"What do you think I'm doing?"

Ding Yu glared back!

"Brother Yu! How can I feel that your voice has changed! "

Yeah! Ding Yu snorted, "if you see it! Don't piss your pants. You piss! " After that, Ding Yu also had some toothache. Originally, he had a good appetite, but now he is really not fragrant at all!

But still in line with the principle of no waste, eat everything!

After eating, back to the car, Ding Yu did not let the driver and security on board, but waved to them! Next to the big Hong Leng for a while, did not follow the meaning of the car, just stood beside the position!

"Follow me for a while! It's decided! "

"Brother Yu! What happened? " Meng Chong has so many worries to say!

"Criticized! The previous move into the mountain is too bold! If it's more reckless, it's not as simple as spanking! " Ding Yu twisted his mouth and said! Obviously a little annoyed! "What's more, your father is going to transfer his job! If I had known that, I would not have come here! Didn't this throw me into the pit on purpose? "

When he said this, Ding Yu showed quite a small temper!

Ah? Meng Chong couldn't help being stunned! Father transfer work? How is that possible? I haven't heard any news or hearsay about it! And if my father really wants to transfer his job! How can there be no movement at home? What's more, I went back to see my father last night!

Is father hiding from himself! Even grandfather kept it from himself? Impossible!

"Brother Yu! I didn't hear about it, and I didn't hear about it at home! "

"Let me tell you! I hope you have a preparation in your heart After that, Ding Yu sighed! "I'll give you a chance now. If your father has a problem, please mention it now! How many more opportunities there are! There are not too many problems to ask for love! He was on business with his father! And it's a member of the faction! But the more so, the more difficult it is now! Do you understand what I mean? "

Meng Chong finally understood this time! Why did brother Yu let himself come up alone!

"Brother Yu! Others dare not say that, but I dare! In fact, whether people are degenerate or betrayal! Basically, there are two or three situations! Money! Women or faith! Let's talk about faith first! Dad is different from me and grandfather! If there's something wrong with his faith! It won't be there, it's still in the position! "

Ding Yu nodded! Even a hum! "Money? This also basically need not consider! There is no lack of money at home, otherwise there will be no such rich and idle people as you! Also your neck will not carry such beads! After all, not many people will carry such things! It's too expensive! "

"My father and mother have a very good relationship! And my father has always been clean At this point, Meng Chong is particularly confident! "But there is nothing wrong with my father! This is bullshit! I love watching movies! Smoke

Ding Yu gave another white eye!

"Don't you give me any bullshit! I tell you this for a clear purpose. Your father must stand the test! This matter has nothing to do with the family, it should not be too much, but it has something to do with it! It's also quite relevant! "

"I see! I need to keep my mouth shut

His father transferred to work, the Wang family must have a considerable relationship in this! Especially his father's position, a radish a pit, affect too many things!

"When something goes wrong, don't say I didn't give you a chance!" Ding Yu is very serious at this time! Then Ding Yu's finger also pointed up! "Don't say it's my father then! Even if my grandfather and grandmother come forward, there is no reason to say! I'm even more impossible! "

Meng Chong did not speak, but nodded hard!

I answered the phone in the restaurant earlier! Although I didn't quite know who the person on the phone was, but the tone of the voice! Absolutely ordinary! As for brother Yu, will he cheat himself? This is a little ridiculous! What is the purpose of deceiving oneself?

"Get them in the car! We will not continue to stay here! Join Luo Xuan and Lao Lu! Don't think about it in the province! Get ready to run

It took about two hours for the group to meet in the service area of the expressway!

"Sir!" Luo Xuan and Lu Zili saw Ding Yu, and they all came forward quickly! Seeing Meng Chong, Lu Zili didn't react much, while Luo Xuan squinted at him! "How did you bring him here, sir?"

"What? Do you know him? "

Luo Xuan couldn't help nodding his head! "Of course I do!" Then he even laughed, "when I went to the farm, I didn't know where young master Meng Er found the way to me! I was specially treated to a meal! The next morning I drank a bowl of mutton soupSpeaking of this matter, Luo Xuan is also very happy! "At that time, I thought that if I could let him go to the public relations department, he would be a good hand. It's a pity!"

Ding Yu takes a look at Meng Chong! "I haven't heard of it! Mr. Lu! Since Luo Ge knows you, let me introduce you! Meng Chong! A rich and idle man! But don't be blinded by his appearance! There's still a little water in my stomach! "

"Meng Chong, if you know Luo Ge, I won't introduce you! This is Mr. Lu Zili! In charge of the supervision of the farm! "

"Hello, Mr. Lu!" Meng Chong comes forward quickly! A little hippy and smiling, Lu Zili said! It's all the way Luo Xuan looks at Meng Chong! Directly gave him a punch, the relationship is a little familiar!

If it wasn't close, it wouldn't be! It's not serious!

Let's introduce each other! Ding Yu is ah! Point to Meng Chong! "I went into the mountain to check the farm work earlier! Two or three days! Take this guy with you! This is not just out, it was warned! It's almost like being scolded! i couldn 't help it! Run

"Sir! Not at all! " Luo Xuan asked strangely!

Ding Yu refers to Meng Chong! "Something to do with this guy! He used to go home when he was young! His father and my father are colleagues! My mom held him! Chen Long made a big move! There are bound to be vacancies on the job! That's for sure

Luo Xuan and Lu Zili are old and spicy. Ding Yu has already said so clearly! How can they not understand?

"Sir, this is a happy thing. It seems that Meng Er Shao will treat you!"

People immediately on the business car! "Don't worry about him, he should know more! Now the Meng family hasn't got any news. My father should be able to get the news in a few days! I've got a task. I need to know something about it from the side. Come on, you two

Luo Xuan and Lu Zili look at Meng Chong sitting beside Ding Yu. They both nod!

Understanding belongs to understanding, but this time we should focus on the overall situation! What's more, Mr. Meng Chong took a place by his side! Still can explain quite a problem! What's more, Meng Chong's father will be transferred? Mention it in front of them? What else can be said?

"Sir, Lao Gao is in high spirits now! Chen Long's action is still quite big! It's also quite powerful! " For this matter, Luo Xuan's performance is particularly concerned!

"He's not alert at all?"

"The main reason is that he doesn't have much to do with him. Besides, there are still many people who have good words to say, so the whole person! I don't know about it! Under such circumstances, it's hard to wake up! "

"So Tang Shi and Qu Cheng did a good job!"

"It's hard to talk about Tang Shi! Lao Gao is very strict with him! I don't know if Lao Gao has been sick for nearly 20 years! That's it. It's locked up all the time! Thanks to the Tang Dynasty! If it's anyone else, I'm sure there will be mental problems! I can't stand it

Meng Chong sat down beside Ding Yu and said, what are the things involved! Now I understand more or less, and think of my father's work! Can taste out, which is involved in the matter! It's absolutely extraordinary!

"What's the situation over there, director Liu?"

"More and more people are giving their heads away now!" In this regard, Lu Zili is very worried! "Even director Liu is so busy! Lao Gao, on that boat, there are other aspects! A little more people! Director Liu has no time to separate himself now! Even serious shortage of manpower! At this point! Lao Gao is a bit reckless! And now director Liu's eyes have shifted! "

"Aren't the people on his boat dissatisfied with it?"

Lu Zi thought about it for a while! Slightly nodded his head! "Lao Gao is still strong! From the information we got, we have exerted considerable pressure! Although we can still hold it down now, we are already in a rage! Under such circumstances! If you had a little Mars, it would be a fire! "

Ding Yu shook his head! "Let's not do that! When and how to do it is not up to us to decide! right now? It's better to be honest! What's more, this time we are inspecting the farm work! I'll have a meeting in the afternoon to make a simple summary of the farm work! "

Along the way, Meng Chong did not dare to have any more words! Fortunately, Ding Yu didn't mean to look for trouble on purpose!

In the afternoon of the meeting, Meng Chong followed him in, that is, to serve tea and water! If other people let Meng Chong do this, they won't lift the table! It's not Meng Chong, but Ding Yu let Meng Chong do it. Meng Chong is absolutely asshole! With Dahong can only stand outside the door, honest in front of the security!

In the evening, I just ate some fast food! There's no time at all! It's the same with Meng Chong! Even to the whole process is a slip of the trot, otherwise a bit can't keep up!When waiting for a rest, Meng Chong didn't even have time to take a bath, so he fell directly on the bed! The next day, everyone was waiting! Meng Chong is also huffing! There's a lot of contact! So a little tired!

"Brother Yu! I didn't see Mr. Luo and Mr. Lu! "

"They have left! Go to other places to check the work! You think you're so idle! "

Meng Chong widened his eyes! "Isn't it?" A face does not believe appearance, immediately not from of shake head, "I strangle! I didn't have much rest last night! You didn't even eat in the morning? So I went to check my work? "

"I've already eaten it!" Ding Yu pointed to the soup on the table, "have a taste! From home! It should be different from your family! Dahong can eat more! You! A small bowl will do! "

Meng Chong doesn't understand this. In his opinion, brother Yu shouldn't be so wordy!

Look at the small bowl in front of you, and then look at the two bowls in front of Dahong! Meng Chong's mouth is a little curly! But after trying, Meng Chong's eyes are bright, not to mention Dahong! I almost got up to thank Ding Yu!

"Eat first! It should be quite useful for Dahong. I deployed it! It was delivered yesterday! "

Meng Chong took a sip of everything in the bowl! Ding Yu looked at him and nodded! "Let Dahong find you a place! Wash and soak! It's good for your health, but remember! Within three days, preferably seven days, don't drink! Don't be near the girl

"Mr. Ding! I'll tell Er Shao! "

Dahong stood up all the time! It's very respectful to salute Ding Yu!

Ding Yu is waving! "Things should be different from those in your home! But you can't digest too much! But it should be good for your body, but you can't use more delicious food! So watch out for yourself

"Brother Yu! You will be my brother in the future! My dear brother

"Find a place and get out of here! I have something else to deal with! " For Meng Chong's smiley face, Ding Yu glared again! How old are you! Even in front of their own performance of this! It's not very decent!

Meng Chong and Dahong left immediately after they had eaten!

"I'm going to Dahong. I can't hold it! The stomach is hot! Find a place quickly

Looking at Meng Chong's head, Dahong said hello to the farm! Two people soon found a bath! Don't mind whether you open the door now or not. When you have money, you can open it! Even if it's smashed, it's smashed!

It's not necessary to make a reservation, but it's OK to make a reservation! Wait for the others! I have some inconveniences now! Meng Chong, who is soaking in the pool, has a voice! The owner of the bathhouse who can get in! It was also a surprise!

"Go to find two teachers! If you can, find two masters from Yangzhou! And find two massage masters to come here! " Dahong sat in the bath and told me! "And turn on the sauna when you wait a while!"

Then Dahong looked at Meng Chong! Lying in the pool, Meng Chong narrowed his eyes and nodded his head!

"Bring me some boiled water! No tea! It's not the right time to drink tea! "

The owner of the bathhouse is a little unclear, so! But they didn't come here to smash it! Directly put the money on the counter! For myself, the rest is not important, money is real!

It's hard for people to find the so-called master, because there are not many ordinary masters who come here at this point!

But these are not so important! They gave me money! Isn't that enough? So now even if it's a knife from the sky, the master who massages and knocks on the back has to come! And you have to come on time!

It took quite a long time for Meng Chong to feel his anger go down a little! Previously, I felt very anxious! The water in the pool has been changed several times! But now there is no such feeling!

After fumigation, the whole person was sweating! Even after massage and knocking on the back, Meng Chong hummed comfortably! "Dahong! Several masters work hard! Don't forget to remind me when you go out! "

"Yes! Brother Yu said you can't drink! Forget to ask! Can I smoke? "

"No problem!" Dahong nodded! "Drinks and women are not allowed to be contaminated, because drinks and women will have a considerable impact on drugs, but cigarettes can not have too many attempts!"

"What is it, I try to come up with some, but the effect is really too different!"

"Two less, my effect may be more obvious! You are not a martial arts practitioner, so at most you feel a little anxious! To be sure, it's dry tongue, but for me, the benefits are really too much! But just like Mr. Ding said! Such things can not be abused! Originally, it's good for your health, but if you use it too much, it's bad for your health! ""Really? Your effect is obvious? You should have tried everything at home! "

In this regard, Meng Chong really felt shocked!

"Er Shao, the things at home have been around for a hundred years! But a lot of things are gone! But from Mr. Ding's medicine, it is obvious that there are quite different things! If you have a chance, you should consult more! "

Meng Chong pondered for a moment! No words! After all, this is a big deal!

Think about it carefully! Meng Chong feels that it is possible. Why? Because the farm has too many conveniences in this aspect! Previously I didn't want to understand some of the problems! But now I really need to think about it! After all, such an opportunity can never be missed!

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