When Guan Yue looked at Gai Tianxing again, his face was also a little gloomy!

"Old guy, those two are not your friends, are they?"?! A little impolite? "

When saying this, Guan Yue's tone is extremely severe, showing his biggest dissatisfaction! What kind of friends do you have?

Gai Tianxing blinked his eyes! For this change of address is not as a matter“ Chairman Guan! If there's nothing else, I'll go first! " Take a look at the man next to you! Looked up and down, then turned away!

Now when I stay in Dinghu, I really don't have any thoughts and ideas to fight for power and profit! I'm not a Dinghu person at all! But the old chairman is still kind to himself! So stay!

Now it's gone! I'm not sorry for Dinghu! You are the first lady, and now you are the chairman! Run in front of yourself and mock yourself! That's a little bit of it, isn't it?! Come with your fiance!

Anyway? I'm an old man! I have worked in Dinghu for so many years. Even if I have no credit, I still have hard work, right? You brought people here? Even a uncle does not shout, shout oneself with shout own dog same!

I am very grateful to the old chairman, but what are you?

New people? And then bury yourself? This is not as simple as slapping face!

"Xiaoyue, tell those people at the auction tomorrow! Pay attention to the influence. Don't come all the cats and dogs! "

Gai Tianxing had turned around his body, but when he heard this, he stopped his steps and looked back at the young man carefully! I really don't mean to be cruel!

There is not much need! What's more, I'm doing things under Meng Chong's hand now! No matter what Mr. Meng chongmeng's views and opinions on Dinghu look like, this is not important, but he can not take the initiative to cause trouble!

Now things belong to the sudden, although not their own initiative to cause trouble, but to a certain extent, it is also because of their own things up! I didn't expect Guan Yue to use himself to find this place!

Forced to leave, when I didn't recognize this situation clearly, it was my own problem. I always thought that I could play a considerable role, but when I left Dinghu, I didn't mean that I was forced to leave the palace, or that I was making a lot of trouble! We just broke up peacefully!

I have already left! What's the matter? It's just noodles, isn't it?

What's more, when I left Dinghu, I also need to eat! What's the matter? Do you really want to make everyone drink? I really regard my family as God! I respect the old chairman, does not mean that you are the same!

Gai Tianxing looked at the two people in front of him, looked at them carefully, and then left! Not far away Li Hao witnessed everything with his own eyes! For Guan Yue's behavior is from the heart of contempt!

You should know that Gai Tianxing is not the pillar of Dinghu to a certain extent, but it is an indispensable lubricant, but his role will not be reflected in the surface! But if the lack of him, a lot of times, the running in between each other will definitely come out sparks! That's for sure!

When Gai Tianxing gets on the bus, Ding Yu is still the same, but Meng Chong looks at Gai Tianxing and bites his back teeth“ That's the little girl?! Run to me and stab me? And the one next to him is his fiance? Just like a bird, whose crotch has not been tied up, it shows him! "

You can feel it clearly when you speak! Now this time Meng Chong is absolutely not the general anger!

All the time, it's all about pretending to force yourself in front of others. Now it's better! Someone ran to dance in front of him. What's the matter? Do you really feel that you are a rich man who can't use a knife? Right?

"Big brother, I'll go and kill these adulterers! Nima

In the face of Ding Yu's rude remarks, Ding Yu snorted! I really don't have too many words! But it hasn't stopped here! There's something wrong with Gai Tianxing! Their hotel was smashed! It's a little bit noisy!

Meng Chong, who had jumped three feet high, suddenly calmed down! Kneading his handlebars!

Gai Tianxing is to contact his wife, the police call the police! There is no need to be so nervous and angry when dealing with it. It's not a big deal. It's already a society ruled by law! Right?

To a certain extent, I can be regarded as one of the scene people, now some people come to smash their own field! Isn't it obvious enough?"Interesting! It's so interesting

Meng Chong suddenly sneered, "I didn't know how to do it, but now it looks like this little girl is a little bit of a puma! What time is it? Still fighting? Hasn't it happened in years? Suddenly I heard something like this. I really miss it a little bit! "

"Such means? It seems that most people seldom use it! What did Guan Yue say anyway? All the directors? The object of marriage with her should be a good family. Otherwise, she would not pay attention to the farm. There might be some arrogance, but I don't think it's very possible for her to be so humble? "

No matter Ding Yu or Meng Chong, they have calmed down at the first time when they got the news. Do you think Meng Chong didn't see it? I really see it! But Meng Chong will never be the first to mention it! Isn't it better to give this opportunity to big brother?

Although there are some flattering meaning! But so what?

As for the big brother gave himself a white eye, ha ha, I regard it as praise!

"Lao Gai, anyway, there's nothing wrong. Let's go and have a look today. I don't know what the big brother is like, but I haven't seen such a good play for many years!" In this regard, Meng Chong really showed considerable interest! Why?

In my memory and impression, I don't seem to have done such a thing. Of course, I have done such a thing to scare people, but I don't seem to have done it!

It's not like jumping into a dry well with your own children. There's no need to do that!

So after hearing such things today, Meng Chong's interest has greatly increased, even full of spirit! Today is also a long experience, a good open this vision! Although it's a little bit of bad taste!

Coming to the store? It's the attic type! Open shop below, live above!

Gai Tianxing is an introduction“ At that time, with the help of friends, we took down such a store and house! Other first do not say, at least have their own place to stand stick! You don't have to look at other people's faces! "

Ding Yu! Meng Chong and Dahong came down and looked at the streets around them! It's not that late! So it's quite lively around! Ding Yu deliberately looked at the plaque! So high, it's smashed! The neon lights on it are a little broken! Obviously, this is intentional!

There is also the door side, are about to become a garbage heap! Even after cleaning up, it seems that there is no good way to get there!

"Your son?"

Looking at the busy guys at the door, Meng Chong asked a rare question!

"Dad?" May be to see his father, Gai Hao can't help it!

Gai Tianxing took a look inside and took a deep breath“ It's almost finished! What about your mother? "

"Go and record it! I just called. I can't come back until later! Previously, uncle Liu and Aunt Liu were also drinking tea here and went with my mother! I'll stay at home and watch the house! "

"Where's your sister?"

"The barbecue granny is taken away! I'll be back in a minute! It's nothing

"Call someone?! This is Mr. Ding, and this is Mr. Meng? "

Meng Chong patted his pocket! Dahong immediately came forward and handed over a small cloth bag“ Good boy, when something happened, he even knew how to look after the house! pretty good! It's a little bold! " Meng Hao looked at his father, a little confused“ The gadgets bought at the previous auction! Take it and play

Ding Yu did not know where to find out two small Yuanbao! Meng Chong is out of considerable consideration to give Meng Hao things, he is not good to give other things! So two small gold ingots, more appropriate and appropriate!

I can give other things, but I'm afraid Meng Hao can't bear it!

Gai Tianxing nodded to his son! Relatively speaking, there are still some valuable things! But for Gai Tianxing! I really understand the way! Mr. Ding and Mr. Meng take out these things, to a certain extent, is to give themselves this face! I can't be apart!

Otherwise, it will really not give this face! Relative to the identity of Mr. Ding and Mr. Meng! The nobility of things doesn't mean anything to them! What people care about is this face!

"Thank you, Mr. Ding! Mr. Meng

"What's your name, sir? There are so many rules! Call uncle Meng Chong pretended to be unhappy and said! He even put his arms around Gai Hao's neck, which made Gai Hao's whole body feel bad! I don't even know which leg to take next!It's no exaggeration to say so. Anyone who encounters such a situation will be silly!

Although the store is a bit messy, it obviously has not received a considerable impact! At least it's relatively clean inside!

"Yes! Lao Gai, have some taste? " Looking at the layout of the tea table in the room, Meng Chong praised it!

Gai Tianxing gave a sign to his son, let him continue to clean up, he is responsible for hospitality!

And Dahong is to go out to help clean up together, and the driver is the same, it's not a big deal! And Gai Tianxing turned on the power, boiled water to make tea, and then went upstairs to take out a cigarette! It's my own collection of cigarettes! But it's not open yet!

Ding Yu waved his hand! Soon an Bao sent a small box here!

Meng Chong was the first to start. He opened the small box. As soon as the package inside was opened, there was no pungent fragrance! Take a breath! Meng Chong even closed his eyes! It took me a long time to open my eyes again!

"Brother Yu! I haven't seen this! Very lingering taste! It's a bit like the time of social intercourse in spring and summer! Fragrance of flowers! green grass! And the taste of land and so on mixed together! But it's like the tide! Back and forth again and again

When Gai Tianxing saw this scene, he rushed to get the blowtorch and matches, etc! After all, I live in a tobacco Hotel, and these little things are still preserved. Although they are not so extensive, there are still quite a few people coming to * * these!

preheat! light! Gai Tianxing doesn't know much about it! The blowtorch and matches that I took didn't play much role! Most of them are Dingyu's own style! But Gai Tianxing also enjoyed it well!

"I'll go! Brother Yu! I haven't heard much about it before? Are you too partial? " Meng Chong began to shout again!

"Those old guys like to go with drinks! But as far as I'm concerned, it's also very good with tea! The taste is not so strong! It's also a good choice to match each other! "

They didn't talk about the smashed store! At least now is not too much necessary!

Gai Hao has been waiting for his mother to come back after he has cleaned up the phone! Liu Yuan is a little angry, even a little angry! But when I met my son, I was obviously surprised and even felt a little strange!

Is the door cleaned up so quickly? The plaque didn't come down, mainly because it was too late! It's a bit dangerous to move the plaque at this time. It's better to deal with it tomorrow! But what about the things at the door? So soon? Even with the help of neighbors, it shouldn't be so fast?

And the eldest son said, the husband has come back! It's like drinking tea inside. What's the situation like?

However, looking at the car at the door and the people standing at the door of the store, Liu Yuan knew that it was definitely not as simple as she thought!

"Mr. Ding! Mr. Meng, is this my wife? "

"Good sister-in-law!" Ding Yu and Meng Chong both stand up! Greetings! This is a basic courtesy! After all, they are not familiar with each other at all. You have come to other people! Seeing the hostess, no matter how high your status, you can't be indifferent, can you?

"Haven't you eaten yet?"?! I'll call you a table, and I finally come to my home. Don't mention it! "

Liu Yuan has received her husband's eyes!

There was still some anger in the past, but now I absolutely want to support my husband!

Also has own husband's address, did not oneself hear? My husband is absolutely a man! When did you see him so cautious and careful? Although what happened tonight is not so happy! But it's absolutely extraordinary. Even in Liu Yuan's heart, she can clearly feel that it has a considerable relationship with the two people in front of her!

Smoking! After drinking tea and sitting here for a while, Ding Yu and Meng Chong left first!

"I said the child's father? What are these? " Liu Yuan simply cleaned it up! Gai Hao has brought his sister back. They have all fallen asleep! I can't wake up at all!

However, Gai Hao took out Ding Yu's and Meng Chong's gifts to his mother! After all, it's a gift from an outsider. I'm not young, but it's the first time I've received such a valuable thing!

Liu Yuan looked at the objects placed on the table, a little distracted, looked up at her husband, and looked at the things on the table! I haven't spoken for half a day!Hand string certainly can't catch up with the old string of honey wax brought by my husband yesterday, but it's also a good thing, but it's definitely not as shocking as the two little jinyuanbao. I tried the weight on my hand, and a little Yuanbao has at least two weights?!

Gai Hao came down from the building. He had been groping for quite a while, although he had seen the world! But I really have never seen such a forthright person! Two gold ingots? Isn't this crap?

Gai Tianxing looked at his son, "aren't you scared?"?! Pack up and rest! There will be classes tomorrow! "

"Dad! Today is Saturday, tomorrow is Sunday? "

"Is it?" Gai Tianxing patted his head“ I really forgot! I've been a little busy these two days. I don't think things at night scare you, do I? "

Seeing his son shaking his head, Gai Tianxing was very satisfied!

"Dad! What has happened? When people sit at home, disaster comes from heaven! "

Listening to his son's complaint, Gai Tianxing shook his head“ It should be on me! The old chairman has retired! At that time, our family started, and the old chairman helped us. Maybe for him, it was just a little help, but I still need to remember this feeling! How do you behave? Both kindness and resentment need to be remembered! "

"Is it a new pass?" Liu Yuan naturally knows the situation of Dinghu“ How could she do that? It's too disrespectful, isn't it? "

"That's a thing! She really did it! I met her at the auction today. It's like I'm with her fiance, isn't it?! Said two words, originally wanted to say two words! But it's a bit awkward! "

"That's not to come and smash the shop!"

"The chairman of Xiaoguan is just in the top position. What about me? I quit again today! Previously, we took ourselves as a matter too much! We are self righteous, but for chairman Xiaoguan, to a certain extent, it has become a stumbling block! It's no big deal. I met Mr. Ding and Mr. Meng earlier. It's a very lucky thing! "

"What do you mean?" Liu Yuan was stunned for a moment, "have a crush on you? It looks a little big! Hand is not the general extravagance, and even there are some scary! There are so many things you can't see through! But the bearing is really good! "

"Does Li Hao know? I met him at the auction. He should know something about it Then Gai Tianxing clapped his hand, "it doesn't matter. Let's just keep our heart!"

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