Su Yuan naturally understood the meaning of her husband's words!

Throughout the eldest son's usual work style! It's always popular. There are few times when the spring breeze turns into rain!

But this time? After going down, quietly, basically can be described as this, this itself is a very abnormal thing! Think about it, I feel some numbness on my scalp! Too much foul!

My son! It's not that I can't do it, but I'm willing or not! If he wants to, he can show the heart of Bodhisattva, but if he really doesn't want to, it's the means of Yama!

There are really some people who don't understand! If I remember correctly, he should be a Taoist?! Why is there no Taoist way of doing things? What's going on? I feel very headache when I am a mother!

What's more, I have no way to manage it. How can I manage it? How old are your grandchildren? What's more, the relationship between him and his family is also quite delicate! What's more, they have done such a big family business, and the three families are all supported by others!

Under such circumstances, I really don't want to mention other aspects when I am a mother!

"Ah! He can do whatever he wants?! What else can we do? " From this discourse, we can also feel that Su Yuan's heart still has a lot of resentment, but this resentment did not directly vent out!

"That's too much! Boss, this kid! It's not convenient for us to ask about some things! What about his style of doing things? Because of his influence, he must be quite different from us! We can only seek common ground while reserving differences, but you don't feel it! This is also very good! We do our generation's things, they do their generation's things, too much interference, but there are some not so good! It's like a child at home! Just show a lot of attention! "

Speaking of this, Su Yuan showed a little interest! "If you don't, I'll forget! Today, the children are still video with me

"Is it?" Wang Changlin also has considerable interest, "what did you say? I'm a grandfather. They didn't ask, did they? "

"Forget no one can forget you!" Su Yuan snorted, a little angry to say! "I asked you to say hello! Let you pay more attention to your body! One by one, they speak very well! "

"I heard that! The performance is very good! Ding Yun is too naughty In this regard, Wang Changlin also has some headaches. It gives people a feeling that his eldest granddaughter is not like her father and mother, but some like his aunt. After all, Wang Li was in such a situation when she was a child!

"There's no harm in being lively as a child. Speaking of this, I'm worried about it. Wang An is very generous! Very calm, don't talk about Ding Chang! Before the boss said, his favorite is the badminton fan, I now found it! It's true, though it's fake! "

Does grandson have that strength and ability? Not at all! He has the power and the ability, but this is too similar to his father! My favorite thing to do is to be a pig and eat a tiger!

I like hiding behind my back! Then devise strategies!

As for Tong Tong? How to put it? It's a little quiet. Of course, it has a lot to do with the intelligence department! You said little transparent! Not all of them, but he's nothing? It's not right! A little power!

"I've heard that Xiao Gang has been working hard during this period of time!"

"It's exciting!" What are the reasons! "However, the eldest brother takes good care of him! Whether it is nanny or other aspects, are very detailed! But ordinary families can't afford it, even our families can't! "

For this, Su Yuan is the most touching! The annual expenses are huge! If this kind of expenditure is used on other children, it should not be a problem! Even more than rich!

Of course, the nature is quite different! Can't treat equally!

"It's going to be Chinese New Year in a while! Will they come back? "

"I don't know! It's hard to say! " It's really hard to say! On the one hand, several of their children have been out for half a year, so they are fighting outside. They must have a lot of missing in their heart, which is certain!

What's more, there are grandfathers and grandmothers over there! This matter can't be avoided at all! Hateful is his eldest son, in this issue, it is too eccentric! Hum! The more you think about it, the more angry Su Yuan is!

Ding Yu doesn't have so many worries here! Every day with Meng Chong and Dahong two people to inspect the farm work, all the way up there is a little bit of natural and unrestrained! Even there are some wanton!

However, in Meng Chong's view, his brother is more boring!The most common state is to hold a book in one hand, and put a computer and mobile phone on the desktop with a cup of coffee next to it! Even Meng Chong has some doubts! If there is no other thing to disturb, brother Yu can sit forever!

Maybe Meng Chong can do it in a day or two, but for a long time! Meng Chong feels that he can't do it! This is not even as simple as suffering! Fortunately, I still have a lot to do! For example, in the case of Lao Gao, since brother Yu has put the matter into his own hands, he can also practice his hand!

Anyway, there's brother Yu telling me the truth. I really don't have any fear!

As for the reasons? In Meng Chong's opinion, there are only two points. Brother Yu wants to see what his ability is? Moreover, after all, our own family is one of the most prominent forces of the Wang family! Although his father is not sure, but it is almost the same, so there must be performance at home!

And this kind of performance? Other people are not so suitable. I am one of the more suitable candidates!

"Brother Yu? Is there so much work on the farm? "

Seeing that Ding Yu had so much leisure, Meng Chong asked curiously!

Ding Yu shook his head! "Five percent of these are farm affairs, but they are basically in the general direction! Oranges and apricots are responsible for the main affairs of the farm, and even for the whole Asia! "

"I've seen one, but I've only seen one! A little sharp! Do things cleanly, even a little exaggeration! Don't we have mountain grapes here? I don't know, brother Yu, have you ever tried? "

Ding Yu is slightly absent-minded! "I tried when I was a child! It can make your teeth sour

"You don't see the introduced planting method. In my opinion, it's a little exaggerated! Even a little harsh! There is no way for the idle to start! How many grapes are left on each vine! How much has been exposed to sunlight, high and low density and so on! Even if it is to serve the daughter-in-law, there is no such exaggeration? "

"That's the point?" Looking at Meng Chong's misunderstanding! Ding Yu smiles, then explains! "I have a good relationship in Japan. I've been to Okayama Prefecture, and I've seen their QingWang grape and their planting methods! In our words, too exaggerated! The height of grape growth, structure! And so on control, absolutely does not allow any mistakes

"Brother Yu! How much labor does this cost? "

In this regard, Meng Chong has a little difficult to understand!

"It's expensive, just like some things in the farm! The way of planting is absolutely beyond imagination! There is not much difference between serving them and serving their ancestors! And you don't think it's expensive, because when it's quite a time, it's not available at all! Not many people in China have seen it! "

To this, Meng Chong has so a few toothache feeling! But still nodded in recognition! "Yes, I've been lucky to try it! It's like a bunch of mountain grapes growing on one branch! But even so, it's still not sweet, but the fruit wine is really tried at home! collection! The effect is very good! Anyway, I don't have to think about it! The one that can't get by at all! "

"I'm not so interested in wine. I have some treasures at home. Sorghum in the north is still very good!"

"Never tried!" For this point, Meng Chong really didn't know, even didn't know that there was wine on the farm! However, judging from his expression, he obviously has considerable interest!

Farm production, absolutely good things, this is what we all see!

"Farm welfare! Sometimes I will use some, but more often it is used to configure wine, in addition, it is basically welfare! The middle and high level of the farm like it very much! But they're all very small. They don't show up at all! "

"Mad, these guys! Too careful Meng Chong after hearing this matter, angrily scolds a way!

"The farm is still very good. There is quite a lot of vodka, and some of it is sent to the Kremlin! I have quite a personal relationship with the great emperor! Let's hunt together. If you are interested, I'll take you to meet him! "

"The great emperor?" Meng Chong pointed to the North! Obviously, there is considerable doubt about this!

Ding Yu nodded! "It's on maozi's side! There are also quite a lot of farms! The farm has a very cooperative relationship with them! But maozi is under the jurisdiction of Europe. Lily is in charge of it! So we don't know much about it in China! "

A conversation, let Meng Chong is very suspicious! But at the same time, I have a new understanding of my brother!

The farm is not only so simple in China, but also with maozi!

"They export, too? I haven't heard much about it? "

"It's too late for them to digest! Even import a lot of things from us! However, the cooperation between each other has started very early! Everyone's relationship is very good! I don't have much interest in other things! But this great emperor is quite in line with his appetite"Brother Yu, I'm very suspicious now. Is what I hear a fable?"

"No! I don't like boasting so much Ding Yu is very indifferent! I even had time to touch my moustache! My daughter deliberately asked, previously with her through the video, she let her performance a little bit more personality! It was like this when I was a child! I like to grow my own beard!

I don't know what's on my mind!

But her daughter's request, Ding Yu will try to meet! After all, my little cotton padded jacket, although sometimes it is black heart cotton, even there are some leaks, but it is absolutely unique!

"This NIMA is a little too much!" Meng Chong felt that he could not control his interest at all, so he began to use rude language directly! You look like that! I thought the domestic farm was already a giant! But did not expect, there are more powerful, even hidden up!

Ding Yu can not deny the smile, "the world is still very big! If you have a chance, you should go and have a look. Don't always stay at home and be a rich and idle person! You will see a different world, and you will also see a different self! "

For a long time, Ding Meng rushed down his head! "I used to think I was already in the sky! But now, I'm afraid it's not even a cloud the size of a finger! Brother Yu, do you think I'm a toad looking at the sky from a well

"No! At least in my personal opinion! But you are too lazy! It's going to be lazy! Personal feeling! You still need to take a break! It's a good thing, at least for your personal family heritage! Of course, this is just my family's opinion! "

"Brother Yu! I need to think about it! " This is no small matter! It's a big thing, even quite a big thing! Absolutely not say two words, can rashly promise down!

"Think about it while you still have time! After all, there is still a long way to go to solve Lao Gao! "

"Brother Yu! The performance of Lao Gao is very good now! It can even be described as excellent! The old man's ability and overall situation are revealed! I wonder how he got on this road at the beginning? Why can't you see it? Are there really some people who don't understand? "

"If it were you, how would you carry it?" Ding Yu stares! "In that position, there are too many helplessness and limitations! Lao Gao really didn't control himself! This is a very serious problem! In our opinion, there are so many pitfalls, but at this pitiful time, what he did makes people hate him very much! "

"Well, in such a position, the more capable a person like him is, the greater the harm he will cause!" Meng Chong, who has already got a good understanding of this, also shakes his head. "But if this old guy really takes a positive approach, it's really not difficult to deal with. It's not that he really can't deal with it. The impact is too bad! The result will also be very bad! "

"Yes! Brother Yu, I have a look. The development of the farm over there is very slow! The farm seems to turn a blind eye to this! Why? Is this old guy a little too dead? Everyone knows that the economic benefits brought by farms are huge! He just turned a blind eye? "

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing! Even put down the books in your hands! "It's normal! If you can earn a considerable profit, you can earn it. If you can't, it's meaningless to force! Why bother everyone? "

For this, Meng Chong looked at Ding Yu, "I feel a little tough!"

Of course, I can understand the meaning of the words! It's not that I really can't make it up, but there's no need! To be exact, some of you are irrelevant! If you are willing to cooperate with each other, if you are not willing to, then the well water will not violate the river water! If we really make trouble with each other, then I'm sorry!

In other words, if you don't do it, everything is easy to say! But really start! ha-ha!

Does the farm have such power? Do you need to say more about that?

Do not want to cause trouble does not mean that you are really afraid of trouble, or even does not mean that you do not have the ability to solve trouble!

So for Lao Gao's problem! The attitude of the farm is not to cause this trouble, or the farm has made a considerable judgment on Lao Gao very early! If you can develop, try your best to develop. If you can't, it doesn't matter! It's not that you can't live without me!

It can only be said that there will be a little impact! And this kind of influence for the farm, can be said to be minimal!

"Brother Yu! Do you think the old man will jump over the wall in a hurry? You know, he built a lot of relationships outside! I even have some doubts. I'm already ready to retreat! "

"Where are you going?" Ding Yu snorted with disdain! "Do you want to give him a pair of wings, maybe the effect will be better?" In this regard, Ding Yu has endless confidence! Under such circumstances, if he can really disappear, he will really admire him!"Well! I'd better not look at the Three Kingdoms, but worry about the ancients! "

"What about the problems at home?" Ding Yu asked a rare question!

"How are you! These guys want to die, no one has any way! Maybe their reasons are very good! " Meng Chong spread out his hands, "but some things can be done, but some things can be done in their identity, and they can't be forgiven!"

"After that, if you have time, go to the capital! Meet my father! After all, your father is not so convenient! There are some things I can't handle! You can handle it yourself

Meng Chong didn't refuse! Because this kind of thing oneself can't refuse at all!

Even after brother Yu expressed the meaning of this aspect, he should do the preparatory work in this aspect! But before going to the capital, I still need to clean up my backyard! At the same time, firm the fence! If you can't even deal with such things, then you don't have to go to the capital! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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