Ding Yu looks at his daughter! Expression is very serious, but serious which revealed a bit of helplessness!

I really don't know how to deal with my black hearted cotton padded jacket! What's more, the sky is high and the emperor is far away?

"Give you a chance to reorganize your speech! Think about it

"All right?" Ding Yun also felt that his provocation was a little too much! If you really pissed off your father, the end will never be what you expect“ The alternative is the port city side! No matter what the reason is, I need to go for a trip. There is no doubt about that! "

Such an explanation, Ding Yu already understood! Who doesn't have a yacht! Ding Yun went to visit them. He didn't even need to mention it deliberately. Even a few people would come to visit them on their own initiative! It's even the one I'm looking for!

"Come on! I know what happened! " Ding Yu did not say yes or no“ You have it over there, so don't bother others! Home is more convenient! Is there anything else? "

"Not for the time being! Thank you, Dad! by the way! The gift should have arrived! I carefully selected it! Remember to sign for it

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing! Shake your head! Then put down the mobile phone in your hand!

Next to Meng Chong's mouth twitch is so severe! From the conversation between brother Yu and Ding Yun, I get too much news. I can't react to it for a moment!

"Brother Yu? Is it a little too scary for children? "

"How are you?"?! That son of a bitch at home is the real role of a badminton fan! But it's OK! Quite normal! "

Is it normal? Meng Chong didn't feel very good all of a sudden! You should know that when you are this age, in addition to playing with several female classmates, you should sing! Dancing, playing games, it seems that there is nothing else?

Of course, I will also visit my elders! But basically it's all taken by their parents, otherwise they don't even know what foot they're going to take! At that time, it was such a situation. It was not a fabrication!

"Brother Yu! Li family! Dong family and Huo family? It can't be any of them, can it? "

In this regard, Meng Chong expressed considerable doubt!

"They are! The relationship between me and the Li family is complicated. Do I have a relationship with the Li family? How do I say this? After all, he has a good relationship with my grandfather! At the beginning, I took their boss to do something! Friendship is also quite a lot! But their family is a businessman! Very pure businessman! As for the Dong family? Their family's situation is slightly different. My friendship with the Huo family is a little special. When I got married, I also participated in it! "

From the speech, we can analyze the relationship between each other is quite different!

"As for Xiang Jia? More disputes! The relationship has always been good, the cub of their family has been with me for a period of time! It's very interesting! But it's so much fun

"Brother Yu, I still don't quite understand!"

Ding Yu smiles“ You know what? I used to play the game of capital, even at the beginning, I was full of ambition for capital, but now? I really seldom play the game of capital! For me personally! What about capital? It's a game of numbers! What we care about is interests! It doesn't matter at all to capital whether a company is dead or alive! "

"This description is a bit exaggerated, but it's not so excessive!"

Meng CHONGYING said to Ding Yu!

"Take the farm as an example! The farm doesn't have much debt! Do you know what it means to have no debt? "

Meng Chong was stunned for a moment“ No debt, means that other capital even want to enter or want to find opportunities, are impossible! For capital! Only to think! That's all

"Is capital good or bad? There's no way to explain this problem. If it's mentioned, I can't tell one from the other for days and nights! Say it is good, it has a very positive side, say it is bad, it is very evil! Not many people can control it! Although many people say they control capital, they are actually controlled by capital, that's all! "

"Brother Yu! It seems that the farm doesn't mean to be listed! "

"Why go public?" Ding Yu shook his head, "fight in the capital market? What's the point? There is no lack of funds for the development of the farm! What's more, if you really enter the market, who knows what kind of things will happen! Let's forget it! But if you are interested, there is a lot of capital abroad. You can try it out! "

"I wipe! Brother Yu! Don't you joke with me? "This kind of joke can't be joked, I'm not that material!

"I think you can have a try if you have a chance! The domestic capital market is not so sound! You may not play capital, but you must understand the operation and control of capital! Even more than most people know! Otherwise, if someone does it in the future, you don't know how to deal with it! "

"Brother Yu! Isn't there still you? " Meng Chong said with a smile!

"What you think is beautiful!" Ding Yu snorted“ Only you can do such a thing yourself! What is the secret? In fact, in the history of China, you can find prototypes without any problems, but these guys from abroad! Good at camouflage! What's more, if you are careless, you will fall into the pit. Once you fall into the pit, you will never be able to turn over! "

"That's a little scary!"

"At that time, I took a group of people to do such things. They made money and lost money! Let them have a very exciting experience at the beginning, a good feeling, fortunately, there is no psychological problem for these guys! Now they are all on their posts, and they are still doing very well! "

Meng Chong can't help but be stunned for a while. He seems to remember what Uncle Wang mentioned to him before!


Ding Yu Leng for a while, but also looking at Meng Chong smile“ You don't want to know this first! Those guys! It's not a good idea! Anyway, I don't want to provoke them. If I get infected with it! Too much trouble

"Brother Yu! How do I feel that you need to listen to it in reverse? "

Ding Yu snorted, but then scratched his head“ Why don't you think about how to solve the problem of our black hearted little cotton padded jacket? " Then he picked up the phone again!

"Hello?! I'm Ding Yu

"Hello, Mr. Ding!" Zhuang Dongliang is very enthusiastic to say“ How are you recently? "

"Don't be so polite! My sister's head is over there! " Ding Yu is very speechless said“ You guys! It's all old people! They are all elders! Don't spoil her too much, I threw her over there! Just want her to exercise! " In this regard, Ding Yu is also a little dissatisfied with the appearance!

"Ouch! Can you say that! Ding always but deliberately explained! But to say deliberate care, there is really no! The great thing is that she secretly told her to ensure her safety. In addition, she was allowed to come home for two meals at most! There is really nothing else

"I've heard that she hasn't been so quiet these days!"

"Ha ha! Mr. Ding, I think the child is still very lovely! Are you a child? For quite a lot of things are quite novel! But it's quite measured, and we all have a lot of feelings about that! "

"Lao Zhuang! You and I are both fathers. I let all the children out of my family! That is to let them take the initiative to contact the society, but not to let some of them go to mischief! "

"I understand! My wife called me back! "

Chatted a few words! Ding Yu really felt that he had a headache! Even put down the phone, Ding Yu can't help rubbing his head“ If we don't let it out, we are worried about it. If we let it out, we are worried about it! Hi! I don't know what to say for a moment! "

"I think it's OK!"

"He rare mud!" Ding Yu scolded“ forget it! This matter still needs to consider carefully for a while! There's not much to worry about about the farm! Lao Gao's business is up to you! It's the children's affairs at home that make me very sad. You say I...! " For a moment, Ding Yu didn't even know what to say!

But if you want to say that Ding Yu really doesn't know anything about the children, there will be some nonsense! Ding Yu really knows quite a lot of things, but knowing is knowing! Ding Yu can not take the initiative to mention! If it is really mentioned, it must be a kind of harm to children!

Father and master? There will be so much trouble! What Ding Yu didn't expect! At least not at the beginning!

After the child is big, already began to have own idea! This thing is Ding Yu can expect, but come so fast, really let Ding Yu a little under estimation! But fortunately, it's just a bit of mischief! It's not really any other big problem! If there are any other big problems, Ding Yu will have to end up in person!

"Brother Yu! I feel like you're a little nervous! " In so many days, Meng Chong found that Ding Yu was like a robot! Always very calm! But what about today? My brother, actually felt quite different! This is really rare!Facing Meng Chong's inquiry, Ding Yu wiped his hand!

"It's hard to say what it's like!" Ding Yu is quite speechless at this time“ The rest of the family are OK to say a little! After all, they are adults! Or it's fixed! But the children at home! A little young! I have cultivated a certain Three Outlooks! But how to say? Who knows what their future will look like? "

"Brother Yu! You go on like this! I will be quite afraid of my future children! "

"Sometimes it's too good, and it's not as good as you think! When I first let them out, the purpose is very simple! Let them feel the society! What about their performance? Generally speaking, it's OK! But on the girl's side? I don't know what to say! "

"Brother Yu! How do you feel like you are very contradictory! "

"Isn't that nonsense?" Ding Yu glared fiercely“ Want them to fly! But there are so many worries! There is no such psychological fluctuation when cultivating others! It doesn't matter, but when it's their turn, NIMA is a bit of a failure. Who can I go to argue with? "

Meng Chong understood what Ding Yu thought by this time! However, this actually makes Meng Chong feel that the elder brother in front of him looks like a normal person! In previous contact, I always feel that brother Yu is a little out of place with the world!

I don't know how long it will last? I hope the time can be a little longer!

But just think about it! It's impossible! Now the expression of emotion is just a kind of appearance! I really want to think this is the normal state of brother Yu! It's definitely my own problem!

"When does the auction over there start? Since I have nothing to do in my spare time, I'd better go and have a look! "

"At night, three days! It will open this afternoon! It's just the lottery head when it opens in the afternoon! The real good things are basically at night! But there are a lot of people coming! In addition, the people on the farm are relatively rich these years, so there are all kinds of people! But it also limits the scope! But it's OK! We can do whatever we want, not in the range! "

This is not a boast!

"Yes! Anyway, there's nothing to do. Just follow me! Take it as a way to dissipate your mood! "

Is it really dissipating mood? No one knows!

Anyway, Ding Yu has made this decision! I didn't take too many people with me when I drove there! There's no need!

But before I got to the place, I was ready to find a parking place! Because you can't drive in any more! A little bit crowded! Obviously, the booth should have been set up in the morning!

"I'll go. I saw such a lively scene in the early years of the rural fair. I haven't seen it for many years!" But looking at the decorations on both sides, Meng Chong turned his mouth“ But do you think this is a rotten city? Why do you have everything! Good guy, the pickle jar has come out! "

"Didn't you eat it when you were a child?" Ding Yu, smile“ We still have this activity in our family, my father and my mother! In autumn and winter, we start to pickle, and we don't need anything else, just these old pickle jars! There are not many things! But as a thought! Anyway, I didn't learn that craft, but your sister-in-law is quite interested in it! "

Pickles? Is Meng Chong a little silly? In my own impression, Uncle Wang and aunt don't seem to have this activity!

But then Meng Chong understood! I seem to understand! Who are the father and mother in brother Yu's mouth!

"Brother Yu! These pickle jars don't seem to have any value, do they?! Not many people like it now! We eat some pickles with small boxes. It really feels like we can't make it to the table

"It tastes different! Feelings are not the same! But if you want to say that these pickle jars have no value, I'm afraid you have forgotten Dushan dayuhai! That big guy has been used as a pickle jar for hundreds of years! There are really some doubts! What's the taste of pickled things! Those donkeys! I don't know if it's immortal? "

"I'm a little greedy for what I said?"

Two people are just chatting and joking with each other! Because it's outside! So the things sold are a little vulgar! Wooden door and window frame! Pickle jar! There are even some old-fashioned murals and so on!

"I can understand the pickle jar and the window frame! Some of the wood is valuable, even though the wood in the north is ordinary! But there is still a good chance! But what about these old murals? ""Who knows? Maybe some people like it very much! "

Ding Yu and Meng Chong are walking slowly! When passing the bookstall, look at some of the above furnishings! There are a lot of comic books, which are packaged! Meng Chong has a little interest, but obviously, the value is not so high!

"There are all kinds of strange things! There are too few good things! "

Meng Chong, who got up again, patted his pants!

"Because of the popularity of the Internet, people now have a good understanding of things. I'm afraid it takes a lot of luck to pick up a leak in such a place! If you don't understand, just ask! What's more, there are a lot of experts among the people now! "

Walking, see a lot of buying string place! Many of them are made on site! There are many people, but no matter Ding Yu or Meng Chong, they don't want to go forward!

To a certain extent, it is really a little despised! Ding Yu is not picky about these! Play is just a state of mind! I don't need these things to decorate!

However, Meng Chong is obviously a big wrongdoer. The Lanzhi white jade on his hand has explained all the problems!

To exaggerate, if you buy all the wood here, there should be a considerable surplus!

But on the other hand, people who can recognize this kind of white jade will never be as many as they think!

"Brother Yu?! That's a good thing! At least the polishing is good! "

"It's not old materials. It can't be called fire glaze! But it's OK to be a decoration! " Ding Yu looks at the things on the stall and makes a comment“ Fire glass needs extremely poor living conditions and environment to grow out, but also need to be aged over a hundred years, can be called fire glass! This one! That's what we call Lao eye

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