Meng Chong back to the speed is very fast, there is no stop on the road, directly came to Ding Yu's body!

Aiming at Meng Chong, Ding Yu starts to deal with the documents inside! For Meng Chong's return seems not so concerned! Even pointed to the next table! Look at the file on it! Meng Chong bit his back teeth!

It's only two days! So much information has been accumulated, brother Yu! Are you really that funny?

Although things are dominated by me now, it seems that you were in charge of all of them in the past?! Are you so relieved?

However these Sao words, Meng Chong has no way to say directly! Or pressure in the bottom of my heart! That would be better! After Meng Chong finished sorting out all the documents, he stretched out a lot!

"Brother Yu! That's a little too much? " Looking at Ding Yu's indifference! Meng Chong is a little stingy“ I feel Lao Gao is in a bit of a panic! Now it's time to start dealing with your own assets and make a big move! From the information we know now, let alone his life! Even if it is his son's next life, there is no problem! "

"What do you think of it?" Ding Yu is very cold words!

"Obviously, Lao Gao has realized quite a problem! Although it is under some kind of guidance! But he already knew the strength of it, but the more it was, the more flaws it revealed! Anyway, this rope is about to strangle him! "

"It seems that you are a little upset about going to the capital?"

For Ding Yu suddenly changed the topic, Meng Chong can say what, slightly point a head! It's an expression of my attitude! It's not bad, it's just a little surprised! That's it!

"In fact, I'm not happy about it too!"

Looking at the talking Ding Yu, Meng Chong thought about it for quite a long time, and then asked tentatively“ Brother Yu! Is it because it's revealed? "

"To be specific, too many people put their eyes on me, which makes me very unhappy!" Ding Yu didn't mean to hide his thoughts“ Are these guys really idle! Why are you staring at me all the time? "

"Brother Yu! If so, it seems that it's my turn now! " In this regard, Meng Chong looked at Ding Yu rather bitterly“ I also want to be a rich and idle person. When I'm free, I can live on a few acres of land! If there was a fat girl and a dog, it would be better! Now it's all in vain! "

"Is it?" Ding Yu gave a cold hum“ After seeing quite a lot of world, it's almost impossible to return. At least it's impossible for you and me at this age! Now that we are under heaven and earth, we need to do something! Ah Finally Ding Yu sighed heavily!

"Brother Yu! I'm in a bit of trouble now! So many eyes focus on my body, although I am not a scum, but self-evaluation, I do not seem to be good there! Under such circumstances, will it be too eye-catching? "

"My family called me and asked for my opinion! I don't have any personal opinions! "

"I don't seem to have seen my sister-in-law!"

Ding Yu looks at Meng Chong suspiciously! Why did he say such things“ She's not in China! Have their own stand! I don't mean to pay attention to quite a few things! But at the beginning, I didn't say hello to my family! Even the attitude of the family towards this is so ambiguous! " To this, Ding Yu cold hum a!

Get it! Hear elder brother say so, how can Meng Chong not understand? Although I didn't fall out with my family, it should be one of them! But what kind of things are involved in it is still unknown!

Although I sometimes have some gossip, but what should be involved, what can be involved, I still know very well, so there is no need to erect my ears at this time, there is no benefit!

"Big brother! Will it have any other impact on the current situation? " When speaking, also pitifully looked at Ding Yu, has no way matter, own small arm calf! Really, if something happens, it will kill itself. That's for sure!

"So? What do you want to do with it? " Ding Yu suddenly looks at Meng Chong! It's a little bad!

Brother Yu! This seems to have some unreasonable, right?! At this time, Meng Chong is really suffering!

"Brother Yu! Lao Gao has become so noisy now! Why don't you give him some sweet taste? ""The matter of Lao Gao has been handed over to you. How to deal with it is your personal matter, which has nothing to do with me, so don't think about it on my head! Otherwise, I won't leave any face

"Brother Yu! It suddenly occurred to me! There will be a regular auction here! I think you will be interested in brother Yu! "

Ding Yu read his memory“ I seem to have heard about it! A party for some mountain people! I don't know much about the specific situation. The housekeeper has some contact with them. The relationship between the farm and these people is very good! They have a special pass to the farm! Even some of them are forest rangers on the farm! "

"Yes! They'll have some parties when they're equal! There are still a lot of things produced! Occasionally there will be quite good things! "

When speaking, Meng Chong specially looked at Ding Yu! The expression has explained everything!

Ding Yu is a ha ha smile“ Meng Chong, what do you think of the farm's salary? "

"Very high!" For this matter, Meng Chong still has a considerable say“ It's the busy season of the farm! Other industries even have labor shortage! i couldn 't help it! Because the level of wages is there! Even now, even if the salary is increased, the effect is not as obvious as expected! "

"Cut the farm's salary in half?"

"I think they will still choose the farm!" In this regard, Meng Chong has a considerable understanding, so the speech is also very direct!

"This is just a mutually beneficial process! The more they earn, the more I earn! The less they earn, the less I earn! It can't be said that the dragon has gone to heaven! Don't pay attention to the snake into the grass! Otherwise, there will even be some bad things to meet in the future! Even when we met, there was some embarrassment! "

Ding Yu has said so frankly! How can Meng Chong not understand?

Obviously, the farm didn't mean to block all the roads! Even deliberately opened up some roads! Protect! Research! And so on, so that all people will not feel like a dead end!

Is this a good way? From the current point of view, the effect is still very good! At least Meng Chong didn't feel that there was any big problem! Anyway, a lot of good things have been revealed in recent years! The farm still played a positive role in it!

But don't think farms are really vegetarian! Work within the reasonable range! Everyone can understand each other, but you are beyond reason, so sorry!

The farm will definitely let you know what is cruelty! What is blacklist! What is to call every day should not call to do not work!

Don't block all the roads! Give quite a living, this is Ding Yu's attitude! But this way of giving does not mean laissez faire! This is two completely different things!

Meng Chong is thoughtful“ Brother Yu! If we travel, will there be other accidents! I'm really afraid now! I really have some worries! "

For Meng Chong's words, Ding Yu's mouth has so many twitches!

Fortunately, the next moment, Meng Chong left! Otherwise, Ding Yu really can control his temper! Is this deliberately playing tricks in front of you?

After walking out of the room, Meng Chong took a big breath!

"Dahong, do you feel that the past two days are really some dreams?"

"The dream didn't feel it, just felt some big gasps!" Dahong went back to talk seriously!

Meng Chong's eyes are a little blue. He takes a look at Dahong. This guy has never changed. It's still the same as usual! In my opinion, he should also float! You can't just float! I really want to find someone! At least when they float up, together with! In this way, we can disperse the firepower to each other!

But Dahong is good! He is floating up, he is like a stone! But this is also very good! Even if they float up! At least there's a rope on the ground! In this case, they will not float without a trace!

At least I have a guarantee! When I think of these, Meng Chong is also so lucky!

But at the same time, Meng Chong has some doubts. At the beginning, did brother Yu already see this? After all, the previous scene, for themselves, is the calendar in the purpose!

At the beginning, brother Yu's first eye should be Dahong, right?!

It's not that I have any so-called doubts about Dahong, which has nothing to do with it! What kind of eyes and eyes does brother Yu look at Dahong directly? In this regard, Meng Chong has considerable doubts and confusion!At lunch time, Ding Yu has no difference with the usual time!

Not much to eat! But Meng Chong is used to it! I didn't have much curiosity. When the phone rang, Ding Yu looked at the communication prompt and blinked! Stubborn expression has been quite loose!

Meng Chong caught the expression change on Ding Yu's face for the first time! Although there is considerable curiosity! But I don't think now is the best time to ask questions! Even with a look at the sign! Do you want to leave!

But there is no response to Ding Yu!

"Dad?" A lively and lovely figure appeared on the screen!

Ding Yu's expression is slightly different! Sipping your lips! Looking at Ding Yun's hair, I didn't know what to say for a moment! Like a tomboy again!

"Did your mother see your new head?" Ding Yu felt that he could not help it! So I asked directly! It's really short! You know, Tai Xi always hoped that Ding Yun would be a lady!

But it's obvious that you can tell from her hair how wild she is now?

"See?" In this regard, Ding Yun said, "the weather here is a little hot! If my hair is too long, it's not good for my activities. If I tie my ponytail for a long time, it's easy to lose my hair! "

Meng Chong's eyes lit up when he heard the conversation!

Ding Yu turned the screen here“ Say hello! This is your uncle Meng Chong Meng! Grandfather Meng and your grandfather are colleagues! "

"Hello, uncle Meng! I'm Ding Chang

Looking at the tomboy on the screen, Meng Chong can understand why Ding Yu had such an expression before! But looking at Ding Yun in the screen, I feel that the little girl is very young and beautiful! Confidence from inside to outside!

What's more, I didn't say that!

The only thing I can't see is that at this age, it's hard to make this judgment!

"Hello! I'm Meng Chong

I have a brief introduction! Ding Chang is not introverted at all!

Ding Yu turned the camera here“ You should have lunch over there, right?! Let me guess, you must have something wrong! Say it! If it's OK, you will never take the initiative to make this call? "

"Daddy! Do I look like this? " Ding Yun laughs!

"So? What do you want me to say? " Ding Yu snorted, "I don't know? However, as far as I know, you have visited me in turn. You should know that there are many industries of your aunt! Take your time! Even if I don't report the same situation to your grandfather and grandmother, I believe your aunt will never let you go easily! "

Ding Yun breaks the Gong immediately! Little face like rolling!

"It's not fair!" Think of the tragic experience that may appear in the future, Ding Yun can't help shouting!

"The place is your own choice. You can't blame anyone else for that!" Ding Yu directly blocked the road“ by the way! Are you coming back for Chinese new year? I'm going back to the party! I've seen it. The farm party should be good! So you should know, what do I mean? "

"Daddy! Is this a threat? " Ding Yun was discontented. "I haven't mentioned my business yet."

"So? You can talk about your business now! But a hint of friendship! I'm a little busy now! Inspecting the farm! It's not as free as you think

"Daddy! What do you think if I go to England? "

Ding Yu immediately felt that he had some toothache! Look at your daughter“ This is definitely not a good idea! There is still a considerable contradiction between me and them that has not been solved! It's always there! If you go to France, I won't have too many objections! "

"All right?" Ding Yun left and put his hands together. "It's mainly the port city. I'm more interested! I want to visit! But Dad, I'm going to visit by myself, isn't it a bit out of line? "

"Are you sure?" Ding Yu asked rhetorically“ If you go to Hong Kong City, Li family! Dong family and Huo family, you need to visit! The relationship between the family and their families is still very good! When the Huo family got married, I was there in person! And if you go there, you can't get around Xiangjia! Including my martial uncle, they are all in Hong Kong City! "

"So! I just found Daddy you! It's too much trouble Ding Yun's speechless face! If you really go to visit, no one will be able to pull down! Really, if you pull it down, you'll be picked for mistakes! But if you really want to visit, you need to take turns to walk all over, God! This is definitely not a light thing!I have had experience in this aspect before! After coming here, I can be quiet, but I can't really act as if I don't know anything because of the broadcast of the relationship at home?! At that time, I felt that my legs were already thin!

"Dad, I don't think it's the right choice to come here at the beginning!"

But Ding Yu was not moved at all“ Such a bad idea is definitely not what you can think of. Is it what Ding Chang gave you? It's only him! I'm afraid Wang An and Tong Tong have reservations! Even Wang an should be against it! I don't believe there will be too many mistakes in my judgment! "

"Daddy Ding Chang yelled, looking at Ding Yu without any reaction! Ding Chang gave a white eye“ ok Let me get this straight! The port city is still in the past. After all, it's so close! Now everything has to be stable. If it doesn't pass, I'm afraid someone will complain! And I hope the door can be a little bit more clean! "

"What is the purpose?" Ding Yu went straight to the theme, and didn't give Ding Yun any reaction time at all!

What's the status of my black heart cotton padded jacket? As a father, I can be said to be the most clear and clear!

"Nothing more! Dad, I remember you had a yacht! "

The corner of Ding Yu's mouth began to twitch“ So? Are you United? Ready to go fishing? Or are you going to catch sharks? Fishing seems a little uncomfortable for you, at least your personality is not suitable! It's hard for me to imagine that! "

"No! Just a little curious! Everything else has been tried! So Dad, you know that! For the unknown, we are still quite interested in it

"What's the alternative?" Ding Yu is very abrupt said!

"The alternative is to go to mom and aunts! I think it's still possible! Samsung Li family is also a good choice! I believe they won't refuse! But the price may be a little high! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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