When you come in, it's not the front door! When the receptionist saw Meng Chong, he trotted all the way here!


I haven't finished what I said! Meng Chong has already let Ding Yu out! Even flattered to say“ brother! Do you think it's going into the box? Or go to the hall and have a look. There should be some things. I don't know if they are in your eyes! "

"Can you arrange it?" Ding Yu didn't respond much to this!

Meng Chong nodded, "Mr. Li, is it convenient to add two more chairs?"

It's a bit impolite to speak. It's a kind of attitude towards Ding Yu, and it's a different attitude towards president Li!

"What is that?" Li Hao looks dissatisfied“ There's still room in the box. I can't let you sit outside! I thought you were coming! Have a good reception

"With a friend! No box! It's too eye-catching. Just add two chairs to our back position! We're all watching the excitement

Li took a good look at Gai Tianxing. He didn't expect to see Gai Tianxing here. Originally, he was on the list, but he was rowed out. Now he is behind Meng Chong!

I haven't heard of him before. He still has such a deep relationship!

Meng Chong what origin, others do not know, how much or know some of their own! Although there has never been any publicity, the forces behind it can be said to be exceptionally thick, but what about him today? It's not the first one!

The one in front? How to put it? Mustache? With eyes, in fashionable words, is a yuppie uncle fan! But take a closer look! It seems that it is quite different! I can't tell what it's like!

"Master Meng! Don't add two chairs! Even if it is to add two beds, there is no problem! But the auction hasn't started yet! I've arranged it! What we don't want to do is to have a little rest in my office. When the auction starts, I'll come back! "

Meng Chong takes a look at Ding Yu, sees Ding Yu nodding, and then goes to the office together!

"Old guy? What's going on? " In the middle of the story, Li Hao slapped himself abruptly! Whether it's important or not is another matter! But this attitude of admitting mistakes has already existed“ Brother Gai, I won't say right or wrong! Blame me for this! It's my fault! Look at my future performance, brother

Standing outside, Gai Tianxing was stunned for a little time, and then he had a bitter smile on his face“ Mr. Li! Don't make fun of me! It was in the afternoon when I practiced at the stall that I happened to meet these two people and said two words. I felt very good! I think in my heart, even if I don't make friends, I will take it as pulling two guests! You know, I've been under the name of Dinghu! I worked as a guide for both of them all afternoon, and invited them to dinner in the evening! There is nothing else

Li Hao's expression is astonished! Pointing at Gai Tianxing's hand, there are so many tremors!

It's a good time to breathe even“ Mad, how can I not have such luck! Nima, you can hold such thighs in the stall, and there is really no one! Dinghu! Really?! Hi! I don't say anything else! Old guy, treat the two inside! I don't know the one in front of me, but Mr. Meng is definitely this! "

When speaking, it's also a big thumb!

"You take care of it for me! I owe you one Li Hao told me!

"How do you say that?"?! When you come here, you are the guests! Let's have good food, drink and treat. If Mr. Li hadn't organized this auction, I would not have had a chance even if I wanted to hold my thigh! It's Mr. Li who leads the way, that's why I have such a performance! I should be grateful! "

"You, you!" Li Hao is smiling“ that 's ok! I remember it When he spoke, he patted Gai Tianxing's arm twice, which made him say it! The credit is all my own! No wonder I was on the list earlier! Speaking for this, you can feel one or two of them!

And although it was arranged by the people in Dinghu, there was no complaint!

Such a person did not mean to cherish Dinghu! Good talent is so wasted! Dinghu? Hum! Li Hao has considerable disdain in his heart! First of all, I want to play a good relationship. If it's useful or not, I'm very clear in my heart!

Gai Tianxing, who came back, didn't feel too nervous! But it's the first time to pour tea for Ding Yu and Meng Chong!

"Mr. Ding! Mr. Meng, I'm a little scared! "

Even deliberately stretched out his hand! A little shiver because of excitement! Meng Chong laughed!I can't hold my hand. I can't hold it“ Brother Yu? What do you say? How is also regarded as a talent! For this EQ, it's also worth cultivating! Anyway, I made this friend! "

"That's good. Take a look at it in the evening!"

Hear Ding Yu say so, Meng Chong some elated“ Old guy, do you hear me! My brother seldom praises people! He can say so, show your belly inside absolute have goods! Show it

Because the distance is very close, so Meng Chong deliberately gave Gai Tianxing a look! Even whispered“ Seize the opportunity! Life! Maybe it's just one chance or two! Not easy! Don't regret it later! "

Although the contact time is not very long, but Gai Tianxing also saw it! Between Ding Yu and Meng Chong, it is Ding Yu who is in charge! But he is a little too clean! I don't know what words to use!

Usually I can't say two words! Fiddle with it! Very indifferent to sit there! Suddenly, I can't see anything, but it's like a classical painting! The more you look, the more delicious it is!

While pouring tea, Gai Tianxing took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket! But when the cigarette was in his hand, Gai Tianxing's face suddenly felt a little embarrassed! The cigarettes you take out are usually smoked!

This thing is really not intended to pretend! I usually like the taste of Ziyun! It doesn't have much to do with the price!

My family is a tobacco Hotel! How can we lack this thing! But now with Ding Yu and Meng Chong together, he took out such a box of cigarettes! A little look down on others!

"Ouch? Brother Yu! I haven't seen this for years! Big heavy nine smoked a lot, but this said, really is not the general nostalgia! When I was not sensible, I used this to pretend to be a person! "

See Ding Yu hand, Meng Chong quickly handed a past!

"It doesn't taste as good as the original!"

After Ding Yu took two mouthfuls, he said coldly!

"Brother Yu! Is it too selective? " Meng Chong doesn't care at all“ I didn't know when I was young! I like to use this to pack! If anyone is not angry, a box of cigarettes will be smashed directly. They are basically honest! After all, there were so many poor people in those years! This has been able to scare a bunch of people to death! "

"If you go out now, you can scare a group of people to death!"

"Hey, hey! Thanks for your light, big brother

The two chatted casually, and Gai Tianxing accompanied them. When Li Hao sent the catalog list, everyone looked at it!

"Big brother! There are still some good things! You see? "

"What do you like? Do it yourself Ding Yu is not so interested in this! At most is to dissipate their mood! And the next Meng Chong didn't mean to be on the pole! Hold the Gai Tianxing beside you!

Two people in the side of a discussion!

Ding Yu doesn't have much interest in these things. He just casually turns over the objects on them!

In recent years, due to the environmental protection and the support of farms, there are some good things, but these good things are relative! To a certain extent, it was deliberately released by the farm! Or that sentence, we can't block all the roads! In that case, there are a lot of inappropriate!

"Brother! What do you think of this thing? "

"Not bad! Look at the picture! The protection is relatively complete! The roots are there! Forty or fifty years! But it's a little early! It's not worth it! But at least it's wild! It's quite different from the one planted. If you can take it down, it's not bad! "

"Go back and make wine for our old man?"

"Waste!" Ding Yu snorted“ This thing is well placed! It should be able to play other roles in the future! As for the wine, how to say? We can't make the most of it! Of course, it doesn't matter if you have a Kang in your house! "

"Forget it!" Meng Chong immediately became dispirited! Something like a Kang? Even if it's happy, it can't be like this, can it? I haven't heard that anyone has such a thing as Kang. After all, how many wild ginseng do the whole country produce in a year? Can use very little to describe! Now more than a hundred years old! Almost can be used to loot!

Even if it's not more than a hundred years old, just like this one that appears now, it will definitely cause a lot of looting tonight, and the price will never be too cheap! After all, such a good thing, sometimes you may not see a few years!"Big brother! Why don't you come? "

"There are still some at home, this year is a little bad! And there are so many people present that it's unnecessary! "

What else can we say? Meng Chong can only show his thumb to his big brother! If you think about it, it doesn't seem to be a big deal. I don't know what kind of financial resources elder brother has, but compared with elder brother, I am definitely the tip of the iceberg! a drop in the bucket!

You know Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are already the God of wealth? But what about them? It's all from big brother! From this we can see how terrible elder brother's influence is! Compared with big brother, I really didn't take the farm as a business, did I?

Gai Tianxing, a smoker, doesn't know how to evaluate him at this time! Is wild ginseng a good thing? Absolutely good stuff! But my own financial resources want to make such a good thing, absolutely joking! Not even qualified to do it!

But in front of these two, especially Mr. Ding, there is a taste of disgust. Although they didn't say it clearly, they still feel it! This? What is good for you to say? At this time, Gai Tianxing really wants to curse people!

After the auction, Li Hao invited him personally, but because Ding Yu and Meng Chong are not high-profile people! So it's really three chairs added to the post situation! You know, the people sitting in the back, to a certain extent, just come to watch the excitement!

To put it more bluntly, I'm here to socialize!

The heat of the opening ceremony is quite good! Ding Yu and Meng Chong communicate in a low voice!

Although there are a lot of people in front, but this is for Ding Yu and Meng Chong! No impact!

"Brother Yu! Don't say it yet! This auction is still interesting! Formal or informal is another matter, but the atmosphere has been up! The following people are also very enthusiastic! I can see that people still have money in their pockets! "

Ding Yu didn't mean to speak, and Gai Tianxing next to him took over the topic“ Due to the farm and the support from the province and the city, the people have really made a lot of money these years! After the economic boom, other industries are also making money with the same! One ring to one ring! Sometimes the farm is a little strict! "

"I have a personal experience of this!" Meng Chong looked at Ding Yu a little wronged“ I want to go to the farm there, are quite no face! There is no way! Even inside the house? It's a lesson to learn! "

But this words didn't get any sympathy from Ding Yu, not even a look and attitude!

Gai Tianxing looked at it and immediately reacted“ Strict also has the advantage of strict! At least the effect is obvious! If we don't be more strict, we'll definitely ruin the farm! Now we all hope that the farm will become better and better! I always wanted to enter the farm system! It was relatively simple at the beginning, but now it is more and more difficult. The quality standard can even be described as harsh! "

"What? Old guy, are you still interested in this? Or I'll contact you. I'm quite familiar with the farm! As far as your EQ is concerned, it's no problem to be a manager! "

"No! Mr. Meng, please forgive me?! I'd better have a comfortable life of my own. " Gai Tianxing said with lingering fear“ That position! We can't do it. We really can't do it. It's not a boast! "

"No way?! Old guy, at least he's a man

"I really can't do that job! How much do you earn! Welfare is good! This has nothing to say, but it's too hard! Too much to worry about! I'm not that stuff! So let's do some easy work! "

"That's a little bit of bullshit?! But there is really no way to force such a thing! " Meng Chong said with a smile, "what kind of business do you usually do? Your tone is really not so tight! "

"There is a tobacco and wine shop! Friends are more care business! I don't want to make a lot of money. I don't have any problems at home! Then I put up a name on the other side of the Dinghu lake and gave it a lead. There is still a name for Dinghu lake! "

"Brother, have you ever heard of it? I don't have any impression? "

Looking at the indifferent Ding Yu, Meng Chong stood up on his shoulder“ Get it! It's no different to talk to us than to the blind. If I had known that, I would have asked Mr. Li to introduce me! "

"Mainly to do some business in the province!" It's not easy to do too much introduction with too many gaitianxing“ I don't know what Mr. Ding and Mr. Meng like! There are some good gadgets! Get a taste

"See it!" Meng Chong couldn't help laughing“ It's a good idea! All right! Elder brother, I don't know if I have time. I don't have any problems here. Even for your enthusiasm, I have to go for a stroll! "However, although it's chatting and farting with Gai Tianxing, Meng Chong still noticed! There is something wrong with my elder brother tonight! What's wrong? I can't say it myself. I'm sure it's not because of Gai Tianxing. I can see that!

Is it because of the auction? This is a little strange. There are so many things on the auction! I noticed that! But I don't seem to see any good things! At least I didn't see it!

"Brother Yu?" Meng Chong rare shout a!

Ding Yu took a look at this time“ Yes? What's the matter? "

"You must be looking for something good?" Meng Chong took the atlas in Gai Tianxing's hand, but after a long time, it was also a fog“ I don't see anything! "

Ding Yu said with a smile, "Lao Gai, I see a lot of things in it. Are they from Dinghu?"

Gai Tianxing was stunned for a moment, but nodded solemnly“ Dinghu still has a lot of good things. It also holds some auctions every year! We are still quite supportive! It has a certain degree of identification

"Since it's from Dinghu, you can shoot it! It doesn't matter how much you quote! Take these things down! "

"Yes! What do you think of the managers on your side? "

"Mr. Ding, you hit me in the face a little too much! I am very grateful that you and Mr. Meng can bring me into the arena, and I can't even repay you! "

That's not finished yet! Meng Chong pulls over to gai Tianxing and carefully looks at the traces painted by Ding Yu!

"Lao Gai, you should have special masters in Dinghu, right?"

"Of course, there are special masters, even more than one check and inspection! After all, there is the name of Dinghu! Anything wrong! We need to be responsible! If the name is smashed! The business is over! "

Meng Chong is looking at the record above! There are two pictures, but the other four don't have any pictures at all, only a little introduction, that's all! Under such circumstances, what does big brother want? How can I suddenly not understand it? It's really strange!

"I can't see, two pieces of ink! There is also a wood carving, a painting, a bracelet and two ornaments! " Gai Tianxing can't think about it“ This is really strange! Hand string I know, but ink! I really don't know about paintings, hand strings and ornaments! "

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