Meng Chong's expression is a little funny“ Old guy, is this joke a little too big? "

"No!" The expression on Gai Tianxing's face is very serious“ I know more or less about the above things. After all, it's a matter of the company! Although I just help, I still remember quite a lot of things! Hand string is from Qing Dynasty! It's a good thing to open the door! As for ink! Paintings and other things! The memory in my mind! There is no such thing


"If you don't know, forget it! Looking at the introduction above, it seems that this bracelet is made of old wax? "

"Huh?" Gai Tianxing is a little absent-minded! Think about it for a while! That's what I said in a low voice“ Mr. Meng, I'd like to make a phone call. Otherwise, I'm not sure! "

Looking at Meng Chong, I didn't care! Is the side of his body in the past, his mobile phone to take out! Cover the microphone and whisper“ Hello! Is the first lady in? I'm Gai Tianxing! Let the first lady answer the phone

It took quite a while for the phone to get through!

The voice is a little cold“ Mr. Gai, are you looking for me

"Miss, are you not at the auction?"

Huh? I was stunned by the phone“ I'm not here! People at home are more interested! I happen to have something to do in the evening, so I'll come back tomorrow! Mr. Gai, what can I do for you? "

"I'm on the auction side! Just now I looked at the atlas, but I didn't pay attention to it. However, I found that there were many more things in the atlas! Does the young lady know about this? "

"Are you at the auction?" The people on the other side of the phone let out a cry! Gai Tianxing was originally on the list! But then he was taken down, although he was the old man of Dinghu! But how to say? My father's time! My father has retired! There is not much need for him to stay in Dinghu!

It's a bit difficult when it's quite the same!

I didn't expect that he could still get in under such circumstances!

"Mr. Gai, I know what happened!"

Hearing what the young lady said, Gai Tianxing was stunned for a moment, a little silly! Then I sipped my mouth!

"Miss, I see! It happens that I have something to do in a few days! There are some things at home, so the company is powerless! I'm an old man, too! "

Now that the eldest lady has already revealed the meaning of this aspect! Don't be shameless! Right? Good together good scattered, the original time to think of the boss in the time, to take care of their own abnormal, so he now although Retired! I still need to do my best! Give a hand, but now, people are taking themselves as a stumbling block!

In that case, what else to say? Don't make it boring! Quite a lot has been said!

Put down the phone, Gai Tianxing shook his head and rearranged his mood!

"Mr. Meng, there shouldn't be too many problems with things! I'm already an old man! Sometimes I can't turn my head around?! How forgiving of you Gai Tianxing said with a smile! But this smile, with a little bitter!

"Ha ha!" Meng Chong couldn't help laughing“ Being teased? Hi! More normal things! "

Ding Yu coughed! Meng Chong immediately shivered“ Old guy, don't worry about it! The world's largest, go where do not eat! Right? The eye does not know gold and jade! It's the loss of Dinghu! There's no need to be sad about such a thing! "

"It's not sad, it's just some feelings! The old chairman is very nice to me! At the beginning, thanks to him! Is there anyone? Always need to speak a little conscience! But think about it carefully, maybe I didn't do it well enough, and I didn't do it well enough. That's why it happened! I can't blame others, but I wake up a little late! "

"Yes, I can say that! Have a heart! I'll take care of you! "

"Mr. Ding and Mr. Gai are laughing!" Gai Tianxing sighed“ Originally, I wanted to take the two gentlemen to the Dinghu lake to enjoy it! It seems that Dinghu does not have such a good fortune! "

"Interesting! I'm sure you'll make friends with what I've said to you

Then turn around your head“ Brother, what do you think of old guy? "

Ding Yu looks at the atlas in his hand“ You got it! What are you looking for? I don't mean to be flattered

"Big brother! Help to have a look! You don't know me yet? I haven't seen much of the world. I'm just a rich and idle man! Usually there are a lot of help, but how to say? Those guys! There are not too many problems in eating, drinking and playing! If you really explain something, it will be a big flood! There's a real lack of helpers around! Old guy looks good! At least I'm right about temper, and I don't have too many problems with EQ! "Ding Yu for Meng Chong's words, has a considerable immunity, so did not as a matter!

Just slightly nodded his head“ Judging from the reflection, there are not too many problems! "

"Then there's no problem!" Then he gave Lao Gai a heavy slap on the back, "Lao Gai, it sounds like your waist, I'll see your performance tonight! Fight for breath! We are a man at least

But Meng Chong was not able to get wild ginseng in the end, and the fight was too fierce! Has exceeded its original value! Of course, the purpose of the auction may also care about this! Meng Chong is not a big wrongdoer! Let Gai Tianxing give up after giving up the brand twice!

"These bastards, don't they mean to have trouble with me! What's the matter? They seem to have money, don't they? "

For Meng Chong who is a little angry, Ding Yu doesn't care! It is the thing that oneself fancy, return really don't have too many people to rob! But even so, Gai Tianxing feels a little scared! After all, this Mr. Ding in front of us is a little casual! To be more exact, it's totally indifferent attitude!

Although the auction is not over yet, Li Hao has asked people to send things to him! As for money, it doesn't matter! Even if you expect Meng Chong not to pay, it will be better! But think about such a thing!

I played several times and handed it in! It looks like dandy, rich and idle, but those are just superficial! If you really know this person, you will understand! It's not ordinary! Don't pretend to be smart in front of others!

If you really make a fool of yourself, you will make a fool of yourself! It's not easy to get into this relationship! I have to get a moth like that. How can I really do it?

Ding Yu didn't show any interest in the bracelet. Meng Chong took a look at it and immediately gave the box to gai Tianxing!

"Hard work tonight!"

Gai Tianxing is a little silly. He doesn't say that he hasn't seen good things, but such things are given to him later! Not even as a matter of time! Is such behavior a black sheep? This is an old thing. It's hard to see it in ordinary times!

"Mr. Ding! Mr. Meng, this is too expensive! "

"I'm better than you!"?! As for big brother? " Meng Chong showed his teeth a little“ He seldom fiddles with these things in his normal time. If the weather is not suitable, you can see in his hands, that is, things like King Kong or walnuts! But I heard that there are quite a lot of treasures at home! The last time I passed, the timing was too bad! When we have a chance, let's go there together. I have to row some good things and keep them at the bottom of the box! "

After that, I was also interested in looking at the things in Ding Yu's hand slowly!

"Big brother? It's nothing, and I don't see any difference? " Then the expression on Meng Chong's face was also slightly strange“ I heard the second sister say it! No, I heard second sister say it! She said, "brother, you never like to start. At least quite a lot of things are hard to get into your eyes. Would you let me open my eyes today?"

"Old guy, what do you say about this?"

Ding Yu pointed to the ink in the box! Seemingly very casual asked a!

"It looks like the medicine ink of Qing Dynasty. Whose is it? I can't find out! Originally, this thing should have been left in the library. I saw it in those years! Did not expect to be suddenly turned out! As for wood carvings and paintings, I can't see them! Well preserved! At the beginning of the time should not have passed a considerable identification!

Really? Is this medicine ink Meng Chong was a little suspicious and took up the ink with his white gloves! I'm moving my nose“ eldest brother! The taste is too indifferent! Is it because it took too long? "

"You don't have this record? I remember that Mr. Meng liked it very much? "

"My second grandfather likes too many things! I don't have much research on this, but brother, how can you see that it's a simple introduction, and you haven't even started? "

In this regard, not only Meng Chong expressed considerable doubt, but also Gai Tianxing was a fog!

"It's a kind of feeling, a kind of feeling of not being clear!" Ding Yu did not explain too much“ The preservation is very good! However, the above inscriptions have been separated, so it's a pity to use them, but the effect should be very good! " Ding Yu is not generally interested in this!

What can Meng Chong say? He can only say that each person has his own good! I'm not interested in such things, but I'm interested! No one can tell why“ Brother, what's the origin of this wood carving and painting? I took a look at the wood carving! It's average! I've seen this painting, too! It was mounted later. It's a bit of a trick! ""It looks good! There's not much value in painting, at least I don't see it, but this woodcarving is very interesting! "

Meng Chong looked at the woodcarving again? After watching it for quite a long time, I didn't see much difference! Wood is OK! But the above style and characteristics, a bit too messy! Even wood itself is more valuable than sculpture! At least in Meng Chong's eyes!

"Good luck today! You can get two good things! " Ding Yu, smile“ It seems that the auction is not in vain! "

"Brother Yu?! Don't you mean to say and leave half a sentence? I can't bear to put it on anyone's body! " Meng Chong's expression is a little urgent, of course, there are some intentional elements in it!

"Wood is old wood! But this technique? No more than a hundred years! But it's very charming When you speak, you can't help shaking your head, and you can't help crossing the wood carving with your fingers! Feel the texture on the wood carving“ For you, it's of no value. Even you can't understand it. Dahong may be able to understand it. 20 or 30 years later? "

"So different?" When Ding Yu doesn't pay attention, Meng Chong takes the box in his hand and even lets Gai Tianxing enjoy it with him! But there's no use for birds!

Two people saw a big circle, also didn't see a why come! Even when he came out, he called Dahong over. Dahong looked at the woodcarving, which was cut with a knife and axe, and also slightly turned his mouth!

"I don't understand!" It's very straightforward!

What can Meng Chong do? Ask big brother! Big brother said he couldn't understand! Now asked about Dahong, Dahong is also the same do not understand, this is a little bit more difficult! Continue to trouble big brother, as if there is no such need!

"Old guy? No other programs will be arranged in the evening! It's too late! Go back and have a good rest with my sister-in-law! If it's all right tomorrow, come with us! "

"I'll go through a procedure tomorrow. It won't take me long. I need to have a beginning and an end."

After Gai Tianxing left! Meng Chong looked at the figure he left“ Brother Yu! How do you feel? "

"Not bad! What's your character like? Now it's not easy to judge. There should be no problem in the investigation, but from the attitude and means of handling things, there is still no problem! It's a person with a small face who runs to the stall. Not everyone can do such a thing! "

"It seems that Dinghu's way of handling things is really something to be discussed! Watch the stall?! This is really a bit too much to bury people! I don't know who did it! It's a little fierce! It's a little spicy! "

It's easy to investigate Gai Tianxing! So the next day, Meng Chong got the relevant information of Gai Tianxing!

While eating breakfast, Meng Chong also said with emotion“ Lao Gai was pulled by the old chairman of Dinghu at that time! It's a small matter, so he's in the name of Dinghu! Although these years earn not much, but to Dinghu set up a good relationship! It's just that the new chairman of Dinghu doesn't seem to care much about it! "

"Wrong? It doesn't look like that! "

"It's not really a mistake! Quite often, Lao Gai doesn't make so much money in business! " In response, Meng Chong shook his head, "the old chairman should still understand some, even if he doesn't understand, he should be able to feel it, but the new one! Obviously I don't know that much about it! "

Ding Yu's expression is a little surprised“ It's too small! "

"The old chairman is a little too much! The new chairman is the same! Don't you know how the relationship comes from? Although it is already a modern society! But quite a lot of relationships need to be maintained! And the maintenance is not as simple as saying it! It's not like two meals at a time can solve all the problems! "

"What does the information say?"

"The development of Dinghu was relatively good at the beginning! All aspects of noodles are priced! Originally, the relationship with the farm was quite good, but these two years? The relationship is a little cold! The specific reason is unknown! There is also a little connection! The new chairman is the daughter of the old chairman! Do everything at once

"That's not true! Anyway? Lao Gai is an old employee! It's not an old employee, but for Dinghu! The role played is absolutely not to be ignored! I don't know? Don't you know if you are old? What's the matter? The business of the old tobacco Hotel is very hot? "

Besides, Ding Yu can't think of any other reasons! But even so! It's no big deal!But Meng Chong raised his shoulder“ Not really! At most, it's just food and drink in a home! The old chairman! When using people, face forward, when not using people, face back! Anyway? Lao Gai has a good interpersonal relationship! The old chairman doesn't want to leave any bad reputation. The little chairman dislikes him as a stumbling block! But Lao Gai said that he had high EQ, but he was not a little too sincere? "

"Good luck! Sometimes you say, "do you believe it or not?"

Meng Chong scolded hard“ This is NIMA's! We can't find such talents with lanterns! It's not too much to be thirsty for talents! But Dinghu is NIMA's! So casually discarded! If you discard it, you discard it! It's no big deal, but you can't bury people like this, can you? "

Before noon, Gai Tianxing will come here! The whole person's dress is OK, but the individual's look is a little lonely! A look of being hit hard!

"How long has this been? Is it a little fast? "

In the face of Meng Chong's "molestation", Gai Tianxing didn't know what to say. In the end, he shook his head!

"The efficiency of the company is relatively high! So it's a little bit faster! "

Even if he left Dinghu, even if he was wronged, Gai Tianxing didn't mean to say anything bad, so he left! There's no need to leave, but to stay and curse. Why bother, isn't it? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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