful, the benefits can be imagined!

Ding Yu holds his chin in one hand and nods to Meng Chong!

"You! It's not the same way as me! There are many similar, so many years of time down, I really do not have how to encounter people like you! Yes, of course! I mean at home. As for foreign countries, I have encountered a lot! As for the fact that I haven't suffered too much in China, a large part of the reason is that I don't have much contact with you! "

"Brother Yu, from this point of view, it's powerful! I can't make it! I can protect this property, I already feel very good! But I don't have the ability to manage all my life. I can do myself well! "

The rabbit on the grate is still well roasted, Zizi and Maoyou! With some seasoning, it's delicious!

But it can only be used as auxiliary materials! What Ding Yu eats most is the dry food he brought here! Can be self heating, very convenient to use, of course, the fire baked words, may taste more special some! There are even quite a few drinks! Together with Meng Chong, I also try some!

"Brother Yu, not to mention, it tastes good! At least there's no problem when you're full! "

"You! It's just a taste! It's not easy to do that! "

"Yes, it's no problem for me to taste fresh food. If I eat it for three days, I may not be able to bear it! However, when I said this, there were also some affectations! It's still not that far. If it's really that far, even if it's shit, I'll have to taste it! "

"A little disgusting!" Ding Yu can't laugh or cry! But not too much!

After dinner, quite a few security guards chose to have a rest! But quite a few people have disappeared! Meng Chong didn't ask. Similarly, Dahong didn't have any choice, but when they were ready to have a rest, the security guard sent something. Obviously, before entering the mountain, they were quite ready!

Dahong checked, nodded at Meng Chong, and even stretched out his thumb! "I don't know if there is such a thing in China. Anyway, I didn't see it before!"

After two people put on, they feel very fit, even without too much restraint, at most a little heavy, but they don't take it as a special thing! But it's too early to lie down at this time!

Although the body is a little tired, but whether Meng Chong and Dahong, there is no special as a matter!

Look outside, Meng Chong let Dahong rest first! Then he came out in his own clothes! Looking at Ding Yu who hasn't had a rest, he sat beside him, "brother Yu, why don't you have a rest? It's not even eight o'clock! But there's not much entertainment in the mountains! "

"Don't you have no rest? Yes? Not used to it? "

"It's not that I'm not used to it! Mainly in my personal impression, it's too little to rest so early! I can't even remember some of them myself! " In this regard, Meng chongdao is not implicit at all!

"I seldom go to bed before eleven! Of course, I'm full of energy because of martial arts training, and part of the reason is that I will have a good rest! It's mainly about reading books, but there are few official documents after night! "

"Brother Yu! Why are you so diligent? "

"And you?" Ding Yu asked! "People think you are rich and idle. Why are you still so

Two people smile at each other! Until now this time, two people are put down quite camouflage!

"Brother Yu! I don't want to take an official career. It's not that I really can't stand the pain! I always feel that when I embark on my official career, I will live like I hated at the beginning. I have no way to do things. I hope I can be a little more comfortable, and I don't want to take the business road, so I think it's good to be a rich and idle person, at least I can keep sober! "

"A little lazy, but it's not easy to be able to have a clear understanding of yourself and have a good position for yourself!"

"It's OK!" Meng Chong said with a smile, "there are so many smart people at home! Need a little bit more stupid! I don't think it's bad to be a little stupid sometimes! "

"Great wisdom is like a fool!" Ding Yu is very happy! "At this point, I think you are very similar to Mr. Meng. He eats and drinks in my courtyard, and there are some other old men. They are very happy, not like some people. After they go to the courtyard, they are scared! I'm afraid something will happen! ""It's also normal. I saw you, brother Yu! This heart is also very uneasy, at least not so much life experience and experience, be careful, there is no harm! If something happens, it's too late to regret it! "

"After stepping into this position, quite a lot of things will change! Some people can still maintain their own mentality, but quite a few people can not maintain this mentality! The so-called kindness, to a certain extent, describes us as a joke! What do you think? "

Meng Chong Leng a little time! Because I don't know how to describe this sentence!

Silent half ring of time, this just added a piece of wood to put in the fire! "If other people say this, I may slap him twice. How kind of you are! How kind, but brother Yu, after you mentioned it, I don't know how to refute it! "

"Because we are still human, we may be a little sober! That's all

"It is! Really speaking, have I never done anything private? How can it be! It's just that when we do it, it's not so obvious! Brother Yu, you say you are a bad man. Am I a good man? How can it be! But I dare not say such a thing

"Dare you? It's not that important! Some things still need to be done. At least if we do it, it may be better. Of course, it's just our personal opinions and ideas. It's a thousand merits and demerits! Who will comment? Leave it to future generations! It's like looking at the history of the family. Under the historical conditions and circumstances at that time, there is no way to comment on whether something is right or wrong! "

Meng Chong nodded his head! "Well, after all, there's a lot of beautification in the family things! But it's also true, at least 80% or 90% is true! Only true can we see history! I can see that the lessons are for future generations! "

After listening to these words, Ding Yu's eyes are shining!

"If you have a chance, lend me two books to read. There are too few such books!" But Ding Yu also waved his hand, "don't be so embarrassed. It's your heirloom. Although I'm not a good man, I need to do something in a corresponding way. What you said has given me a great hint!"

"Brother Yu, dare you?" Meng Chong almost stares at his eyes and asks Ding Yu, "I don't dare now, some shame, some shame, even subconsciously, I want to beautify myself as much as possible. After all, this is for future generations to see! What would my son and grandson think if they saw me like this? "

"It can be seen from here that when those ancestors wrote down these things! What kind of broad mindedness it is! Such a mind, you and I now have some self abasement! They can lie there naked and let us learn from their advantages and disadvantages. This is our ancestors. They have not lived for themselves in their whole life. They are basically for the sake of this land and for the sake of their descendants! "

"So I dare not show it to others!"

"Yes! It's not that I can't show it to others, but I dare not! If you show it to people, it's too affected! " Ding Yu also shook his head, "do you have many children in your family? Is there one like you

Meng Chong was a little excited, but after that, he shook his head in embarrassment!

"I've seen Xiaogang, and I really wanted to know who trained him when I was young! This way seems cruel, but it's really terrible! It's really an extraordinary expectation, but it can't! There are not many children in the family now, and even quite a few children do not adapt to this way. Maybe the conditions in the family are too good! Ah

The last exclamation, with endless resentment!

"Let's see!" Ding Yu also has some feelings! "Up to now, I've taken in two apprentices, not counting the children in my family! Other people always don't understand. They always think I'm precious. They always think my eyes are above the top! But sometimes I can't say it, because explanation is cover up! "

"It's not easy!" Meng Chong can be said to know this very well, "and can find two children! Even a little incredible! If I could have such two children in my family, I think I would be able to close my eyes now! "

"Maybe our way is too extreme! Who knows? "

"Brother Yu! Do you feel tired! I've already felt overwhelmed with these burdens! They say I am a rich and idle person, but I am such a rich and idle person? Is it really leisurely? "

Ding Yu touched Meng Chong with his hand! "You! There is no one else in mind! "

"Come on! Go and have a rest! I'll have to go quite a long way tomorrow. It seems that there won't be too many things tonight! "

For Ding Yu's attitude, Meng Chong has no dissatisfaction! Even left quickly! Come back and lie down to rest! But I really fell asleep! It's still fake! I'm afraid this thing is only the most clear in my dream!Don't you want the children at home to follow Ding Yu? Absolutely, but there are no suitable children at home!

Meng Chong hates this! At the same time, there are some self blame! And hate and self blame are all aimed at themselves, not at others! If it's not my own laziness, will it be like this?

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