When Meng Chong and Dahong come back, lunch is over!

The main reason is that both of them have slept! It's the same with Dahong! The medicine effect is very good, both of them are overdone! When they came back, they all had some shame and remorse, but they didn't see Ding Yu until the evening!

"Brother Yu! It's late to come back! "

Did not want to Ding Yu slightly put a hand! I don't care at all! "Let's have a good rest! By the way, you can recuperate your body. If you can have a sleep, the effect will be better! " Looking at the two people's appearance, Ding Yu nodded, "Dahong's effect is not bad! You! On the whole, 70% or 80% of them are wasted! "

Ah? Meng Chong was surprised! Ding Yu didn't criticize himself. He even said such things to himself! This is to let oneself have some shame! It's really embarrassing! On the other hand, my heart is also very warm, brother Yu is very concerned about himself!

"How do you feel?"

It's dining in the dining hall! Not so much time, Ding Yu is not a picky person!

"Don't mention it! Comfortable let us all sleep in the past! good heavens! I woke up early! Originally called, but the security said that you have gone out! We came back a little late! "

Ding Yu doesn't think so! After everything on the table comes up! Ding Yucai then said! "Don't you have your own doctor at home? I took a look at Dahong. He has many problems! There should not be no spread of this aspect! Why is it so noisy? "

In this regard, Meng Chong has some toothache!

But Dahong sat beside him and looked at Dingyu carefully! "Sir! There are some medicines in the house! "

"Put the cart before the horse!" Ding Yu is very emotional! "I don't know what to say! I believe there should still be quite smart people! It's no use keeping those dead things? It's useful! But we should apply the living things, this is the long-term way! But you can't. You can practice some Kung Fu! "

"Brother Yu! Can I do it? " Meng Chong said with an expectant face!

"Bullshit!" Ding Yu laughed and scolded! "Even Dahong has too many opportunities! Medicine and martial arts are inseparable! To learn medicine is to learn martial arts. Some of these words are too absolute, but there are not too many problems! At least there are not too many problems in thinking! What about me? Only by chance can we understand this truth! I don't think your family doesn't understand! "

"There are not many old people in the family!" Meng Chong said with a dim face!

"All good things are ruined!" Ding Yu has a little melancholy! "I bought a book earlier, which cost 2000 yuan, a little expensive! The book itself is not worth so much money, but the value of the things inside can be said to be immeasurable! What a pity! It's almost impossible to equip these things, and it's still unknown how effective they will be for modern people! "

"Brother Yu? It's not likely, is it? "

"For example! Epimedium! I think you've all heard of it! Do you know? It has more than 40 varieties, but there are only 15 medicinal varieties! And everywhere! What Herba Epimedii! Epimedium sagittatum, and even clover and so on! We also have it here. It's called Epimedium koreanum! All epimedium, how to distinguish! And ancient and modern, because of natural conditions and other factors, the land is quite different, so the growth of things, and what kind of difference, and so on! So don't stick to the rules! "

Dahong's eyes are staring! And Meng Chong is dull! Because I didn't know about it in the past!

When they wake up, most of the things on the table have entered Ding Yu's stomach!

"It will be cold after a while! Eat

Two people are not this aspect of the mind, no matter what it is, casually into their mouth!

After eating, they all looked pitifully at Ding Yu!

"What I have learned from Taoism is the Enlightenment of Taoism at the beginning! In fact, when I first served in the army, I didn't know anything, and I learned the art of killing and felling! "

"The art of cutting?" Dahong's eyes suddenly became sharp, and Meng Chong next to him shook his head!

"Brother Yu! That is not what ordinary people can bear! I know what kind of price to pay in order to maintain national security! Even if Dahong goes there, if it's one-to-one, there's no problem, but if he goes to the battlefield, he's just a free gift! "

Because understand, so say is very straightforward!

"When I first went to Hong Kong, I still had a little impression that I was a little bit famous! It's been so many years! "

Speaking of this, Ding Yu shook his head! "But what really changed me was the horror between life and death!""The horror between life and death?"

"There is great terror between life and death!" Ding Yu is holding a cigarette in his other hand! Eyes full of memories! "It's hard to say what it's like! All the things flash in front of you! The conflict between reality and consciousness! It's a moment, but at that moment you feel like a century has passed! "

"Sir, I've heard that! But there is no understanding! "

Ding Yu flicked the ash in his hand and took a deep look at Dahong! "According to my personal understanding, don't try! In front of you, a lot of people have tried! Don't ask me what the result is like! "

"Brother Yu! All dead? " When I say this, my voice is trembling!

"At least as far as I know! No one can take this step! But there is also a special case of machine, but it is too miserable! After listening, it will make people feel numb! But even so, they have not been able to break through the terror between life and death! At most, I feel a little bit about this aspect! Maybe this is compensation for them, but such compensation? " Ding Yu snorted!

"Brother Yu! Even if there is a one in a thousand chance, you have to give it a try! "

Ding Yu looked at it with disdain! "Since you are interested, I will tell you! They are a family with a long history! There should be no big problem for hundreds of years! It's still in this world! Even control the hegemony of one side! It's just a matter of blowing your breath when your family is in front of their family! "

Hiss! Meng Chong can't help but take a breath of air conditioning! "Brother Yu! Our family has been around for a long time! "

Ding Yu took a deep look! "You think I'm exaggerating, don't you? Then I'll tell you! They have a blood disease in their family! A very special blood disease, as long as it belongs to their family or is infected by their family! You need to experience it once as an adult! According to our country's laws and regulations, 18 years old is an adult! They're pretty much the same there! At this age, we may advance, but we will never fall behind! "

"Brother Yu! You won't tell me to go straight to God, will you? "

"What do you think?" Ding Yu let out a cry! "This is just the first door in their life. After this time, there will be another time! And the next time the outbreak of blood disease, did not hear what survived! For hundreds of years, that's how their family came down! "

"I'll fuck him, NIMA!" Meng Chong is not as simple as scalp numbness now! And the next big Hong can't help tightening his clothes! Shudder all over!

Now Meng Chong feels that his hand is shaking a little, and he wants to light a cigarette for himself, but some of them can't do it. This is not so terrible and simple! There are so-called great terrors between life and death. For hundreds of years, this family has been experiencing terrors, and they are not terrors once or twice!

Under such circumstances, it would be strange if there were no mental problems!

If his family encounters such a situation, Meng Chong feels absolutely crazy! I feel a little uncontrollable when I listen to it, but that family has been suffering from this kind of emotion all the time!

There is so-called great terror between life and death, such a family always revolves back and forth between great terror, why no one can see through this! This is not a problem of two generations! Hundreds of years, so many people did not break through the terror between life and death, even Meng Chong did not dare to continue to think!

"Brother Yu! Haven't they thought about ways and means? "

"If there are any on this earth! What gene! They don't know how to exchange blood. They don't know how to do it! But now the problem is solved! I also solved the problem for their family with the help of an elder! But even so, they still can not pierce the terror between life and death! Don't think Dahong's Kung Fu is very good. There are many people in his family who are more powerful than Dahong! If we only talk about force, there is no problem! I had a crush on a little girl in their family. I even wanted to take her as my first disciple. From this, I can see how terrible the talent is! "

"Brother Yu, is there such a family? It's incredible! "

"Except for an old monster, the leader is not as old as you! Unusual ruthlessness, the style of doing things may be because of the test of life and death, there are some extreme! There are not many people in the family, but now the problem has been solved! So I don't know how to develop in the future, but judging from the current situation, there are not many problems in 40 or 50 years! After all, their family has always been like this

"Brother Yu, are they the so-called unborn families?"

"You can't say they're not born! Pure bullshit! It's just that I've always been reluctant to show it to the public! For example, the Boston consortium, I have a very good relationship with them, but do you know who the Boston consortium has? What kind of family structure are they? Or what happened to the president they supported? What happened? What kind of strange waves and intrigues are there? It's too complicated! ""I know there is such a family, but who has to tell them all? There are so many difficulties in this! " In this regard, Meng Chong could not help shaking his head!

"People who stand on the surface are basically representatives." Ding Yu waved his hand, "or the previous things, the things between life and death, the conditions are too harsh! And even if it is quite the conditions are available! Maybe one in ten thousand! That time the sentiment, let me completely changed! "

"I began to study medicine! On the surface is western medicine, but also has a considerable understanding of traditional Chinese medicine! Mutual verification, has its own unique context and understanding, my operation is very good! It's no exaggeration to say that it has a small name in China, but it doesn't have so much time! "

"It's hard! All of a sudden, I feel like a trash and an idiot! "

"I don't feel that way! From my point of view, it's a great thing for you to be a rich and idle person! Can play well, but does not mean that can do well, this is two things! But it's not without shortcomings, inheritance is very important, but it's better to be able to understand some of your own things! "

"It's said that listening to you is better than reading for ten years! When I was with my second grandfather, I felt like this! But it's definitely not as thorough as today. After I go back, I must read well and make some records. Maybe this is what I can do now! "

Looking at Meng Chong! Ding Yu, smile!

"Do you know why I have to talk to you so much? Usually, I am not an extrovert! Quite a lot of people think that I am a very introverted person

"It's not because I'm rich! I believe I have a little relationship with my family, but it shouldn't be very big! "

Meng Chong said a little jokingly!

"You're a smart man. You're a smart man for the time being! Have a certain understanding of themselves! It's not easy to dissect yourself even at a certain time! It's easy to say, but how many can we really do? Even when I was quite old, I put this matter behind me! "

"I wrote it down! No one dares to say whether it will be done or not! But I will write it down with my heart

Meng Chong is very careful with Dingyu guarantee said!

After dinner, Ding Yu and Meng Chong stroll in front, while Dahong follows behind! A little closer! But Ding Yu did not say anything, there is not much need! It's not my turn to teach such things!

"Brother Yu, I feel you are a very contradictory person! I don't know if other people feel that way! "

Ding Yu can not deny this smile! "Me! I've never claimed that I'm a good man! But some people say that I am a Buddha! fuck! I believe in Taoism, OK? But really speaking! Although I believe in Taoism, I often do things that are not compatible with Taoism! "

Meng Chong mouth slightly open, he really do not know this related thing!

"Brother Yu, do you believe in Taoism? I didn't pay too much attention before! But now it seems to wake up suddenly! The button on your body is yin yang fish! It's a little abstract, I said

"Your family's beliefs? It's another thing. One or two of them can be seen from the beads! A spiritual sustenance is not a bad thing! But you! Just put the beads inside in the future! It's too eye-catching! "

"Brother Yu, I don't quite understand. I saw the things in your hand. They don't fit your identity very well!"

"What is identity? In this case, it's just fooling other people! You don't know, or I don't know! " In this regard, Ding Yu some disapproval! "I prefer walnuts! Or some wooden bracelets! But for those jade and emerald stones, I feel ordinary. If it wasn't for the weather, I wouldn't have taken them with me! "

But just when Meng Chong was confused, Ding Yu's words suddenly changed, "but you also said that sometimes, even if you don't want to, you still need something different! judge people by outward appearance! It's everywhere! "

"Brother Yu, stop talking!" Meng can't help shaking his head, trying to throw something out! "I feel a little confused now! The whole head is going to paste! "

"Do you know why I came out this time?"

"On the surface, it's the work of checking the farm, but on the inside, it must be for the purpose of investigating some people!"

Although Meng Chong is a rich and idle man, he just shows it to the outside world! If Meng Chong doesn't have any ability, how can he stay in the position of a rich and idle man, or even be valued by Meng Zhiyuan? Together with Meng Zhiyuan's way, it's impossible to treat this child differently. So, although Meng Chong doesn't know the truth, he still has a guess about Gao Changli's affairs!

What's more, brother Yu has said it before! My father needs to be transferred! There's too much information in it!"They gave me a brief introduction about your family! Don't think this is harsh! Even mean! I have to do such a thing! "

"Brother Yu! I want to say thank you, there are some too late! " Meng Chong is not a fool! "Such things have been done at home all the time! Only sometimes! Hi! They're all idiots

"If you can say that, you can deal with some people by yourself! It must be from your family! And there's the name of the Meng family! If you keep it, it's just harmful! "

When talking, Ding Yu takes out the folded paper from his coat pocket! "I haven't seen it yet! They sent it! But you know it in your heart! And can't tell home, at least this words can't say from you and me! Can it be done? "

"No problem! If I can't do this, I'll be shameless! "

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