Bubble! Smoke! Steaming! And then back rub! A whole set down! Very comfortable!

Master of Yangzhou! Being sent by the north is quite different! Meng Chong especially recommends this!

"Brother Yu! I originally came to the bathhouse with my second grandfather. At that time, it was called a bustle! But never let me go to the hot water pool. I didn't understand it at the beginning, but let me go, I don't go either! I'm burning my skin! I still like to go to the warm water pool nearby! Rub your back! pedicure! Even order a meal and drink, and then sleep again! That's a comfort! When I was a child, I didn't have one of my favorite places! "

"It's getting better now!"

Meng Chong, who was lying there, gave a hum! "It's progress! But still miss the original scene! Lively! Everyone is naked! There's nothing to be ashamed of! Is for a comfortable! To a certain extent, bathing is secondary, just for communication, just like eating and singing together now! "

Ding Yu doesn't speak much! Just listen to Meng Chong and the master next to him chatting together!

But it didn't take long for Meng Chong to snore! It's understandable that in the mountains these days, who can't adapt most is Meng Chong! After all, it's a rich and idle person. Now even if it's strong support, it can't support at all. It's too comfortable!

When Meng Chong wakes up, Ding Yu has already gone out! Watch the show outside! There are many people in the hall! Laugh! The atmosphere is very warm!

Meng Chong came to Ding Yu's side carefully! Ding Yu is handed a cigarette in the past! Meng Chong got it! Look at the cigarette, quite unexpected! "I saw it in my uncle's house before! I also touched two boxes with my father, but most of the time they were used to force me! "

It's really a surprise, not a compliment!

"The taste is OK! It's not so exaggerated! " Wait for the cigarette to light up! Ding Yucai said quietly! "There's more on the car! When I go back later, I'll give some to Uncle Meng. It's a little sudden! No preparation! What's more, there may be some involvement in my affairs, so it won't be over! "

Meng Chong has no Hippie face! When I came down from the mountain, I answered countless phone calls! In the province! Outside the province, know, do not know! All called to come over, oneself also is some impatient its vexation!

"Brother Yu, if you don't talk about this side of the province, I can basically press it down. What about the other side of the province? I just hit a ha ha! They just want to know, what are you doing? Nothing! Just checking the farm! I ran with him for more than two days. This NIMA made me so tired that I almost collapsed! That's the situation! "

"It is! It is so simple! Some people think a little too bad! " Ding Yu has a good understanding of the problems, but there is no need to mention them with Meng Chong!

"After washing and gargling for such a long time and drinking tea, don't scrape the oil and water in your stomach! Brother Yu! What do you want to eat in the evening? You say? I'll arrange it! "

"Tomorrow! Go back to dinner in the evening! I'll be able to go back to dinner tomorrow! "

"I understand!" Meng Chong did not have any hesitation! "I'm really tired. I'll go home and go to bed, or I won't be able to get up tomorrow! Brother Yu! Tomorrow morning, I'll arrange it! "

After changing clothes again, Meng Chong went home with things here! Look at your grandfather! The small box inside the handle was put down! Meng Zhidao blinked his eyes and looked at his grandson's back! Then he looked at the box in his hand!

I didn't do it at first, but then the old man's nose sucked slightly!

"Oh, little snot, where did you get it? What about the young master The old man then put his hand on the box! Under Meng Chong's gaze, he opened the box and took out a cigarette from inside!

"Your father! Hi! Every time I come back, I'll do a search! " The old man is very happy! "I don't have to worry about rations these months! You've done a good job! Take one and get out of here

"Grandfather! Is that too much? " Meng Chong argued and said, but then he held a cigarette in his arms. In the past, he didn't have such treatment. It's a terrible thing to have a box or two!

"Shit, your two grandfathers don't have such treatment!"

"Grandfather, what about my father?" Meng Chong looks at his grandfather! "If daddy knows, he'll have to turn the world upside down?" In this regard, it's a bit like a joke, and it's like deliberately waking up my grandfather!

Meng Zhidao gave a sound! "I've had a lot of phone calls since yesterday! Your father should be the same! " Then he took a look at his grandson, "how are you going into the mountain? Everything is OK! "

"Don't mention it! It's not enough to show off! " That's what he said, but Meng Chong didn't mean to be ashamed! "It could have been observed by UAV. I believe it should have been hidden from Da Shao's eyes, but Da Shao took me in. It was only three days, but it was hard enough! If it's me, it's not easy to get out in a week! ""You should be allowed to work as a forest ranger!" Meng Zhidao is not satisfied with his grandson's laziness!

When he spoke, Meng Benqing came in from the outside. He didn't seem to have any intention of interrupting. He was stunned when he looked at the cigarette, and then he took a box of it in his hand. The taste was as mellow as ever!

Meng Zhidao and Meng Benqing's father and son are very clear and understand that Ding Yu didn't come here tonight for two reasons. On the one hand, they don't want to make anything difficult for the Meng family, on the other hand? It's that they don't want to get involved in the affairs of the Wang family! And the latter reason, should be the most important!

"I talked about this when I called my sister-in-law! He said that Ding Yu never participated in the affairs of the Wang family! That's why we don't know much about him all the time! However, there should be other reasons. From so many phone calls, we can see one or two! "

The smoke is rising! Slowly straight up!

"Don't look at me!" Meng Chong is very angry! "I've been in touch with brother Yu for a few days, to a certain extent! He's like an old monster! I can't see anything at all, on the contrary, my details have been cleaned by him! There is no way to refuse that kind! Even before you know it

Meng Zhidao and Meng Benqing father and son looked at each other! Two people are able to feel different things from this discourse! What kind of person is Meng Chong! They both have music in their hearts!

"Benqing, what do you say?"

"It should be very powerful, farm! Even if I have infinite confidence in the Wang family, but such a huge thing, the Wang family can't, even if the three together can't! But the farm is still in full swing, it is worth pondering! It's just a little far away, so it's understandable that I don't know quite what happened! "

The meaning of the words is very clear! The Wang family and their three families are one. Even so, they can't control the farm! What about Ding Yu? Even can stand outside the three, independent to control the farm! It's not just about having courage! The power behind it can be seen!

Then father and son looked at Meng Chong again! Meng Chong stood up on his shoulder!

"I think brother Yu is easy to talk! There are just a few things! Not the one above the top! But still more picky! In other words, porridge and pickles can be eaten, and there is no problem with the same gluttonous feast! " After thinking about it, Meng Chong continued! "But Dahong has mentioned to me that brother yu should have served for a long time. And brother Yu has said that when he came, he reported to the provincial department!"

Meng Zhidao and Meng Benqing looked at each other again. Without two minutes, Meng Benqing nodded his head! It's clear on the phone! This is a fact!

"What do you mean, father?"

"Since his second grandfather has this meaning, Meng Chong doesn't mean to oppose it! Then follow! It's not a bad thing! " Meng Zhidao nodded! Then he looked at Meng Chong, "little snot! Make your own choice! Quite a lot of things at home have been handed over to you, you are ready! What's your father's opinion? It's his business. Personally, I don't object to it! It's rare to have such a chance to see! "

Meng Benqing nodded the same way! "I'm a little worried, but I respect your personal opinion!"

"Hi! I'd better go to sleep first! These two days have exhausted me! Every day in the mountain, I really doubt what kind of interest brother Yu is! There are so many people do not understand! But not bad! "

But before leaving, Meng Chong carried a cigarette in his hand, and then ran away! The way of Meng Qi is blowing his beard and staring at him! After all, there are only 25 cigarettes! If other things, the way of Meng is really not in the eyes! But this thing, there are really some no door!

It's not that you can buy it with money, nor that you can walk around with a good relationship!

The relationship between Meng Benqing and the Wang family has been very good, but even so, what they get every year is very limited. The Meng family really went to inquire! The annual output is too limited! It really can't be reflected with enough price!

"This young man is really extraordinary. He can pick Meng Chong out at a glance, intentionally or unintentionally! This look is unique! "

Give yourself a cigarette again! Put it under your nose for a long time without aspiration!

"Don't say it, it's really good! I wonder where the secret came from? "

"No! It doesn't make much sense! But I've heard that elder brother Lin mentioned this aspect! There are quite a few cigars! Very good, but mainly for communication! The reason why it didn't spread is that it has nothing to do with business or business! "

Meng Zhidao frowned! "It seems that it can't be mixed in! At that time, we didn't turn our back on the Wang family. From now on, the Wang family is more profound than what we imagined! ""Dad! You were in a moment! Why

"I thought you would never ask?" Meng Zhidao snorted! "I'm not like you! The road you take is quite different from the one I take! It's my way that Meng Chong of our family took! Of course, the road he took was quite different! But from now on! Don't say who is right! "

"Dad! What Meng Chong didn't choose is right, but it's not necessarily his choice! "

"It would be very interesting to say that!" Meng Benqing suddenly laughed, "but Meng Chong can be valued by many people! I believe there are quite a few reasons! How will the Wang family look at this time? "

"Silly! Do you think we're betting? It's impossible! "

"Dad! Can't you think about it? " Meng Benqing said jokingly! In fact, he is just a joke! There is really no other meaning! The trace of Wang family on his body is too obvious!

"I can see some of the temperament of the young and the old! Meng Chong has made considerable contact with him. Since he can see Meng Chong, can't he see the Meng family? Nature is also able to see! But he didn't come! That's quite a problem! He really didn't want to get involved in the affairs of the Wang family! I don't know what Mr. Wang thinks about it? "

Some things should not be conjectured, but I can't help my curiosity!

Ding Yu is relatively stable in the evening, but still did not go to rest early! It's the same as usual! In the morning, Ding Yu got up very early! Business as usual!

It's Meng Chong who came here a little early! Except for Dahong, I didn't bring anyone else!

"What's the matter? Ready to eat rice again? " Ding Yu takes a look at it and says it impolitely!

"Brother Yu! Or let's go out and eat! I have really tried the canteen of the farm many times! How to put it? More styles! Do is also more attentive! No one will deny this! But there are still some features missing! "

"Aren't you afraid of scaring other people?"

"Hi! It's not that you don't give money! " Meng Chong replied casually! "What's more, they should be happy!"

For Meng Chong's recommendation, Ding Yu nodded his head! After the party came out, they found a very good breakfast shop! "Brother Yu! You have to have a good taste. The mutton soup is good! This meal in the morning is the best. It takes too long to stew at noon! As for the evening, people need to prepare materials for the next day, so they don't open the door at all! "

So big a sea bowl, although is Ding Yu and Meng Chong two people, but Meng Chong but clearly know Ding Yu's appetite! Mutton soup inside nothing to add, everything needs to be their own modulation! Look at your taste!

There are also some breakfasts on the side! Mutton bun! Potato Pancake! Beef pie! Fried dough sticks and other things, all kinds of! People who don't know think it's three days without a meal! But for Ding Yu, it's not a big deal!

"I've eaten a lot of mutton, but this time the mutton soup tastes so special!" Ding Yu tried two, eyebrow slightly pick up, "there is mutton at home, also after special cooking, even better than this meat, but this time the taste is very special!"

Listen to Ding Yu's comments, Meng Chong is a little elated! "I always like to come here for breakfast! Mutton soup is what I must order. It is good for nourishing the body! Fat and thin! What's more, it's the taste! "

Meng Chong is a little concerned! Obviously this guy did it on purpose! But when they were talking, Ding Yu's mobile phone rang too! Look at the caller ID! Ding Yu motioned to Meng Chong for a while!

Then pick up your cell phone! "Good morning, uncle!"

"I came back last night! I heard that you are with Meng Benqing's son! "

Ding Yu ha ha's a smile, "three uncles, how feel this words have other meanings?"

"Have you heard about that over there?" The middle-aged man said, "we have this idea. I hope we can transfer him to work there!"

Ah? Ding Yu looks at Meng Chong again! Meng Chong felt a little bit bad after seeing it! What kind of look is this?

"Third uncle, isn't this a little inappropriate! This shouldn't be my job! What's more, if I go, the noise outside may be more serious. You'd better spare me! When I came back yesterday, I didn't go to the Meng family! "

"Can you explain it clearly?" The middle-aged man laughed!

"Third uncle, is it really good for me to be the villain?" When he said this, Ding Yu was quite helpless! "Yes! I'll be a bad man! Anyway, I've never been a good man! But third uncle, isn't this a little out of line with the procedure! If you have any other opinions! You say it directly! I'll take it! "

"You know what you've done! Is your skin tight? Shall I give you one? Ah?! So alone in the mountains? What's the matter? Are you a cat? You have nine lives, don't you? "Listen to the anger inside the phone, Ding Yu can't help knocking his head!

"Uncle, I'm not very considerate! I'm wrong! "

"I tell you! You wait to come back! I can't spare you! Be honest these days, if there is any problem again! I tell you! It's not as simple as shutting you up for a year and a half! "

"Ah! I heard you! Thank you for your concern! "

Put down the phone, Ding Yu long sigh!

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