Meng Chong didn't continue to tease Gai Tianxing!

To know less than a morning time, to handle their own procedures! Even if it was registered in Dinghu before, it still stayed there for such a long time! Such a short time to deal with everything! There's no need to say what it means! No wonder Gai Tianxing looks so sad!

"There are other arrangements in the evening! Lao Gai, I'm afraid you don't have much time these two days. Would you like to give your sister-in-law a warning? " Meng Chong said some unkindly“ There should be no such time to do bad things! But who knows, Lao Gai, do you have any idea about this? "

Gai Tianxing is obviously a little unprepared for Meng Chong's joke!

"Mr. Meng, i... you..."

"All right! No kidding! " Meng Chong's face is straight“ Some words? Lao Gai, I think it's better to say it face to face! You quit your job in Dinghu! You can't live on that little shop at home, can you? If there's nothing wrong with you? Give me a hand for two days? How's it going? "

"Mr. Meng, you are giving me a chance!" Gai Tianxing speaks sincerely!

"Don't say that! Big brother should have this meaning! What a pity! I'm ahead of you! If elder brother wants to really put forward the conditions, I really can't compete with him! It's really not easy! But let's be villains before gentlemen! If you really went to big brother's side? I won't stop you, but you can help me for two days for the time being! "

"I don't have anything to do these two days. I used to be relaxed recently, but now I'm going to slack off!"

Got the affirmative answer of Gai Tianxing, Meng Chong nodded his head slightly! Take a picture of Gai Tianxing“ Old guy! I have something to say! Of course, I didn't mean to hide it from you! After all, we have just contacted each other, so I will learn about you through other channels! And I hope you don't mind! "

"It should be!" Gai Tianxing doesn't care“ But I have some worries. After all, it seems that my body looks bright, but in fact, there are many black spots on my body! I'm not a saint, and I'm not ready to be a saint! It's just a common people! I have never done anything that violates the law and discipline. I can guarantee that I have never done anything that is harmful to nature! If there's nothing else in this respect, you've got me! "

"There's no need to do that. Is it clean with Dinghu?"

In the face of Meng Chong's inquiry! Gai Tianxing sighed! Then nod!

"Goodbye! Although a little reluctant, but still said goodbye! If it's fate, goodbye in the world! I don't know if there will be such a good opportunity! I hope Dinghu can go to a higher level! "

"Listen to you say this words, unexpectedly didn't hear out any complain of meaning!"

In this regard, Meng Chong has a little curiosity!

"Although I worked there for quite a long time! But how to say? Or hope Dinghu can be a step closer! After all, there is still considerable youth and struggle! It's just that I'm a little old and a little bit out of line with the development of Dinghu! So it's a good thing to quit! Hello, everyone! If you do well! There won't be such a problem! Right? After all, there are still some things that are not considered or proper! "

"I know something about your chairman. I heard it's a turtle! What a pity! I don't have much interest in Dinghu! If not, you can pay a visit! "

After that, if you have a deep look at Gai Tianxing!

Gai Tianxing laughs“ Dinghu still has some good things! After all, if Dinghu wants to develop, it needs to have a little inventory, but the first lady obviously has some other ideas! We can't interfere in such things. We old guys can't adapt to the development of the times any more! "

"I heard Dinghu wants to cooperate with the farm?" Sitting next to the old God in Ding Yu, is very abrupt said a word!

Gai Tianxing is a little hesitant! But Meng Chong said with a smile“ Brother Yu! No! Does Dinghu have this weight? At that time, my family cooperated with the farm, and I was in the town! I know something about it! "

Some shocked Gai Tianxing made a slightly calm gesture! Meng Chong continued to say“ I looked at the data of Dinghu yesterday. They don't have such qualifications. Even if they are matched up, it seems that the farm doesn't have any interest! At this point, the integrity of the farm is very good! "

Ding Yu snorted! There is no meaning to speak! Meng Chong gave a wink at Gai Tianxing!

"Mr. Ding, I've heard something about Dinghu! What about me? Although it can not be said to be dying! But also know a considerable discretion! In addition, I didn't mean to be involved! That is, thanks to a little more friends! So I know something. Judging from what I know now, the interest of the farm in this aspect is weak! ""As far as I know, Dinghu's power and qualification in this aspect are very weak! Want to pass the primary, there are some things that are not likely! Under such circumstances, where is the confidence from Dinghu? "

In this regard, Meng Chong really has some problems. How does the new chairman do things?!

Confidence is a good thing, but is it a bit too much for you to launch such a big skygun? This inside the operation is really let people have so some do not understand!

"I've heard that it seems that someone is going to get married?! But it's just a piece of news! " Gai Tianxing said in a low voice, "the specific situation I know is not so clear, it's just a rumor!"

Meng Chong looks at Ding Yu's face! I touched Gai Tianxing with my feet below, and then I asked him seriously“ It seems that the line between heaven and earth has been opened! Is that quite possible? However, as far as the conduct of those guys on the farm is concerned, they have never heard of such problems! But if it's not for the farm, it's really doubtful! "

Listen to Meng Chong's words, and think about the hint he gave him before!

Gai Tianxing has already had quite a guess in his mind“ It's not about the farm. I have a good personal relationship with the farm people! It should not be their people! Although their style of speaking is very strict, it doesn't mean that other aspects are the same. I heard it's from the province, but whose family is it! Not so clear! I don't know

With that, Gai Tianxing looks at Ding Yu, while Meng Chong looks at Ding Yu!

"Big brother?" Obviously, there are some questions in this speech! Although this matter has nothing to do with myself, I'm not sure about the attitude of big brother! Since coming out, big brother has been a little fierce!

But Meng Chong is also very clear, big brother stop to stop, really if let big brother up, what kind of situation will appear at that time, there are some dare not imagine! Even if it's not noisy! If it's really noisy, then the sky will be broken for you!

"Have a look!" Ding Yu takes a look“ Go to call Luo Xuan and ask about the situation! And isn't Lu Zili here? He should know quite a lot about it! "

Meng Chong didn't get up immediately, but his face twisted together“ Brother, is it a little early? We can't hear that wind is rain, can we? What's more, if you send them out now, are you looking too high on some people! They! It's still too far away! Let's have a look, don't you think? "

Ding Yu snorted to Meng Chong's authority! Then he closed his eyes again! After Meng Chong stood up, he took a look at Gai Tianxing and left quietly! Really did not dare to continue to disturb Ding Yu's meaning!

"Mr. Meng?" After coming out from inside, Gai Tianxing was confused, "did I say something wrong?"

Meng Chong shook his head, "it has nothing to do with you! I heard there will be an auction in the evening! "

"I dare to say I have a better understanding, but now I really dare not say it!" Gai Tianxing shakes his head!

"I asked Li Hao to deliver the things! Take a look! I don't understand what my elder brother brought me yesterday! After two questions, my second grandfather was more interested in medicine and ink, but he didn't see a reason for carving! I asked some other old people about it. They all said it was a piece of broken wood. As for the technique, I can't bear to gamble. Even beginners are better than this! Anyway, I can't understand some of them! "

"Mr. Meng, let me have a look! But does the farm matter make Mr. Ding have some problems? "

Meng Chong waved his hand, "it has nothing to do with you! I'm just pulling brother Yu to relax. This is NIMA's! There's something wrong! If you let the family know back! You have to skin me? "

He shook his chin and said, "come and have dinner together at noon, but my elder brother doesn't always eat so much at noon, so you can take a bite in advance! I'm hungry when I save! Big flood

Meng Chong yelled, "Lao Gai, you knew each other last night!" He turned his head and looked at Gai Tianxing, "Lao Gai, if I'm not here, just say hello to Dahong!"

Fortunately, before noon, Meng Chong still came here! Eating is a little easier! Gai Tianxing finally understood! Why Meng Chong let himself eat some first!

Ding Yu basically didn't move his chopsticks! Fortunately, I ate something before, otherwise I'm really not used to it!

"Old guy! How was your inquiry? Last night, I had a lot of harvest! Is there anything good today? ""I don't know if it's a good thing, but there are still some! Mr. Li sent the list and catalogue to me! "

Meng Chong took it up and looked at it. It was obviously different from yesterday. Today, all the things have been added photos! Although I don't know what identity Ding Yu is, it's definitely not a simple character to let Meng Chong respect him like this!

After watching for a period of time, Meng Chong slightly choked his mouth!

"Big brother! I don't see too many good things! "

"It's enough to see something rare!" Ding Yu said with disapproval“ Yes? Are you going to be there tonight? "

"Anyway, I have nothing else to do. I called Luo Ge and Lu Zong earlier! Inquired about the situation here! No big problem! As for the situation of Dinghu, Luo Ge knows something! It doesn't seem to care so much! Dinghu wants to show his teeth. It's a little tender! "

Gai Tianxing's eyebrows beat for a while! There is so much shock in my heart!

"Do you want eye drops?" Ding Yu snorted, "what's the matter? Did Dinghu offend you? As for it? " Looking at Gai Tianxing beside him, Ding Yu shakes his head slightly!

"Dinghu is too much! It's not proper to do things! What's more, if you make a mistake, you have to admit it! "

"You are wrong! It doesn't have much to do with you! " Ding Yu snorted and turned the handle in his hand“ What's more, looking at the current posture, some aspects have already been grasped! You want to be in the limelight? "

"Grandma!" Meng Chong is very disdainful to scold“ I'd like to see whose courage it is! Young master, I also have a special life experience! Wealth is not poor, but when doing things, or cautious, if walking on thin ice! They are good! It really opened my eyes

"Let's take care of what we're doing first!"

Ding Yu didn't agree, but there was no objection either! See Ding Yu's reaction! Meng Chong is finally relieved! After waiting for Ding Yu to leave, Gai Tianxing carefully looks at Meng Chong!

"Mr. Meng? I'm a little confused! "

Meng Chong took a look at Dahong who was eating and drinking beside him! I really want to give him a kick! The problem is that this guy has been up to now, and he doesn't mean to wake up. This makes Meng Chong angry!

"Dahong, is it delicious?"

"Very good!" Dahong raised his head and looked at Meng Chong. Looking at the expression on his face, he nodded slightly“ I feel good! I'll talk to the chef again

Fortunately, Dahong left! Otherwise Meng Chong must be smoking now! But it's not as angry as you think! As for what Gai Tianxing asked about, I still need to explain it to him!

But Meng Chong was also relieved“ Is Dinghu really gone with the wind? I'm a man with my tail in my hand. Why are they? Do you really think you can handle it? Right? It's a good thing. Do they have to get involved in it? That's his mother

Gai Tianxing lost his mind for half a day, and he really didn't know how to comfort him! I don't know much about this aspect! And this thing really has no way to comfort itself, how to comfort, no matter what? I came from Dinghu!

"Mr. guy, is there any misunderstanding? If there is any misunderstanding, I'll go and say it?! Although there is no face, but asked, there should be no problem

"Forget it!" Meng Chong shook his head. "Is Dinghu's new chairman a little too reckless? What if there is such a force? I have no problem! There are no other ideas? What do you mean now is that you want to go public through backdoor. This is a taboo for farms, and it's still quite a taboo! "

"Mr. guy? Why don't I go and ask about one or two! "

"No way!" Meng Chong pursed his mouth, "things have come out! I don't know what elder brother thinks about it. I don't know if the farm is really not involved! Let's see what happens! Lao Gai, we haven't been in touch with each other for a long time, but I think your performance is good! Don't go the wrong way

In the face of Meng Chong's reminder, Gai Tianxing is stunned for a moment, and then nods to Meng Chong!

"Mr. Meng, I know how to deal with this once!"

"I hope these guys can be alert! Don't make any trouble! Don't let big brother find a chance to be angry, otherwise no one will be able to handle it at that time! " In this regard, Meng Chong even has some worries!In the evening, Ding Yu came a little late! What is the reason, Meng Chong also don't know, at least elder brother's face didn't show any emotion! For this point, Meng Chong is really afraid!

But above the auction, it was calm! Because I came late and sat on yesterday's position after I came in, there is no so-called communication! As for Gai Tianxing's familiar face? Now there are not too many people care!

There are not many surprises on the auction! But when I came out, I didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional!

A group of people came towards Ding Yu! Young men and women walking in front saw Gai Tianxing! Stop your step!

"Old guy, again? There's a way out of it

"Miss?" Gai Tianxing blinked his eyes and bowed slightly! But it's just a shout! With no other words, it is impossible to introduce Ding Yu and Meng Chong!

Compared with the dress of the couple in front of them, the dress of Ding Yu and Meng Chong is a little simple!

Meng Chong is really due to Ding Yu. In front of this big brother, don't burn too much!

But look at this pair of men and women's eyes, Meng Chong heart fire is really a little bit so big up! Mad, what's that look in your eyes? Then Meng Chong looks at Ding Yu! But the expression on Ding Yu's face didn't change at all!

Seeing Meng Chong's look in his eyes, Ding Yu nodded, turned and left first! Meng Chong takes a picture of Gai Tianxing and follows Ding Yu. They leave together! I didn't mean to stay at all! It seems that there are some bad luck!

And the two men and women standing opposite, looking at Ding Yu and Meng Chong, already have some strange eyes! Even the expression on the face is unnatural!


Hear your fiance yell! Guan Yue looks at Gai Tianxing, and her face is pulled down! I didn't expect that Gai Tianxing had been here for two nights! But it's a little hard to say if you don't give face! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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