Meng Chong here how to deal with things, for Ding Yu, it doesn't matter!

Even what Meng Chong will do with it has nothing to do with Ding Yu. Even if Meng Chong doesn't do anything, Ding Yu won't care!

To a certain extent, Ding Yu gave the opportunity! Can Meng Chong catch it? Everything depends on Meng Chong himself!

The next morning, Ding Yu was still the same as usual. As for Meng Chong, he got up a little late, even when he got on the bus, he was still a bit sleepy! And pay attention to see, you will find that Meng Chong some black eye!

Always waiting for Ding Yu's call to remember, Meng Chong just opened his eyes!

"I'm Ding Yu!"

"Mr. Ding, I'm Chen long!" Chen long is really busy these two days! Of course, give the impression of the outside world? It's because of offending Ding Yu, so he was severely punished! As for the follow-up questions? Now there are different opinions! There are all kinds of things to say! But there must be something that can be affirmed, that is, the influence behind Chen long is deeply affected!

"I heard that director Liu has been stationed there! Even the work is very enthusiastic

"Hi! I talked to you two days ago! I have some doubts about offending director Liu! It's very strong, but it brings different people's thoughts! " In this regard, Chen long still has some small emotions!

Of course, it's also because the person talking to himself is Ding Yu. Chen Long's attitude would be different if he were other people!

"What's the situation with Lao Gao?"

"He came here for a few meetings! Although I can't see too much from my attitude and words! But I can feel it. He seems to be a little surprised. At first, everyone thought that director Liu was going for him, and everyone was waiting to see Lao Gao's joke. But who could have thought that director Liu was secretly playing with everyone between applause? "

When Ding Yu heard the news, he gave a cold hum!

"What's the situation over there! This problem has nothing to do with you for the time being! Even you still need to be deeply dug, but it seems that the distance to move him should not be too long! Let him have some time to be proud first

"What else do you need us to do, sir?"

The meaning of Chen Long's call to Ding Yu is very simple! What do you say? What do I do! There will never be any complaints! Why do you believe in Ding Yu so much? The reason is that it will not fall on the outside world!

"Follow the normal procedure and rectify it well! Don't make it black. It's not decent! There is Qu Cheng side, you don't do any attention, this matter is not what you should care about now! "

"I understand!" What else can't be understood? Let Lao Gao float. Even if Lao Gao doesn't float, everyone will put Lao Gao on the shelf, so that he can't land at all! To put it bluntly, it's so simple!

"I have discussed with Director Liu! I'm basically satisfied with what you told me! But I also put forward quite a few opinions and opinions! " Ding Yu is not particularly interested in these things. He just conveys Liu Shang's personal opinions! "Yes! One more thing! Let me remind you to make some preparations for yourself

Huh?! This words let Chen long not from of a Leng, but the Ding Yu over there has hung up the phone!

The phone is busy! Chen Long feels very surprised. He can hear something in Ding Yu's words, but what does it imply? For this point, Chen long is a little confused!

Is it because of your own side? Impossible! I had a meeting with Director Liu! Although they are all Kung Fu on the surface, they can feel it! Director Liu didn't completely put his mind on himself! To a certain extent, it's just a deliberate cover up!

If it's not his own business, will it be Lao Gao's? It's impossible! Although Lao Gao didn't report his own affairs, it was also because all things were under the control of Mr. Ding, so he didn't have to talk too much!

Under such circumstances! Director Ding still gave himself quite a hint!

Feel the answer is in their mouth position! Even a layer of window paper, do not use your hand, with a breath may be pierced, but Chen long is some do not think clearly, even do not understand! So where is the problem! For a moment, Chen Long really felt a little irritable!

After getting off, Ding Yu and his party walked on the land of the farm! Although it's winter, it doesn't mean there is nothing! It's just that work is not as tiring as it is in summer! But it's definitely not as easy as you think!

"Brother Yu! I didn't really get into the shed before! Especially this kind of greenhouse. I'm kidding! Outside is winter, inside is summer! I had a look just now! If it wasn't for shorts and waistcoats! There's no way to work! I've taken two steps, and I feel a little too hot to bear! "I don't know where to find the fan. Meng can't shake it!

Ding Yu looked up and down at Meng Chong and snorted! "I think you're a little bit in the mood, aren't you?"?! Do you want me to take a cold water pipe for you to make sure you are cool from inside to outside? "

"Hey, hey!" Meng Chong is back to the previous situation of being generous! But he followed Ding Yu's steps and came to the door! There is no intention of going out immediately!

To a certain extent, this ear room is used to cool down! The temperature difference between inside and outside is too big! Under such circumstances, rashly go out and wait for a cold! No matter how good the physique is! Especially those who have worked so hard for a long time! Even worse!

Ding Yu is interested to see the layout inside the ear room! Because the greenhouse is very big! So the space on this side of the ear room is not small! Clean up the pour or relatively clean! Is it because of the arrival of Ding Yu, but there are really not many people to pay attention to this problem! For Ding Yu! My concern is not on this!

"No one drinks water?" Ding Yu casually pointed to the mineral water not far away!

"Mr. Ding!" The people who have been following us all the time come forward in a hurry! "It's not that we don't drink. If there's no special situation, we don't drink much mineral water. After all, we have a water heater here, and we prefer to make tea water! Along with some sandwiches and other things, they are all provided free of charge, but we have no interest in this aspect at all. I'll go to the canteen later! No one is bad for this! "

Meng Chong, who is following behind, is a little sarcastic about this! This treatment is a little too good! Free food and drink is not rare to many people! What is the reason? The canteen must be better! What else can it be?

But if you think about it carefully, you've been in the family business! Can you give the following people such treatment?

To a certain extent, I really dare not open this opening! Really, if this opening is opened, even if you want to close it in the future, you can't close it, but on the farm side? It's not that family is big, so I don't care!

That's what they give you! Put everything in front of you!

As for the deeper reasons? It's also very simple! The farm has abundant capital! This is the most important thing!

"Do you have any comments on this?" Ding Yu raised his hand!

"Yes!" The manager behind didn't cover it up! Said is very straightforward and when, Meng Chong is slightly curled his mouth! Look at others and think about your own! There are still differences between people! "Sometimes the rules and regulations are strict! At the same time, there will be considerable conflict between theory and practice! "

"The problem is not with the staff below, but with us! This is our problem! " Ding Yu did not push this responsibility down! "Any other questions?"

"There are still some questions! There are all kinds of opinions on the book

When talking, I also pulled a thick book and handed it to Ding Yu! Ding Yu looked carefully for a period of time! Looking at the content inside, Ding Yu slightly twisted his mouth! "A little plain!"

Farm staff, are also laughing!

"Sir! Some of the questions are insightful! We will give considerable praise to such employees! At the same time, we will give a lot of subsidies, because these are the foundation for the further development of the farm! We need to know more about ourselves, but there are some problems? We don't even know how to answer it! "

Ding Yu nodded! "We all work hard to achieve such a high level of work!" Ding Yu is very satisfied with this!

"Are there any other requirements for wages and benefits?"

"Every year, there will be quite a lot of statistics, which will be adjusted according to the changes of the market! Sometimes the growth rate will be higher! Sometimes the growth rate will be a little slower! However, we don't count on these problems. Generally speaking, after the head office has made a considerable investigation and research, it has made a considerable summary and then implemented it! "

"This is a deliberate report!" Ding Yu said jokingly! "The development of the farm still needs everyone's efforts! You are the most advanced people! For the development of the farm may have the most feelings, I hope you can put forward more opinions! More practical, for the future, for the family, for their own wages! I hope you can make more progress! Work hard

It's very simple, but it can move everyone, especially the people at the bottom!

Say other things for them, the role is not so big! Can not say that the bottom of the staff is Philistine, as long as it is ordinary people, are so! Ding Yu really knows this very well!

Therefore, Ding Yu has no strategic position, or big talk, no role, and even will cause everyone's disgust, so it's better to give you some of the most realistic and affordable!

As long as you do well! It's easy to raise wages!Coming out of the farm, Ding Yu and his party are also preparing for lunch. The reason why they are not on the farm is not to dislike it, but to make many people feel uncomfortable!

"Brother Yu! Is it a little too good for them? "

"All right?" Ding Yu's words are a bit like asking himself! "You! At a glance, I know that I have never experienced a normal life! If it's not for how many pieces of silver? Who is willing to travel? Who doesn't know it's better for a wife and a child to have a hot Kang? "

"No! Anyway, I haven't been bothered by such things since I was young! "

"It's a good thing! It's not a good thing! Sometimes it's hard to think and understand without personal experience, although you can think in a different position! " Ding Yu sighed a little. It seems that he remembered some things when he was a child!

"Forget it! Let's not talk about that! Do you know Chen long? "

"I've dealt with them. At the beginning, I deliberately came here to investigate some problems in the community. I'm quite interested in them. But I don't know how much I really know, but I'm quite interested in them! There is a certain friendship between each other! But there are not many deep friends! "

"It's different from your family! But there is considerable influence behind it. This time, it's not his problem! This is also the purpose of my coming down this time, Gao Changyu

When hearing this name, Meng Chong Leng for a moment, blinked his eyes!

"I've heard the name! It's said that he is very capable. I don't know the specific situation. I'll save it across the province! " It's impossible to say you don't know anything. After all, the distance between us is not as far as we thought! But to really understand, this is a bit unrealistic! "Brother Yu, come for him?"

"He has a lot of guts, and the problems he raises are also very big!"

"Brother Yu, did you make a fuss by yourself?"

That's what he said, but Meng Chong now knows Ding Yu's power and energy more or less, and can do it in person. It can be seen that this old Gao's troubles are absolutely extraordinary!

"I went to see Lao Gao and found other reasons! There's nothing to say about the ability! In fact, this time there has been an investigation team, and even an early entry. However, after arriving there, there has even been a situation where it is difficult to do anything! "

"I wipe! Is this guy looking for death? " Meng Chong's face showed a startled expression, "he's not playing with fire at all! It's self Immolation! "

"Whether it's self Immolation or anything else, it's hard for the investigation team to move. There are many other problems, which have caused a very bad impact! Take the normal channel, not to say can't, but will delay for quite a long time! And it will cause other consequences! The same thing can't have a particularly bad effect! "

"It's a little difficult! Unless it's all in one basket! But even so! Want to not make a particularly bad impact! It needs a lot of manpower! Material resources, at the same time, need to cooperate with a considerable number of aspects at the same time! "

Although he is not an official career, Meng Chong knows much more about the inner ways than Ding Yu!

This is also one of the reasons why Ding Yu deliberately took Meng Chong with him after he knew his situation!

"Have a look!" Then let the security take out a thick pile of text, so placed in front of Meng Chong! Meng Chong is a little silly, but looking at Ding Yu's eyes, he also nods to Ding Yu! Then read carefully!

It's a little long, about an hour! Meng Chong is just browsing a general!

"I'll do his uncle. Is this grandson too cruel? At the same time, there are some too greedy! This hand is out there! Don't he know what can and can't be done? He's got water in his head? "

Obviously, Meng Chong was not generally angry, even a little angry! How did you come out with such a thing?

"Don't be so clever! This time, we didn't tell outsiders. Although many people know it now, our name won't appear in the end! It's the same for you and me! "

Meng Chong took a deep look! "Brother Yu, I don't think there are too many problems in the big process. Now the layout should be almost the same! But the details need to be sorted out! But the investment cost is a little bit big! "

"Some people! Need to clean up, you are a rich idle person, but can't ignore everything, shut the door as what don't know! "

"Yes, brother Yu, you are giving me a chance! I can't lose your face

"Yes! Brother Yu Peeking at Ding Yu, he said, "in the morning, my third brother and Baoye called!"

"Why are they calling? What's the matter? " Ding Yu scolded! "You can learn what they do. If you have a chance, you can go and have a look. Don't get too much involved in other things. You can learn better, but you haven't learned all of them! Xiaobao, in particular, is very dissolute sometimes! Also, Wang Yang is younger than you! What's his name? Young! It's a good idea. Let me hear it again! I'm going to knock them on the head. It's not like that"Brother Yu! It's a joke! There is no time to take it seriously

Hum! Ding Yu takes a look! "It's going to be new year in a while! Do you have any plans at ordinary times? "

"Eat and drink! That's what happened! "

"If there's nothing wrong, come back with me! Come out so long time, also should go back to see parents, moreover is the child in the home also don't know can go back! They are quite crazy these days! "

For this matter, Ding Yu is more attentive, can not be attentive? If you don't teach one or two, who knows if these kids at home will go to heaven? Two said things! Or take a look, more assured! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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