"Second grandfather, now countless people come to me and my family? You don't have any news? "

Obviously, Meng Chong doesn't believe it! Even has quite does not understand and doubts!

Meng Zhiyuan's smile“ I haven't heard anything about it. After all, my situation is different from yours. Your situation is a little different from mine, but I don't think it will take long! But it doesn't make much sense, at least for me! "

"Second grandfather! Why don't you think about it! Isn't this a little bad? "

For the second grandfather's answer, Meng Chong is a little depressed!

"I've already let you in? What else do you want? " Meng Zhiyuan snorted, "get out of here, where are you going?"

Meng Chong looked at his second grandfather, and then he was thick skinned with a smile“ that 's ok! Oh, I see! I just came to see you! I'm relieved to see that you are in good health! After going back, I will explain to my grandfather and father! If there's anything wrong, you call me! And the second grandfather! If you have something good, don't eat it alone! Think of me at that time, and I won't let you suffer! "

When speaking, also take out a cigarette from the bosom! Meng Zhiyuan was stunned!

"I'll go? Can you get this good thing? "

"Brother Yu didn't go home before! You may also know that the relationship between father and Wang family is extraordinary! Brother Yu is not willing to pay attention to other things, but he still gives a gift to the door! I only have two, and I have nothing else to spare! "

Meng Zhiyuan's smile“ You little boy! that 's ok! It's still a little measured! I know! "

After he left from his second grandfather, Meng Chong went back to Siheyuan! How much do you want to understand now! But brother Yu's trial! I really don't know what to say! It's not depressing! Just a little skeptical! Is brother Yu so sure?

If you say you can't pass this level, what will happen?

For this point, Meng Chong is still a little chilly! However, there is really no resentment. For myself, if you can break through, you can see a new world. If you can't break through, just continue to be your own rich and idle person!

Even if it is to break through! Can also continue when the rich idle people, but the future of the sky is not the same!

Meng Chong, sitting in the courtyard, looks up at the sky with white clouds! I really want to touch it! Under the different sky to see the scenery, if it is not the same!

When Wang Yang and Xiao Bao arrived, they looked at Meng Chong, who was sitting there looking at the sky. They looked at each other!

What is the situation of Meng Chong? Stupid? I feel a little different! Overjoyed? It seems that there is no such possibility! If you are overjoyed, you will never be so lazy in front of you? And the handle in his hand? What is the situation?

How to make people feel! Meng Chong at this time is different from what he saw yesterday!

It's a bit unclear what the reason is?

After waiting for quite a long time, Meng Chong reacts. Looking at Wang Yang and Xiaobao, Meng Chong gets up slowly! Smile to Wang Yang and Xiao Bao! Until this time, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao felt that Meng Chong in front of them was a normal person! At least it doesn't look much different from yesterday!

"What's the matter?" Xiao Bao asked with a little concern, with concern and incomprehension in his words“ How do you feel a little bit out of your mind all of a sudden? I'm not so happy, am I? "

"All of a sudden, I felt some melancholy, and I couldn't tell what it was because of? It's just a feeling! "

Xiaobao's expression is so speechless“ I said brother Chong! Why do you feel like a big brother all of a sudden? This is a good thing, but now you give people the feeling! A little sad! You look up at the sky! Neither of us dare to disturb! I'm afraid something will happen to you! "

"Ready to go back!" Meng Chong suddenly said“ I have visited Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang! Also went to see my second grandfather! There are not many things to do next, so I'd better go back quickly! I'm still waiting there, big brother! "

"Come back in less than two days? Brother Chong! It can't be that we didn't entertain, OK? "

"That's a bit too far away! Even some hurt feelings! I've seen all the people I should see! If you don't know the good or bad, I'm afraid some people should have opinions! I'm just a toad watching the sky! The so-called toad jumps on his back and doesn't bite people, but he responds to people with a diaphragmFor Meng Chong's performance, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao both took a breath of cold air! Originally, I wanted to take Meng Chong out to see, but I really didn't think about this aspect!

Two people have not thought about this problem, at least not at this stage, but Meng Chong has started to do this plan, and even has implemented it! From this, we can see that there are differences between each other!

Originally, they thought Meng Chong was a pig and a tiger! In addition, I really did not find the advantages of Meng Chong! I really don't know what elder brother likes about him? But now two people have not so to see!

"I think it's necessary to explain to the second sister!"

"I've already called!" Meng Chong nodded for sure“ She loves the things she brought here! "

After all, they have a lot of things, there is really no way to delay! And I called in advance! So there is no such thing as pigeoning! We can understand each other! If it's because of such things, Meng Chong has no way!

"So the family already knows?"

Meng Chong felt the handle in his hand and nodded“ Originally, I wanted to stay two more days. Now, I'd better hurry up?! Who knows if there will be such a thing as catching son-in-law? I'd better forget it! They can't go to the hall at all! So it's better not to be shameful! "

"We have done a lot of preparation here! Even prepared some special gifts for you? "

"Is that what you think it is?" Meng Chong suddenly said with a pig face!

See Meng Chong this appearance, Wang Yang and Xiaobao two people suddenly smile, smile is wanton! It's no big deal at all, and the closer they are at this age, the closer they are to each other!

"Ah! Leave it to next time! Next time, you must have a good try

Send Meng Chong to the airport on the road! Wang Yang let people bring a lot of things!

"I know you often send things to Xiao Gang! I'm a father. Sometimes I don't care as much as you do! "

"That's a bit out of the way!" Meng Chong's expression is very serious“ I have discussed some things about Xiao Gang with my elder brother! Originally, I didn't know that Xiaogang was deliberately cultivated by big brother, but I knew that Xiaogang was here! It's just a child! So bring something to eat and drink! I have nothing else with me! At most, sometimes I'll play with you, and you'll only lose. I'm a rich and idle man. I have that time, but Xiao Gang is a little busy! "

"My question! What a mistake Wang Yang sighed“ I also know that Xiao Gang is under a lot of pressure! Who can't help him? Can only be pressed on him? "

"A little insincere! I hope my son will be treated like this in the future! But that's probably not going to happen! " Meng Chong's eyes are full of envy“ In the same way, I really have some fear! I'm really scared, especially after I have made a lot of contact with Xiao Gang! I shudder after seeing it. If it's me, I can't insist on it! "

"Many people have said that to me!"

"Is that how big brother always trains children?" Meng Chong showed his teeth“ Anyway, looking at Xiaogang and other children, I always feel that there is something wrong with it! And it's quite a problem! "

To this, Wang Yang's expression is a little bitter! I'm very proud of my son! But there is a little helpless!

"That's my own son and my brother's own nephew! But big brother's children are always like this! Do you think you can see the problems and the situation alone? Let's put it this way! I don't know how many people have realized the problem, but even so! Want such a person! Not only no less! It's even like a dream

"It's worth the cost to understand whose children can become like this!"

"I can't afford it!" Wang Yang can't help shaking his head“ Our family can't afford it! "

Meng Chong suddenly turns his head and stares at Wang Yang's expression! You can't afford to support a god of wealth like you. Are you kidding?! If even the God of wealth like you can't afford to support him, who else can?

"Do you know the jade family?"

"How can you not know? Their family has been a little quiet in the past two years, but they have a solid foundation

"As far as I know, their family also inquired at the beginning, and their children also joined in the preliminary audit, but it didn't work. Most of the children in the first level couldn't pass, very few! There is nothing to say about being able to become a considerable elite in the future, but if you want to get into the big brother's sight, you are still a little worse! ""I don't feel how picky big brother is! Not really? " Meng Chong thought about it for a while, and then began to organize his own words again“ It's not that big brother is different. How to describe it? Big brother is so monotonous! Or it's hard for anyone to get into his mind! It's a surprise

Sitting on one side, Xiao Bao didn't speak all the time, but he was crying! Even heavily patted next to Wang Yang's thigh! Wang Yang is also painful grin! This asshole! Is it really good to be so deliberate?

"I knew someone would say that again!"

Wang Yang rubbed his thigh“ Next time you pat your thigh, OK? Also, you are sure that big brother will not trouble you after he knows about this! I will never give you an endorsement! You have to know that! "

"I don't think so!" Xiao Bao's smile“ But big brother is really boring! We are both his brothers! You talk about big brother! Practice martial arts at ordinary times! read a book! Then play with the string! by the way! Another thing is that I like to do surgery! I'll be in the hospital when I'm free! "

After that, Xiaobao spread out his hands“ I even have some doubts! If it wasn't for big brother, they all had children! " Said, but also deliberately made two gestures! You all know that!

Looking at Xiaobao, Wang Yang has a headache! This guy is so unscrupulous! Is that really good? If you really care about it, no one will be able to run at that time!

But think about it carefully, if you put it on someone else's body! It's really a serious thing, but it's not a big thing when it's put on my big brother! Because my big brother really doesn't care about it!

So quite often, Wang Yang also has some who don't know what his eldest brother thinks!

It's like in the capital, there are plenty of people who resent big brother, and even some of the time they talk so ugly! Very harsh! But big brother never did anything! Although these words are mentioned in secret! But from the perspective of big brother's power, it should not be difficult to eliminate them!

There is also a big brother like to play with those wooden beads, when Wang Yang is also very like! But Wang Yang liked it at that time because he was really poor! What can be done? Even if you are a favorite sister at home, it's just bright on the surface! Just like now, I also like wooden beads and hand strings, but they are all aloes and strange Nan and so on!

But what about big brother? Still those ordinary beads that can't be any more ordinary! So it's hard to understand what big brother is thinking!

Can't big brother afford to play? Not really! Courtyard collection? Let oneself see of all have so some dazzling, but big brother basically don't how to touch, also don't know big housekeeper collect so many actually is for what use?

But one thing is for sure! At least at this time, big brother doesn't have any interest in those! Will you be interested in it in the future?! From my understanding, it's hard to say! Anyway, I will not do this aspect of the guarantee!

"I heard that big brother's children have gone out!"

"Hi! Don't mention it! For this matter, there are so many unhappy people at home, but the big brother has made a decision, and it's hard for anyone to refuse anything! However, from the current performance of these children, are very good, there is one in Beijing! But his identity is really too special! Anyway, there are some of us who don't dare! "

"Not this time! I'm empty handed! It's not like that! There is also the sister-in-law side! It's not convenient for me to go there, either! " When he spoke, Meng Chong put his hands together and made an apologetic expression to Wang Yang! I come here at a bad time! Even before I wanted to find such a chance to speak, there were so many difficulties!

After he came, he went to the Wangs, and the rest of his time was basically being a monkey! Under such circumstances, it is absolutely out of line to mention these things!

So I can only take advantage of the road to go back, mention this thing! After all, mentioned, there will be no estrangement! If we say that because of this thing, Wang Yang and Xiaobao are left with something unpleasant in their hearts, and the gain is not worth the loss!

Wang Yang is to point with the hand!

"Xiaobao, what should we two say?"

"If you go back and complain, we will not spare you! That's for sure Xiaobao rubs his fists and hands. If Meng Chong doesn't agree, he'll be ready to do it the next moment!

All the way up, everyone talk and laugh! Waiting for the plane to take off! Wang Yang and Xiao Bao just left the airport!"What do you say?" Wang Yang looks at Xiaobao with a serious face! It's not the same as before!

The expression on the small face is a little twisted“ This guy is really quite different from what he saw and what he saw! Big brother let him come, absolutely not let him see the world so simple! How could he not have seen such a world! I think this should be a test given by my elder brother! "

When speaking, Xiaobao is hard to lean back his body!

"Who do you want to argue with?"?! Now I can say that I am extremely depressed! It was our people! OK or not? We feel that we have seen through other people's internal organs! But it's just like jumping out of a crack in a stone! Brilliant debut! Let everyone have some. How can we describe it? "

"I don't know! Anyway, I feel a little depressed now! "

Xiaobao wants to laugh, but then her expression turns“ But there's a problem! That is, it seems that we really have some slack in the past two years! This can not be denied! Isn't it? "

In the face of Xiaobao's words, Wang Yang wants to refute, but really can not find any reason to refute!

"If you look at it in this way, brother is really carving with one arrow! Let the people behind see Meng Chong's potential, at the same time warned us, and even let Meng Chong himself make a considerable choice! Of course, that's what I see now? As for what is hidden behind this? I really don't know! "

"That's not what you and I can understand!" Xiaobao spread out his hands, for his big brother! There are some fears, but they are definitely not so serious! But respect is absolutely from the heart! There is no doubt about this!

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