"There are a little more things! It will take quite a while

"But it's better to hold on! At least don't give Chen long any chance! Even if they're not mad dogs now, they're still showing up! And you are the best target! Liwei's best choice! If you can't move others, can't you? "

The Tang Dynasty is not salty and bland! And Gao Changli heard what the Tang Dynasty said! His face is even more black! I really have no way to deny this! After all, my ass is not as clean as I thought!

And when director Liu shangliu is here, it can be said that he can't do anything!

Although the original goal may not be their own! However, if Chen Long made efforts, Liu Shang had quite a lot of opinions and ideas on his own side. Under such circumstances, Gao Changyu really had some shivering feelings!

"I'll go back first! You should rest early, too

When I got up, I seemed a little anxious!

Tang Shi blinked his eyes! Follow Gao Changyu to get up together! When he came to the door, Gao Changyu looked at Tang Shi again! A little sharp in the eyes! "Pay more attention to rest! Don't be too tired! "

For Gao Changyu's concern, the Tang Dynasty did not have too many words! But also did not want to refuse the gift of Gao Changyu! It's a little loud when it's closing! When he heard the sound of closing the door, Gao couldn't help laughing to himself!

Back to the car, the smoke is a little big! When Lao Gao saw this scene! The expression on the face is not so pleasant!

"Dad! Don't you give me face Xiao Gao's voice seems to be a little blunt! "We took time and effort to send him to the capital? He doesn't even give that face? Do you want it? "

"Nonsense!" Gao Changli said with a heavy reprimand! "You can't have any problems at home first! You can also call Lao Tang. Don't let me hear such words again! "

Hearing what his father said, Xiao Gao knew that there must be a good negotiation between them! Otherwise my father would never have said that! Think about it, for so many years, Tang Shi really didn't let people down! But he never gave himself any good face, even never gave Lao Gao any good face!

Fortunately, his father is more nurturing. If he were his own father, he would have slapped his face a long time ago!

Xiao Gao is not very interested in Tang Shi, but Tang Shi is in a higher position in his father's heart! So I really dare not do anything to Tang Shi? And what about the old man Tang Shi? Too low-key! Even an invisible man! Even if you want to tease him, you can't find too many opportunities!

Can't block his door directly! If that's the case, then he may be crazy output at home. For this, Xiaogao still has a very clear understanding!

What Gao Changyu didn't expect was that he just went out and turned to the Tang Dynasty to sell him! Tang Shi recorded everything and passed it on to Ding Yu's security. The security also passed the news on to Ding Yu at the first time! After Ding Yu saw it, he handed it to Meng Chong beside him!

Meng Chong watched for a while, "brother Yu! Is this a deliberate teasing of Lao Gao? This guy is in the trap now! And the rope around the neck has been tightened! Even if you want to escape, there is no way

"I have to say! Lao Gao still has considerable ability. It's definitely not easy to break this barrier! And this internal barrier has not been completely broken now! Since Lao Gao is willing to do it by himself, he saves a lot of trouble! "

"That's true! In terms of ability, it's really a unique one. Not many people can compare it! Even after I have seen it, I can't help feeling! Brother Yu! You said if he put all his energy and ability into his work, what will his future look like? It really makes people feel so much

Ding Yu was a little absent-minded, then shook his head, "I don't know! But if he put all his energy into his work! I'm sure he's a wonderful guy! No one? After all, there are quite a number of defects, everyone has! You have! I have the same! "

For this point, Ding Yu will never have any denial!

"It's like I've never been in charge of the farm! From the beginning of the establishment of the farm, until now, I have not been responsible for specific affairs! Because I'm very clear, I can't deal with it at all! I have no such ability! I also lack the ability to help in the general direction, that's all! "

Meng Chong felt that he had some toothache. During the time when he was with Ding Yu, he had a very detailed understanding of Ding Yu's situation. He really didn't see Ding Yu deal with the so-called cumbersome things! Quite a lot of things have been handed over to the people below! As for the following people how to do, Ding Yu did not want to care!I told quite a lot of things, I need a result, as for how you go to complete, that's your business!

You need support, you need understanding, no problem! My absolute support, also gives the biggest understanding!

To a considerable extent, Ding Yu is responsible for adjusting the direction! That's it! For the following people to give the maximum tolerance! It's like yourself! After giving Lao Gao's story to himself, besides asking about some specific directions, is there any other way to get involved? Almost no!

Even how does Meng Chong want to play? Fine! Although it is said that there are some exaggerations, it is absolutely not too much!

Would you do it yourself? Dare you do that? It's impossible!

As for whether intentionally let oneself carry a pot? At the beginning, Meng Chong really had some opinions and ideas in this aspect, but soon he felt ashamed for his idea! Even some of them dare not see Ding Yu! How can these dirty ideas come out of my heart?

After waiting for almost three days, Ding Yu called Meng Chong in the early morning!

"I thought you would finish this time and then go to the capital! But I want you to make a front stop at home! " Ding Yu slightly picked the corner of his mouth! Obviously, I'm a little dissatisfied with this! But the dissatisfaction belongs to dissatisfaction, Ding Yu will not have too many refusals, there is no such need!

"Go now!" Obviously, Meng Chong has no preparation for this!

"I don't know!" Ding Yu shook his head! "I've never been so clear about things at home! I seldom ask! So what on earth is the family looking for you! Or don't ask me! There's no difference between asking me and asking the deaf! "

It is obviously impossible to get any clues from Ding Yu!

But Meng Chong got on the plane for the first time and came to the capital with Dahong!

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao picked up the plane in person! "Third brother! Lord treasure For Wang Yang and Xiaobao, Meng Chong is still very familiar, habitually yelled! Wang Yang smiles, but Xiaobao gives Meng Chong a direct blow to his chest! Let not guard Meng Chong direct is a falter!

"Ah! Only now do we know that you are absolutely playing the role of a pig eating a tiger

"No!" Meng Chong quickly admit his mistake! Are you kidding? What kind of status are these two in the faction! Don't you know? Even more powerful than I imagined! You should know that they are absolutely the same as the God of wealth! At least among the forces behind it!

Don't pretend to be a little transparent like yourself in front of them! Easy to be struck by thunder!

"The boy is not honest? What shall we do? " Wang Yang said jokingly!

"Just give him a treat in the evening!" At the beginning of Xiaobao, there was still some seriousness, even some indifference, but the next second, it was already broken! "I've called the housekeeper and got some good things from him! I'll bring it by the way later! It's said that there's a lot of money left! "

"Blessed are you Xiao Bao slapped Meng Chong again! "I really lost my eye before! I didn't see that this guy could hide and endure so much! Mad, I feel like I have some mental retardation! "

Hey, hey! Meng Chong suddenly smile! "In front of you two, I am a little brother!"

"Forget it! Still trying to cheat us, don't you Xiaobao is very impatient to say! "We are brothers, OK? If you keep saying that! I look down on both of us

To this, Meng Chong feels a little helpless! But I really don't know how to handle it!

Soon everyone got on the outside car, a slightly ordinary business car! At least give the feeling of the public outside a little bit more common! Even when I got on the bus, I didn't feel too luxurious!

"I want to help you today, but the situation is a little special. My father may be able to come back in the evening! So go to big brother's house first! We both borrowed your light today? "

"Can't you?" Meng Chong didn't really understand this! So very surprised asked! "I'm with brother Yu. I feel that brother Yu is still very harmonious! I also talked about you. I don't think there's any problem! "

"Hi! Don't blame the second sister! But for the second sister? " Xiao Bao wants to talk, but he seems to have some worries and fears! Obviously, Wang Li is not the general fear!

Wang Yang is smiling! "When the second sister is free, she often goes to harm Siheyuan! Plus some other reasons, so the gate of siheyuan is always closed! Not everyone can knock on the gate of siheyuan! "

After listening to this explanation, Meng Chong was a little silly! "No way?! I think Wang Li is very good! "

For this point, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao both look at each other with a look at each other! I'm afraid only the two of them know how evil the second sister is! They can be said to be bullied in turn, but also changed the way to be bullied! There's no way!"It's a sad story!" Xiaobao said wrongly!

"I brought some small gifts for the children! It's not something valuable, it's produced at home! Some of them borrowed the light from the farm When he said this, Meng Chong didn't have any shame!

The so-called ceremony is not strange to many people! You can't come here empty handed! That would be a little too outrageous! There are also some too do not know etiquette!

Come to Siheyuan, Wang Yang and Xiaobao lead the way! But even so, when I came in, I went through a very strict inspection! It doesn't matter who you are? What does it have to do with Siheyuan? It doesn't matter! If you dislike it, just don't come in! Siheyuan is really ignored!

Before entering the courtyard, Meng Chong still had some vision! But when he really walked into the courtyard, Meng Chong found that his imagination was too thin!

Inside and outside are two worlds, OK? It's not to say how luxurious the decoration is! On the contrary, the layout here is very low-key! But it's an illusion of being in the fairyland! Feel like taking a breath! Can live a long life!

"I wipe! What is this? " No two steps, looking at the big tortoise on the lawn! Meng Chong almost picked it up!

Walking in front of the housekeeper looking at the big turtle, it is not so much surprise! "What a tortoise miss has

A brief introduction will do! Soon everyone came to the small garden! If you are outside, you will definitely feel a little cool at this time! But it's as soft as spring here! How to do it! unclear! But it's no ordinary way!

"I'm sure I'm not dreaming, but sit here! How can I feel like a paradise! "

"Ha ha! You must not be dreaming He picked up the cup and motioned to Meng Chong! After trying, Xiaobao felt that there were some pitiful things to say! "From the farm! I also went to investigate! Mahler is a chicken! I need to be fully armed! It's hard to go in and have a look! I really have some doubts. Are they a kind of fairy grass? "

"If you can, don't drink it!"

For the two people who are in love with each other, Meng Chong is an agreeable smile! There are not many other words! After all, I don't know much about such things! But I also have quite a feeling!

in terms of relationship, the relationship between Wang Yang and Xiaobao and Ding Yu must be closer than that between them! I'd better think about what kind of consequences I will have if I make a lot of comments here!

For Meng Chong's conservative, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are also helpless! Two people tried many times, but this guy just giggled. What's the feeling? It's just a Muggle, which is very similar to big brother!

I was absolutely cheated by this guy in the past! But it's a little impossible to find this place now! What's more, this guy's style of speaking is very strict. He inquired for half a day, but he didn't find out what he was doing with big brother!

But after Wang Li came, she didn't have so much politeness. She was very direct and grasped Meng Chong's ear! Not at all! Looking at the next two little guys is also a burst of silly eyes!

Clean ran to the two uncle's side position, but looking for comfort to go! My old mother is really a little grumpy!

even began to make complaints about their uncle when he was holding their uncle. But obviously it won't work!

After trampling Meng Chong, Wang Li sat on the throne! Not at all!

"Sister! Why are you free! And bring the two of them with you? "

Wang Li looked at her two sons, and the two little guys caught their uncle for the first time! When Meng Chong saw this scene, he couldn't help biting his back teeth!

When I was young, I was punished by Wang Li! I'm a little older than her, but there's no way for this sister! This was the only favorite at home at the beginning! It's not an ordinary bully!

And look at today's situation, it seems that there is not much change in temper! I'd better take it easy!

"There's something wrong with my father-in-law's health! To find a doctor to prescribe two pairs of drugs! So come and have a look! "

Wang Yang is peeked at the location of the door, and then whispered! "The housekeeper agreed? But it's not easy! She didn't block you out! I've heard that you fell in love with an oil painting before! "

"How do you know?" Wang Li is very curious about this!

"Don't trouble big brother's courtyard!" Wang Yang felt helpless about it! "I've heard about the airport before! Besides you, who dares to stop the things in Siheyuan! And it's the blatant one! I've asked. There's nothing particularly valuable in it except the oil painting! ""I just want to borrow it and have a look, that's all!"

"Sister! Do you believe that? " Wang Yang sighed deeply! "Fortunately, our father and mother don't know about it. Please stop!" Take a look at Meng Chong next to him! "What's more, Meng Chong is here for the first time. You make his heart a little more stable, right?"

Although there is considerable dissatisfaction, but Meng Chong is new, so Wang Li decided to give this face!

"Brother Chong! Not tonight! I am busy! These two days, I invite you to dinner! That's the decision! "

It doesn't give Meng Chong any chance to refuse! What can Meng Chong say? Can only nod with a smile!

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