The situation is quite different from Meng Chong's expectation! In the evening, I came to a guild hall! And it's still tea! It's a bit out of date! But there are really many people!

But they are basically the same age! After coming, smoke a cigarette, have a cup of tea and introduce each other! That's it! There is no other program, but everyone's eyes to Meng Chong are so different!

"How do I feel like a monkey in the zoo?" To be sure! Meng Chong deliberately touched his face“ Although there is no mirror, I think my face must be similar to monkey's butt! "

"Brother Chong! You can say such words, I don't even know how to describe it! " Xiaobao looks at Meng Chong. The more he contacts, the more he discovers that Meng Chong is different from what he thinks about! The so-called face with pig like, heart loud and clear! Absolutely the best adjective!

"It just feels strange! A lot of them! Even quite a lot of people are unattainable! But the way people look at me? How to put it? envy! envy! There are still some strange things! Just like the lady who just came here, I have some doubts! If you're not here, will she eat me directly? "

Meng Chong looks scared! But why is this fat guy so obscene?

Although this may be a common disease of men, but you should not be so obvious, right?

But for this fat man, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao both have a new understanding!

Although we have known this fat man for a long time, our understanding of him is too superficial, at least in the past. Now we really need to know him again!

"I said, brother Chong! Are you the same in front of big brother? Just a little curious! "

Meng Chong's mouth has so many impulses! Knead quite a long time, this just speechless say“ To a certain extent, I am looking forward to staying with my brother, but he is too boring! read a book! Play handlebars! Then deal with the business! Usually when eating, is not so fastidious, do not drink! Smoke occasionally

Hearing Meng Chong say so, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao both burst out laughing, and even took the initiative to shake hands with Meng Chong! Feel the same way! If that's how they feel! That's all! But what about today? Finally, someone is like them!

Big brother! Sometimes I really don't know what to say!

But it's a little strange that everyone will feel that the eldest brother is quite boring when they are quite, but all the children, one is one! For big brother are not generally like, and even have some dependence! There are so many reasons that don't make sense! What is the reason?

"That's the end of the day! Those big guys won't end up in person, but you should be the one on record now! " When he said this, Wang Yang had a little envy“ But tomorrow, I think we should do some preparation work! Even now, someone should have said hello to Uncle Meng! "

"My business?" Meng Chong pointed at himself?

"Don't worry! I believe uncle Meng will not be confused now. My father will definitely contact uncle Meng after we leave! After all, you're here about this? There are still some quietly! At least that's on the surface! " This is a bit too contradictory! But this is the reality!

Now at this time of Meng Benqing can be said to be a face of ignorant force!

Although the Wangs said hello to themselves! But I really don't have such preparation! The phone is coming one after another! And all of them are big guys! If it's business, I can be better!

But the problem is that it's not business at all, OK? All of them were introduced to the son of his rich and idle man! Even if you don't like it, it doesn't matter! If you have any requirements, just ask! It doesn't matter! As long as you can promise to come down, as long as Meng Chong can see, everything is not a problem?

In this regard, Meng Benqing is at a loss! What kind of situation is this! Did your son set up the satellite? If not, why do so many big guys call! Look at your wife! She didn't get there!

The son of his own family, to say guilty of peach blossom! Not really! But to say that he is honest, it seems that he is not as honest as he thought! But the performance is still good! But that's all! But look at the situation! There is a big deviation from my expectation!

Until the next morning, Meng Benqing also generally knew what happened!Meng Benqing didn't react for a long time. He looked at the milk in the cup, and then at his wife!

"Do you think this is true?" Meng Benqing still doesn't believe it“ Is that son of a bitch in our family so popular? How do I feel a little unreal? What's wrong with that? "

"What's wrong, I don't know, but I know you're going to lose your soul!"

Meng Benqing Leng for a while, then helpless smile up!

"You don't know what happened last night! My ears are still buzzing! " When talking, the phone reminds me again! Look at the call prompt, it's from Beijing! I don't know who it is!

The interval of half an hour, finally stopped! Look at your cell phone! The power is not enough!

"What's all this called?" Meng Benqing slightly fidgety said!

But the next wife directly exposed him, "are you sure you're not happy! If the corner of your mouth cracks again, then the back teeth are about to leak out! I think you'd better consider Meng Chong's problem! "

Happy, not two minutes of Meng Benqing once again have some melancholy! This is definitely not a happy thing!

Looking at the time, Meng Benqing also connected his son's phone here!

"Meng Chong, wake up?"

"Dad?" Meng Chong shook his head! Wake up“ Too many phone calls in the morning! The whole person is a little confused! I'll have dinner with my second grandfather later! "

"I got a little more calls in the morning!"

Obviously, Meng Benqing meant something when he said this! I've been like this! You are still sleeping in! I can't stand it! What have you done! Let's hear it?!

"Don't mention it! Dad! I went to see Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang yesterday! Mentioned something about big brother! okay? I'm a bit dull all over! Never thought big brother was like this! What we see is the tip of the iceberg, not even a drop in the ocean! "

"Isn't a farm?" Meng Benqing asked a rhetorical question!

"It's just revealed! Dad, the farm is not the only one in China! I've heard elder brother mention this! But I didn't hear about it in other ways! It should not be the cause of message blocking! There are still some things that I may need to verify! Only then can we know the specific situation? "

Meng Benqing was obviously shocked by the news for a little time! For themselves, the farm has been a giant! But from his son's words, we can clearly perceive that the farm is just something on the surface, and it's still nothing! This is a little exaggerated!

"What are you going to do about it?"

"I don't think I'll stay here for too long! Maybe I'll go back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow! Big brother, there are still quite a few things! You can't just let big brother alone! That's not easy to explain! "

"Well! I know! "

Then Meng Benqing put down the phone! There is no need to say more about what should be said, at least not on the phone! What should not be said! There is no need to say more! Anyway, all the things we should know have been understood! For Meng Benqing, that's enough!

Meng Chong went out of the courtyard to see his second grandfather! The distance is not so far!

When Meng Zhiyuan saw Meng Chong, he was quite surprised! The whole person's expression is so dull!

"Little nose, when did you come? Why don't you say hello? "

Meng Chong came in and looked at his second grandfather! Put the prepared things at the door“ It was a little abrupt when I came here! It's not from home. I came here yesterday! "

"Quite suddenly! Come in For Meng Chong, Meng Zhiyuan still likes it very much. As for the things he brought, he didn't take it as a matter! As for Dahong, the old man looked at him for a while and nodded at him! Very satisfied with the appearance!

Dahong looks at Meng Zhiyuan with a smile! Obviously, I'm not familiar with this old man!

"What's going on? So suddenly? What's going on at home? "

"There's nothing at home!" Meng Chong explained“ It has a lot to do with brother Yu! " Meng Chong explained quite a lot! Meng Zhiyuan blinked his eyes at most!

I've been waiting for Meng Chong to explain! That's the nod“ I didn't expect that Mr. Ding would approve you so much! Your boy's fortune is really good! I'll take care of that! "For his second grandfather's explanation, Meng Chong touched his own face! Two grandfathers are so old! This dough is really good enough! At least I feel inferior to myself!

"Second grandfather, I feel a little exaggerated! Since last night, until now, my phone has not stopped! It's the same at home! " When he said this, Meng Chong looked at his second grandfather with some complaints!

"Don't be in the middle of fortune, you little boy Meng Zhiyuan scolded“ I know Mr. Ding because of Wang Li! I work at the museum! Over the years, a lot of things have been donated, and they are all boutiques! Later, I learned that Mr. Ding got all these things back! But Mr. Ding doesn't have much interest in it! Plus Wang Li's reason, so the hand is very loose, also thanks to the housekeeper, otherwise! Hey

"Second grandfather! How can I hear you say that? A little different? "

"I admire it When Meng Zhiyuan said this, he showed great respect“ Even if you look at history, you can do it! It's one of the few! Even if those things were put in the museum! It's also a heavy product. If you put it in your home, it's as rich as the enemy. It's no exaggeration! "

"As far as brother Yu is concerned! Seems to be able to describe it like this

"Shit! Some things can be made, but quite a lot of things can only be aftertaste, just like donated things! It's not money at all! of course! There are a lot of things in Siheyuan! " When he spoke, Meng Zhiyuan looked at Meng Chong and said, "you don't have to think about it!"

"I didn't dare to wander around when I went into the courtyard! What's more, the place always feels a little chilly. I can't tell why it looks like. Dahong feels the same way! "

Looking back at Dahong, I found that his figure had already disappeared! Meng Chong wants to show his teeth, but he doesn't dare to be presumptuous in front of his second grandfather! You can only hang your head down!

"Second grandfather! I still do not understand, I am a rich idle man! What does brother Yu like about me! I always doubt it! Family? No! I'm still very clear that there is not much influence of family in the whole faction! Or is it inheritance? "

After hearing this, Meng Zhiyuan couldn't stop laughing!

"You really think of yourself as a treasure! Too much for granted

Meng Zhiyuan waved his hand“ What is the inheritance at home? I know better than you, but these are not attractive to Mr. Ding! At least not as attractive as you think! Because Mr. Ding's inheritance is longer than that of his family! Do you think Mr. Ding will lose the watermelon and pick the sesame? "

"Brother Yu said that if possible, he would like to learn from it?"

Meng Zhiyuan nodded“ It's in line with his character! The decision of this matter is in your hands. If you want to, let him have a look. If you don't want to, forget it! Mr. Ding will not be angry with you because of this! I won't be upset with you because of such a thing! I can tell from what you said that you still don't know Mr. Ding very well! "

"Second grandfather, do you understand?"

"Not so much! But still know some! But no one can fully understand this Mr. Ding! " Meng Zhiyuan pointed to the sky, "if you really know too much, someone will come to you! Don't say it's at home then! Even if you count me in, it doesn't work! "

"Second grandfather! I heard that brother Yu has a good relationship with the emperor over there! "

"Is it?" Meng Zhiyuan shook his head“ I don't know about this! However, there is a 90% possibility. It seems that I have heard one before! The farm produces a lot of vodka! Some old people in our hospital studied there when they were young, so they have a little interest! "

"The farm seems to be a little big. I don't know much about other things except that we produce some grape wine there! At this point, the farm's sense of confidentiality is very strong! "

"The wine you sent me?" Meng Zhiyuan nodded“ Tried! just so so! But it's not my dish

It's very straightforward, but it also agrees with Meng Zhiyuan's character“ I think Mr. Ding's liquor is very good! But you don't have to think about it! As for your grandfather? There should be! I'll give him some! "

"I never heard of it

"Too little!" In this regard, Meng Zhiyuan also felt that he had some toothache, "I still worked for Mr. Ding several times, only to pick out some from the housekeeper's hand! If I was alone, it would be better, but there are too many people! These old guys! There is not a good faultIt's really not that Siheyuan is stingy. It has nothing to do with this! The main thing is that there are a little more good things in siheyuan! When we choose, we also have considerable difficulties! For example, some precious drugs! For example, some special things and so on! Usually, I can't find it in the world!

Under such circumstances, what should we do? Can't it be like a glutton?

What's more, Siheyuan is really so annoying? Don't make such a joke! All along, Siheyuan is very kind. Hello, I'm good, everyone! But if Siheyuan really turns over, not many people can have a better life! That's for sure!

But so far, it seems that there has never been such a situation in siheyuan! But no! Does not mean that it will not really appear, this is two things! We must distinguish them!

"That's understandable! But second grandfather, you are too much! Such a good thing, did not want to inform me! I still followed brother Yu for a little long time before I knew! I've sent you all the good things in my house! "

Listening to Meng Chong's complaint, Meng Zhiyuan let out a cry“ Don't do that to me! You little monkey's ass pouts, and I know what kind of shit you want! It doesn't make any difference to me! "

"Second grandfather! Is this really good for you? Too much? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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