When he came to the Wang family, Meng Chong first met Su Yuan! Su Yuan looks at Meng Chong. He is very enthusiastic!

Even pulled two on his face“ It's the little fat man who feels good! "

Meng Chong is very helpless about this! Even need to smile to! Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are speechless. There is no fat man at home, so Meng Chong is special!

However, looking at their mother's appearance, they really want to try their hand. It's just that the time is not right!

"Auntie, it's so unexpected! I didn't bring anything else! Elder brother asked me to bring some things here! "

"Don't mention him!" Su Yuan glared! Obviously, there was some anger“ Don't do that next time! If it's like this next time, don't say I'll shut the door for you! "

Meng Chong nodded immediately! How about next time? Next time! Anyway, let's go ahead this time!

"It's good at home?" Looking at Meng Chong nodding, he also asked him to sit down! The topics of conversation are basically about things at home, and even some things when I was a child! At this time, Su Yuan will never talk about work! That's not something I should have mentioned!

I have been waiting for Wang Changlin to come back and have a meal together! A little bit simple! But Meng Chong is really no so-called cautious and careful, eat a lot! Wang Yang and Xiao Bao both show their teeth. This guy really doesn't regard himself as an outsider!

But it's good for this guy to play himself! I really think of myself as a pig! For this, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao both have some root itching! The time of being cheated is a little too long! Of course, there are some discomfort in my heart!

But now is obviously not the best opportunity! So wait! Anyway, there's plenty of time!

Meng Chong followed Wang Changlin into the study together! With Wang Yang and Xiaobao two people are also together into the study! Su Yuan sent the fruit and left! Close the door by the way!

"I heard the boss is very busy over there!" If Wang Changlin has a point to say!

Meng Chong considered a little time, then shook his head“ Uncle Wang! If you are busy, you are not so busy. You usually read books! Take care of the farm and other things! "

Wang Changlin naturally understood what he said! My eldest son is not so interested in investigating this matter! To be exact, he has done quite a lot of work, at least the rest can be done when the water comes to the canal!

What I am interested in is Meng Chong's answer, which is very interesting! This little fat man is very honest, but if he is not honest, he is also very dishonest!

"So he left it to you! It's bigger than dim sum

"Uncle Wang, I just want to help brother Yu fight! Do something smart! " When he said this, Meng Chong was very cautious and careful! Because I'm not sure about the relationship between Uncle Wang and brother Yu now!

There is also Wang Yang and Xiaobao next to him, looking at his eyes, jealous! Even very naked! This is slightly exaggerated! I didn't do anything, OK? I am passive!

"He! Ah Wang Changlin sighed! Then he looked at Wang Yang and Xiaobao! Slightly shook his head! It's not that Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are not good enough! But it's quite far from the eldest in the family, but what can I do? Boss has no interest in things at home!

"Uncle Wang, brother Yu is still very concerned about the family!"

"That's what you say!" Wang Changlin couldn't help laughing! Such things don't need to be taken seriously at all! But Meng Chong is really good! But the time that rich and noble idle person is a little bit so long“ Where's your big brother? What do you say? "

For this problem, Meng Chong thought about it for quite a long time, even finished smoking a cigarette! Meng Chong has not continued to speak! Wang Changlin looks at Wang Yang and Xiao Bao beside him. They can sit well, but they do well!

"Uncle Wang, brother Yu asked me to think about it for a while!"

It's not Meng Chong's intention to fight against Wang Changlin. It has nothing to do with this! I also understand the idea of Uncle Wang, but I also need to let him know some of my ideas! Seeking common ground while reserving differences!

"I talked to Ben about this! It's similar to Wang Yang and Xiao Bao! "

Hearing what Wang Changlin said, Meng Chong was greatly relieved“ Uncle Wang, I'm still quite different. I'm just a rich man! It's still a toad watching the sky! No! I can't catch up with youWang Changlin is to point Meng Chong with the hand“ No wonder the boss can take a fancy to you! In all these years, few people have been in his favor, and few people have been valued by him! "

Speaking of this, Wang Changlin sighed a little“ Speaking of it? Wang Yang and Xiao Bao have been instructed for some time, but the boss doesn't take them at all. To some extent, it's because of the family! Another reason? The two of them are not qualified enough! So far, can be appreciated by the boss, and has been the boss to bring in the people around! It may be exaggerating to say the number of one hand, but two hands are absolutely enough! "

Then Wang Changlin refers to Wang Yang and Xiaobao“ The two of them are probably the most powerful! "

"Dad! It's embarrassing for me and Xiaobao to say that! "

Looking at his father's eyes, Wang Yang said with a smile, "the person I'm talking about, brother Chong obviously won't know! But I can tell you something about it! His name is Hou! A seemingly ordinary person! Affiliated to the Department of information management, big brother took him for quite a long time! If I know right! He should be the one with the longest time! But give me a personal feeling! He should be the most valued person by the eldest brother, except for the king

Then Wang Yang looked at his father. Do you have something to say?

Wang Changlin nodded his head slightly! It is necessary to disclose some things to Meng Chong!

"Big brother is a man with some contradictions! He is the most praised thing, has never been a consortium or farm and other aspects! Although these played a very important role! But relative to big brother for talent training! It's not worth mentioning! "

"The cultivation of talents?" Meng Chong seems to suddenly understand! Why did you come to the Wang family!

"Yes! The cultivation of talents Wang Yang is very affirmative answer, even can't help scratching his hair“ What a pity! Not many people can be valued by big brother! It's like we found big brother at the beginning! Let big brother cultivate a group of people and so on! This is how many years ago! It doesn't have any relationship with the family. There are different people here! The first people? There are not many people, more than ten! But there are only four people in the second echelon! I remember it seems that this number is quite different from the quality of the first batch! But now the performance is particularly outstanding! "

Wang Yang didn't mention what kind of people they were! It's not that he deliberately ambushed Meng Chong. He can know such things! There is no need to make a special understanding. If Meng Chong has made a considerable understanding, it will have a considerable constraint on him!

"But the time they took with them was not long. They just gave a lot of guidance! But this guide is slightly exaggerated! Anyway, Xiaobao and I, even the people who know this! All extremely jealous! These guys are so lucky! Some people want to be crazy! "

Meng Chong smiles in return! I feel that I have come into contact with quite core things! I'm afraid that's also the reason for my father's side. If it wasn't for the transfer of my father's work, I would never have known this!

Of course, the biggest reason is that I follow brother Yu. This is the most important thing!

Even in order to prevent other accidents, the Wang family immediately dragged themselves over for fear that other people would have any ideas. Meng Chong has a very clear understanding of this!

But this just makes Meng Chong have a new understanding of Ding Yu! After all, this situation is too special! Even to a certain extent, this is a secret message! Of course, the secret refers to a certain extent! Can't know! The limits of openness are a little high!

If it's not because of the family, even if it's because of brother Yu's love for himself! I will not come here!

But what is the purpose of brother Yu's taking such a way? Is it because of three families? Or a test for yourself? This is very important to Meng Chong! Even with Meng Chong now is considering this matter!

"Uncle Wang! Brother Yu has given me some time to think about it! "

oh It was Wang Changlin's turn to be shocked“ I didn't think of that. It seems that he has made quite an arrangement for you? "

"No?" Meng Chong shook his head“ There is no arrangement, just let me have some sober understanding, but this kind of understanding let me have a little fear, but also let me have a little sober! It's hard to say what kind of sentiment it is! Even I don't know how to judge it

Wang Changlin heard Meng Chong say so, suddenly he laughed! It's a bit of fun! Obviously Meng Chong's understanding is wrong! Now he is totally in the wrong area!Boss, this guy! It's really harmful! Obviously, Meng Chong knows too little about it! So caused a considerable miscarriage of justice!

After laughing, Wang Changlin couldn't help shaking his head and said with a sigh“ You! Too little to know! And you're wrong! I didn't mean to pull you in! And Wang Yang and Xiao Bao two people, now in addition to want to beat you, I'm afraid there will be no other idea! To a certain extent, I will compliment you! "

Ah? Now it's Meng Chong's turn to be surprised! Looking at Wang Yang and Xiao Bao, they look depressed!

"Uncle Wang, what's this all about?"

"Someone who can be valued by the boss! It's too short! Even those who can get his guidance! It's also rare, there are so many pitiful! So many people, just like taking care of their own lifeblood! Although so say, have so a few vulgar! But that's the reality! " When Wang Changlin said this, he also shook his head!

"Uncle Wang, how can I feel like I'm listening to a story?"

"If you don't go too far, I'm sure everyone will agree with you! Even if you are to be a rich idle person, there is no problem! And these things will never happen to both of them! "

Obviously, this refers to Wang Yang and Xiaobao!

"Uncle Wang, I don't seem to have so much value! At least I didn't feel it myself

"Too many eyes on you! Because you are not married now! believe me! After you walk out of this door, there will be countless people coming to ask for marriage, and even your parents will find it hard to refuse! "

For this, Meng Chong couldn't help laughing, a little embarrassed!

"What if you have a girlfriend? Hold on tight! If not, you don't have much choice in this matter! Because at that time, even if it is me, there is no way to refuse such a thing! At that time, there will be countless suitable candidates for you, do not make it like Xiaobao, procrastination! It's not like that

Xiaobao spread out his hands, such a thing involves himself, really good?

"Uncle Wang, am I so hot? I feel a little scared! There are even some worries! "

"That's not seeing anyone else! It's even more exaggerated than you think. You think the reason for coming here is for the family! On the surface, that's the reason, but in reality? Because of yourself! Keep calm when it's time! It's important to you! "

Meng Chong took a deep breath“ Uncle Wang, I suddenly found that I was thrown into the pit by my elder brother! "

This time, we all laughed, and even laughed so wantonly!

Wang Changlin also spread his hands“ Your big brother! How to say this? Quite a time, the more evil taste! I can't say whether it's good or bad! It's hard to be too clear! But I believe that this test is not a big deal for you! okay! You know everything you should know! Let Wang Yang and Xiao Bao take you out for a walk! You can't let go at home, either! "

Meng Chong was almost dragged away by life and death!

When Su Yuan came in, he took a look at the layout of the room and asked the attendant to clean it!

"How do you feel about the little fat man?"

"Better than you think!" Wang Changlin's eyes are very bright“ If it wasn't for the boss to bring him to the side, even if he stood in front of me now, I almost didn't feel out! Maybe it's because of personal character, but there are too few people who can be valued by the boss, or even take the position around them in person! "

Su Yuan's heart is also moving“ Originally, I thought this little fat man was very cute! But really did not see that he had such a side! How on earth did our boss get it out? What does Benqing mean? It's also what they mean by Meng Er Ye. I know that Meng Er Ye has a good relationship with the boss! "

"Impossible! Look at our boss, when will he do favoritism for such a thing! If Meng Chong is a little bit of the so-called small ability, believe me! The boss won't even see me! Even if he is Benqing's son, it will not play any role! For this point, I am more confident! "

After all, it's my son! Wang Changlin's heart is still very clear and understand!

He may be unconscious, but as time goes on, he must have other ideas! That's for sure!

We can't do too much interference in this matter at home! Because if there is too much interference, there will definitely be the so-called adverse effect! It's like the echelon! When do you see your eldest son do anything? Not at all!"What's your personal opinion?"

"It doesn't matter! It doesn't work! You didn't see Meng Chong's performance! Absolutely Acting! But you can't see any trace. No wonder it hasn't been revealed for so many years. Our boss's eyes! There is really no one else! "

This word has endless emotion! Do you know how many people and forces are watching!

But who can really come up with a way, or play a so-called role? At least not so far!

Can only say that the boss is too casual! And the way it adopts is too personal!

After so many years, no one can really grasp the vein of the boss! But it is absolutely impossible to let everyone give up just like this! Don't even think about it!

That is to say, Ding Yu is a little uneasy. Besides, the gate of siheyuan can't be opened several times a year. Otherwise, what do you think?

Dahong, who took the key to the car, didn't know, so! Meng Chong was pushed into the car!

"Two brothers! I'm still foggy! "

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao looked at each other“ I said brother Chong, this joke is so big! See you! You can't think of a place to live in now, except for big brother's courtyard! "

"Can't you?" In this regard, Meng Chong did not have too much doubt, but felt more shocked!

"I really thought I would take you out. Don't look at the joke! Even if my father doesn't break my leg, I believe people behind me will beat me. Even my mother can't recognize me. That's for sure! Even my father and mother should be the first to start. Such a joke is absolutely impossible

"So! Am I being shown now? " Meng Chong felt a toothache for a while!

"I don't know, but if you don't go out, people will have some other ideas. That's for sure!"

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