"Old Tang? Is the injury better? "

Gao didn't come alone, but his son didn't go upstairs. He was in the car at the bottom of the building! Of course, this is also the meaning of Lao Gao! Now this time let Tang Shi see his son, his mood will not be particularly good! That's for sure!

Tang Shi gave up his position. As for his wife, Tang Shi didn't mean to let her out!

It's always like this. There's nothing strange about it! There is something wrong with my arm, but I can still open the door!

"It's a little late!"

"A little gift for you!" Gao Changyu put the things in his hand at the door, which was just two packets of tea! There are really no other things, but the cow leather bag on the tea box is still very eye-catching!

After coming to the room, Tang Shi walked in the front position, Gao Changyu followed, and two people walked into the study one by one! A little bit dim! Tang Shize took the initiative to take out an instrument from the bookshelf and put it on the desktop. Gao Changyao also took out an instrument from his pocket with a smile!

"Lao Tang, as for being so careful?"

Sitting on the chair, Tang Shi didn't say a word! Just looking at Gao Changyu!

"You shouldn't be here now. What's the matter?"

Tang Shi's voice was a little dull, even with a considerable refusal, but he didn't show his emotion directly! But it seems very unfriendly already!

But Gao is very satisfied with Tang Shi's performance. If Tang Shi really smiles at him, he needs to think about whether Tang Shi has any other reactions and actions!

"What do you think of this time! Director Liu shangliu has left! He went to the provincial capital? The noise is quite big, this thing even beyond my expectation! I'm a little bit out of touch! "

Gao Changyu's feeling is not very good! On the one hand, it's because my deployment is seriously disrupted! At the beginning, Liu Shang did a lot of preparatory work, and even sent a lot of heads to Liu Shang, which even caused serious dissatisfaction from many people on his boat!

Just be pressed down by oneself! But who could have imagined such a turning point?

"What else?" Tang Shi frowned and said!

"What's more, there are quite a few vacant places in the provincial capital this time. How do you think about this time?"

"Not right!" Tang Shi shook his head directly! Whether you are on Ding Yu's side or not, now you have to consider Gao Changli! Otherwise, it's very easy to show up. For myself, I can't let go if I grasp Ding Yu's thigh!

"The provincial capital is no better than here! At least stay here! You can sit! But I went to the provincial capital! Let's not say that you and Chen long have the same power! Even if there is no contradiction and entanglement this time, they will think that you robbed the position! What's more, judging from their judgment, Chen Long's power has not been seriously damaged! If you insist on going to the fire pit, I think you'd better solve the problem here first! "

"What do you mean?" Gao Changyu's face was a little embarrassed. "Do you mean things here are still unfinished?"

"I have limited information!" Tang Shi took a look at Gao Changyu, and he just analyzed it based on limited data. As for whether it was right or wrong, it had nothing to do with him! "Director Liu? It's very fast! I didn't prepare at all before! Is that possible? "

For the judgment of the Tang Dynasty, Gao Changli nodded! If there was no preparation at all before! Will it advance so fast? It's impossible! There are people in it! So I know quite a lot of news!

"Director Liu has gone! Even took a lot of people away! What do you think of it? "

"Aren't some people left behind?" Tang Shi gave a cold hum!

In fact, Tang Shi was very clear about what Gao Changyu wanted to express! Now that you've sent some people to the gallows, what? Now I can't bear the pressure! Since we choose to do it, we should do it in the end!

Gao Changyu's expression suddenly became a little fierce. "Lao Tang, how do I think this idea is mixed with some other problems?"

It's obvious that Gao Changyu is just suspecting that Tang Shi deliberately set up a trap for himself!

"This is the best opportunity and the most rare one. I missed this opportunity! There is no second chance! At least now there is the outside world! Even if we take some drastic measures, at least the control is still in your hands, not in director Liu's hands, but you are free! The choice is up to you! "

For Tang Shi's words, Gao Changli's eyebrows beat twice! For other things, I really don't care so much, but I'm really moved by the change of exclusive control!Don't you know the problems and conditions on your ship? I know, but all the time, I don't have many good ways! To a certain extent, he was also coerced! It's just going with the flow!

But now? Here's the chance! Just like Tang Shi said! Take advantage of this opportunity of director Liu shangliu! I'm hard at it. Director Liu has already made a start for me! Then the next thing is easy to do! Although may encounter considerable problems! But so what?

"Old Tang, there are still some problems! Contradictions are not so easy to solve! At least we need to give them a lot of sweets! At least we should attract a group of people up to now. They are the main force on the ship. Everyone can have problems, but they can't have any problems! "

Tang Shi frowned! "I didn't think of a solution to this! These guys are very greedy, want to let them raise the knife in their hands together! It needs a lot of benefits! But as far as the current situation is concerned, if we do this, I think they may point the knife at you! But the same! Don't solve the problem now! It's the same as burying the mine again. If there is any other situation, it can't be controlled at that time! "

"Don, what do you think of moving? You can't go to the provincial capital, but there are other cities in our province, which are very good in terms of scenery, culture and so on! "

For this problem, Tang Shi considered a little time! Didn't give Gao Changyu a reply immediately!

"Not a good choice! But we need to prepare a way back! "

It's obvious that Gao Changyu can hear the hidden meaning of this discourse! In other words, now we need to prepare another channel! "Why do you say that?"

"Who knows if director Liu shangliu is really making a mystery? Can you promise? " Tang Shi took a sarcastic look at Gao Changyu! "No one dares to make a guarantee in this respect. Judging from the current situation, we are the chicken and the people in the provincial capital are the monkeys! But there's another situation to consider

"What do you mean?" Gao Changyu can't help but move his body forward!

Tang Shi couldn't help humming, "director Liu's work here can be said to be impossible! Even up to now, even the so-called thread ends have not been sorted out! If it were you, what would you think about it? Don't you think there's something wrong with it? At least in my opinion, there is a problem, quite a big problem! It doesn't mean there is no problem if there is no problem! Even there is a big problem hidden in it! It's just that you don't give out the message! "

Hearing what Tang Shi said, Gao Changyu couldn't help biting his back teeth! For this point, I really feel quite depressed, and even have some remorse!

Because after director Liu came, he made quite a decision! Because at that time, I was very worried that I would expose quite a lot of things, which made it difficult for director Liu to move! Although later sent some heads in the past, but it also offended Ding Yu!

Who knows so much will happen in the future? What's good for NIMA to say?

Is it that you don't do things carefully? Or is it too cautious to do things by yourself?

"I know a man with a lot of energy! Power can be said to be particularly extensive, with the farm has a great relationship! What do you think? " Now at this time, Gao Changyu suddenly said an interesting thing!

"Stupid!" Tang Shihao scolded him impolitely. He didn't pay attention to Gao Changyu's anger at all!

"What do you mean? Do you think he has quite a purpose? "

The expression on Tang Shi's face expresses his own irony! I don't even know what to say for a moment! But Tang Shixin is very clear and understand, Gao Changyu a little flustered! This is absolutely a good thing for myself, and it's also a great thing! I'm really happy. I can't be happy any more!

Soon, Gao Changyu responded! "You mean, we can't reach it?"

"I don't know what the relationship is like, because I didn't participate in it personally, so it's hard to make this decision! But I want to ask, why? The relationship between them has become so familiar that we can have no scruples about it? "

Gao Changli thought about it and couldn't help shaking his head! "There was a lot of contact, but there were some waves in it!" Then Gao Changli also told the whole story to Tang Shi! Don't hide too much now! Because it doesn't have much meaning!

What's more, in his own understanding and understanding, how much Tang Shi knows will not have much influence on him!

Tang Shi said that he really didn't have any resentment towards himself! Gao didn't believe that, but he believed that Tang Shi was a very smart man! He knows when and what to choose!

There is also a point that I believe in the Tang Dynasty, that is, for so many years! Does Tang Shi really have no chance? That's a little bit uncertain! But Tang Shi is very understanding of propriety! Do you feed him with yourself? Or is he waiting for a fatal blow? For Gao Changyu now! unimportance!I've been on guard for so many years. When it's time to make a decision, I won't have any hesitation. It's certain! But now is not the time to make a decision at all! At least in the Tang Dynasty, there is no such need!

If we start with Tang Shi now, we are destroying the Great Wall!

"I think it's a little too much for granted! The relationship between each other has not even been able to achieve the level of testing, let alone what the so-called trust! If Ding Yu wants to say that he trusts you now! I think it's a pit, and it's a huge pit! Give me a personal feeling! Now even contact this one! I'm afraid it's still unknown whether he will answer your call or not! "

After thinking about it for some time, Gao Changli felt that there were some secret sighs in his heart, if there was no Chen long! Then there are some possibilities between each other! Although he made use of Ding Yu, at least he saw his ability! But who ever thought, originally can hold the thigh the opportunity, was born to the disaster fell!

So now after the analysis of the Tang Dynasty, Gao changfan also uncovered the shame cloth, that is, he may feel that he left a considerable impression in Ding Yu's heart, and even fantasize that he can rely on Ding Yu's thigh! It's just an illusion! There is no function and value at all!

"One more thing, I think it's necessary to be on guard!"

"What do you mean?" Obviously, Gao felt that there was something in Tang Shi's words!

"As far as I know, our relationship with the farm is not as good as I think! To be exact, the relationship between you and the people on this boat and the farm is very ordinary! Even quite a lot of people can't talk to the farm! It seems that the farm has never meant to move closer! "

This is to let Gao Changyu's heart out to the end! When the farm came! Because the people behind them are too greedy, for them, the farm is not only a fat sheep, but also a big fat sheep. Such fat sheep are still kept for the Spring Festival! Let's have a taste!

At that time, Gao Changli already felt that the guys behind him were a little greedy! However, due to the interests of the people are too moving, I also open one eye and close one eye! Not too much attention!

Another day! Today's fruit!

After the preliminary completion of the framework, the farm was extremely indifferent to the city, especially its own side! To a certain extent, everyone is irrelevant! For this! I even used some other means and methods!

Of course, the farm is not really a little ability and power are not!

Later, everyone stopped, but this relationship is really a bit awkward! Now think about it, there are really some regret should not have been! Why can't you control your desire at the beginning? There are also those people and forces behind themselves! How can they be so short-sighted?

The whole city, together with the province! All have been affected by this!

Over the years, has the farm really had no opinions or ideas at all? No one mentioned this aspect before, and I haven't felt it yet! Now the Tang Dynasty naked tore open his front of the fig leaf, Gao Changli just suddenly found! I seem to take it for granted!

But now it's too late to say regret! Think about it, many people around you! Don't you really understand this? Since they understand this, why has no one ever mentioned it to them? What kind of psychology and consideration did they come from?

Fortunately, I came to see Tang Shi today! Otherwise, you still can't jump out of this pit?!

It's obvious that some people or forces behind them want to stay in this pit! For them, there is a shelter in front of them, which acts as a shield for them! Even if something happened! They can also throw themselves out! Because the weight is heavy enough!

When he thought of it, Gao took a deep breath! Then a smile of indifference! Take the cigarette out of your pocket! On the point of self-care to their own, and did not want to pass the meaning of tobacco to the Tang Dynasty!

Although Tang Shi also smokes, he is not well now! Of course, there is another reason, that is, there are some distrust between each other!

It's ridiculous to say it, but it's the reality!

"I take some for granted!"

It's not easy for Gao changfan to say such things! But for the Tang Dynasty, it's just a matter of fact! It's no big deal! I won't interfere with Ding Yuda's plan, but in the process, I can adjust it on my own!

He has been "shut down" by Gao Changli for nearly 20 years! What kind of taste is that? Only Tang Shi knows best. How can he be reconciled if he doesn't let Gao Changyu be locked up all his life?But the more time it is like this, the more cautious and careful you need to be. Can Gao Changyu run? I don't have any worries! I must nail the last nail on the coffin! Let him never turn over!

Kill Gao Changyu directly! Such a thing can be done! But I don't understand my hate at all!

So we must let Gao Changyu know the power of it! Don't you always visit yourself? I will visit him then! After all, they are old friends!

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