"I really haven't seen fire glass! Lao eyes at most! Earlier years, logging was more serious, and now there are more fast-growing forests! It looks good at best

Because it is in such an environment, plus the relationship with the farm is good, so Meng Chong has a considerable understanding!

"Now it's not so easy to find a few old mare's pimples. It's good to make a pipe!"

"Do you like it that much?" Ding Yu looks at the decoration and shakes his head“ There are some pipes in the house! The housekeeper likes it! I don't have too many hobbies about it! At least not yet

"I don't have many hobbies! But brother Yu, you know, sometimes, it's a matter of style! " When he spoke, Meng Chong also blinked his eyes intentionally. It's obvious that this is intended to be forced! In this regard, Ding Yu felt a little speechless!

"Brother Yu?! Isn't there any good material on the mountain? "

"Yes! But almost all the trees have been labeled and chips, and those old men are very fierce one by one! Although I have a good relationship with them, their professionalism is admirable, so I seldom provoke them! There are also some moves that can't be provoked! "

"Is it that terrible?" Meng Chong chose a small handle piece with a big pimple! There is not much money, just as accessories! Now that I have come here, I can't sell anything?!

"It's even more irritating than I thought, but fortunately, after considerable management, we can still see more significant effects, such as ecological balance, land protection and so on! Very significant, but there are also quite a lot of felling, mainly for a considerable number of fast-growing forests and some trees with little value! Relatively speaking, the conditions in the North restrict the value of our trees, which is not as big as we think! "

"It is! The better wood is basically in the south! North is not to say that there are no good trees, but relatively speaking, there are still some too few! In my early years, I remember when I was in primary school, my classmates went up to the mountain to cut firewood when they had nothing to do at home. We didn't do it once! "

"You haven't been? I once took my sister to go up the mountain to cut firewood, which is definitely not a fun thing! Especially my sister, is absolutely a person to crazy, but quite often do not want to take her, but there is no way! At that time, there were still some things on the mountain that could make up for some fun! "

"I haven't seen it yet!"

"Her name is Ding Ding! Already married! It's a good temper! It's so much better than me! When I left China, I gave her some domestic industries! I don't have too many problems eating and drinking all my life! " For Ding Ding! Ding Yu is sincere love! No other doping!

"Have a chance to see! What a pity! I'm already married

Ding Yu looked up and down at Meng Chong, "you don't have to think about Farting! My brother-in-law is very good, at least with my sister is very match! Their personalities are very harmonious! "

"Can't you think about it?" Meng Chong pretends to be pathetic!

But there are so many people shopping! It can be seen from this that everyone has money in his pocket! If there is no money, who will come? Even if so many people are organized to come, at most it is just a bustle!

"There are jade sellers here? Rare? "

"How much money?" Ding Yu rarely asked!

"Start on one side?" Meng Chong stood up on his shoulder, "it's also some good things, but these things are absolutely not what ordinary people go back to get infected with! Even if there is a teacher Fu also need to take a good look! After all, it's really normal for such things to go wrong! Fish and dragons are mixed up

Ding Yu followed to see two eyes, interest is not so big! After all, I don't have much research on it, I can see some, but how to say? After all, he is a layman! Although Ding Yu is a little special, it doesn't mean that Ding Yu is omnipotent. This is two times!

"Brother?! It's good! "

When looking at things, the boss obviously saw the handlebars in Meng Chong's hands! The family members really understand such things! In addition, it's absolutely good. It's also a little abrupt?!

"Oh?" Meng Chong looked at his handlebars! It's very eye-catching“ it 's not bad?! Good business? "

Ding Yu didn't pay any attention. He just looked at the things on the table. He just bowed slightly and didn't mean to get started“ Such a good thing is rare! Don't talk about here! Even at the auction, we can't see a few pieces on it! " When you speak, you stand up your thumb!"Stay at home! Looks like it's already open! "

"Hi! Basically, it's just a sample here! If we really get dozens of things, even if we have them, do you dare to buy them? It's impossible! So the things here are basically for the common people! We just earn a small reputation! If you really like it, you still need to go to the store, which is more guaranteed! And more convincing! "

Meng Chong couldn't help laughing! Look up and down“ All right! Can you do business?! brother! Shall we go and have a look? "

But still looking at Ding Yu on the tablecloth! I didn't mean to look up! But I didn't mean to refuse Meng Chong! Slightly nodded his head! And the boss looked at Meng Chong and took a deep look at Ding Yu!

I noticed Ding Yu and Meng Chong before! Meng Chong can be better here! At least the handle on the body is really eye-catching! And the one next to you? I really can't see any way! The dress on the body is also a little simple! At least in my own eyes!

But the whole person's temperament is absolutely the first person in his life! I don't even know how to describe it! Originally I think the word temperament is completely used to cheat people! But today I finally opened my eyes!

"It's open today, anyway! Shall I be a guide for you two? "

Meng Chong took a look at Ding Yu and then nodded“ All right! Treat you to dinner in the evening! What do you call it? "

"Gai Tianxing! Now we have a small shop! Do odd jobs for some people in their spare time

Why do you need to talk more about these two people? Look at the bearing of others, and then look at the things in their hands! If we do a business on them, it's definitely better than spending three days here!

Of course, there are other reasons! The main reason is that people robbed the quota of auction in the evening! Even he was distributed! Otherwise, how can you come here to guard the stall? The situation is better than others. We still need to be counselled when we should be counselled! It's no big deal! Just work hard!

Just watch the stall! It's not a big deal. I didn't do such a thing at that time! Things come and go in the wind and rain! I have experienced too much, at most, I will have a aftertaste! Also very interesting!

"You know a lot about this place?"

"Not bad! I grew up here! Relatively speaking, the good things here are not as many as you think! The main reason is that we are in the north, and all dynasties belong to remote places! This can not be denied, even in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was the same! However, there is a saying that because of this, the damage suffered here is really not so big! So it's really popular! "

"That's true?! What kind of business do you want to do now? "

"I opened a small shop! Mainly alcohol and tobacco! With crafts! Works of art and other things, there are some! There's no problem with food and clothing! I learned some other things at that time! So when it's time to get along with people! "

"A lot of people?"

"Now everyone has money in their pockets! After the money began to think about the pursuit of the spirit above! Therefore, it also gave birth to the prosperity of this industry! Gold in troubled times, antiques in prosperous times! We can't pursue antiques, but there's no problem in finding fun in other aspects! "

"There are not many good things on the street! I just bought a pimple! It looks good! "

"In general, these things are from the south!" Gai Tianxing introduced it“ Our northern trees are not without precious, but in recent years the requirements are particularly strict, but some people have tried the law by example! Hi! I heard that I'm still reading in it now! The consequences are not generally serious! In addition, there are more things coming from other places! So I haven't heard about this for a long time! "

"There are also people who have tried the law by example. They want money but not life."

"After all, there will still be sneakers!" In this regard, Gai Tianxing is also quite helpless“ After two or two drinks, I don't even know my parents! What do you think it will be like?! If these people don't give them a little bit of power, they will never know the power of it

"You seem to have suffered a lot?" Meng Chong laughs“ Otherwise, it's hard to say such hateful words! I think it's time for revenge! "

"You can't say that. Anyway, I didn't send the banner!"Meng Chong burst out laughing! Between each other is a new understanding! So it's impossible to talk about anything! However, it is obvious that Meng Chong has occupied a dominant position now! From the beginning, Gai Tianxing lost the initiative!

"What sells better now?"

"King Kong! Walnut! There are also some beads, stones, jade strings and so on! Are ordinary people, you let him use two or three hundred! Even two thousand three to buy things, not too many problems, even if it is out of sight! That is when I bought a lesson! But if you ask him to buy one thing for twenty or thirty thousand, to a certain extent, it will be said that he is the black sheep of the family! Although we are rich now! But we can't do anything wrong! After all, money is hard-earned, not windy! "

"Big brother?! You can't also because of this reason?! That's why you choose King Kong and walnuts? "

Listening to Meng Chong's teasing, Ding Yu snorted“ My interest in this is more general! It's not that I don't like good things, but relatively speaking, I think King Kong heel and walnut are more suitable! Wang Yang likes more hand strings! But what he's playing now is Qinan and so on. It's a bit of a change! "

"That's true! All good things! "

But didn't get Ding Yu any good facial expression, stare one eye! Meng Chong can't help but shrink his neck, a little scared! And Gai Tianxing, who follows Meng Chong, is a little confused!

Does the one beside seem to be afraid of the person in front? I don't have any feelings! It's a little strange!

After shopping for two hours, Meng Chong bought a lot of things, but for Ding Yu, he didn't buy much at all! It can even be described as empty handed!

Meng Chong and Gai Tianxing have become one! In this, I have to say that Meng Chong, a rich and idle man, still has water in his stomach! It doesn't mean to underestimate Gai Tianxing, nor does it mean to belittle Gai Tianxing! It seems that Gaitian is really a friend! Get along with each other is very friendly!

"Mr. Ding and Mr. Meng, if there's nothing wrong! I invite you in the evening. I've already made a reservation. It's not a high-class place, but it has its own characteristics. Even some of our gourmands don't know about it. It's absolutely unique! "

"All right!" Meng chongdao really doesn't care so much“ But it was agreed! Brother Yu and I are both big bellied men, so there is no need to drink! Just see if you can eat enough? "

"That's true! Not enough? Is it a treat? "

They found a restaurant and said, "I'll go. It's a good place!"?! There are Kang? You have to have a good try! "

"Stew big fish in iron pot! It's a day! But wild fish don't have to think about it! At least my brother doesn't have that ability! Now it's tight! It's the farmed fish

"Hi! At that time, it was Chinese new year to eat fish at home! "

Ding Yu looked up and down at Meng Chong“ I said that, and it has considerable credibility. Don't you think it's a little too much to say that? " Obviously, Ding Yu didn't let Meng Chong be the only beauty!

"Isn't that true?" Meng Chong argued“ In those days, even if you had money, you couldn't buy it! The fish in the river, NIMA, is not much bigger than my finger?! And at that time, there was basically no one to eat! That smell of earth is really unbearable! At that time, there were not so many seasonings! "

Three people find a seat to sit down! Gai Tianxing made a lot of arrangements! What about the food? should be regarded as a different matter! Less than Gai Tianxing's hospitality is really in place!

"I'm sorry I didn't serve wine today?" Gai Tianxing looks sorry!

"Good reception! I have something to do at night! If it's OK, I'll show you around? "

Huh? Gai Tianxing blinked his eyes, a little unclear, so! Take yourself for a stroll, the reverse is almost right?! After all, I'm a local! You two are obviously out of town. Are you more familiar than yourself? This is a joke!

"I don't have anything to do, but I really don't have anything to go around in the evening. There's a rare one tonight, but unfortunately, I don't have a ticket! Ordinary people can't get in! "

Listen to gai Tianxing's explanation, Meng Chong Leng for a moment, and then clap the table“ okay? I'm still thinking about how to pay you back this meal? Come on! You don't have no tickets! Just follow me

Ah? It was Gai Tianxing's turn to be surprised“ Mr. Meng? It's not a joke, is it?! I heard that there are several tickets! And I've seen all the people on the list! If I hadn't seen it, I would have dared to take this package ticket and get at least two tickets, but the tables above are already full! ""Just let them add two chairs! It's not a big deal?! Just follow me

Ding Yu looks at Meng Chong and smiles. This should be Meng Chong's true colors!

Meng Chong directly drags Gai Tianxing into the car, and he doesn't even have time to settle the account with Gai Tianxing! Fortunately, they are very familiar with each other, or after getting on the car, they use wechat to transfer the past! I'm sorry!

"Mr. Ding, Mr. Meng, this ticket is very difficult to get! I used to do it for others, and I begged, but it's useless! "

"Shit! It turned out to be the top! don't worry! You are lucky today Meng Chong burst out laughing, "it seems that we are really predestined! I didn't see such a speculator! Rare

But when Gai Tianxing reacts, he suddenly finds that he seems a little too confused after he gets on the bus?! In the past, I didn't seem to be so careless!

What should the two of you say? If it's really a bad guy, I'm afraid the body is already cold at this time?! Although this is a joke!

"Mr. Ding! Mr. guy! I really didn't think it would be like this! If I knew it was like this, I would not be able to invite you two here tonight?! Is that ok! I'll arrange it tomorrow! Make sure you're satisfied! "

Looking at the apologetic Gai Tianxing! Meng Chong waved his hand“ Today is not bad! We were offered a meal! There's no need to be polite! Brother Yu and I come here! It's nothing to do in leisure! Let's see what happens! "

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